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UTM Automatic Security System Capstone Project

Title : UTM Automatic Security System
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Abstract: This paper is to improve the security system in UTM. A model framework was
developed to assess existing conditions. According to the status quo, there are security guards
at each gate of UTM. However, our aim is to increase safety by adding some security system
in each block as according to the survey to improve safety of the staff and students. It was an
automatic security system. It combined three types of security systems which are fingerprint
scanner, RFID scanner, and password inserted. With the combination of the three type
security system, it can distinguish between residents and visitors. The result shows how the
security system functions and how it can be applied in the block of the colleges. Economic
analysis shows the cost of the components used to create the prototype.
Keywords: RFID; Fingerprint; Password; Security
1. Introduction (Project or Innovation)
reference of
One of the most significant barriers to the deployment of many technologies, both
commercial and network-based, is a lack of security. Furthermore, as technology and topology
change at a rapid pace, the scope of management is rapidly outstripping human capabilities.To
automate management of networks with many firewalls in dynamic environments, network
management tools are required. It is becoming increasingly important to enable network
elements to adapt to change by reconfiguring as needed without the need for human
intervention.The challenge is for these network elements to understand the proper
reconfiguration so that appropriate security policies are followed, preventing unauthorised
users from gaining access. Many new applications that aid in the investigation of these issues
have emerged over the years, owing to the significant amount of research and development
directed toward increasing work efficiency and the protection of life and property. Years ago,
in the 1960s, there was no such thing as a security camera system with privacy protection in
residential areas. However, with the recent advancement of technology in security camera
systems with privacy protection, such as Closed-circuit television (CCTV), there is a shift to a
technologically based monitoring system.Traditionally, manual security systems such as
CCTV (closed circuit television camera), alarm, security lighting, security card, security code,
and security guard were used. These manual methods are more expensive and more easily
manipulated. In the case of a security code or card, it can be forgotten, hacked, or altered by
someone else
This project is concerned with the management of network element configurations in
order to ensure that stated policies are followed. Our project is based on three main systems
which are fingerprint security system, RFID scanner and keypad to enter the password. A
fingerprint, as the name implies, is a print or impression made by our finger as a result of the
patterns formed on the skin of our palms and fingers. It is fully formed around seven months
of foetal development, and finger ridge configurations do not change throughout an
individual's life. Each of our ten fingerprints is unique, as are the fingerprints of every other
person.Even identical twins have distinct fingerprints. As a result, they are ideal for personal
identification. These marks become more visible with age, but the pattern and structures
present in those fine lines remain unchanged.For a long time, they have been used for not only
identification but also in the field of security as criminal and forensic investigation due to
their permanence and unique nature. Every fingerprint has ridges and furrows, with the ridges
being thick lines and the furrows being the space between two ridges. However, we cannot
distinguish the fingerprints of two people based on ridges and furrows because there are some
similarities between the fingerprints of different people.We will show an example of this
wireless fingerprint-based security system in a residential college to prevent an unauthorised
person from entering because an unauthorised person can easily enter by manipulating the
security guard or any other manual security system. A person can enter the residential college
by scanning their finger on the fingerprint sensor module at the main entry point. If their
fingerprints matched those in the database created for residential college authorised
individuals, they will be allowed to enter; otherwise, they will be denied.
RFID application and standardisation are increasing, but because the technology is still
relatively new, many aspects of it are not well understood. RFID technology advancements
continue to produce larger memory capacities, wider reading ranges, and faster processing.
Though RFID technology is superior to bar code, it is highly unlikely that it will eventually
replace barcode, even with the inevitable reduction in raw materials coupled with economies
of scale because the integrated circuit in an RF tag will never be as cheap as a barcode
label.We can appreciate the nature and potential of radio frequency identification by
extending the benefits of wireless communications to data communication to and from
portable low-cost data carriers (RFID). RFID is an area of automatic identification that is now
being viewed as a radical means of improving data handling processes, complementing other
data capture technologies such as bar coding in many ways. RFID tags are contactless cards,
also known as Proximity Integrated Circuit Cards (PICC). Tags can be powered either
actively or passively. Active tags have an on-board power source, such as a battery, whereas
passive tags must be powered inductively by an RF signal from the reader.The distance from
which a reader can interrogate tags is limited by the tag's power. As a result, active tags can be
read from further away than passive tags. In the absence of a reader, active tags may also
record sensor readings or perform calculations. Passive tags are inactive unless they are in the
presence of a reader. RFID readers, also known as Proximity Coupling Devices (PCDs) read
data from RFID tags at a specific frequency using RFID antennas. The reader is essentially an
electronic device that generates and accepts radio signals. Depending on the capacity of the
tag, the antennas contain an attached reader, which translates the tag's radio signals through
the antenna. Anti-collision schemes are built into the readers, and a single reader can operate
on multiple frequencies.
