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Team & Job Diagnostic Surveys: Measuring Effectiveness

Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
I want to create a self-reporting assessment tool called the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised(TDS-R). The test
would ask each team member to answer 10 questions about the variable, reporting on a Likert scale of 1 to 7
with 1 being low and 7 being high. What statements would capture measuring this variable?
Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised(TDS-R)
1 Team Cohesion & Communication
2 Goal Setting & Performance
3 Adaptability & Innovation
4 Resource & Process Management
goal setting
resource management
conflict resolution
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------task distribution
information sharing
skill development
continuous improvement
team culture
risk management
goal setting
process optimization
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Examine the 30 items that are listed in the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised. Hypothesize four factors plus
miscellaneous. List the factors and the items in each factor in an organized table
five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of
work, and impact of work.
I want to create a self-reporting assessment tool called the Job Diagnostic Survey-Revised (JDS-R). The test
would ask each team member to answer 10 questions about the variable, reporting on a Likert scale of 1 to 7
with 1 being low and 7 being high. What statements would capture measuring this variable?
Job Diagnostic Survey-Revised
dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and impact of work.
clarity of expectations
task variety
skill utilization
growth opportunities
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------work environment
work-life balance
job security.
supervisor relationships
career advancement
working conditions
diversity and inclusion
access to resources
sense of purpose
organizational communication
training and development
value alignment
social responsibility
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sense of accomplishment
decision-making involvement
health and safety
continuous learning
I want to create a self-reporting assessment tool called the Axiom Job Survey (AJS). The test would attempt to
measure through self-discosure, four factors: dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and impact of
work The test would ask each team member to answer 20 questions about the variable, reporting on a Likert
scale of 1 to 7 with 1 being low and 7 being high. What statements would capture measuring this variable?
dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and impact of work.
dependability factor items in one list
Structure and Clarity factor items in one list
Meaning of Work factor items in one list
Impact of Work factor items in one list
Structure and Clarity
Meaning of Work
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Impact of Work
Model: GPT-4
i'D LIKE TO LEARN ABOUT gOOGLE pROJECT aRISTOTLE. pROVIDE A 2000 character introduction including
history, impetus, etiology, architects, principal scientists, producers, mission, purpose, objectives, timeline, and a
priori evaluation criteria.
Google Project Aristotle, initiated in 2012, was an ambitious research endeavor conducted by Google aimed at
understanding the factors that contribute to the success of teams within organizations. The impetus for the
project was the recognition that team effectiveness is a critical component of organizational success, and
understanding what makes teams thrive would be invaluable for businesses like Google.
The etiology of the project's name is derived from the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, who famously stated,
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." This perfectly encapsulates the essence of the study, which
sought to identify the characteristics that make teams more than just a collection of individuals.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The project was spearheaded by Google's People Analytics team, led by Abeer Dubey, who worked in
collaboration with several other principal scientists and researchers, including Julia Rozovsky, an analyst at Google
People Operations. The team employed a data-driven approach, combining qualitative and quantitative
methodologies, to analyze team dynamics and effectiveness.
The mission of Project Aristotle was to uncover the secrets of effective teamwork, with the purpose of applying
these insights to foster a better working environment within Google and beyond. The project's objectives were
1. Identify the key factors that contribute to team effectiveness.
2. Establish a set of best practices to be implemented across teams.
3. Improve team performance and collaboration within Google and other organizations.
The timeline of Project Aristotle was extensive, spanning several years. The research began with an initial
analysis of over 180 active teams within Google, encompassing a diverse array of team compositions and
functions. The researchers conducted numerous interviews, collected extensive data, and studied a wide range of
variables related to individual, team, and organizational factors. After exhaustive analysis, the team identified five
key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work,
and impact of work.
The a priori evaluation criteria for the project were centered around the need to validate the identified factors
and establish their generalizability across teams in different contexts. The researchers rigorously tested these
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------factors and their interrelationships using multiple methods, including surveys, qualitative interviews, and
longitudinal studies. The results of Project Aristotle were well-received by both the academic community and the
corporate world, as they provided a robust framework for understanding and enhancing team effectiveness.
are you aware of any behavioral observation devices or assessment tools used to measure each of the five
While Project Aristotle does not explicitly mention specific behavioral observation devices or assessment tools
used to measure the five criteria, several tools and methodologies can be employed to gauge the effectiveness of
teams based on the key elements identified in the study. Here is a brief overview of some approaches that can be
used to assess each of the five criteria:
1. Psychological safety:
 The Psychological Safety Survey, developed by Dr. Amy Edmondson, measures team members'
perceptions of psychological safety within their teams.
 Group discussions, interviews, and observations can also provide insights into the level of
psychological safety experienced by team members.
2. Dependability:
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Team Diagnostic Survey (TDS), developed by Drs. Richard Hackman and Ruth Wageman, can be
employed to evaluate team members' trust in each other's ability to complete tasks on time and with
high quality.
 Performance evaluations and peer reviews can also be useful in assessing dependability within a
3. Structure and clarity:
 Surveys or questionnaires that measure role clarity, goal alignment, and task prioritization can be used
to assess the structure and clarity within a team.
 Interviews with team members can provide insights into the clarity of team goals, roles, and plans.
4. Meaning of work:
 Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS), created by Greg Oldham and J. Richard Hackman, can be employed to
assess the level of meaningfulness experienced by team members in their work.
 Qualitative interviews or focus groups can be used to gather team members' perceptions of the
significance and purpose of their work.
5. Impact of work:
 Surveys or questionnaires designed to assess the perceived impact of a team's work on the
organization, stakeholders, or broader community can be used.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evaluations of project outcomes, key performance indicators (KPIs), or other metrics related to the
impact of a team's work can also provide insights into this criterion.
It is essential to select appropriate tools and methodologies based on the specific context and objectives of the
team assessment. Combining quantitative and qualitative approaches can provide a more comprehensive
understanding of team effectiveness based on the five key elements identified in Google's Project Aristotle.
where can I find the actual surveys used in this research as well as test calidity and reliablity coefficients
Unfortunately, the specific surveys used in Google's Project Aristotle are not publicly available, as the research
was conducted internally within Google. However, the research has been widely discussed in various publications
and presentations, which provide some insights into the methodology and findings.
As for the validity and reliability coefficients of the assessment tools mentioned in my previous response, you can
find information on their psychometric properties in the following sources:
1. Psychological Safety Survey (Amy Edmondson):
 Edmondson, A. (1999). Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams. Administrative
Science Quarterly, 44(2), 350-383.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edmondson, A. C., & Lei, Z. (2014). Psychological safety: The history, renaissance, and future of an
interpersonal construct. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 1,
2. Team Diagnostic Survey (Richard Hackman and Ruth Wageman):
 Wageman, R., Hackman, J. R., & Lehman, E. (2005). Team Diagnostic Survey: Development of an
instrument. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 41(4), 373-398.
3. Job Diagnostic Survey (Greg Oldham and J. Richard Hackman):
 Hackman, J. R., & Oldham, G. R. (1975). Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey. Journal of
Applied Psychology, 60(2), 159-170.
 Idaszak, J. R., & Drasgow, F. (1987). A revision of the Job Diagnostic Survey: Elimination of a
measurement artifact. Journal of Applied Psychology, 72(1), 69-74.
These articles present information on the development, validation, and reliability of the respective instruments.
You can access them through academic databases, research repositories, or by contacting the authors for copies
of their work.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want to create a self-reporting assessment tool called the Psychological Safety Survey-Revised. The test would
ask each team member to answer 10 questions about the variable, reporting on a Likert scale of 1 to 7 with 1
being low and 7 being high. What statements would capture measuring this variable?
Creating a self-reporting assessment tool, such as the Psychological Safety Survey-Revised, requires carefully
crafted statements that accurately capture the variable of psychological safety. The Likert scale of 1 to 7 provides
respondents with a range to express their level of agreement with each statement. Below are ten suggested
statements to include in the Psychological Safety Survey-Revised:
1. I feel comfortable sharing my opinions and ideas with my team members, even if they might be unpopular.
2. In our team meetings, it is easy for me to speak up and voice my concerns.
3. I am confident that my team members will not ridicule or penalize me for admitting mistakes or asking for
4. Our team encourages open and honest communication, even when discussing difficult topics.
5. I believe that my team values diverse perspectives and actively seeks input from all members.
6. In my team, it is safe to take risks or try new approaches without the fear of negative consequences.
7. My team members are supportive and understanding when I express vulnerability or uncertainty.
8. I feel that my team fosters an environment where it is safe to question established practices or suggest
9. Our team culture encourages learning from mistakes rather than assigning blame.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
I am comfortable discussing personal or work-related challenges with my team members, knowing
they will be supportive.
These statements aim to capture various aspects of psychological safety, such as open communication,
supportiveness, willingness to take risks, and learning from mistakes. When developing the survey, it is crucial to
pilot-test the items with a sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and
effectiveness of the statements in measuring psychological safety. Additionally, it's essential to consider the
psychometric properties of the survey, including validity and reliability, to ensure that it accurately assesses the
intended construct.
write ten more
Here are ten additional statements for the Psychological Safety Survey-Revised to further capture the variable of
psychological safety:
My team members actively listen and show empathy when someone shares their thoughts or
I trust that my team members will provide constructive feedback rather than criticize or undermine
Our team effectively resolves conflicts and disagreements in a respectful and open manner.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
In my team, people are encouraged to learn from each other, regardless of their position or
I feel that my team consistently acknowledges and appreciates each member's contributions and
My team members treat one another with respect, even when opinions or viewpoints differ.
Our team actively works to create an inclusive environment, where everyone feels they belong and
can contribute.
I am confident that my team members will support me in my professional growth and development.
In my team, it is common for members to share their knowledge and expertise to help others
Our team frequently reflects on our performance, experiences, and processes, and makes
adjustments to enhance our effectiveness.
These additional statements focus on various aspects of psychological safety, such as empathy, trust, conflict
resolution, inclusivity, and continuous improvement. As with the initial set of statements, it is crucial to pilot-test
the items with a sample of respondents and evaluate their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and
effectiveness of the statements in measuring psychological safety. Remember to consider the psychometric
properties of the survey to ensure it accurately assesses the intended construct.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------write ten more
Here are ten more statements for the Psychological Safety Survey-Revised to further explore the variable of
psychological safety:
My team members and I frequently engage in open and constructive discussions that enhance our
collective understanding.
I am confident that my team will stand by me even when I express a differing or unpopular opinion.
In my team, we proactively address potential misunderstandings or miscommunications to maintain a
positive atmosphere.
Our team embraces the opportunity to adapt and learn from new or unexpected situations.
I believe that my team creates an environment where everyone's voice is valued and heard.
My team members and I can openly discuss our strengths and weaknesses without fear of judgment.
In my team, we recognize and celebrate successes, big and small, to foster a positive and supportive
I feel that my team members are genuinely interested in understanding and addressing the
challenges I face.
Our team is committed to providing an environment that allows for personal growth and development.
In my team, we actively work towards creating a trusting and cohesive group, which promotes
psychological safety.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These additional statements cover more aspects of psychological safety, such as open discussions, trust,
adaptability, celebrating successes, and personal growth. As with the previous sets of statements, pilot-test the
items with a sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness
of the statements in measuring psychological safety. Don't forget to consider the psychometric properties of the
survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended construct.
Create a data table that has the title, a line for name and date, then columns for the 25 statements and a second
column for the seven point Likert Scale
Here's a simple text-based representation of a data table for the Psychological Safety Survey-Revised, including
space for the respondent's name and date, and columns for the 25 statements and their corresponding 7-point
Likert scale:
Psychological Safety Survey-Revised
Name: ___________________________
Date: ____________________
Please rate your level of agreement with each statement below using the following 7-point Likert scale:
1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Somewhat Disagree, 4 = Neutral,
5 = Somewhat Agree, 6 = Agree, 7 = Strongly Agree
| # | Statement
| Rating |
| 1 | I feel comfortable sharing my opinions and ideas with my...|
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 6
| 7
| 8
| 9
In our team meetings, it is easy for me to speak up and... |
I am confident that my team members will not ridicule or...|
Our team encourages open and honest communication, even... |
I believe that my team values diverse perspectives and... |
In my team, it is safe to take risks or try new approach...|
My team members are supportive and understanding when I... |
I feel that my team fosters an environment where it is... |
Our team culture encourages learning from mistakes rathe...|
I am comfortable discussing personal or work-related ch... |
My team members actively listen and show empathy when so...|
I trust that my team members will provide constructive... |
Our team effectively resolves conflicts and disagreements...|
In my team, people are encouraged to learn from each oth...|
I feel that my team consistently acknowledges and apprec...|
My team members treat one another with respect, even whe...|
Our team actively works to create an inclusive environme...|
I am confident that my team members will support me in m...|
In my team, it is common for members to share their know...|
Our team frequently reflects on our performance, experie...|
My team members and I frequently engage in open and cons...|
I am confident that my team will stand by me even when I...|
In my team, we proactively address potential misundersta...|
Our team embraces the opportunity to adapt and learn fro...|
I believe that my team creates an environment where ever...|
Please note that this is a plain text representation of the table. For better formatting and readability, consider
using a word processor, spreadsheet software, or online survey tools to create the actual survey.
What AI model can I use to do an item analysis when I give this test to 200 people?
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To perform an item analysis on the survey data you collect from 200 people, you do not necessarily need an AI
model. Instead, you can use statistical methods and tools to analyze the data. Here are some steps and tools to
consider for item analysis:
1. Descriptive statistics: Calculate the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and variance for each item in
the survey to get an overview of the data distribution.
2. Item-total correlation: Compute the correlation between each item's score and the total score of the survey
(excluding the specific item). This measure indicates how well each item relates to the overall construct.
3. Cronbach's alpha: Calculate Cronbach's alpha to assess the internal consistency (reliability) of the survey. A
high Cronbach's alpha value (above 0.7) indicates good reliability.
4. Factor analysis: Perform exploratory or confirmatory factor analysis to identify the underlying structure of
the data and examine the unidimensionality of the construct.
