Uploaded by Liza Marie Berenguel

Life as a Stage and Game: An Essay

Often, we heard about the saying “life is a game and we humans are players” By that quote,
I remember the famous play of William Shakespeare which is entitled as “All the world’s a stage”
this play depicts the reality on the world we live in. It says that all men and women are merely
actors and actresses of this world, thus each of them creates different entrances and exits on the
After reading the play of William Shakespeare it made me realize that we may have
different roles or parts we play in this world, but the stages that we experienced are almost the
same. However, I disagree with the idea that we are just actors and actresses in this world. Why?
because actors are given specific roles to take part in the stage, their path was already
predetermined, but we are not like that. We chose our roles and our own path in this world. There’s
no script on what to do and what we will be doing in the future. The future is still unclear and each
one of us are given the chance to choose which path are we going to follow. Though I agree that
we have our exits and entrances in life like we live and then die—that’s the nature of life. On the
other hand, I must say that the world is a game, and we humans are either the players or the game
changers. Players are those people who always try to survive the challenges they have encountered
and getting ready for the next level, but there are also people who are called the game changer.
These people are the wittiest because they don’t just go with the flow of life, but rather they change
the mechanics of the game, they hold the game—they hold their own destiny.
Meanwhile, there are also times that we became actors in this world. We let other people
control our lives and it’s disheartening. Sometimes, we let other people take a hold of our lives not
because we do not have our own choices, but because we think that their choices are better than
ours. On the other hand, it could also be that the person is still searching for his purpose in life,
that’s why he let other persons decide his path.
Therefore, the world is not just a stage, but also a gaming place. People could be actors and
they could also be players or the game changers. But, no matter what role we chose to have, we
should always remember to live life to the fullest. Life is too short, live your life the way how you
want it to be.