Enter a password using the keypad, also our main system in this project. Keypads are
one of the most common security lock systems used to grant or deny access to a building or
property. The majority of lock keypads are numeric. They require users to enter the correct
combinations in order to gain access.When the entered password is correct, the door is
opened, allowing a concerned person to gain access to a secure location. After a certain
number of times, the door would close. If another person enters an incorrect password, the
door will not open, denying the person access.
Introduction is too long. Facts about RFID,
fingerprint and passwords should be moved to
technical content and add figures
2. Objectives
Everything that we want to do in our life always has an objective behind it. The
same goes to Engineering. In the Engineering field, every project that is planned to be
completed requires a specific objective that needs to be achieved. Without an objective, it will
cause disturbance towards the process of completing the project. As for our Capstone Project,
we have been given a theme for our project which is Automatic Security System. In order to
easily complete our project, we did a survey to know very well our user’s needs regarding
security systems. From the survey, we are able to identify our team’s objective which is :
● To build a product fulfilling the end users’ needs
However, the objective that we identified for our project is not clear enough to define our
project. Regarding to this issue, we are able to discuss and identify another objective that
supports to our main objective which is :
● To apply three types of the combination of the security system
including RFID scanner, Fingerprint scanner and Display with Keypad.
3. Survey Analysis
The survey is done through the google form. There are 13 questionnaires.
1. There are 32 responses in the survey
Figure 3.1 The number of respondents.
2. What is your age?
About 21 respondents are 22 years old and 1 respondent is 24 years old.
3. Where usually see the security guard?
Almost 90.6% of respondents saw the security guard in the residential area.
Figure 3.2 The percentage of respondents meet security guards.
In your opinion, can the security system guarantee your safety?
50% of respondents are unsure while 34.4% of respondents think it can ensure their
5. Can Automatic Security System replace the security guard in Malaysia?
25% of respondents feel that it cannot replace the security guard while 37.5% of
respondents think that it can or maybe can replace the security guard.
6. In your opinion, what is the problem faced by the Automatic Security System?
About 81.3% of respondents agree that the cost of an automatic security system is
expensive such as hardware and it’s maintenance.
7. In your opinion, is the security guard in UTM able to ensure your safety?
About half of the respondents, 53.1%, agree that the security system in UTM cannot
ensure their safety.
Figure 3.3 The percentage of the respondents
8. In your opinion, can an Automatic Security System be used in UTM?
More than half of the respondents, 78.1% think that Automatic Security System can be
used in UTM while 12.5% think that Automatic Security System cannot be used in
9. In your opinion, where is the best place to put an Automatic Security System in UTM?
More than half of the respondents, 84.4%, choose Residential College.
Figure 3.4 The percentage of choosing place
10. Why did you choose this place?
This question is based on the previous question and the reason given by 87.5% of
respondents is the place has many staff and students.
11. What are the problems faced by this place?
In this question, the reason given by the respondents, about 71.9%, is the place has too
many cars and strangers.
12. Can you give suggestions on how to improve the security system in that place?
All the respondents had given out their suggestions. We get the ideas from these
13. In your opinion, can an Automatic Security System solve the problem in this place?
About 56.3% of the respondents think that with the Automatic Security System, the
problems will be solved.
Figure 3.5 The percentage of the respondents
4. Design statement
The problem that we can concluded are:
Not safe with the current security system.
Automatic Security System put in college residential area.
There are too many cars and strangers in the college residential area.
Hence, with the problems concluded, the idea of the project came out such as below.