5. Item Response Theory (IRT): Use IRT models to examine the relationship between the respondents' latent
traits and their responses to the items, and estimate item parameters such as difficulty and discrimination.
Popular statistical software like R, Python (with libraries like NumPy, pandas, and scikit-learn), SPSS, or SAS can
be used to perform these analyses. Additionally, specialized tools like Mplus, AMOS, or LISREL can be used for
structural equation modeling and factor analysis.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want to utilize AI or machine learning techniques, you could explore unsupervised learning methods like
clustering algorithms (e.g., K-means, hierarchical clustering) or dimensionality reduction techniques (e.g., PCA, tSNE) to reveal patterns or relationships in the data. However, these methods may not directly provide insights
into item properties like reliability and validity, which are typically the focus of item analysis in the context of
psychological measurement.
Examine the 25 items that are listed to measure psychological safety. Hypothesize four factors plus
miscellaneous. List the factors and the items in each factor in an organized table
Based on the 25 items provided to measure psychological safety, we can hypothesize four factors and a
miscellaneous category. Here's a table with the proposed factors and the items belonging to each:
| Factor
| Item Numbers |
| 1. Open Communication
| 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 21, 23 |
| 2. Support & Trust
| 3, 6, 7, 12, 16, 17, 22 |
| 3. Learning & Development
| 8, 14, 18, 19, 24, 25 |
| 4. Reflection & Improvement
| 9, 10, 13, 15, 20 |
| 5. Miscellaneous
| |
1. Open Communication:
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 21, 23
 These items focus on the sharing of ideas, opinions, and concerns, as well as active listening and
addressing misunderstandings within the team.
2. Support & Trust:
 Items: 3, 6, 7, 12, 16, 17, 22
 These items emphasize the trust and support within the team, including standing up for one another,
treating each other with respect, and creating an inclusive environment.
3. Learning & Development:
 Items: 8, 14, 18, 19, 24, 25
 These items highlight learning from each other, personal growth, and creating an environment that
values everyone's voice and contributions.
4. Reflection & Improvement:
 Items: 9, 10, 13, 15, 20
 These items underscore the importance of reflecting on performance, learning from mistakes,
resolving conflicts, and acknowledging team members' contributions.
5. Miscellaneous:
 There are no items in this category, as the 25 items provided are well-represented within the four
proposed factors.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please note that this categorization is a hypothetical grouping based on the content of the items. To empirically
test the factor structure, you should conduct factor analysis (exploratory or confirmatory) using the actual survey
data collected from the respondents.
List the actual items by number and statement for each factor
Here are the actual items by number and statement for each of the four proposed factors:
1. Open Communication:
 1: I feel comfortable sharing my opinions and ideas with my team members, even if they might be
 2: In our team meetings, it is easy for me to speak up and voice my concerns.
 4: Our team encourages open and honest communication, even when discussing difficult topics.
 5: I believe that my team values diverse perspectives and actively seeks input from all members.
 11: My team members actively listen and show empathy when someone shares their thoughts or
 21: My team members and I frequently engage in open and constructive discussions that enhance our
collective understanding.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23: In my team, we proactively address potential misunderstandings or miscommunications to
maintain a positive atmosphere.
2. Support & Trust:
 3: I am confident that my team members will not ridicule or penalize me for admitting mistakes or
asking for help.
 6: In my team, it is safe to take risks or try new approaches without the fear of negative
 7: My team members are supportive and understanding when I express vulnerability or uncertainty.
 12: I trust that my team members will provide constructive feedback rather than criticize or
undermine me.
 16: My team members treat one another with respect, even when opinions or viewpoints differ.
 17: Our team actively works to create an inclusive environment, where everyone feels they belong
and can contribute.
 22: I am confident that my team will stand by me even when I express a differing or unpopular
3. Learning & Development:
 8: I feel that my team fosters an environment where it is safe to question established practices or
suggest improvements.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14: In my team, people are encouraged to learn from each other, regardless of their position or
 18: I am confident that my team members will support me in my professional growth and
 19: In my team, it is common for members to share their knowledge and expertise to help others
 24: Our team embraces the opportunity to adapt and learn from new or unexpected situations.
 25: I believe that my team creates an environment where everyone's voice is valued and heard.
4. Reflection & Improvement:
 9: Our team culture encourages learning from mistakes rather than assigning blame.
 10: I am comfortable discussing personal or work-related challenges with my team members, knowing
they will be supportive.
 13: Our team effectively resolves conflicts and disagreements in a respectful and open manner.
 15: I feel that my team consistently acknowledges and appreciates each member's contributions and
 20: Our team frequently reflects on our performance, experiences, and processes, and makes
adjustments to enhance our effectiveness.
Remember that these groupings are based on a qualitative analysis of the items. To empirically validate the factor
structure, you should perform a factor analysis using actual survey data collected from respondents.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
I want to create a self-reporting assessment tool called the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised(TDS-R). The test
would ask each team member to answer 10 questions about the variable, reporting on a Likert scale of 1 to 7
with 1 being low and 7 being high. What statements would capture measuring this variable?
Here are ten suggested statements for the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised (TDS-R) to measure various aspects
of team functioning on a 7-point Likert scale:
1. Our team effectively sets clear goals and objectives that align with our overall mission.
2. Team members feel a strong sense of ownership and commitment to achieving our collective goals.
3. Our team communicates openly and honestly, ensuring that every member is on the same page.
4. Team members actively contribute their skills and expertise to support the team's success.
5. Our team regularly evaluates our progress and adjusts our strategies and plans as needed.
6. The team effectively manages resources (time, budget, personnel) to accomplish our objectives.
7. Our team embraces diverse perspectives and values the unique skills and backgrounds of each member.
8. Team members work collaboratively to resolve conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner.
9. Our team fosters a supportive environment that encourages learning, growth, and innovation.
The team celebrates and acknowledges both individual and collective achievements and milestones.
These statements cover various aspects of team functioning, such as goal setting, communication, collaboration,
resource management, conflict resolution, and support. When designing the TDS-R, ensure that the survey items
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------accurately capture the intended variables and have strong psychometric properties. Pilot-test the items with a
sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to improve the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the
statements in measuring team functioning.
list 10 more
Here are ten more suggested statements for the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised (TDS-R) to measure different
aspects of team functioning on a 7-point Likert scale:
Our team effectively distributes tasks and responsibilities based on each member's skills and
Team members proactively share information, resources, and ideas to help others succeed.
Our team is able to adapt to changing circumstances or unexpected challenges efficiently.
The team actively seeks feedback from both internal and external sources to improve our
Our team maintains a positive and inclusive atmosphere that fosters psychological safety for all
Team members hold themselves and each other accountable for meeting commitments and deadlines.
Our team consistently makes decisions based on data, evidence, and thorough analysis.
Team members support one another in balancing personal well-being and professional responsibilities.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Our team cultivates a sense of trust, respect, and interdependence among all members.
The team actively invests in developing the skills and capabilities of each member to enhance overall
These additional statements cover aspects such as task distribution, information sharing, adaptability, feedback,
accountability, decision-making, well-being, trust, and skill development. As with the first set of statements, pilottest the items with a sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and
effectiveness of the statements in measuring team functioning. Be sure to consider the psychometric properties
of the survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended construct.
list ten more
Here are ten more suggested statements for the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised (TDS-R) to measure different
aspects of team functioning on a 7-point Likert scale:
Our team consistently strives for continuous improvement by learning from successes and failures.
Team members are comfortable taking on leadership roles when needed and appropriate.
Our team values and encourages creativity and innovation to find novel solutions to challenges.
The team maintains open channels of communication, ensuring everyone is aware of ongoing projects
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Our team effectively prioritizes tasks and projects based on their importance and urgency.
Team members actively contribute to a positive team culture that fosters collaboration and motivation.
Our team is skilled at identifying and mitigating potential risks and obstacles to our success.
Team members show empathy and understanding towards each other's personal and professional
Our team sets realistic and achievable expectations, ensuring that goals are both challenging and
The team regularly reviews and updates our processes and practices to maximize efficiency and
These additional statements cover aspects such as continuous improvement, leadership, creativity,
communication, prioritization, team culture, risk management, empathy, goal setting, and process optimization.
As with the previous sets of statements, pilot-test the items with a sample of respondents and analyze their
feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the statements in measuring team functioning. Be
sure to consider the psychometric properties of the survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure it accurately
assesses the intended construct.
List all 30 statements as created above, maintain lists
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here are all 30 statements from the three sets for the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised (TDS-R) to measure
various aspects of team functioning on a 7-point Likert scale:
1. Our team effectively sets clear goals and objectives that align with our overall mission.
2. Team members feel a strong sense of ownership and commitment to achieving our collective goals.
3. Our team communicates openly and honestly, ensuring that every member is on the same page.
4. Team members actively contribute their skills and expertise to support the team's success.
5. Our team regularly evaluates our progress and adjusts our strategies and plans as needed.
6. The team effectively manages resources (time, budget, personnel) to accomplish our objectives.
7. Our team embraces diverse perspectives and values the unique skills and backgrounds of each member.
8. Team members work collaboratively to resolve conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner.
9. Our team fosters a supportive environment that encourages learning, growth, and innovation.
The team celebrates and acknowledges both individual and collective achievements and milestones.
Our team effectively distributes tasks and responsibilities based on each member's skills and
Team members proactively share information, resources, and ideas to help others succeed.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Our team is able to adapt to changing circumstances or unexpected challenges efficiently.
The team actively seeks feedback from both internal and external sources to improve our
Our team maintains a positive and inclusive atmosphere that fosters psychological safety for all
Team members hold themselves and each other accountable for meeting commitments and deadlines.
Our team consistently makes decisions based on data, evidence, and thorough analysis.
Team members support one another in balancing personal well-being and professional responsibilities.
Our team cultivates a sense of trust, respect, and interdependence among all members.
The team actively invests in developing the skills and capabilities of each member to enhance overall
Our team consistently strives for continuous improvement by learning from successes and failures.
Team members are comfortable taking on leadership roles when needed and appropriate.
Our team values and encourages creativity and innovation to find novel solutions to challenges.
The team maintains open channels of communication, ensuring everyone is aware of ongoing projects
and updates.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Our team effectively prioritizes tasks and projects based on their importance and urgency.
Team members actively contribute to a positive team culture that fosters collaboration and motivation.
Our team is skilled at identifying and mitigating potential risks and obstacles to our success.
Team members show empathy and understanding towards each other's personal and professional
Our team sets realistic and achievable expectations, ensuring that goals are both challenging and
The team regularly reviews and updates our processes and practices to maximize efficiency and
Remember to pilot-test the items with a sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity,
relevance, and effectiveness of the statements in measuring team functioning. Consider the psychometric
properties of the survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended construct.
Examine the 30 items that are listed in the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised. Hypothesize four factors plus
miscellaneous. List the factors and the items in each factor in an organized table
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Based on the 30 items provided to measure team functioning, we can hypothesize four factors and a
miscellaneous category. Here's a table with the proposed factors and the items belonging to each:
| Factor
| Item Numbers
| 1. Team Cohesion & Communication | 3, 7, 11, 12, 15, 19, 24, 26, 28 |
| 2. Goal Setting & Performance
| 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 16, 21, 25, 29 |
| 3. Adaptability & Innovation
| 4, 8, 13, 14, 17, 20, 22, 23, 27 |
| 4. Resource & Process Management
| 10, 18, 30 |
| 5. Miscellaneous
| |
1. Team Cohesion & Communication:
 Items: 3, 7, 11, 12, 15, 19, 24, 26, 28
 These items focus on communication, collaboration, trust, and inclusiveness within the team.
2. Goal Setting & Performance:
 Items: 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 16, 21, 25, 29
 These items emphasize setting and achieving goals, accountability, and continuous improvement.
3. Adaptability & Innovation:
 Items: 4, 8, 13, 14, 17, 20, 22, 23, 27
 These items highlight adaptability, creativity, innovation, and learning from experiences.
4. Resource & Process Management:
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: 10, 18, 30
 These items underscore effective management of resources, well-being, and process optimization.
5. Miscellaneous:
 There are no items in this category, as the 30 items provided are well-represented within the four
proposed factors.
Please note that this categorization is a hypothetical grouping based on the content of the items. To empirically
test the factor structure, you should conduct factor analysis (exploratory or confirmatory) using the actual survey
data collected from the respondents.
List the actual items by number and statement for each factor
Here are the actual items by number and statement for each of the four proposed factors:
1. Team Cohesion & Communication:
 3: Our team communicates openly and honestly, ensuring that every member is on the same page.
 7: Our team embraces diverse perspectives and values the unique skills and backgrounds of each
 11: Our team effectively distributes tasks and responsibilities based on each member's skills and
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12: Team members proactively share information, resources, and ideas to help others succeed.
 15: Our team maintains a positive and inclusive atmosphere that fosters psychological safety for all
 19: Our team cultivates a sense of trust, respect, and interdependence among all members.
 24: The team maintains open channels of communication, ensuring everyone is aware of ongoing
projects and updates.
 26: Team members actively contribute to a positive team culture that fosters collaboration and
 28: Team members show empathy and understanding towards each other's personal and professional
2. Goal Setting & Performance:
1: Our team effectively sets clear goals and objectives that align with our overall mission.
2: Team members feel a strong sense of ownership and commitment to achieving our collective goals.
5: Our team regularly evaluates our progress and adjusts our strategies and plans as needed.
6: The team effectively manages resources (time, budget, personnel) to accomplish our objectives.
9: Our team fosters a supportive environment that encourages learning, growth, and innovation.
16: Team members hold themselves and each other accountable for meeting commitments and
 21: Our team consistently strives for continuous improvement by learning from successes and failures.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25: Our team effectively prioritizes tasks and projects based on their importance and urgency.
 29: Our team sets realistic and achievable expectations, ensuring that goals are both challenging and
3. Adaptability & Innovation:
 4: Team members actively contribute their skills and expertise to support the team's success.
 8: Team members work collaboratively to resolve conflicts and disagreements in a constructive
 13: Our team is able to adapt to changing circumstances or unexpected challenges efficiently.
