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Field Study E-Portfolio: Classroom Management & Lesson Plan

St. Peter’s College
Sabayle St., Iligan City
Iligan City, Philippines 9200
Field Study 1 & 2
Prof. Emma A. Zalsos
Aisanor T. Nasser
The Iligan City National High School was established July 1, 1963 by the Honorable City
Mayor Camilo P. Cabili. It started to offer the first and second year high school with an
initial enrolment of two hundred sixty four (264) and with only thirteen (13) faculty
members. The initial school budget approved by the city council for the operation and
maintenance of the school was P64,000.00.
Twenty years later, the school enrolment increased tremendously from 264 students in
1963 to 7,140 students in 1983, while school budget skyrocketed from P64.000.00 to
about four million pesos (P4,000,000.00) for the same period. The huge appropriation
constituted a big grain on the city coffers.
In November 1983, the bill sponsored by the Assemblyman Abdullah Dimaporo to
nationalize the high school upon recommendation of the City Mayor Cabili and the
Sangguniang Panglunsod was signed into law and the ICNHS became Iligan City
National High School with a national budget of P4,600.000.00 for calendar year 1984.
Iligan City National High School shall be the center of excellent basic education in
Region X.
The school continues to nurture and develop students to become highly competitive and
value-oriented students with quality basic education and who will turn-out to be
productive and responsible citizens of the community where they serve.
Today, ICNHS pursues the educational goals and objectives of the DepEd and directs
all its efforts to contribute towards the attainment of the National Development.
In the Name of Allah, the Infinitely Good, the All-Merciful.
Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.
The Infinitely Good, the All-Merciful.
Master of the day of judgment.
Thee we worship, and in Thee we seek help.
Guide us upon the straight path.
The path of those on whom Thy grace is,
not those on whom Thine anger is,
nor those who are astray.
Yah Allah, help me to share wisdom to my students,
Give me the strength to mold them to become a responsible citizen,
Make me as your instrument to serve others so
that they can become a good follower.
Guide me as I teach them to be the best of whatever
they are. Grant me the talent and skills to enhance
my student’s ability. And most of all help me to
realize the importance of love and respect
to my students. So, help me Yah Allah!
Which of the following is a quadratic equation?
a. ๐‘ฅ 2 + 3๐‘ฅ − 5 = 0
b. x + 8 = 0
c. 2 (x + 5) = 0
d. ๐‘ฅ 2 − 100 = 0
In the equation 2๐‘ฆ 2 + ๐‘ฆ = 4, ๐‘คโ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘ก ๐‘ก๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘š ๐‘–๐‘  ๐‘ฆ?
a. nth term
b. first term
c. linear term
d. quadratic term
What do you call the value of the expression ๐‘ 2 − 4๐‘Ž๐‘?
a. solution
b. roots
c. discriminant
d. quadratic formula
Problem Solving
1. Given ๐‘Ÿ 2 + 3๐‘Ÿ = −2, ๐‘คโ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘ก ๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘’ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘Ÿ๐‘œ๐‘œ๐‘ก๐‘  ๐‘œ๐‘“ the quadratic equation?
2. What must be the factors of the equation, ๐‘˜ 2 + 4๐‘ฅ + 4 = 0 .
3. In the equation, ๐‘ฅ 2 − 100 = 0, find the two real roots.
Fill-in the Blank
What must be added in the quadratic expression, ๐‘Ž2 + 4๐‘Ž +
to make it a perfect square trinomial?
6 2
What must be added in the equation, ๐‘ฃ 2 + 6๐‘ฃ + แ‰€2แ‰ = 1 +
First of all, I am very thankful to Allah who is most beneficent and merciful. This Field
Study has been completed due to the support of many people and I wish to acknowledge
them here.
My sincere gratitude to Dr. Juliet S. Timbang, Dean of College of Education for providing
me an opportunity to do my Field Study at Iligan City National High School. This
opportunity was a great chance of learning and professional development. Indeed, her
words of encouragement and untiring support was greatly appreciated.
Next, I express my deepest sense of gratitude to Mrs. Emma A. Zalsos, EDSO Adviser,
for her support, advices, guidance, valuable comments, suggestions, and provision that
benefited me in the completion and success of this Field Study. I really thank her for her
valuable guidance which helped me to add a feather in my cap.
I sincerely thanks Sir Zosimo B. Gomez, Principal at Iligan City National High School,
for allowing me and my co-classmates to do our Field Study for his prestigious school. I
offer my sincere appreciation for the learning opportunities provided by your competent
My special thanks to my cooperating teacher Mrs. Ana Haganas, Grade 9 Adviser at
Iligan City National High School, for her supervision, expert suggestion and for allowing
me to observe during her classes. Now, that I completed the 124hours duty, I promise
that I will apply her teaching strategy when I become a teacher in the future. I really
learned a lot.