Figure 4.1 Design of the project
The idea came from the suggestions given by the respondents. As the current security
system cannot ensure safety as there are many strangers around the residential area, hence we
come out with the security door where visitors cannot enter the block at will.
Our idea is to create a security system at the door of the block. It has a door with sign in
and sign out. At first, at the sign in part, there are two types which are for visitors and
At first, our idea for visitors is to use the technology of QR code and password while the
residents need to use a card to scan the RFID scanner to go into the block. The QR code is for
filling in the details of the visitors. With the QR code, we can ensure the identity of the
After the suggestions of the panel during the prototype, there has been a little bit of
change of the idea. With the technology of fingerprint, the residents can walk into the building
by just scanning their finger with the fingerprint scanner. For the visitor, they need to scan the
QR code to fill in the details. After that, the card for the RFID scanner will be given by the
office. They also need to enter the password which will be given after they fill in the detail
5. Methodology
In the research paper “Smart Door Lock Using Fingerprint Sensor” (2019), it used two
Atmega328p as a microcontroller. This is because each Atmega328p has 28 pins. In this
research paper, they are making a fingerprint scanner. The fingerprint scanner is connected
with the door latch. If the fingerprint is matched with the database saved, it will unlock or
lock the door. If the fingerprint is wrong, the buzzer will beep and show “Try again” in the
LCD display. They also have an additional system which is when the fingerprint is wrong 5
times, the alarm will ring and show “Panic Mode” on the LCD screen. From this research
paper, we get the idea of the fingerprint scanner. We set the fingerprint scanner to unlock the
door. However, in the project, we are not using the Atmega328p, while we used Arduino Uno
as a microcontroller. We also set the buzzer ring when the wrong fingerprint is scanned.
In a research paper, “A Digital Security System with Door Lock System Using RFID
Technology” (2010) which was done by Gyanendra, he used the RFID technology as a door
lock. In his research, a new user is first registered with the system and the corresponding
information is burned in an RFID tag. This RFID tag will be accessible through the system.
When a registered user comes to the entry point, he will put the tag into the reader. The
system will check whether it is a registered user or imposter. If the user is registered, then the
tab information is matched with the user information stored in the system. The door is open to
entry of the user after successful authentication. The check-in information is also stored in the
database with date and time. A log is also generated by the system according to check-in
information. From this research paper, we get an idea of RFID systems. We are connecting the
RFID system with the QR code and password. In our project, at first, the visitor will scan the
RFID with the card. After the system checking, the LCD display will show “Enter Password”.
When the wrong card is scanned, the buzzer will sound. In this project, we also connect the
RFID system with the Arduino Uno.
In the poster created by Urvashi.P, Fatema.R, Samir.G (2019), the title is”Password
Based Door Lock System Using Arduino”, it has explained about the working steps of the
password. They also used Arduino Uno as a microcontroller. The inputs are keyboard, power
supply, and LCD display. The output is a servo motor. They also show the diagram of the
connection. From this poster, we get some ideas on the connection of the components. First,
we verify the connection of the components. Then, we tried to do some coding and also
modified some connections. This is because, in this poster, their input is just typing the
password. However, in our project, we need to connect the RFID connection with the
password connection.
Finally, we come out with the final flow chart. the flow charts of sign in and sign out as
Figure 5.1 Flow Chart for Entering
Figure 5.2 Flow Chart for Exiting
6. Product Development
In Engineering, projects that require engineers to construct a product is a common
routine. Most of the products or devices that people used were made by the engineers
such as residential houses, vehicles and electronic devices. The journey in constructing
the final product or outcome requires a lot of planning and idea generation in order to
finish it according to the timeline required. Without all of these, it will make the final
product become less functional and cause a lot of problems to occur. The same goes to
our Capstone project. Before we started with our project, discussion has been made
between us for ideas on how the project will look in the end. A lot of ideas were
generated from each of us related to the project such as the usage of solar panels as the
power supply and many more. Even though there were a lot of ideas being discussed,
we were able to agree on one idea that was voiced out by one of us in which to
implement two separate Automatic Security Systems to our product where it will be
used by two different categories of group of people which are students or residents and
also visitors. As for the concept of the idea, we planned to implement the security
system onto a residential block in UTM due to the safety issue voiced out by the UTM.