 14: The team actively seeks feedback from both internal and external sources to improve our
 17: Our team consistently makes decisions based on data, evidence, and thorough analysis.
 20: The team actively invests in developing the skills and capabilities of each member to enhance
overall performance.
 22: Team members are comfortable taking on leadership roles when needed and appropriate.
 23: Our team values and encourages creativity and innovation to find novel solutions to challenges.
 27: Our team is skilled at identifying and mitigating potential risks and obstacles to our success.
4. Resource & Process Management:
 10: The team celebrates and acknowledges both individual and collective achievements and
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18: Team members support one another in balancing personal well-being and professional
 30: The team regularly reviews and updates our processes and practices to maximize efficiency and
Remember that these groupings are based on a qualitative analysis of the items. To empirically validate the factor
structure, you should perform a factor analysis using actual survey data collected from respondents.
I want to create a self-reporting assessment tool called the Job Diagnostic Survey-Revised (JDS-R). The test
would ask each team member to answer 10 questions about the variable, reporting on a Likert scale of 1 to 7
with 1 being low and 7 being high. What statements would capture measuring this variable?
The Job Diagnostic Survey-Revised (JDS-R) aims to measure various aspects of an individual's job and their
perceptions of it. Here are ten suggested statements to include in the JDS-R, using a 7-point Likert scale:
1. My job provides me with a clear understanding of what is expected from me in terms of tasks and
2. I have the necessary autonomy and freedom to make decisions about how I complete my work tasks.
3. The tasks I perform in my job are interesting and engaging, keeping me motivated.
4. My job allows me to utilize my skills, knowledge, and abilities effectively.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. I receive timely and constructive feedback on my job performance from my supervisor or team members.
6. The work I do contributes significantly to the overall success of my team or organization.
7. My job provides me with opportunities for personal growth and development.
8. The work environment and organizational culture are supportive and help me perform at my best.
9. I have a healthy work-life balance that allows me to manage my personal and professional responsibilities.
I feel a sense of job security and believe that my organization values my contributions.
These statements cover various aspects of an individual's job experience, such as clarity of expectations,
autonomy, task variety, skill utilization, feedback, impact, growth opportunities, work environment, work-life
balance, and job security. As with any survey, pilot-test the items with a sample of respondents and analyze their
feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the statements in measuring the intended
construct. Be sure to consider the psychometric properties of the survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure
it accurately assesses the intended construct.
write ten more
Here are ten more suggested statements for the Job Diagnostic Survey-Revised (JDS-R) to measure different
aspects of an individual's job on a 7-point Likert scale:
I have a good relationship with my supervisor, who provides guidance and support when needed.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
My job allows me to collaborate effectively with my colleagues, fostering a sense of teamwork.
I feel fairly compensated for the work I do in terms of salary and benefits.
My job offers sufficient opportunities for career advancement within the organization.
The workload in my job is manageable and does not cause excessive stress or burnout.
I receive recognition and appreciation for my work accomplishments from my supervisor or peers.
The physical working conditions (e.g., office space, equipment) at my job are suitable and
My organization promotes diversity and inclusion, creating a respectful and welcoming work
I have access to the resources and tools needed to perform my job effectively and efficiently.
My job provides me with a sense of purpose and personal fulfillment.
These additional statements cover aspects such as supervisor relationships, collaboration, compensation, career
advancement, workload, recognition, working conditions, diversity and inclusion, access to resources, and sense
of purpose. As with the previous set of statements, pilot-test the items with a sample of respondents and analyze
their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the statements in measuring job experiences.
Be sure to consider the psychometric properties of the survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure it
accurately assesses the intended construct.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------write ten more
Here are ten more suggested statements for the Job Diagnostic Survey-Revised (JDS-R) to further explore various
aspects of an individual's job on a 7-point Likert scale:
My organization encourages open communication and values the opinions and ideas of its employees.
The training and development programs provided by my organization are relevant and beneficial for
my job.
My job offers sufficient flexibility in terms of working hours and location (e.g., remote work options).
I feel a strong sense of alignment between my personal values and the values of my organization.
My organization demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and ethical practices.
My job allows me to maintain a sense of accomplishment and pride in my work.
I have opportunities to participate in decision-making processes that impact my work or team.
My organization promotes a healthy and safe work environment that prioritizes employee well-being.
I am encouraged to take calculated risks and learn from my mistakes in my job.
My job challenges me to continuously learn and grow, enhancing my professional development.
These additional statements cover aspects such as organizational communication, training and development,
flexibility, value alignment, social responsibility, sense of accomplishment, decision-making involvement, health
and safety, risk-taking, and continuous learning. As with the previous sets of statements, pilot-test the items with
a sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------statements in measuring job experiences. Be sure to consider the psychometric properties of the survey, such as
validity and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended construct.
I want to create a self-reporting assessment tool called the Axiom Job Survey (AJS). The test would attempt to
measure four factors: dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and impact of work The test would
ask each team member to answer 20 questions about the variable, reporting on a Likert scale of 1 to 7 with 1
being low and 7 being high. What statements would capture measuring this variable?
The Axiom Job Survey (AJS) aims to measure four factors: dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work,
and impact of work. Here are 20 statements divided among these four factors, using a 7-point Likert scale:
1. Dependability (5 items): 1.1. I consistently meet deadlines and complete tasks on time in my job. 1.2. I can
be relied upon to take responsibility for my work and follow through on commitments. 1.3. My colleagues
trust me to perform my job effectively and efficiently. 1.4. I am proactive in addressing challenges and
finding solutions in my job. 1.5. I demonstrate a strong work ethic and commitment to my job
2. Structure and Clarity (5 items): 2.1. My job provides clear expectations about my roles and responsibilities.
2.2. I receive well-defined goals and objectives to guide my work. 2.3. I have a clear understanding of my
organization's hierarchy and decision-making processes. 2.4. Performance expectations and evaluation
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------criteria are clearly communicated in my job. 2.5. The communication within my team is open and
transparent, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
3. Meaning of Work (5 items): 3.1. The work I do is personally meaningful and fulfilling. 3.2. I feel a strong
sense of purpose in my job, contributing to something bigger than myself. 3.3. My job aligns well with my
personal values and interests. 3.4. I am proud of the work I do and the contributions I make to my
organization. 3.5. My job provides opportunities for personal growth and development.
4. Impact of Work (5 items): 4.1. The work I do has a positive impact on my team and organization. 4.2. I can
see the tangible results of my efforts and how they contribute to the organization's success. 4.3. My job
enables me to make a difference in the lives of others, either directly or indirectly. 4.4. I feel that my work
is recognized and appreciated by my colleagues and supervisors. 4.5. My job empowers me to influence
positive change and improvements within my organization.
Pilot-test the items with a sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and
effectiveness of the statements in measuring the intended factors. Be sure to consider the psychometric
properties of the survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended constructs.
write 20 more
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here are 20 more statements for the Axiom Job Survey (AJS) divided among the four factors using a 7-point
Likert scale:
1. Dependability (5 items): 1.6. I consistently demonstrate a high level of accuracy and attention to detail in
my work. 1.7. I effectively manage my time to ensure that I can complete all assigned tasks. 1.8. I am
always prepared and ready to tackle any challenges that arise in my job. 1.9. I actively seek opportunities
to improve my skills and knowledge to excel in my role. 1.10. I am willing to take on additional
responsibilities when needed to support my team.
2. Structure and Clarity (5 items): 2.6. My organization provides a clear vision and direction for our work and
goals. 2.7. I have access to the resources and tools needed to perform my job effectively. 2.8. My job offers
a well-organized and structured environment that promotes productivity. 2.9. I receive regular feedback
from my supervisor, which helps me improve my performance. 2.10. The decision-making process in my job
is transparent and inclusive, involving relevant stakeholders.
3. Meaning of Work (5 items): 3.6. I am able to use my unique skills and strengths to contribute meaningfully
to my job. 3.7. My job provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. 3.8. I feel motivated and
inspired by the work I do and its purpose. 3.9. My job allows me to grow and develop as a professional in
my field. 3.10. I feel a sense of belonging and connection to my team and organization.
4. Impact of Work (5 items): 4.6. The work I do contributes to the overall well-being and success of my team
members. 4.7. My job allows me to make a positive impact on the community or environment. 4.8. I feel
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------empowered to make decisions that improve the quality and effectiveness of my work. 4.9. My job provides
opportunities to collaborate with others in achieving shared goals and objectives. 4.10. My work enables me
to influence and inspire others to achieve their best.
These additional statements cover various aspects of the four factors: dependability, structure and clarity,
meaning of work, and impact of work. As with the previous set of statements, pilot-test the items with a sample
of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the statements in
measuring the intended factors. Be sure to consider the psychometric properties of the survey, such as validity
and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended constructs.
write 20 more
Here are 20 more statements for the Axiom Job Survey (AJS) across the four factors using a 7-point Likert scale:
1. Dependability (5 items): 1.11. I am adaptable and can adjust to changing priorities or circumstances in my
job. 1.12. I actively participate in team meetings and contribute valuable insights. 1.13. I am committed to
the continuous improvement of my work processes and outcomes. 1.14. I effectively handle and prioritize
multiple tasks simultaneously. 1.15. I maintain a professional attitude and demeanor in all work-related
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Structure and Clarity (5 items): 2.11. My organization has established systems and procedures that facilitate
efficient work processes. 2.12. I am well-informed about any changes or updates that may affect my job
responsibilities. 2.13. My job provides a clear career path and opportunities for advancement. 2.14.
Expectations and performance metrics in my job are consistent and stable over time. 2.15. My job offers a
supportive environment that enables me to seek help when needed.
3. Meaning of Work (5 items): 3.11. My job challenges me to think creatively and develop innovative solutions.
3.12. I am part of a team that shares a common purpose and vision for our work. 3.13. My job provides
opportunities to learn from and collaborate with diverse colleagues. 3.14. I feel a strong sense of personal
pride in the work I do and its outcomes. 3.15. My job contributes positively to my overall well-being and life
4. Impact of Work (5 items): 4.11. My work helps to create a positive organizational culture and work
environment. 4.12. I see the long-term benefits and impact of my work on the organization's success. 4.13.
My job enables me to contribute to projects or initiatives that have a lasting impact. 4.14. I feel that my
work has the potential to create positive change beyond my organization. 4.15. The outcomes of my work
have a direct effect on the satisfaction of my organization's stakeholders.
These additional statements cover various aspects of the four factors: dependability, structure and clarity,
meaning of work, and impact of work. As with the previous sets of statements, pilot-test the items with a sample
of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the statements in
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------measuring the intended factors. Be sure to consider the psychometric properties of the survey, such as validity
and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended constructs.
Group all dependability factor items in one list
Here is a compiled list of all 15 dependability factor items from the previous sets of statements:
1. I consistently meet deadlines and complete tasks on time in my job.
2. I can be relied upon to take responsibility for my work and follow through on commitments.
3. My colleagues trust me to perform my job effectively and efficiently.
4. I am proactive in addressing challenges and finding solutions in my job.
5. I demonstrate a strong work ethic and commitment to my job responsibilities.
6. I consistently demonstrate a high level of accuracy and attention to detail in my work.
7. I effectively manage my time to ensure that I can complete all assigned tasks.
8. I am always prepared and ready to tackle any challenges that arise in my job.
9. I actively seek opportunities to improve my skills and knowledge to excel in my role.
I am willing to take on additional responsibilities when needed to support my team.
I am adaptable and can adjust to changing priorities or circumstances in my job.
I actively participate in team meetings and contribute valuable insights.
I am committed to the continuous improvement of my work processes and outcomes.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
I effectively handle and prioritize multiple tasks simultaneously.
I maintain a professional attitude and demeanor in all work-related interactions.
Group all Structure and Clarity factor items in one list
Here is a compiled list of all 15 Structure and Clarity factor items from the previous sets of statements:
1. My job provides clear expectations about my roles and responsibilities.
2. I receive well-defined goals and objectives to guide my work.
3. I have a clear understanding of my organization's hierarchy and decision-making processes.
4. Performance expectations and evaluation criteria are clearly communicated in my job.
5. The communication within my team is open and transparent, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
6. My organization provides a clear vision and direction for our work and goals.
7. I have access to the resources and tools needed to perform my job effectively.
8. My job offers a well-organized and structured environment that promotes productivity.
9. I receive regular feedback from my supervisor, which helps me improve my performance.
The decision-making process in my job is transparent and inclusive, involving relevant stakeholders.
My organization has established systems and procedures that facilitate efficient work processes.
I am well-informed about any changes or updates that may affect my job responsibilities.
My job provides a clear career path and opportunities for advancement.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Expectations and performance metrics in my job are consistent and stable over time.
My job offers a supportive environment that enables me to seek help when needed.
Group all Meaning of Work factor items in one list
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Model: GPT-4
i'D LIKE TO LEARN ABOUT gOOGLE pROJECT aRISTOTLE. pROVIDE A 2000 character introduction including
history, impetus, etiology, architects, principal scientists, producers, mission, purpose, objectives, timeline, and a
priori evaluation criteria.
Google Project Aristotle, initiated in 2012, was an ambitious research endeavor conducted by Google aimed at
understanding the factors that contribute to the success of teams within organizations. The impetus for the
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------project was the recognition that team effectiveness is a critical component of organizational success, and
understanding what makes teams thrive would be invaluable for businesses like Google.
The etiology of the project's name is derived from the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, who famously stated,
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." This perfectly encapsulates the essence of the study, which
sought to identify the characteristics that make teams more than just a collection of individuals.
The project was spearheaded by Google's People Analytics team, led by Abeer Dubey, who worked in
collaboration with several other principal scientists and researchers, including Julia Rozovsky, an analyst at Google
People Operations. The team employed a data-driven approach, combining qualitative and quantitative
methodologies, to analyze team dynamics and effectiveness.
The mission of Project Aristotle was to uncover the secrets of effective teamwork, with the purpose of applying
these insights to foster a better working environment within Google and beyond. The project's objectives were
Identify the key factors that contribute to team effectiveness.
Establish a set of best practices to be implemented across teams.
Improve team performance and collaboration within Google and other organizations.