Finally, I would like to extend my deep gratitude towards my family and my friends for
their support in carrying out this study field successfully.
A teacher is not a teacher if she could not manage an effective classroom. I realized this
premise when I experience to be a student teacher in the five (5) sections of Grade 9.
This experience gives me opportunity to ponder many things. The theories and principles
learned from the course are useless when it is not apply on the real classroom. I realized
many things that I think I could use these in the future. Being a teacher for the day needs
many preparations. First, you need to do your lesson plan. All of the flow of the activities
depends on how you plan. You should always anchor the instructions on your objectives;
plan the available resources and materials, the methods you are going to use and the
means of evaluating.
There are learners who are very active and seemed restless. Some are just quiet and
timid. Some have unpolished talents and some have well-exposed skills. As a future
teacher, I realized that I should know each of my students. I should know their nature. I
should impose some questions like why are they acting that way? Are their nature suits
my teaching? Despite their individual differences, could they be interested on how I will
manage my instruction? Does my instruction fit my learners? Do the smart ones be
reinforced with this method? Could the slow learners understand well if I will make this
instruction? Is the environment conducive to learning? All of these must be answered by
the teacher
However, having knowledge about the Cognitive Learning Theory of Piaget and others,
we could manage the learner’s ability to think. We could estimate our instructions if it suits
their level of thinking. Being knowledgeable about learners’ behavior as what Pavlov,
Skinner and Thorndike have proposed, it would be easier for us to manage their behavior
in some relative situations. Knowing how Bandura explained his Social Learning Theory,
we could facilitate them by giving examples of behavior you want them to do.
Furthermore, equipping ourselves on the learning theories proposed by Ausubel, Lewin
and Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence, we can make use of varied instructions for the diverse
thinking of our learners.
Indeed, as a teacher, I should be very much aware of the needs and behaviors of our
learners in order for me to plan and make my instruction effective I should be
knowledgeable enough on their behavior so that I could encourage them and so that I
could catch their field of interest. I believe that if they find learning interesting, it would
continue throughout their lives.
Detailed Lesson Plan
Name: Aisanor T. Nasser
Grade level: Grade 9-Mathematics
At the end of the lesson, learners are able to:
1. recall the four methods in solving quadratic equations;
2. appreciate the sum and product of roots of quadratic equation; and
3. determine the sum and product of the roots of quadratic equation using the value
of coefficient a, b, and c.
Topic: The sum and the product of roots of quadratic equation
Reference: Mathematics 9 Learners Material, page 69-76
Materials: Chalk, book and visual aids Values
Integration: Cooperation, activeness and attentiveness
1. Greetings
-Good morning, class!
-Good morning, Ma’am !
2. Prayer
-Please stand up for a prayer.
-(The students will stand up and pray)
3. Checking of Attendance
-Is there any absent today?
-None, Ma’am!
-Very good! I hope you can
maintain perfect attendance until the
end of the school year.
4. Review
meeting class?
-(the students will answer)
We discussed about the sum and the
product of roots of quadratic equation.
-What are the four methods in
solving quadratic equation?
-(the students will answer)
Factoring, completing the square,
extracting the square root and using
quadratic formula.
-Yes, very good.
a. Activity
-Let’s divide the class into 2
groups. Count from 1 to 2.
-Your task is to find the roots of
quadratic equation using any method.
After finding the roots, find the sum and the
product of the roots.
-Each group will be
different quadratic equation.
GROUP 1 : 2๐‘ฅ 2 + 8๐‘ฅ − 10 = 0
GROUP 2 : ๐‘ฅ 2 − 10๐‘ฅ + 21 = 0
-(The students will count)
-(The students will listen)
-Each group will have one
representative to write their answer on the
board and another one for the explanation
of the answer. This activity is good for
seven minutes only. Your time starts now!
-(The students will start answering)
b. Analysis
-Okay class, time’s up! Settle
down; go back to your proper seats.
-Let’s answer the equation of
group 1.
Sum : ๐‘ฅ1 + ๐‘ฅ 2 = 1 + (−5) = −4
Product : (๐‘ฅ1 )(๐‘ฅ 2 ) = (1)(−5) = −5
-Is the answer of group 1
-Yes, ma’am.
-Yes it is! Now let’s proceed to
group 2.
Sum : ๐‘ฅ1 + ๐‘ฅ 2 =7+3=10
Product : (๐‘ฅ1 )(๐‘ฅ 2 ) = (7)(3) = 21
-Is the answer of group 2
-Yes, ma’am.
-Based on the activity, what do
you think is our topic for today? (call a
student name)
-(The students will answer)
The sum and the product of roots of
the quadratic equations.