Residents of a specific residential block will be implemented with a Fingerprint scanner
where each student needs to register their respective fingerprint into the security system
for the residential part. After that, the system will keep the memory of the resident’s
fingerprint into the Arduino’s memory so that every time the resident of that specific
block wants to enter their block, they just need to scan their registered fingerprint on the
Fingerprint scanner to open up the door of their blocks. It is indicated by two different
LEDs where the green one means the password is correct and the door will be
automatically opened and if you type the wrong password, the red LED will light up as
an indicator that you typed the wrong password. Different concepts are applied for the
visitor’s. For the visitors, they are required to scan the given QR code where it will lead
them to a form where they need to fill up the required details needed by the form. After
that, they will be given a combination of passwords to be typed in. Next is that they
need to scan the RFID card on the RFID scanner and then they need to type in the
password given to them. As for the indicator, the same concept applies to this about the
Red and Green LED as an indicator. From this concept development, the process of
product development for our Capstone project has been agreed between us to proceed.
For the product development, we started the construction of our product by
combining the small components such as Arduino Uno, LEDs and scanners. As for the
visitor’s part, a form was created with a generated QR code to be put on the visitor’s
section where it requires visitor’s details in it. For the RFID scanner, all of the pins on
the scanner were connected directly to an Arduino Uno and 2 LEDs through a
breadboard. For the Display and Keypad, the pins of the Keypad were connected to an
Arduino Uno and from the Arduino Uno it connects to the Display and 2 LEDs from the
output through a breadboard. When moving on to the resident’s section, the Fingerprint
scanner was connected to an Arduino Uno and the output of it was connected to the
LEDs through a breadboard. As for the people from the inside who want to get out of
the block, another simple system is introduced where a Push Button was soldered with
wires on both pins and then it was connected to an Arduino Uno. After that, the output
pin was connected to a Buzzer through a breadboard. The concept of it was that when
someone wants to go out of the block, the button will be pressed and the buzzer will
produce a sound as an indicator that the door will be opened. After the components
combined, the construction of the block model proceeded. For the model of the block,
the idea behind it is that the block will be divided into 2 parts which is the resident’s
security system and also visitor’s security system. For the walls and the doors, we used
woods that were cut into few parts to form the shape of the wall and doors. In order to
combine them together, hot glue guns were used to combine them together on another
board beneath it as a support to the model.
Figure 6.1 Final Design of Project
In order to make sure that our product works properly and smoothly, the functions
of the components are required to be known to ease the process of understanding the
interface of each component related to another component. As for the main processing
unit of our project which is Arduino Uno, each part of the Arduino has its own specific
Figure 6.2 Arduino Uno R3
Referring to Figure 6.2, it's important to go through each part’s function such as
the microcontroller part where it uses ATmega328P microcontroller in which functions
as a command of electronic devices that have a connection to the Arduino. Other than
that, the USB port also is important for the Arduino because it acts as a communicator
between the Arduino Uno and a computer through the link of the USB port with a USB
cable. From this link, it is easier for the user to write the wanted coding or program on
the computer and control it by serial communication and the Arduino Uno can be
powered up when it is joined to a computer. As for the Power Jack, it can be joined to
an AC adapter in order to power up the Arduino Uno because without power the coding
inside the Arduino cannot be interpreted. Next is the Reset button where it functions as
restart of the program when the Arduino starts to output the result that is not the same as
what we expected. After that, the main part of the Arduino Uno R3 which is the pins or
digital input and output. For this part, it will be more understandable if it is explained in
the form of a table as in Figure 6.3 until Figure 6.6.
Table 6.3 Digital I/O - PWM
Table 6.4 Analog Input
Table 6.5 Communication
Table 6.6 Power
Another important component that was being used in our project is the Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID). In order to understand the function of the RFID, it's
important to know what RFID actually is. RFID can be defined as a transmission in
connecting a transmitter (tag) and a receiver (reader) where it is used for touchless
communication, identification and localisation of things. From the definition, it will be
easier for us to have a better understanding about the functionality of the RFID starting
from the transmitter. As for the transmitter in general, it functions to transmit the
required signal to be detected by the reader. Next is for the reader where it functions to
receive the transmitted signal by the transmitter in which it must be in a close range
between the transmitter and the reader. Other than that, our project has also included a
Fingerprint scanner as a part of the security system. As for the structure of the
Fingerprint scanner, it is built up with optical scanners and a light sensory system. If a
finger is placed on the glass plate, the optical scanner will capture the picture of the
thumb print where then it will brighten the ridges of the user’s fingertip and generate a
reverse image of the picture in order to drag attention on the valleys. After that, the
optical scanner will make a decision depending on the definition and pixel darkness of
the image captured and compare it with the image data that has been stored inside the
file of the scanner.