The timeline of Project Aristotle was extensive, spanning several years. The research began with an initial
analysis of over 180 active teams within Google, encompassing a diverse array of team compositions and
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------functions. The researchers conducted numerous interviews, collected extensive data, and studied a wide range of
variables related to individual, team, and organizational factors. After exhaustive analysis, the team identified five
key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work,
and impact of work.
The a priori evaluation criteria for the project were centered around the need to validate the identified factors
and establish their generalizability across teams in different contexts. The researchers rigorously tested these
factors and their interrelationships using multiple methods, including surveys, qualitative interviews, and
longitudinal studies. The results of Project Aristotle were well-received by both the academic community and the
corporate world, as they provided a robust framework for understanding and enhancing team effectiveness.
are you aware of any behavioral observation devices or assessment tools used to measure each of the five
While Project Aristotle does not explicitly mention specific behavioral observation devices or assessment tools
used to measure the five criteria, several tools and methodologies can be employed to gauge the effectiveness of
teams based on the key elements identified in the study. Here is a brief overview of some approaches that can be
used to assess each of the five criteria:
Psychological safety:
The Psychological Safety Survey, developed by Dr. Amy Edmondson, measures team members' perceptions
of psychological safety within their teams.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Group discussions, interviews, and observations can also provide insights into the level of psychological
safety experienced by team members.
The Team Diagnostic Survey (TDS), developed by Drs. Richard Hackman and Ruth Wageman, can be
employed to evaluate team members' trust in each other's ability to complete tasks on time and with high quality.
Performance evaluations and peer reviews can also be useful in assessing dependability within a team.
Structure and clarity:
Surveys or questionnaires that measure role clarity, goal alignment, and task prioritization can be used to
assess the structure and clarity within a team.
Interviews with team members can provide insights into the clarity of team goals, roles, and plans.
Meaning of work:
Job Diagnostic Survey (JDS), created by Greg Oldham and J. Richard Hackman, can be employed to assess
the level of meaningfulness experienced by team members in their work.
Qualitative interviews or focus groups can be used to gather team members' perceptions of the significance
and purpose of their work.
Impact of work:
Surveys or questionnaires designed to assess the perceived impact of a team's work on the organization,
stakeholders, or broader community can be used.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Evaluations of project outcomes, key performance indicators (KPIs), or other metrics related to the impact
of a team's work can also provide insights into this criterion.
It is essential to select appropriate tools and methodologies based on the specific context and objectives of the
team assessment. Combining quantitative and qualitative approaches can provide a more comprehensive
understanding of team effectiveness based on the five key elements identified in Google's Project Aristotle.
where can I find the actual surveys used in this research as well as test calidity and reliablity coefficients
Unfortunately, the specific surveys used in Google's Project Aristotle are not publicly available, as the research
was conducted internally within Google. However, the research has been widely discussed in various publications
and presentations, which provide some insights into the methodology and findings.
As for the validity and reliability coefficients of the assessment tools mentioned in my previous response, you can
find information on their psychometric properties in the following sources:
Psychological Safety Survey (Amy Edmondson):
Edmondson, A. (1999). Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams. Administrative Science
Quarterly, 44(2), 350-383.
Edmondson, A. C., & Lei, Z. (2014). Psychological safety: The history, renaissance, and future of an
interpersonal construct. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 1, 23-43.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Team Diagnostic Survey (Richard Hackman and Ruth Wageman):
Wageman, R., Hackman, J. R., & Lehman, E. (2005). Team Diagnostic Survey: Development of an
instrument. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 41(4), 373-398.
Job Diagnostic Survey (Greg Oldham and J. Richard Hackman):
Hackman, J. R., & Oldham, G. R. (1975). Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey. Journal of Applied
Psychology, 60(2), 159-170.
Idaszak, J. R., & Drasgow, F. (1987). A revision of the Job Diagnostic Survey: Elimination of a measurement
artifact. Journal of Applied Psychology, 72(1), 69-74.
These articles present information on the development, validation, and reliability of the respective instruments.
You can access them through academic databases, research repositories, or by contacting the authors for copies
of their work.
I want to create a self-reporting assessment tool called the Psychological Safety Survey-Revised. The test would
ask each team member to answer 10 questions about the variable, reporting on a Likert scale of 1 to 7 with 1
being low and 7 being high. What statements would capture measuring this variable?
Creating a self-reporting assessment tool, such as the Psychological Safety Survey-Revised, requires carefully
crafted statements that accurately capture the variable of psychological safety. The Likert scale of 1 to 7 provides
respondents with a range to express their level of agreement with each statement. Below are ten suggested
statements to include in the Psychological Safety Survey-Revised:
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I feel comfortable sharing my opinions and ideas with my team members, even if they might be unpopular.
In our team meetings, it is easy for me to speak up and voice my concerns.
I am confident that my team members will not ridicule or penalize me for admitting mistakes or asking for
Our team encourages open and honest communication, even when discussing difficult topics.
I believe that my team values diverse perspectives and actively seeks input from all members.
In my team, it is safe to take risks or try new approaches without the fear of negative consequences.
My team members are supportive and understanding when I express vulnerability or uncertainty.
I feel that my team fosters an environment where it is safe to question established practices or suggest
Our team culture encourages learning from mistakes rather than assigning blame.
I am comfortable discussing personal or work-related challenges with my team members, knowing they will be
These statements aim to capture various aspects of psychological safety, such as open communication,
supportiveness, willingness to take risks, and learning from mistakes. When developing the survey, it is crucial to
pilot-test the items with a sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and
effectiveness of the statements in measuring psychological safety. Additionally, it's essential to consider the
psychometric properties of the survey, including validity and reliability, to ensure that it accurately assesses the
intended construct.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------write ten more
Here are ten additional statements for the Psychological Safety Survey-Revised to further capture the variable of
psychological safety:
My team members actively listen and show empathy when someone shares their thoughts or concerns.
I trust that my team members will provide constructive feedback rather than criticize or undermine me.
Our team effectively resolves conflicts and disagreements in a respectful and open manner.
In my team, people are encouraged to learn from each other, regardless of their position or experience.
I feel that my team consistently acknowledges and appreciates each member's contributions and efforts.
My team members treat one another with respect, even when opinions or viewpoints differ.
Our team actively works to create an inclusive environment, where everyone feels they belong and can
I am confident that my team members will support me in my professional growth and development.
In my team, it is common for members to share their knowledge and expertise to help others improve.
Our team frequently reflects on our performance, experiences, and processes, and makes adjustments to
enhance our effectiveness.
These additional statements focus on various aspects of psychological safety, such as empathy, trust, conflict
resolution, inclusivity, and continuous improvement. As with the initial set of statements, it is crucial to pilot-test
the items with a sample of respondents and evaluate their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------effectiveness of the statements in measuring psychological safety. Remember to consider the psychometric
properties of the survey to ensure it accurately assesses the intended construct.
write ten more
Here are ten more statements for the Psychological Safety Survey-Revised to further explore the variable of
psychological safety:
My team members and I frequently engage in open and constructive discussions that enhance our collective
I am confident that my team will stand by me even when I express a differing or unpopular opinion.
In my team, we proactively address potential misunderstandings or miscommunications to maintain a positive
Our team embraces the opportunity to adapt and learn from new or unexpected situations.
I believe that my team creates an environment where everyone's voice is valued and heard.
My team members and I can openly discuss our strengths and weaknesses without fear of judgment.
In my team, we recognize and celebrate successes, big and small, to foster a positive and supportive culture.
I feel that my team members are genuinely interested in understanding and addressing the challenges I face.
Our team is committed to providing an environment that allows for personal growth and development.
In my team, we actively work towards creating a trusting and cohesive group, which promotes psychological
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These additional statements cover more aspects of psychological safety, such as open discussions, trust,
adaptability, celebrating successes, and personal growth. As with the previous sets of statements, pilot-test the
items with a sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness
of the statements in measuring psychological safety. Don't forget to consider the psychometric properties of the
survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended construct.
Create a data table that has the title, a line for name and date, then columns for the 25 statements and a second
column for the seven point Likert Scale
Here's a simple text-based representation of a data table for the Psychological Safety Survey-Revised, including
space for the respondent's name and date, and columns for the 25 statements and their corresponding 7-point
Likert scale:
Psychological Safety Survey-Revised
Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________
Please rate your level of agreement with each statement below using the following 7-point Likert scale:
1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Somewhat Disagree, 4 = Neutral,
5 = Somewhat Agree, 6 = Agree, 7 = Strongly Agree
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| # | Statement
| Rating |
| 1 | I feel comfortable sharing my opinions and ideas with my...|
| 2 | In our team meetings, it is easy for me to speak up and... |
| 3 | I am confident that my team members will not ridicule or...|
| 4 | Our team encourages open and honest communication, even... |
| 5 | I believe that my team values diverse perspectives and... |
| 6 | In my team, it is safe to take risks or try new approach...|
| 7 | My team members are supportive and understanding when I... |
| 8 | I feel that my team fosters an environment where it is... |
| 9 | Our team culture encourages learning from mistakes rathe...|
|10 | I am comfortable discussing personal or work-related ch... |
|11 | My team members actively listen and show empathy when so...|
|12 | I trust that my team members will provide constructive... |
|13 | Our team effectively resolves conflicts and disagreements...|
|14 | In my team, people are encouraged to learn from each oth...|
|15 | I feel that my team consistently acknowledges and apprec...|
|16 | My team members treat one another with respect, even whe...|
|17 | Our team actively works to create an inclusive environme...|
|18 | I am confident that my team members will support me in m...|
|19 | In my team, it is common for members to share their know...|
|20 | Our team frequently reflects on our performance, experie...|
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
My team members and I frequently engage in open and cons...|
I am confident that my team will stand by me even when I...|
In my team, we proactively address potential misundersta...|
Our team embraces the opportunity to adapt and learn fro...|
I believe that my team creates an environment where ever...|
Please note that this is a plain text representation of the table. For better formatting and readability, consider
using a word processor, spreadsheet software, or online survey tools to create the actual survey.
What AI model can I use to do an item analysis when I give this test to 200 people?
To perform an item analysis on the survey data you collect from 200 people, you do not necessarily need an AI
model. Instead, you can use statistical methods and tools to analyze the data. Here are some steps and tools to
consider for item analysis:
Descriptive statistics: Calculate the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and variance for each item in the
survey to get an overview of the data distribution.
Item-total correlation: Compute the correlation between each item's score and the total score of the survey
(excluding the specific item). This measure indicates how well each item relates to the overall construct.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cronbach's alpha: Calculate Cronbach's alpha to assess the internal consistency (reliability) of the survey. A
high Cronbach's alpha value (above 0.7) indicates good reliability.
Factor analysis: Perform exploratory or confirmatory factor analysis to identify the underlying structure of the
data and examine the unidimensionality of the construct.
Item Response Theory (IRT): Use IRT models to examine the relationship between the respondents' latent
traits and their responses to the items, and estimate item parameters such as difficulty and discrimination.
Popular statistical software like R, Python (with libraries like NumPy, pandas, and scikit-learn), SPSS, or SAS can
be used to perform these analyses. Additionally, specialized tools like Mplus, AMOS, or LISREL can be used for
structural equation modeling and factor analysis.
If you want to utilize AI or machine learning techniques, you could explore unsupervised learning methods like
clustering algorithms (e.g., K-means, hierarchical clustering) or dimensionality reduction techniques (e.g., PCA, tSNE) to reveal patterns or relationships in the data. However, these methods may not directly provide insights
into item properties like reliability and validity, which are typically the focus of item analysis in the context of
psychological measurement.
Examine the 25 items that are listed to measure psychological safety. Hypothesize four factors plus
miscellaneous. List the factors and the items in each factor in an organized table
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Based on the 25 items provided to measure psychological safety, we can hypothesize four factors and a
miscellaneous category. Here's a table with the proposed factors and the items belonging to each:
| Factor
| Item Numbers |
| 1. Open Communication
| 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 21, 23 |
| 2. Support & Trust
| 3, 6, 7, 12, 16, 17, 22 |
| 3. Learning & Development
| 8, 14, 18, 19, 24, 25 |
| 4. Reflection & Improvement | 9, 10, 13, 15, 20 |
| 5. Miscellaneous
Open Communication:
Items: 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 21, 23
These items focus on the sharing of ideas, opinions, and concerns, as well as active listening and
addressing misunderstandings within the team.
Support & Trust:
Items: 3, 6, 7, 12, 16, 17, 22
These items emphasize the trust and support within the team, including standing up for one another,
treating each other with respect, and creating an inclusive environment.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learning & Development:
Items: 8, 14, 18, 19, 24, 25
These items highlight learning from each other, personal growth, and creating an environment that values
everyone's voice and contributions.
Reflection & Improvement:
Items: 9, 10, 13, 15, 20
These items underscore the importance of reflecting on performance, learning from mistakes, resolving
conflicts, and acknowledging team members' contributions.
There are no items in this category, as the 25 items provided are well-represented within the four proposed
Please note that this categorization is a hypothetical grouping based on the content of the items. To empirically
test the factor structure, you should conduct factor analysis (exploratory or confirmatory) using the actual survey
data collected from the respondents.
List the actual items by number and statement for each factor
Here are the actual items by number and statement for each of the four proposed factors:
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Open Communication:
1: I feel comfortable sharing my opinions and ideas with my team members, even if they might be
2: In our team meetings, it is easy for me to speak up and voice my concerns.
4: Our team encourages open and honest communication, even when discussing difficult topics.
5: I believe that my team values diverse perspectives and actively seeks input from all members.
11: My team members actively listen and show empathy when someone shares their thoughts or concerns.
21: My team members and I frequently engage in open and constructive discussions that enhance our
collective understanding.
23: In my team, we proactively address potential misunderstandings or miscommunications to maintain a
positive atmosphere.
Support & Trust:
3: I am confident that my team members will not ridicule or penalize me for admitting mistakes or asking
for help.
6: In my team, it is safe to take risks or try new approaches without the fear of negative consequences.
7: My team members are supportive and understanding when I express vulnerability or uncertainty.
12: I trust that my team members will provide constructive feedback rather than criticize or undermine me.
