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Be Yourself: Rejecting Fashion Trends & Embracing Individuality

Yourself: The permanent
According to Google dictionary fashion is a popular
trend, especially in styles of dress and ornament or
manners of behavior. And I believe that majority of
the population especially those in who live in
urbanized places, do follow fashion. The question in
my mind is, “why do we follow it?”. Maybe we are
afraid to be judged by other people? Maybe we
want to be accepted by others by wearing what is
popular and accepted? I’m not really sure why, but
what I’m sure of is that it is unhealthy to follow it.
Manipulation scam
Fashion industry somehow managed to make us feel that
we need something that we really don’t. They made us feel that we should apply makeups on our faces or else we wouldn’t be beautiful in eyes of other people. They use
models to make standards of beauty. There are lots of different ways how they
manipulate us and lots of different ways how they make us feel ugly and insecure.
Be yourself
Don’t be like other people. Be yourself even if
others would call you crazy or weird. Dress in a
way that makes you feel like “you”. Don’t let
society define what you’ll wear today or
tomorrow. Dress up like you own the whole
word. Wear clothes that make you feel confident.
Worry no more, free yourself from other people’s
opinion, because in the end, no matter what you
wear, you still look beautiful and fabulous.
Yourself is the new trend now, so don’t hesitate,
and dress yourself, “yourself.