Figure 6.7 : RFID RC552
Figure 6.8 : Fingerprint Scanner
In order for us to have access to these components, the School of Electrical
Engineering has sponsored our Capstone project for a total of RM300.00. From the budget
that we obtained, we were able to buy components that is required for our project whether it is
for the hardware part or even the software part such as wood, LEDs, Display, Keypad,
Fingerprint scanner, RFID RC552, breadboard and also Arduino Uno R3. Even though the
budget given was quite huge, we still need to keep on track regarding the cash flow of our
project in order to avoid shortage of budget. In detail, we managed to buy 1 unit of Arduino
Uno R3, 1 unit of Keypad, 1 unit of Relay Module, 1 unit of RFID, 4 units of LED (small
units), 2 units of Buzzer, 1 unit of Fingerprint scanner and 1 unit of Display where it costs
RM48.00, RM 8.00, RM 4.50, RM 12.75, RM 0.40, RM 2.50, RM 58.00 and RM 9.45
respectively. Other than that, we also managed to buy 1 unit of Push Button, 3 packets of
wire, 1 unit of an I2C converter, 10 units of resistor, 3 units of breadboard, 1 unit board, 1 unit
of an adapter and 2 units of LED (big units) where it costs RM 3.00, RM 9.30, RM 5.50, RM
0.50, RM 54.00, RM 11.60, RM 14.15 and RM 3.60 respectively. When summing up all of
the costs that we used, a total of RM 245.35 was obtained for the usage of our Capstone from
the total budget which is RM 300.00 with a balance only around RM 54.65. From the total
costs that we used, we were able to deliver a Capstone project which suits the theme for our
group (P2G12) and that is Automated Security System.
This paragraph change to
table form
Table 6.9 : Overall budget
7. Problem
Every individual in this world has their own life journey that they need to face
whether it is easy or tough. While we are facing or going through that journey, we will
face a lot of difficulties along the way or another we call it a problem, same goes to
Engineering. Problems can be defined as an unwelcome matter or that needs to be
overcome. In Engineering, we will be facing a lot of technical problems especially when
it comes to projects such as our Capstone project. For our Capstone project, we were
assigned to create a model that has security features because the theme that we have to
follow is regarding the Automatic Security System. During our Capstone project, a lot
of problems that we had to face and overcome in order to successfully achieve our
targeted objective. The problems that we faced can be divided into 2 categories of
problems which are hardware and software problems. As for the hardware part, there
are a lot of problems that we encounter which includes the Arduino Mega that we used
was very buggy and unusable. We identified this problem when after we run the coding
that we wrote many times it still doesn’t produce any output as expected. However, we
were able to solve this problem by replacing the Arduino Mega with 2 Arduino Unos
but the problem doesn’t stop there. We also encounter another problem which is the
RFID is very buggy where it sometimes functions properly and sometimes it doesn’t.
Regardless of how long it took to diagnose the problem, there seems to be no result to
solve this problem. This is due to the RFID having a connection problem which took a
while to diagnose. However after de-soldered and re-soldering the pins, the RFID
connection issues were finally solved but more issues were yet to come. The Push
Button we used is somehow not suitable for the project. In order to overcome it, we
were required to use a different type of push button where the push button that we
needed to use is the 4 legs push button.
Figure 7.1 Sample of Fingerprint
In addition, our fingerprint scanner is also encountering problems in terms of its
limitations in which we are needed to always wipe the scanner regularly in order to ease the
next user to use. Somehow it disturbs the process of the project. However, we were able to fix
it by making sure every user's thumb is properly cleaned before using the scanner. The
problems that we encountered didn't stop until here. It continued as we were going through
our Capstone project journey. Another major problem that we faced during the completion of
our project is related to the LCD Display. For the LCD Display, after we soldered it with an
I2C converter, we ran into a few problems with it such as only the backlight lights up while
no data or word is displayed. Nevertheless, we managed to find a solution to it where we
needed to desolder and resolder again the pins of the LCD Display.