16: My team members treat one another with respect, even when opinions or viewpoints differ.
17: Our team actively works to create an inclusive environment, where everyone feels they belong and can
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22: I am confident that my team will stand by me even when I express a differing or unpopular opinion.
Learning & Development:
8: I feel that my team fosters an environment where it is safe to question established practices or suggest
14: In my team, people are encouraged to learn from each other, regardless of their position or experience.
18: I am confident that my team members will support me in my professional growth and development.
19: In my team, it is common for members to share their knowledge and expertise to help others improve.
24: Our team embraces the opportunity to adapt and learn from new or unexpected situations.
25: I believe that my team creates an environment where everyone's voice is valued and heard.
Reflection & Improvement:
9: Our team culture encourages learning from mistakes rather than assigning blame.
10: I am comfortable discussing personal or work-related challenges with my team members, knowing they
will be supportive.
13: Our team effectively resolves conflicts and disagreements in a respectful and open manner.
15: I feel that my team consistently acknowledges and appreciates each member's contributions and
20: Our team frequently reflects on our performance, experiences, and processes, and makes adjustments
to enhance our effectiveness.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Remember that these groupings are based on a qualitative analysis of the items. To empirically validate the factor
structure, you should perform a factor analysis using actual survey data collected from respondents.
I want to create a self-reporting assessment tool called the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised(TDS-R). The test
would ask each team member to answer 10 questions about the variable, reporting on a Likert scale of 1 to 7
with 1 being low and 7 being high. What statements would capture measuring this variable?
Here are ten suggested statements for the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised (TDS-R) to measure various aspects
of team functioning on a 7-point Likert scale:
Our team effectively sets clear goals and objectives that align with our overall mission.
Team members feel a strong sense of ownership and commitment to achieving our collective goals.
Our team communicates openly and honestly, ensuring that every member is on the same page.
Team members actively contribute their skills and expertise to support the team's success.
Our team regularly evaluates our progress and adjusts our strategies and plans as needed.
The team effectively manages resources (time, budget, personnel) to accomplish our objectives.
Our team embraces diverse perspectives and values the unique skills and backgrounds of each member.
Team members work collaboratively to resolve conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner.
Our team fosters a supportive environment that encourages learning, growth, and innovation.
The team celebrates and acknowledges both individual and collective achievements and milestones.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These statements cover various aspects of team functioning, such as goal setting, communication, collaboration,
resource management, conflict resolution, and support. When designing the TDS-R, ensure that the survey items
accurately capture the intended variables and have strong psychometric properties. Pilot-test the items with a
sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to improve the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the
statements in measuring team functioning.
list 10 more
Here are ten more suggested statements for the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised (TDS-R) to measure different
aspects of team functioning on a 7-point Likert scale:
Our team effectively distributes tasks and responsibilities based on each member's skills and expertise.
Team members proactively share information, resources, and ideas to help others succeed.
Our team is able to adapt to changing circumstances or unexpected challenges efficiently.
The team actively seeks feedback from both internal and external sources to improve our performance.
Our team maintains a positive and inclusive atmosphere that fosters psychological safety for all members.
Team members hold themselves and each other accountable for meeting commitments and deadlines.
Our team consistently makes decisions based on data, evidence, and thorough analysis.
Team members support one another in balancing personal well-being and professional responsibilities.
Our team cultivates a sense of trust, respect, and interdependence among all members.
The team actively invests in developing the skills and capabilities of each member to enhance overall
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These additional statements cover aspects such as task distribution, information sharing, adaptability, feedback,
accountability, decision-making, well-being, trust, and skill development. As with the first set of statements, pilottest the items with a sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and
effectiveness of the statements in measuring team functioning. Be sure to consider the psychometric properties
of the survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended construct.
list ten more
Here are ten more suggested statements for the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised (TDS-R) to measure different
aspects of team functioning on a 7-point Likert scale:
Our team consistently strives for continuous improvement by learning from successes and failures.
Team members are comfortable taking on leadership roles when needed and appropriate.
Our team values and encourages creativity and innovation to find novel solutions to challenges.
The team maintains open channels of communication, ensuring everyone is aware of ongoing projects and
Our team effectively prioritizes tasks and projects based on their importance and urgency.
Team members actively contribute to a positive team culture that fosters collaboration and motivation.
Our team is skilled at identifying and mitigating potential risks and obstacles to our success.
Team members show empathy and understanding towards each other's personal and professional challenges.
Our team sets realistic and achievable expectations, ensuring that goals are both challenging and attainable.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The team regularly reviews and updates our processes and practices to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.
These additional statements cover aspects such as continuous improvement, leadership, creativity,
communication, prioritization, team culture, risk management, empathy, goal setting, and process optimization.
As with the previous sets of statements, pilot-test the items with a sample of respondents and analyze their
feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the statements in measuring team functioning. Be
sure to consider the psychometric properties of the survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure it accurately
assesses the intended construct.
List all 30 statements as created above, maintain lists
Here are all 30 statements from the three sets for the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised (TDS-R) to measure
various aspects of team functioning on a 7-point Likert scale:
Our team effectively sets clear goals and objectives that align with our overall mission.
Team members feel a strong sense of ownership and commitment to achieving our collective goals.
Our team communicates openly and honestly, ensuring that every member is on the same page.
Team members actively contribute their skills and expertise to support the team's success.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Our team regularly evaluates our progress and adjusts our strategies and plans as needed.
The team effectively manages resources (time, budget, personnel) to accomplish our objectives.
Our team embraces diverse perspectives and values the unique skills and backgrounds of each member.
Team members work collaboratively to resolve conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner.
Our team fosters a supportive environment that encourages learning, growth, and innovation.
The team celebrates and acknowledges both individual and collective achievements and milestones.
Our team effectively distributes tasks and responsibilities based on each member's skills and expertise.
Team members proactively share information, resources, and ideas to help others succeed.
Our team is able to adapt to changing circumstances or unexpected challenges efficiently.
The team actively seeks feedback from both internal and external sources to improve our performance.
Our team maintains a positive and inclusive atmosphere that fosters psychological safety for all members.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Team members hold themselves and each other accountable for meeting commitments and deadlines.
Our team consistently makes decisions based on data, evidence, and thorough analysis.
Team members support one another in balancing personal well-being and professional responsibilities.
Our team cultivates a sense of trust, respect, and interdependence among all members.
The team actively invests in developing the skills and capabilities of each member to enhance overall
Our team consistently strives for continuous improvement by learning from successes and failures.
Team members are comfortable taking on leadership roles when needed and appropriate.
Our team values and encourages creativity and innovation to find novel solutions to challenges.
The team maintains open channels of communication, ensuring everyone is aware of ongoing projects and
Our team effectively prioritizes tasks and projects based on their importance and urgency.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Team members actively contribute to a positive team culture that fosters collaboration and motivation.
Our team is skilled at identifying and mitigating potential risks and obstacles to our success.
Team members show empathy and understanding towards each other's personal and professional challenges.
Our team sets realistic and achievable expectations, ensuring that goals are both challenging and attainable.
The team regularly reviews and updates our processes and practices to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.
Remember to pilot-test the items with a sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity,
relevance, and effectiveness of the statements in measuring team functioning. Consider the psychometric
properties of the survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended construct.
Examine the 30 items that are listed in the Team Diagnostic Survey-Revised. Hypothesize four factors plus
miscellaneous. List the factors and the items in each factor in an organized table
Based on the 30 items provided to measure team functioning, we can hypothesize four factors and a
miscellaneous category. Here's a table with the proposed factors and the items belonging to each:
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Factor
| Item Numbers
| 1. Team Cohesion & Communication | 3, 7, 11, 12, 15, 19, 24, 26, 28 |
| 2. Goal Setting & Performance
| 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 16, 21, 25, 29 |
| 3. Adaptability & Innovation
| 4, 8, 13, 14, 17, 20, 22, 23, 27 |
| 4. Resource & Process Management | 10, 18, 30 |
| 5. Miscellaneous
Team Cohesion & Communication:
Items: 3, 7, 11, 12, 15, 19, 24, 26, 28
These items focus on communication, collaboration, trust, and inclusiveness within the team.
Goal Setting & Performance:
Items: 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 16, 21, 25, 29
These items emphasize setting and achieving goals, accountability, and continuous improvement.
Adaptability & Innovation:
Items: 4, 8, 13, 14, 17, 20, 22, 23, 27
These items highlight adaptability, creativity, innovation, and learning from experiences.
Resource & Process Management:
Items: 10, 18, 30
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These items underscore effective management of resources, well-being, and process optimization.
There are no items in this category, as the 30 items provided are well-represented within the four proposed
Please note that this categorization is a hypothetical grouping based on the content of the items. To empirically
test the factor structure, you should conduct factor analysis (exploratory or confirmatory) using the actual survey
data collected from the respondents.
List the actual items by number and statement for each factor
Here are the actual items by number and statement for each of the four proposed factors:
Team Cohesion & Communication:
3: Our team communicates openly and honestly, ensuring that every member is on the same page.
7: Our team embraces diverse perspectives and values the unique skills and backgrounds of each member.
11: Our team effectively distributes tasks and responsibilities based on each member's skills and expertise.
12: Team members proactively share information, resources, and ideas to help others succeed.
15: Our team maintains a positive and inclusive atmosphere that fosters psychological safety for all
19: Our team cultivates a sense of trust, respect, and interdependence among all members.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24: The team maintains open channels of communication, ensuring everyone is aware of ongoing projects
and updates.
26: Team members actively contribute to a positive team culture that fosters collaboration and motivation.
28: Team members show empathy and understanding towards each other's personal and professional
Goal Setting & Performance:
1: Our team effectively sets clear goals and objectives that align with our overall mission.
2: Team members feel a strong sense of ownership and commitment to achieving our collective goals.
5: Our team regularly evaluates our progress and adjusts our strategies and plans as needed.
6: The team effectively manages resources (time, budget, personnel) to accomplish our objectives.
9: Our team fosters a supportive environment that encourages learning, growth, and innovation.
16: Team members hold themselves and each other accountable for meeting commitments and deadlines.
21: Our team consistently strives for continuous improvement by learning from successes and failures.
25: Our team effectively prioritizes tasks and projects based on their importance and urgency.
29: Our team sets realistic and achievable expectations, ensuring that goals are both challenging and
Adaptability & Innovation:
4: Team members actively contribute their skills and expertise to support the team's success.
8: Team members work collaboratively to resolve conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner.
13: Our team is able to adapt to changing circumstances or unexpected challenges efficiently.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14: The team actively seeks feedback from both internal and external sources to improve our performance.
17: Our team consistently makes decisions based on data, evidence, and thorough analysis.
20: The team actively invests in developing the skills and capabilities of each member to enhance overall
22: Team members are comfortable taking on leadership roles when needed and appropriate.
23: Our team values and encourages creativity and innovation to find novel solutions to challenges.
27: Our team is skilled at identifying and mitigating potential risks and obstacles to our success.
Resource & Process Management:
10: The team celebrates and acknowledges both individual and collective achievements and milestones.
18: Team members support one another in balancing personal well-being and professional responsibilities.
30: The team regularly reviews and updates our processes and practices to maximize efficiency and
Remember that these groupings are based on a qualitative analysis of the items. To empirically validate the factor
structure, you should perform a factor analysis using actual survey data collected from respondents.
I want to create a self-reporting assessment tool called the Job Diagnostic Survey-Revised (JDS-R). The test
would ask each team member to answer 10 questions about the variable, reporting on a Likert scale of 1 to 7
with 1 being low and 7 being high. What statements would capture measuring this variable?
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Job Diagnostic Survey-Revised (JDS-R) aims to measure various aspects of an individual's job and their
perceptions of it. Here are ten suggested statements to include in the JDS-R, using a 7-point Likert scale:
My job provides me with a clear understanding of what is expected from me in terms of tasks and
I have the necessary autonomy and freedom to make decisions about how I complete my work tasks.
The tasks I perform in my job are interesting and engaging, keeping me motivated.
My job allows me to utilize my skills, knowledge, and abilities effectively.
I receive timely and constructive feedback on my job performance from my supervisor or team members.
The work I do contributes significantly to the overall success of my team or organization.
My job provides me with opportunities for personal growth and development.
The work environment and organizational culture are supportive and help me perform at my best.
I have a healthy work-life balance that allows me to manage my personal and professional responsibilities.
I feel a sense of job security and believe that my organization values my contributions.
These statements cover various aspects of an individual's job experience, such as clarity of expectations,
autonomy, task variety, skill utilization, feedback, impact, growth opportunities, work environment, work-life
balance, and job security. As with any survey, pilot-test the items with a sample of respondents and analyze their
feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the statements in measuring the intended
construct. Be sure to consider the psychometric properties of the survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure
it accurately assesses the intended construct.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------write ten more
Here are ten more suggested statements for the Job Diagnostic Survey-Revised (JDS-R) to measure different
aspects of an individual's job on a 7-point Likert scale:
I have a good relationship with my supervisor, who provides guidance and support when needed.
My job allows me to collaborate effectively with my colleagues, fostering a sense of teamwork.
I feel fairly compensated for the work I do in terms of salary and benefits.
My job offers sufficient opportunities for career advancement within the organization.
The workload in my job is manageable and does not cause excessive stress or burnout.
I receive recognition and appreciation for my work accomplishments from my supervisor or peers.
The physical working conditions (e.g., office space, equipment) at my job are suitable and comfortable.
My organization promotes diversity and inclusion, creating a respectful and welcoming work environment.
I have access to the resources and tools needed to perform my job effectively and efficiently.
My job provides me with a sense of purpose and personal fulfillment.
These additional statements cover aspects such as supervisor relationships, collaboration, compensation, career
advancement, workload, recognition, working conditions, diversity and inclusion, access to resources, and sense
of purpose. As with the previous set of statements, pilot-test the items with a sample of respondents and analyze
their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the statements in measuring job experiences.