-Very good!
-Today we’re going to talk about
the sum and product of the roots of
quadratic equation.
-The formula in finding the sum
of a quadratic equation is s = ๐‘Ž
-(The students will listen)
-The formula in finding the
product of a quadratic equation is p = ๐‘Ž
-For example, we have
๐‘ฅ 2 − 7๐‘ฅ + 12 = 0
-Who can give me the sum and
the product of this equation? (call a
student name)
-(The students will listen)
-Expected answer from the student
-Very good!
c. Abstraction
- Did you get it class?
-In determining the sum and the
product of roots of the quadratic equation,
what is the formula?
-Very good class! Are there any
-Yes, ma’am.
-The students will answer
s= ๐‘Ž
-None so far, ma’am.
d. Application
-Answer the following for five
minutes. Find the sum and the product of
roots of quadratic equation
1. 6๐‘ฅ 2 + 12๐‘ฅ − 18 = 0
-(The students will answer)
-Time’s up! Who wants to
answer? (call a student name)
-(Expected answer of student)
-Very good!
2. 3๐‘ฅ 2 − 10๐‘ฅ − 8 = 0
-Time’s up! Who wants to
answer? (call a student)
-(Expected answer of student)
-Determine the sum and the
product of the roots of the following
quadratic equation using the value of
coefficient a, b, and c.
-(The students will start answering)
-This activity is good for fifteen
minutes. Your time starts now.
-Study in advance on p. 77-80
-Goodbye class!
-Goodbye and thank you, Ma’am
1. Acknowledgement
2. Teacher’s Prayer
3. History, Vision, Mission, and Objective of the School (ICNHS)
4. Daily Experiences in a Paragraph Form
5. One (1) Sample Detailed Lesson Plan
6. Test Examples (at least 3)
7. Daily Time Record
8. Pictorials and Documentations
9. Simple Notes of the Students
10. Certificates
11. One Page Reflection
In my first day of duty September 21, 2022, I have been assigned to the five (5)
sections of Grade 9 level, and Ma'am Ana Haganas is my Cooperating Teacher. My duty
is every afternoon at exactly 12:50pm. At the first place, I was bet nervous because it was
my first time to enter at Iligan City National High School but thanks to my batchmates
because they cheer me up in a way that my nervous feeling changed into excitement. I
am very grateful that Ma'am Haganas is very approachable teacher, she's like a mom. In
her teaching, she is very competent teacher and her teaching skills or let me say
communication skills is very understandable and effective. She has a strong relationship
with her students by being warm, available, and kind. The topic that she has discuss is
about Extracting Roots and Factoring. And I am happy to say that I can relate to her topic,
and sometimes I give a help to the students to answer the question of Ma'am Haganas.
September 26, 2022. This day I noticed that there are students who are very active
and seemed restless. Some are just quiet and timid. Some have unpolished talents and
some have well-exposed skills. As a future teacher, I realized that I should know each of
my students. I should know their nature. I should impose some questions like why are
they acting that way? Are their nature suits my teaching? Despite their individual
differences, could they be interested on how I will manage my instruction? Does my
instruction fit my learners? Do the smart ones be reinforced with this method? Could the
slow learners understand well if I will make this instruction? Is the environment conducive
to learning? All of these must be answered by the teacher.
October 3, 2022. Upon observing the students, I hardly believe that I was seeing
myself on them back in my age. It was still fresh in my memories how I acted and how
active I am when I’m on their age. How they interact with their classmates was exactly
the way we also interacted with each other back on our stage. I have noticed the level of
their interest when it comes to class discussions, they are showing the enthusiasm upon
learning and engaging through raising their opinions when asked. That’s the same
scenario when we were at their age. In a classroom, teachers are purposely discussing
to the class the classroom rules and regulation every single day before the class starts,
one of these rules is that one should only talk when asked, unlike them, in my age, we
never try to speak when someone is speaking especially the teacher instead, we are
raising our hands and wait for our turn to speak only if we’re called.
October 4, 2022. My observation eventually has helped me to really understand how
important the role of teachers to every section or class, in developing different skills to
prepare students in to more diverse and complicated learning environment. Back in my
days, my teachers also possessed salient characteristics and skills in teaching and I really
looked up those traits that it affects how I am going to apply it in my teaching ability and
strategies to my future students someday.
October 5, 2022. This day, I observed that there are a variety of ways for students to
interact within the school such as playing, talking to classmates and collaborating such
as teacher-directed activities. Often there is little interaction with the teacher because
sometimes the students is shy or lacks courage but there are students who often interact
with the teacher because others are inquisitive.