Figure 7.2 Sample of Hardware LCD Display
Other than that, there was a lack of power supply for all the components that we used
where it caused the components to not function properly because the Arduino that we
used requires power in order to make the other components work properly such as
fingerprint scanner and RFID scanner. Every problem will have its own solution which
is the same goes to this case where we were able to encounter the problem we faced by
supplying the components with an external power supply that supplies around 12V and
2A such as power bank.
In every engineering project, software is the most crucial part that has to be focused
on especially when it involves electronic components that require specific coding to
function properly. Software problems are the problems that will somehow delay the
process of any project that involves a software interface the same goes to our Capstone
project. In our project, we used a Fingerprint scanner as a part of the Automatic security
system. As for the coding of the scanner, searching for the correct code was tough and
quite a hassle since there are a lot of models for fingerprint scanners. Moreover,
implementing it for a test run has led to the complication of the project. However, after a
lot of trials we were able to implement the correct code and make sure it can work
properly. Another problem that we faced involves the coding of the RFID scanner. In
order to successfully run the RFID code, solving the problems related with the
connection issues was the solution to the RFID. Even though we managed to solve this
problem, the RFID code was still a challenge for us because somehow it didn't work as
intended even though we followed the basic examples given by the library. Despite all
of the trials that we did, the problem was finally fixed and the coding was able to run the
RFID successfully. Unfortunately, due to some reasons the RFID suddenly didn't work
at all even while we tried with a newly bought RFID scanner. The original issue that we
detected was it is not compatible with an OEM type of Arduino UNO and it is only
compatible to be used with a Genuine Arduino UNO. In the beginning, we thought that
replacing the Arduino with a more compatible Arduino Uno would somehow solve our
problem, however after a few tries, it gives the same result where it didn't work like the
others. As a conclusion to this problem, there was no solution for this problem. Library
issues were also a part of the problems detected, the need to find and use the correct
library is needed in order for the component to run. Last but not least, the major problem
that we faced for the software part was to combine all the coding of each specific
component in order for them to be able to work together swiftly without any problem or
defect to the whole process of the project. It was quite a challenge at first due to the
difference in coding requirements for each component, however we managed to
combine it all after doing some research on how to combine the codings together. In
addition to that, this part took the longest time to construct as each change needed to be
carefully tested and run because if any problem was detected, diagnoses are required for
the problem using trial and error and run where it took at least 2 weeks to solve this
8. Discussion
Efforts to develop more sophisticated automatic security systems are our main
priority. Since our first meeting, we propose developing and demonstrating methods to
automate security in UTM by making security configuration management dynamic and
responsive.The long-term goal of this project is to develop a practical infrastructure that
allows the network to become self-configuring, so that necessary network-wide
reconfiguration is initiated by changes within the system itself, rather than by
coordinated actions of teams of human operators. To allow us to achieve tangible results
in a reasonable amount of time, the current project focuses on some specific issues that
we believe are critical to the overall plan's success and for which there is a clear path to
generalisation. The specific problem we consider is all about the prototype working
properly: how do we quickly determine the problem and how to solve it before the
demo video for the presentation in front of our panels, and how do we provide a backup
plan as management aid to correctly manage change in the face of ever-increasing
complexity? We have our lecturer as our supervisor on our team who are guiding the
development toward a prototype that is both immediately usable by system
administrators and also serves as a solid foundation for future work.Our top priority has
been to close the "gap" between our main goals and the actual implementation of this
prototype. The lack of verifiable enforcement mechanisms for certain security
phenomena influenced many of our design decisions. A budget issue is an example of
this. Because we have a budget of no more than RM300, we are not permitted to use
many expensive components, which means that we are unable to use many functional
components for our project.