Be sure to consider the psychometric properties of the survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure it
accurately assesses the intended construct.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
write ten more
Here are ten more suggested statements for the Job Diagnostic Survey-Revised (JDS-R) to further explore various
aspects of an individual's job on a 7-point Likert scale:
My organization encourages open communication and values the opinions and ideas of its employees.
The training and development programs provided by my organization are relevant and beneficial for my job.
My job offers sufficient flexibility in terms of working hours and location (e.g., remote work options).
I feel a strong sense of alignment between my personal values and the values of my organization.
My organization demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and ethical practices.
My job allows me to maintain a sense of accomplishment and pride in my work.
I have opportunities to participate in decision-making processes that impact my work or team.
My organization promotes a healthy and safe work environment that prioritizes employee well-being.
I am encouraged to take calculated risks and learn from my mistakes in my job.
My job challenges me to continuously learn and grow, enhancing my professional development.
These additional statements cover aspects such as organizational communication, training and development,
flexibility, value alignment, social responsibility, sense of accomplishment, decision-making involvement, health
and safety, risk-taking, and continuous learning. As with the previous sets of statements, pilot-test the items with
a sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------statements in measuring job experiences. Be sure to consider the psychometric properties of the survey, such as
validity and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended construct.
I want to create a self-reporting assessment tool called the Axiom Job Survey (AJS). The test would attempt to
measure four factors: dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and impact of work The test would
ask each team member to answer 20 questions about the variable, reporting on a Likert scale of 1 to 7 with 1
being low and 7 being high. What statements would capture measuring this variable?
The Axiom Job Survey (AJS) aims to measure four factors: dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work,
and impact of work. Here are 20 statements divided among these four factors, using a 7-point Likert scale:
Dependability (5 items):
1.1. I consistently meet deadlines and complete tasks on time in my job.
1.2. I can be relied upon to take responsibility for my work and follow through on commitments.
1.3. My colleagues trust me to perform my job effectively and efficiently.
1.4. I am proactive in addressing challenges and finding solutions in my job.
1.5. I demonstrate a strong work ethic and commitment to my job responsibilities.
Structure and Clarity (5 items):
2.1. My job provides clear expectations about my roles and responsibilities.
2.2. I receive well-defined goals and objectives to guide my work.
2.3. I have a clear understanding of my organization's hierarchy and decision-making processes.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.4. Performance expectations and evaluation criteria are clearly communicated in my job.
2.5. The communication within my team is open and transparent, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
Meaning of Work (5 items):
3.1. The work I do is personally meaningful and fulfilling.
3.2. I feel a strong sense of purpose in my job, contributing to something bigger than myself.
3.3. My job aligns well with my personal values and interests.
3.4. I am proud of the work I do and the contributions I make to my organization.
3.5. My job provides opportunities for personal growth and development.
Impact of Work (5 items):
4.1. The work I do has a positive impact on my team and organization.
4.2. I can see the tangible results of my efforts and how they contribute to the organization's success.
4.3. My job enables me to make a difference in the lives of others, either directly or indirectly.
4.4. I feel that my work is recognized and appreciated by my colleagues and supervisors.
4.5. My job empowers me to influence positive change and improvements within my organization.
Pilot-test the items with a sample of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and
effectiveness of the statements in measuring the intended factors. Be sure to consider the psychometric
properties of the survey, such as validity and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended constructs.
write 20 more
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here are 20 more statements for the Axiom Job Survey (AJS) divided among the four factors using a 7-point
Likert scale:
Dependability (5 items):
1.6. I consistently demonstrate a high level of accuracy and attention to detail in my work.
1.7. I effectively manage my time to ensure that I can complete all assigned tasks.
1.8. I am always prepared and ready to tackle any challenges that arise in my job.
1.9. I actively seek opportunities to improve my skills and knowledge to excel in my role.
1.10. I am willing to take on additional responsibilities when needed to support my team.
Structure and Clarity (5 items):
2.6. My organization provides a clear vision and direction for our work and goals.
2.7. I have access to the resources and tools needed to perform my job effectively.
2.8. My job offers a well-organized and structured environment that promotes productivity.
2.9. I receive regular feedback from my supervisor, which helps me improve my performance.
2.10. The decision-making process in my job is transparent and inclusive, involving relevant stakeholders.
Meaning of Work (5 items):
3.6. I am able to use my unique skills and strengths to contribute meaningfully to my job.
3.7. My job provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
3.8. I feel motivated and inspired by the work I do and its purpose.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.9. My job allows me to grow and develop as a professional in my field.
3.10. I feel a sense of belonging and connection to my team and organization.
Impact of Work (5 items):
4.6. The work I do contributes to the overall well-being and success of my team members.
4.7. My job allows me to make a positive impact on the community or environment.
4.8. I feel empowered to make decisions that improve the quality and effectiveness of my work.
4.9. My job provides opportunities to collaborate with others in achieving shared goals and objectives.
4.10. My work enables me to influence and inspire others to achieve their best.
These additional statements cover various aspects of the four factors: dependability, structure and clarity,
meaning of work, and impact of work. As with the previous set of statements, pilot-test the items with a sample
of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the statements in
measuring the intended factors. Be sure to consider the psychometric properties of the survey, such as validity
and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended constructs.
write 20 more
Here are 20 more statements for the Axiom Job Survey (AJS) across the four factors using a 7-point Likert scale:
Dependability (5 items):
1.11. I am adaptable and can adjust to changing priorities or circumstances in my job.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.12. I actively participate in team meetings and contribute valuable insights.
1.13. I am committed to the continuous improvement of my work processes and outcomes.
1.14. I effectively handle and prioritize multiple tasks simultaneously.
1.15. I maintain a professional attitude and demeanor in all work-related interactions.
Structure and Clarity (5 items):
2.11. My organization has established systems and procedures that facilitate efficient work processes.
2.12. I am well-informed about any changes or updates that may affect my job responsibilities.
2.13. My job provides a clear career path and opportunities for advancement.
2.14. Expectations and performance metrics in my job are consistent and stable over time.
2.15. My job offers a supportive environment that enables me to seek help when needed.
Meaning of Work (5 items):
3.11. My job challenges me to think creatively and develop innovative solutions.
3.12. I am part of a team that shares a common purpose and vision for our work.
3.13. My job provides opportunities to learn from and collaborate with diverse colleagues.
3.14. I feel a strong sense of personal pride in the work I do and its outcomes.
3.15. My job contributes positively to my overall well-being and life satisfaction.
Impact of Work (5 items):
4.11. My work helps to create a positive organizational culture and work environment.
4.12. I see the long-term benefits and impact of my work on the organization's success.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.13. My job enables me to contribute to projects or initiatives that have a lasting impact.
4.14. I feel that my work has the potential to create positive change beyond my organization.
4.15. The outcomes of my work have a direct effect on the satisfaction of my organization's stakeholders.
These additional statements cover various aspects of the four factors: dependability, structure and clarity,
meaning of work, and impact of work. As with the previous sets of statements, pilot-test the items with a sample
of respondents and analyze their feedback to ensure the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of the statements in
measuring the intended factors. Be sure to consider the psychometric properties of the survey, such as validity
and reliability, to ensure it accurately assesses the intended constructs.
Group all dependability factor items in one list
Here is a compiled list of all 15 dependability factor items from the previous sets of statements:
I consistently meet deadlines and complete tasks on time in my job.
I can be relied upon to take responsibility for my work and follow through on commitments.
My colleagues trust me to perform my job effectively and efficiently.
I am proactive in addressing challenges and finding solutions in my job.
I demonstrate a strong work ethic and commitment to my job responsibilities.
I consistently demonstrate a high level of accuracy and attention to detail in my work.
I effectively manage my time to ensure that I can complete all assigned tasks.
I am always prepared and ready to tackle any challenges that arise in my job.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
actively seek opportunities to improve my skills and knowledge to excel in my role.
am willing to take on additional responsibilities when needed to support my team.
am adaptable and can adjust to changing priorities or circumstances in my job.
actively participate in team meetings and contribute valuable insights.
am committed to the continuous improvement of my work processes and outcomes.
effectively handle and prioritize multiple tasks simultaneously.
maintain a professional attitude and demeanor in all work-related interactions.
Group all Structure and Clarity factor items in one list
Here is a compiled list of all 15 Structure and Clarity factor items from the previous sets of statements:
My job provides clear expectations about my roles and responsibilities.
I receive well-defined goals and objectives to guide my work.
I have a clear understanding of my organization's hierarchy and decision-making processes.
Performance expectations and evaluation criteria are clearly communicated in my job.
The communication within my team is open and transparent, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
My organization provides a clear vision and direction for our work and goals.
I have access to the resources and tools needed to perform my job effectively.
My job offers a well-organized and structured environment that promotes productivity.
I receive regular feedback from my supervisor, which helps me improve my performance.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The decision-making process in my job is transparent and inclusive, involving relevant stakeholders.
My organization has established systems and procedures that facilitate efficient work processes.
I am well-informed about any changes or updates that may affect my job responsibilities.
My job provides a clear career path and opportunities for advancement.
Expectations and performance metrics in my job are consistent and stable over time.
My job offers a supportive environment that enables me to seek help when needed.
Group all Meaning of Work factor items in one list
You've reached the current usage cap for GPT-4. You can continue with the default model now, or try again after
8:45 AM. Learn more
Group all Impact of Work factor items in one list
What is the status of the Google Aristotle Project? List books and websites where I can learn more. For books,
provide APA citation
What is the difference between an effective team and a high performing team? List ten statements as questions,
that if marked true would differentiate an effective team to be a high performing team
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
April 29th continued
Group all Meaning of Work factor items in one list
Here is a compiled list of all 15 Meaning of Work factor items from the previous sets of statements:
1. The work I do is personally meaningful and fulfilling.
2. I feel a strong sense of purpose in my job, contributing to something bigger than myself.
3. My job aligns well with my personal values and interests.
4. I am proud of the work I do and the contributions I make to my organization.
5. My job provides opportunities for personal growth and development.
6. I am able to use my unique skills and strengths to contribute meaningfully to my job.
7. My job provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
8. I feel motivated and inspired by the work I do and its purpose.
9. My job allows me to grow and develop as a professional in my field.
I feel a sense of belonging and connection to my team and organization.
My job challenges me to think creatively and develop innovative solutions.
I am part of a team that shares a common purpose and vision for our work.
My job provides opportunities to learn from and collaborate with diverse colleagues.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
I feel a strong sense of personal pride in the work I do and its outcomes.
My job contributes positively to my overall well-being and life satisfaction.
Group all Impact of Work factor items in one list
Here is a compiled list of all 15 Impact of Work factor items from the previous sets of statements:
1. I believe that the work I do has a positive impact on the lives of others.
2. My job contributes to the overall success and growth of my organization.
3. The work I do aligns with my organization's mission and goals.
4. I feel that my work has a meaningful impact on society or the environment.
5. My job allows me to influence and make decisions that have a direct effect on the outcomes of my work.
6. The work I do contributes to the overall well-being and success of my team members.
7. My job allows me to make a positive impact on the community or environment.
8. I feel empowered to make decisions that improve the quality and effectiveness of my work.
9. My job provides opportunities to collaborate with others in achieving shared goals and objectives.
My work enables me to influence and inspire others to achieve their best.
My work helps to create a positive organizational culture and work environment.
I see the long-term benefits and impact of my work on the organization's success.
My job enables me to contribute to projects or initiatives that have a lasting impact.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
I feel that my work has the potential to create positive change beyond my organization.
The outcomes of my work have a direct effect on the satisfaction of my organization's stakeholders.
What is the status of the Google Aristotle Project? List books and websites where I can learn more. For books,
provide APA citation
As of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, Google's Project Aristotle concluded several years ago, and
its findings have been integrated into Google's organizational practices, as well as widely shared with other
organizations. The project aimed to understand the dynamics of effective teams and identified psychological
safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning, and impact as key factors contributing to team success.
To learn more about Project Aristotle, you can explore the following resources:
1. Duhigg, C. (2016). Smarter Faster Better: The Transformative Power of Real Productivity. New York:
Random House. APA citation: Duhigg, C. (2016). Smarter Faster Better: The Transformative Power of Real
Productivity. Random House.
2. Edmondson, A. (2019). The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for
Learning, Innovation, and Growth. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. APA citation: Edmondson, A. (2019).
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and
Growth. John Wiley & Sons.
1. Google's re:Work website, which contains guides and tools on building effective teams, is a great resource:
2. This New York Times article provides an in-depth look at Project Aristotle and its findings:
Please note that since my knowledge was last updated in September 2021, there may be more recent
developments or resources on Project Aristotle that I am unaware of. To stay updated, you can search for more
recent books, articles, and online resources.
What is the difference between an effective team and a high performing team? List ten statements as questions,
that if marked true would differentiate an effective team to be a high performing team
An effective team is one that works well together, achieves its goals, and has a positive impact on its members
and organization. A high-performing team, on the other hand, goes beyond just being effective; it consistently
exceeds expectations, demonstrates exceptional performance, and maintains high levels of productivity,
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------innovation, and growth. High-performing teams often exhibit traits that are not as commonly found in merely
effective teams.
Here are ten statements as questions that, if marked true, would differentiate an effective team to be a highperforming team:
1. Does the team consistently surpass its goals and objectives?
2. Do team members demonstrate exceptional individual and collective skills, leading to outstanding
3. Does the team exhibit a strong commitment to continuous improvement, constantly seeking ways to
optimize their performance and results?
4. Is the team highly adaptable, able to quickly respond to changes and challenges, and excel in various
5. Does the team exhibit strong leadership, with team members taking on leadership roles and responsibilities
when needed?
6. Does the team actively foster a culture of innovation, encouraging and supporting the development of new
ideas and solutions?
7. Is the team highly resilient, able to bounce back from setbacks and maintain high levels of performance
under pressure?
8. Does the team effectively leverage the diverse skills, perspectives, and experiences of its members, leading
to better decision-making and problem-solving?
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Do team members consistently hold each other accountable for their performance, promoting a highperformance culture within the team?
Does the team make a significant and lasting positive impact on the organization and its stakeholders,
consistently contributing to organizational success?
If a team can answer "true" to these questions, it is likely to be a high-performing team that goes beyond merely
being effective. High-performing teams are able to consistently deliver exceptional results, adapt to change, and
drive innovation and growth within their organizations.
Create a team taxonomy, indicating characteristics of a Failing Team, a Poor Team, an Average Team, an Effective
or Good Team and a High Performing team. Write five statements for each that would describe team attitudes,
traits, states, characteristics, behaviors and habits.
Failing Team:
1. Team members exhibit low levels of trust and cooperation, often engaging in conflicts and power struggles.
2. The team lacks clear goals and objectives, leading to confusion and aimless work.
3. Communication within the team is poor, resulting in misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and unaddressed
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. The team has low levels of accountability, with members avoiding responsibility and blaming others for
5. Team members show little motivation or commitment to their work, resulting in low productivity and high
Poor Team:
1. Team members demonstrate minimal collaboration and often work in silos, leading to reduced efficiency.
2. The team has vaguely defined goals and objectives, making it difficult to align efforts and measure
3. Communication within the team is inconsistent and lacks transparency, leading to occasional
misunderstandings and inefficiencies.
4. The team exhibits limited accountability, with members sometimes taking responsibility for their work, but
not consistently.
5. Team members show varying levels of motivation and commitment, leading to inconsistent performance
and productivity.
Average Team:
1. Team members cooperate and collaborate on tasks but may still prefer to work independently.
2. The team has defined goals and objectives but may struggle to prioritize and focus on the most important
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Communication within the team is adequate, but there is room for improvement in terms of openness and
4. The team exhibits moderate accountability, with members generally taking responsibility for their work but
occasionally falling short.
5. Team members demonstrate average levels of motivation and commitment, leading to satisfactory
performance and productivity.
Effective or Good Team:
1. Team members actively collaborate, supporting each other and leveraging their diverse skills and
2. The team has clear and well-defined goals and objectives, allowing them to align their efforts and track
3. Communication within the team is open and transparent, facilitating information sharing and problemsolving.
4. The team exhibits strong accountability, with members consistently taking responsibility for their work and
following through on commitments.
5. Team members are motivated and committed, resulting in high levels of performance and productivity.
High Performing Team:
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Team members exhibit exceptional collaboration, fostering a strong sense of unity, trust, and shared
2. The team consistently surpasses its goals and objectives, demonstrating exceptional performance and
3. Communication within the team is highly effective, enabling them to quickly address issues, share ideas,
and learn from one another.
4. The team has a culture of high accountability, with members holding themselves and each other to the
highest standards of performance.
5. Team members demonstrate unwavering motivation and commitment, driving continuous improvement,
innovation, and growth.
add one more level to this taxonomy and call it World Class Team. Write 5 statements that describe this team
World Class Team:
1. Team members display extraordinary levels of collaboration, creating a synergistic environment that
elevates individual performance and fosters collective genius.
2. The team sets and achieves ambitious, industry-leading goals, consistently pushing boundaries and setting
new benchmarks for excellence.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Communication within the team is seamless and efficient, facilitating rapid decision-making, effective
problem-solving, and unparalleled adaptability to changing circumstances.
4. The team demonstrates exceptional accountability and a relentless pursuit of excellence, consistently
exceeding expectations and outperforming competitors.
5. Team members embody a growth mindset, with an unwavering commitment to innovation, continuous
learning, and development, inspiring others and shaping industry standards.
Write five more statements that describe each level of the Team Taxonomy. The level of the Team Taxonomy
include: Failing Team, Poor Team, Average Team, Good/Effective Team, High Performing Team, World Class Team.
Failing Team: 6. Team members lack a sense of psychological safety, discouraging open communication and
stifling creativity.
7. The team's decision-making process is unstructured and inconsistent, leading to poor choices and missed
8. The team experiences high levels of stress and burnout, negatively affecting morale and engagement.
9. Team members struggle to adapt to change and are resistant to new ideas or initiatives.
The team's performance consistently falls short of organizational expectations, diminishing its value
and reputation.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Poor Team: 6. Team members infrequently provide feedback, limiting opportunities for growth and improvement.
7. The team's decision-making process is slow and inefficient, hindering progress and responsiveness.
8. The team experiences occasional stress and burnout, which can negatively affect performance and wellbeing.
9. Team members are slow to adapt to change, sometimes hindering the team's ability to seize new
The team's performance meets basic organizational expectations but offers limited competitive
Average Team: 6. Team members provide feedback, but it may lack specificity or timeliness, limiting its
7. The team's decision-making process is functional but could be more streamlined and efficient.
8. The team maintains a reasonable balance between stress and well-being, allowing for acceptable levels of
9. Team members adapt to change at an average pace, allowing for moderate responsiveness to new
The team's performance is generally in line with organizational expectations, providing some degree
of competitive advantage.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good/Effective Team: 6. Team members frequently provide constructive feedback, fostering a culture of
continuous learning and improvement.
7. The team's decision-making process is efficient and well-informed, facilitating timely and effective actions.
8. The team effectively manages stress and promotes well-being, enhancing morale and engagement.
9. Team members are agile and adaptable, allowing the team to capitalize on new opportunities and
The team's performance consistently exceeds organizational expectations, providing a strong
competitive advantage.
High Performing Team: 6. Team members actively seek and provide valuable feedback, driving a culture of
excellence and continuous growth.
7. The team's decision-making process is highly efficient, data-driven, and proactive, ensuring optimal results.
8. The team skillfully manages stress and fosters a positive work environment, maximizing engagement and
9. Team members embrace change and demonstrate exceptional agility, making the team a driving force for
innovation and growth.
The team's performance is outstanding, regularly surpassing expectations and setting industry
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------World Class Team: 6. Team members exemplify a culture of continuous learning, relentlessly seeking
opportunities for growth and sharing knowledge across the organization.
7. The team's decision-making process is visionary and data-driven, consistently producing groundbreaking
strategies and solutions.
8. The team cultivates a harmonious and empowering work environment, where stress is effectively managed
and well-being is prioritized.
9. Team members display unparalleled adaptability, anticipating and shaping industry trends, and leading the
way for others to follow.
The team's performance is exceptional on a global scale, positioning the organization as an industry
leader and inspiring others to achieve greatness.
Write five more
World Class Team: 11. Team members consistently demonstrate exceptional leadership, empowering one another
and fostering a sense of shared ownership for the team's success.
The team actively embraces diversity and inclusion, leveraging the unique strengths, perspectives,
and experiences of its members to drive innovation and excellence.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
The team maintains strong, mutually beneficial relationships with external partners and stakeholders,
further enhancing its ability to achieve extraordinary results.
Team members embody the organization's core values, acting as role models for others and
contributing to a positive organizational culture.
The team's achievements and successes are widely recognized, garnering accolades and awards from
industry experts and peers, further cementing its world-class status.
What is a better name for Team taxonomy?
A better name for Team Taxonomy could be "Team Performance Spectrum" or "Team Performance Continuum."
Both names emphasize the range of performance levels that teams may exhibit, from failing to world-class,
reflecting the various stages of team development and effectiveness.
Consider all the statements in the Team Taxonomy. Organize all statement by Level of team: Failing Poor Average
Good High Performing World Class
Failing Team:
1. Team members exhibit low levels of trust and cooperation, often engaging in conflicts and power struggles.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. The team lacks clear goals and objectives, leading to confusion and aimless work.
3. Communication within the team is poor, resulting in misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and unaddressed
4. The team has low levels of accountability, with members avoiding responsibility and blaming others for
5. Team members show little motivation or commitment to their work, resulting in low productivity and high
6. Team members lack a sense of psychological safety, discouraging open communication and stifling
7. The team's decision-making process is unstructured and inconsistent, leading to poor choices and missed
8. The team experiences high levels of stress and burnout, negatively affecting morale and engagement.
9. Team members struggle to adapt to change and are resistant to new ideas or initiatives.
The team's performance consistently falls short of organizational expectations, diminishing its value
and reputation.
Poor Team:
1. Team members demonstrate minimal collaboration and often work in silos, leading to reduced efficiency.
2. The team has vaguely defined goals and objectives, making it difficult to align efforts and measure
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 100
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Communication within the team is inconsistent and lacks transparency, leading to occasional
misunderstandings and inefficiencies.
4. The team exhibits limited accountability, with members sometimes taking responsibility for their work, but
not consistently.
5. Team members show varying levels of motivation and commitment, leading to inconsistent performance
and productivity.
6. Team members infrequently provide feedback, limiting opportunities for growth and improvement.
7. The team's decision-making process is slow and inefficient, hindering progress and responsiveness.
8. The team experiences occasional stress and burnout, which can negatively affect performance and wellbeing.
9. Team members are slow to adapt to change, sometimes hindering the team's ability to seize new
The team's performance meets basic organizational expectations but offers limited competitive
Average Team:
1. Team members cooperate and collaborate on tasks but may still prefer to work independently.
2. The team has defined goals and objectives but may struggle to prioritize and focus on the most important
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 101
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Communication within the team is adequate, but there is room for improvement in terms of openness and
4. The team exhibits moderate accountability, with members generally taking responsibility for their work but
occasionally falling short.
5. Team members demonstrate average levels of motivation and commitment, leading to satisfactory
performance and productivity.
6. Team members provide feedback, but it may lack specificity or timeliness, limiting its effectiveness.
7. The team's decision-making process is functional but could be more streamlined and efficient.
8. The team maintains a reasonable balance between stress and well-being, allowing for acceptable levels of
9. Team members adapt to change at an average pace, allowing for moderate responsiveness to new
The team's performance is generally in line with organizational expectations, providing some degree
of competitive advantage.
Good/Effective Team:
1. Team members actively collaborate, supporting each other and leveraging their diverse skills and
2. The team has clear and well-defined goals and objectives, allowing them to align their efforts and track
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 102
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Communication within the team is open and transparent, facilitating information sharing and problemsolving.
4. The team exhibits strong accountability, with members consistently taking responsibility for their work and
following through on commitments.
5. Team members are motivated and committed, resulting in high levels of performance and productivity.
6. Team members frequently provide constructive feedback, fostering a culture of continuous learning and
7. The team's decision-making process is efficient and well-informed, facilitating timely and effective actions.
8. The team effectively manages stress and promotes well-being, enhancing morale and engagement. 9
9. Team members are agile and adaptable, allowing the team to capitalize on new opportunities and
The team's performance consistently exceeds organizational expectations, providing a strong
competitive advantage.
High Performing Team:
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 103
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Team members display exceptional collaboration, consistently leveraging each other's strengths to achieve
optimal results.
2. The team sets and achieves ambitious goals and objectives, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
3. Communication within the team is seamless and efficient, enabling rapid decision-making and effective
4. The team demonstrates exceptional accountability, with members going above and beyond to deliver
outstanding results.
5. Team members are highly motivated and committed, driving the team to achieve remarkable levels of
performance and productivity.
6. Team members actively seek and provide valuable feedback, driving a culture of excellence and continuous
7. The team's decision-making process is highly efficient, data-driven, and proactive, ensuring optimal results.
8. The team skillfully manages stress and fosters a positive work environment, maximizing engagement and
9. Team members embrace change and demonstrate exceptional agility, making the team a driving force for
innovation and growth.
The team's performance is outstanding, regularly surpassing expectations and setting industry
World Class Team:
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 104
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Team members display extraordinary levels of collaboration, creating a synergistic environment that
elevates individual performance and fosters collective genius.
2. The team sets and achieves ambitious, industry-leading goals, consistently pushing boundaries and setting
new benchmarks for excellence.
3. Communication within the team is seamless and efficient, facilitating rapid decision-making, effective
problem-solving, and unparalleled adaptability to changing circumstances.
4. The team demonstrates exceptional accountability and a relentless pursuit of excellence, consistently
exceeding expectations and outperforming competitors.
5. Team members embody a growth mindset, with an unwavering commitment to innovation, continuous
learning, and development, inspiring others and shaping industry standards.
6. Team members exemplify a culture of continuous learning, relentlessly seeking opportunities for growth and
sharing knowledge across the organization.
7. The team's decision-making process is visionary and data-driven, consistently producing groundbreaking
strategies and solutions.
8. The team cultivates a harmonious and empowering work environment, where stress is effectively managed
and well-being is prioritized.
9. Team members display unparalleled adaptability, anticipating and shaping industry trends, and leading the
way for others to follow.
The team's performance is exceptional on a global scale, positioning the organization as an industry
leader and inspiring others to achieve greatness.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 105
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Team members consistently demonstrate exceptional leadership, empowering one another and
fostering a sense of shared ownership for the team's success.
The team actively embraces diversity and inclusion, leveraging the unique strengths, perspectives,
and experiences of its members to drive innovation and excellence.
The team maintains strong, mutually beneficial relationships with external partners and stakeholders,
further enhancing its ability to achieve extraordinary results.
Team members embody the organization's core values, acting as role models for others and
contributing to a positive organizational culture.
The team's achievements and successes are widely recognized, garnering accolades and awards from
industry experts and peers, further cementing its world-class status.
Consider all the information in this chat, then create a list of 15 statements for each of the levels in the Team
Taxonomy. Organize by Level of team: Failing Poor Average Good High Performing World Class
Failing Team:
1. Team members exhibit low levels of trust and cooperation, often engaging in conflicts and power struggles.
2. The team lacks clear goals and objectives, leading to confusion and aimless work.
3. Communication within the team is poor, resulting in misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and unaddressed
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 106
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. The team has low levels of accountability, with members avoiding responsibility and blaming others for
5. Team members show little motivation or commitment to their work, resulting in low productivity and high
6. Team members lack a sense of psychological safety, discouraging open communication and stifling
7. The team's decision-making process is unstructured and inconsistent, leading to poor choices and missed
8. The team experiences high levels of stress and burnout, negatively affecting morale and engagement.
9. Team members struggle to adapt to change and are resistant to new ideas or initiatives.
The team's performance consistently falls short of organizational expectations, diminishing its value
and reputation.
The team lacks a shared vision, impeding alignment and cohesion among team members.
The team's leadership is ineffective, contributing to disorganization and low morale.
Team members do not take ownership of their personal growth and development, limiting their
The team is unable to capitalize on its diverse strengths, hindering performance and innovation.