What we can and cannot control in this project must be considered in any practical
approach to prototype design. We must avoid assuming that our components have
complete control over our prototype. While many configurations may satisfy policy, not
all of these configurations may be implementable, even in an automated fashion. In
cases where the available control is insufficient to implement the given security policy,
we would like to know this as well, which is beyond the scope of most current
approaches. As part of our main goals, we intend to capture all aspects of our project
that are beyond the control of the prototype. This allows us to smoothly blend what we
can control with what we can't. Our strategy is to gradually expand the platform in each
of its major components. In the security policy space, we will discuss how we can use
our security system to get closer to UTM's higher-level security needs. In this project,
we intend to continue to improve the functionality of our prototype, and we conducted
extensive research in order to test some novel ideas. This project's long-term goal is to
create a security system from any crime issues so that the security management
infrastructure can be distributed. When the prototype is finished at the end of this
project's lifespan, we hope that the concept of our prototype can be generated in every
location, allowing us to create a safe environment free of unwanted incidents.
9. Conclusion
As a conclusion to our journey throughout this Capstone project, many new
things that we gained as a team including teamwork. When doing the Capstone project,
it is important to know that teamwork is the key success to any projects especially
involving Engineering projects because without it will be difficult for the project to be
finished according to the given time frame. Other than that, we also gain new
experiences in handling Engineering projects which includes on how to code the
Arduino, idea generation and also task management such as reports and minutes of
meeting. In addition to that, we managed to make new friends and connections not only
with other people but also among ourselves. We managed to get to know each other
better as a team which became the main strength of our team to pass through this
Capstone project journey.
From the perspective of the project itself, we started off our Capstone with
idea generation among all of us in the team referring to the theme that was given to us
which is Automated Security System. We created a google form survey focusing on the
UTM students where we include in it some questions regarding the security system in
UTM such as what is the safety level of security in UTM and many more. From the
survey that we conducted, we managed to extract the data collected and obtained the
required information that we need and also some suggestions of improvement towards
the security system of UTM. From the data that we obtained, almost 53.1% of the UTM
students agree that the available security guards in UTM cannot ensure their safety in
UTM. From that data, we held a discussion to think of ideas on how to improve the
security system in UTM. After a long discussion, we managed and agreed to make an
Automated Security System in which it includes systems such as Fingerprint scan,
RFID scan and also password-typed.
From the idea generated, we improvise it to make it even more safer where
we separated it into two different systems which are Residents and also Visitors.
Starting from this, we started to construct our project by completing each part separately
which started with the software part and followed by the hardware part. We bought all
the required equipment such as Fingerprint scanner, Display, Keypad, RFID scanner and
many other small components such LED and resistor by using the budget given by the
faculty itself. After that, our team’s main programmer Eddy Hakeem starts off by
writing the required coding for the main components of the project. After several trials,
we managed to code the components according to the idea that we wanted to construct.
Next is that we started off with the next step which is constructing the actual prototype
of our planning.
The actual prototype was constructed by using plain wood and a hot glue gun.
The components were put in place according to the structure planned. After some
cutting and building processes, we managed to complete our actual prototype exactly
the same as what we planned and also within the given time frame where we finished
the construction of the prototype before Week 14.
Please update this conclusion by
stating whether your product
operates as intended with a
reference to the pictures of
finished product.
10. Acknowledgement
First and foremost, we would like to thank Dr Zulkarnain for giving us this
opportunity to do this project which the theme is Automated Security System. From this
project, we learned that the security system is important and maybe someday, the
automatic security system will replace the security guard.
Second, we would like to thank our supervisor, Dr. Zuraimy. Dr Zuraimy had
given us a lot of knowledge on what an automated security system is and also given us
some ideas on how to do this project.
Last but not least, we would like to thank our parents and friends who give us
support so that we can finalise this project within the limited time frame.
Appendix for the block diagram and coding is
expected in this report. Please add
11. Reference
1. Piash. P, Md Abdullah, Hazrat.S, Md Kaviul (2019). “Smart Door Lock Using
Fingerprint Sensor”
2. Gyanendra. K (2010). “A Digital Security System With Door Lock System Using
RFID Technology”
3. Urvashi.P, Fatema.R, Samir.G (2019). ”Password Based Door Lock System Using
4. “Arduino Uno R3 Specifications/Functions”
5. “Fingerprint Scanners: What They Are and How They Work”
6. Jonas Scherf & M.A. Frauke Finus (2019). “What is RFID? - Definition &
Function in detail”