The team does not actively seek or provide feedback, preventing opportunities for improvement and
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 107
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Poor Team:
1. Team members demonstrate minimal collaboration and often work in silos, leading to reduced efficiency.
2. The team has vaguely defined goals and objectives, making it difficult to align efforts and measure
3. Communication within the team is inconsistent and lacks transparency, leading to occasional
misunderstandings and inefficiencies.
4. The team exhibits limited accountability, with members sometimes taking responsibility for their work, but
not consistently.
5. Team members show varying levels of motivation and commitment, leading to inconsistent performance
and productivity.
6. Team members infrequently provide feedback, limiting opportunities for growth and improvement.
7. The team's decision-making process is slow and inefficient, hindering progress and responsiveness.
8. The team experiences occasional stress and burnout, which can negatively affect performance and wellbeing.
9. Team members are slow to adapt to change, sometimes hindering the team's ability to seize new
The team's performance meets basic organizational expectations but offers limited competitive
The team has difficulty prioritizing tasks and managing its workload effectively.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 108
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
The team's leadership lacks consistency, leading to confusion and instability.
Team members show limited initiative, relying on direction from others to complete tasks.
The team does not effectively leverage its diverse strengths, limiting its potential for innovation and
The team struggles to create a culture of continuous improvement, impeding progress and growth.
Average Team:
1. Team members cooperate and collaborate on tasks but may still prefer to work independently.
2. The team has defined goals and objectives but may struggle to prioritize and focus on the most important
3. Communication within the team is adequate, but there is room for improvement in terms of openness and
4. The team exhibits moderate accountability, with members generally taking responsibility for their work but
occasionally falling short.
5. Team members demonstrate average levels of motivation and commitment, leading to satisfactory
performance and productivity.
6. Team members provide feedback, but it may lack specificity or timeliness, limiting its effectiveness.
7. The team's decision-making process is functional but could be more streamlined and efficient.
8. The team maintains a reasonable balance between stress and well-being, allowing for acceptable levels of
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 109
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Team members adapt to change at an average pace, allowing for moderate responsiveness to new
The team
Average Team (cont.): 10. The team's performance consistently meets organizational expectations but does not
provide a significant competitive advantage.
The team has a shared vision, but members may not always be fully aligned or working cohesively.
The team's leadership is adequate, providing some guidance and direction but not always driving
exceptional performance.
Team members show some initiative but may still rely on guidance from others to complete tasks
The team moderately leverages its diverse strengths, leading to some degree of innovation and
The team has a developing culture of continuous improvement but has not yet reached its full
potential for growth.
Good/Effective Team:
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 110
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Team members actively collaborate and leverage each other's strengths, contributing to improved efficiency
and performance.
2. The team sets clear goals and objectives, aligning its efforts to achieve shared success.
3. Communication within the team is open and effective, facilitating efficient decision-making and problemsolving.
4. The team demonstrates strong accountability, with members taking responsibility for their work and
supporting each other.
5. Team members are motivated and committed to their work, driving higher levels of performance and
6. Team members regularly seek and provide constructive feedback, fostering a culture of continuous
7. The team's decision-making process is efficient and data-driven, leading to well-informed choices and better
8. The team effectively manages stress and maintains a positive work environment, promoting engagement
and satisfaction.
9. Team members are agile and adaptable, allowing the team to capitalize on new opportunities and
The team's performance consistently exceeds organizational expectations, providing a strong
competitive advantage.
The team has a clear and shared vision, fostering alignment and cohesion among its members.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 111
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
The team's leadership is effective and consistent, driving high performance and engagement.
Team members take ownership of their personal growth and development, enhancing their skills and
The team actively embraces diversity and inclusion, fostering innovation and leveraging unique
The team maintains strong relationships with external partners and stakeholders, enhancing its ability
to achieve results.
High Performing Team:
1. Team members display exceptional collaboration, consistently leveraging each other's strengths to achieve
optimal results.
2. The team sets and achieves ambitious goals and objectives, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
3. Communication within the team is seamless and efficient, enabling rapid decision-making and effective
4. The team demonstrates exceptional accountability, with members going above and beyond to deliver
outstanding results.
5. Team members are highly motivated and committed, driving the team to achieve remarkable levels of
performance and productivity.
6. Team members actively seek and provide valuable feedback, driving a culture of excellence and continuous
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 112
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. The team's decision-making process is highly efficient, data-driven, and proactive, ensuring optimal results.
8. The team skillfully manages stress and fosters a positive work environment, maximizing engagement and
9. Team members embrace change and demonstrate exceptional agility, making the team a driving force for
innovation and growth.
The team's performance is outstanding, regularly surpassing expectations and setting industry
The team has a shared vision that inspires and unites its members, fostering a strong sense of
purpose and direction.
The team's leadership is visionary and empowering, consistently driving exceptional performance and
Team members demonstrate a strong commitment to their personal growth and development, further
enhancing the team's capabilities.
The team effectively leverages its diverse strengths and perspectives, driving innovation and industryleading performance.
The team proactively cultivates strong relationships with external partners and stakeholders, further
bolstering its ability to achieve extraordinary results.
World Class Team:
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 113
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Team members display extraordinary levels of collaboration, creating a synergistic environment that
elevates individual performance and
World Class Team (cont.):
1. Team members display extraordinary levels of collaboration, creating a synergistic environment that
elevates individual performance and team success.
2. The team consistently achieves breakthrough goals and objectives, setting the standard for excellence
within its industry and beyond.
3. Communication within the team is exceptional, fostering a culture of transparency, trust, and rapid decisionmaking.
4. The team demonstrates unparalleled accountability, with each member taking full responsibility for their
work and actively supporting others.
5. Team members are deeply motivated and committed, driving the team to achieve unprecedented levels of
performance and productivity.
6. Team members actively seek, provide, and apply insightful feedback, relentlessly pursuing excellence and
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 114
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. The team's decision-making process is highly strategic, data-driven, and forward-looking, consistently
delivering optimal outcomes.
8. The team expertly manages stress and maintains an exceptionally positive work environment, ensuring the
highest levels of engagement and well-being.
9. Team members are highly adaptable and embrace change as an opportunity for growth, making the team a
leader in innovation and transformation.
The team's performance consistently surpasses even the most ambitious expectations, solidifying its
status as a world-class organization.
The team's shared vision is deeply inspiring, creating a strong sense of unity, purpose, and direction
among its members.
The team's leadership is transformative and visionary, empowering members to achieve their full
potential and drive outstanding results.
Team members demonstrate an unwavering commitment to personal growth and development,
further enhancing the team's extraordinary capabilities.
The team embraces and capitalizes on diversity and inclusion, fostering an environment of creativity,
innovation, and industry-leading performance.
The team actively cultivates and nurtures strategic partnerships with external stakeholders, expanding
its influence and impact on a global scale.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 115
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well done
Thank you! I'm glad you found the information helpful. If you have any more questions or need further
assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.
Think of all the statements in each of the six level of Team. Create a set of bipolar concepts for the major and
minor factors that make up the taxonomy of team. The bipolar concepts should represent a continuum, so failing
team would be lowest and world-class teams would be highest.
Here's a set of bipolar concepts representing the major and minor factors that make up the taxonomy of teams,
with Failing Teams at the lowest end of the continuum and World-Class Teams at the highest end:
1. Collaboration:
 Minimal cooperation ↔ Extraordinary synergy
2. Goal Setting & Achievement:
 Ambiguous goals ↔ Breakthrough objectives
3. Communication:
 Ineffective communication ↔ Exceptional transparency and trust
4. Accountability:
 Lack of responsibility ↔ Unparalleled accountability
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 116
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Motivation & Commitment:
 Low engagement ↔ Deep commitment and drive
6. Feedback & Continuous Improvement:
 Limited feedback ↔ Relentless pursuit of excellence
7. Decision-making:
 Poor decision-making ↔ Highly strategic, data-driven decisions
8. Stress Management & Work Environment:
 High stress, negative environment ↔ Exceptional well-being and positivity
9. Adaptability & Change Management:
 Resistance to change ↔ Embracing change and growth
Performance & Productivity:
 Subpar performance ↔ Unprecedented performance levels
Shared Vision & Alignment:
 Fragmented vision ↔ Deeply inspiring unity and direction
 Ineffective leadership ↔ Transformative, visionary leadership
Personal Growth & Development:
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 117
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limited personal growth ↔ Unwavering commitment to development
Diversity & Inclusion:
 Homogeneity ↔ Embracing and capitalizing on diversity
External Partnerships & Stakeholder Relations:
 Weak relationships ↔ Strategic partnerships and global impact
These bipolar concepts represent the key aspects of team performance across the six levels of the team
taxonomy, from Failing Teams to World-Class Teams.
List any statement and its level that was not included in the above bipolar responses
Upon reviewing the previous responses, I found a few statements from the Team Taxonomy that were not
explicitly included in the bipolar concepts. Here they are, organized by level:
Failing Team:
 Team members may not understand their individual roles or responsibilities.
Poor Team:
 Team members struggle to manage conflicts effectively, leading to a negative team atmosphere.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 118
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Average Team:
 The team moderately leverages its diverse strengths, leading to some degree of innovation and success.
Good/Effective Team:
 The team effectively manages stress and maintains a positive work environment, promoting engagement
and satisfaction.
High Performing Team:
 The team proactively cultivates strong relationships with external partners and stakeholders, further
bolstering its ability to achieve extraordinary results.
World Class Team:
 The team actively cultivates and nurtures strategic partnerships with external stakeholders, expanding its
influence and impact on a global scale.
These statements highlight aspects not directly covered by the bipolar concepts but still contribute to the overall
characterization of teams across the six levels of the team taxonomy.
Consider the full set of bipolar categories and combine them into logical themes and research based factors, like
a factor analysis might.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 119
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here, I have combined the bipolar concepts into logical themes and research-based factors, similar to what a
factor analysis might reveal:
1. Team Dynamics and Collaboration
 Collaboration: Minimal cooperation ↔ Extraordinary synergy
 Communication: Ineffective communication ↔ Exceptional transparency and trust
 Accountability: Lack of responsibility ↔ Unparalleled accountability
 Conflict Management: Ineffective conflict resolution ↔ Constructive conflict resolution
2. Performance, Goals, and Motivation
 Goal Setting & Achievement: Ambiguous goals ↔ Breakthrough objectives
 Motivation & Commitment: Low engagement ↔ Deep commitment and drive
 Performance & Productivity: Subpar performance ↔ Unprecedented performance levels
3. Continuous Improvement and Learning
 Feedback & Continuous Improvement: Limited feedback ↔ Relentless pursuit of excellence
 Personal Growth & Development: Limited personal growth ↔ Unwavering commitment to
 Adaptability & Change Management: Resistance to change ↔ Embracing change and growth
4. Leadership, Vision, and Alignment
 Shared Vision & Alignment: Fragmented vision ↔ Deeply inspiring unity and direction
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 120
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leadership: Ineffective leadership ↔ Transformative, visionary leadership
5. Team Environment and Well-being
 Stress Management & Work Environment: High stress, negative environment ↔ Exceptional wellbeing and positivity
 Diversity & Inclusion: Homogeneity ↔ Embracing and capitalizing on diversity
6. Decision-making and Strategic Partnerships
 Decision-making: Poor decision-making ↔ Highly strategic, data-driven decisions
 External Partnerships & Stakeholder Relations: Weak relationships ↔ Strategic partnerships and global
These themes and research-based factors group the bipolar concepts into logical categories that reflect key
aspects of team performance and functioning.
Create a data table grid with the taxonomy on the y axis and the steps of each continuum on the x-axis. Organize
the table so each of the six factors are listed, then the sub continuum with seven short description statements,
from failing to world class for each.
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 121
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's a data table grid representing the taxonomy on the Y-axis, and the steps of each continuum on the X-axis.
The table is organized with the six factors and their respective sub-continuum, with short descriptions
representing each level from Failing to World-Class:
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 122
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Team Dynamics and
Low cooperation
nExtraordinary synergy
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 123
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Poor communication
communicat Exceptional transparency & trust
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 124
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Lack of
Low responsibility
responsibilit eUnparalleled accountability
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 125
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Conflict Management
Ineffective conflict Poor conflict
Constructive conflict resolution
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 126
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 127
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Performance, Goals, and
Goal Setting & Achievement Ambiguous goals
Vague goals
Clear goals
gBreakthrough objectives
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 128
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Motivation & Commitment
Low engagement
Moderate-high High
Deep commitment & drive
engagement e
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 129
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Performance & Productivity
Below average
performanc nUnprecedented performance levels
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 130
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Continuous Improvement
and Learning
Feedback & Continuous
Limited feedback
Minimal feedback
Relentless pursuit of excellence
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 131
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Personal Growth &
Limited personal
Minimal personal
Unwavering commitment to development
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 132
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Adaptability & Change
Resistance to
Minimal adaptability
Good adaptability
aEmbracing change & growth
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 133
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Leadership, Vision, and
Shared Vision & Alignment
Fragmented vision Weak vision
Clear vision Deeply inspiring unity & direction
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 134
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Team Environment and
Poor leadership
aTransformative, visionary leadership
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 135
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
High stress,
Stress Management & Work
Poor work
Moderate work
sExceptional well-being & positivity
environment ,
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 136
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Diversity & Inclusion
Limited diversity
gEmbracing and capitalizing on diversity
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 137
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Decision-making and
Strategic Partnerships
Poor decisionmaking
Below average
aHighly strategic, data-driven decisions
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 138
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
External Partnerships &
Stakeholder Relations
Weak relationships Limited relationships
Strategic partnerships & global impact
relationships r
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
PAGE 139
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
Theme and Continuum
Measuring Team Effectiveness R2
April 28, 2023 By Doc Palmere, Ph.D.
PAGE 140
Measuring team effectiveness: five key elements that drive team success: psychological safety, dependability, structure and clarity, meaning of work, and
impact of work.
[ measuring-team-effectiveness-from-google-aristotle-project_R2.docx ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This table provides a clear and organized visualization of the team taxonomy and the steps of each continuum
across the six factors and their respective sub-continuum.