October 7, 2022. I experienced in Section Narra that there is a difference of students
sitting in the front and back of each classroom. Because sometimes those in the back
listen less because they are far away and can’t hear the teacher’s voice very well and
those in the front behave better because they are more focused on the lesson but it all
depends on the students. I often notice that the students in the front are more cooperative
and those who have an appetite and have enough sleep and food when they go to school
and those students who need the teachers help more are those who have difficulty with
their lessons, have difficulty with sleep and food causing difficulty in classroom.
October 10, 2022. I observed that there are students who are attention seekers; they
tried to catch the attention of their teacher as well as their classmates. There are students
who appeared to be the leader and a little teacher; they are the one who teaches their
classmates who have less knowledge on the subject matter. The teacher and students
are also jokers in the classroom. The teacher jokes to break the monotony in the room.
October 11, 2022. During this time that I was observing in the Section Cedar Tree I
went to, what I saw was fine. There is unity because students help their fellow students
answer by raising their hands. Ma’am Haganas, on the other hand, teaches them to
respect each other so that everything will be fine and not fight. I am glad that each student
knows how to follow their teacher.
October 12, 2022. I experienced that to meet the needs of the student, we, the
teacher must also give extra effort to have a happy and good understanding of those we
teach. According to what I observed, Ma’am Haganas will give an extra point for those
students that will sing, and what I can say is that she gives those opportunities so that the
students do not get bored and help them to aim high grades.
October 13, 2022. This day, Ma’am Haganas used different methods in teaching due
to the differences between the students, because there are fast learners here and there
are those who do not get the lessons very quickly. The teacher's method was to mix the
fast learner with not to have an understanding. It helps students who are not very
proficient with the help of fast learners but the teacher tells everyone not to be judgmental
because we are not the same.
October 17, 2022. As an observer, I discovered it’s essential to be enthusiastic and
open to learning new skills, asking for more work and being curious to learn and ask
questions. This attitude will show that you enjoy being part of the team and that you're
keen to help. Having curiosity and enthusiasm also means that, as an observer, you get
a lot out of what you’re doing, which opens lots of opportunities.
October 19, 2022. This day, the students do not actively participate in class and most
of the time they appear to be disinterested in what Ma’am Haganas is saying. In this
classroom (Section Coconut) I see many of the students staring off into to space and not
paying attention. When the students do this instead of trying to engage and involve her
students my cooperating teacher gets on to them. I understand students should be
respectful and pay attention to their teacher but as a mathematics major a fully aware
mathematics can appear to be boring if the discussion is not presented properly, but what
I had observed Ma’am Haganas really an amazing teacher, her teaching skills is very
understandable. It is that the students are not fully engaged in this subject therefore it
makes difficult for them to absorb all the discussion that Ma’am Haganas is presenting to
them. I believe that the more students are engaged the more they are able to learn.
October 20, 2022. I realized that a teacher’s most important job is not to teach
specific material but to build relationships with the students and ensure they feel safe and
cared for. Once the teacher is able to ensure this then they should focus on teaching,
however teaching is more than listing off facts and sharing information with the students.
As teachers it is essential, we try to engage our students. There are many ways to engage
students and each teacher as a specific way they get their classroom involved in learning.
During my field experience I have learned the importance of being able to engage
students and I have seen what a classroom looks like when students are not engaged.
My field experience has helped to reflect on student engagement and how I would place
the experience in my philosophy of education.
October 21, 2022. I observed some wonderful learning tools that I have since
implemented into my own education to develop my own learning. One-way my time spent
during my fieldwork has improved my own learning is how I manage the way I learn.
During this day, I observed many ways the teacher adjusted her lessons to accommodate
different learning styles for her students to enhance their learning. This made me think of
my own cognitive learning style and how I learned and processed information.
October 25, 2022. I have learned that just simply reflecting on what I am seeing in
the classroom is not enough that I have to comprehend and gain knowledge about the
classroom in a more profound and meaningful way, such as relating observations to
theories and psychology studies. Also, I have learned to reflect more deeply on what is
going on around me, not just looking at what is at the surface. I took notes during my
observation. I tried to not only write what was happening, but also why it was happening
and tried to convey any thoughts or feeling the students, teacher or myself had.
October 26, 2022. I found that when you’re a teacher, your education never stops.
Teachers are always trying to improve their own education and professional growth, both
for the benefit of their students and for the benefit of themselves. Some ways I plan to
accommodate student diversity in my teaching is to maintain a diverse learning
environment for my students. I understand that not all students learn the same so I plan
to use differentiated instruction. Differentiated instruction would include using strategies
such as a Jigsaw classroom or Cooperative Learning.
October 27, 2022. As a future teacher, I realized that I have to study and acquire
information about what field study is all about which will provides us with knowledge and
learning in order for
weakness to strength, negative to positive, from self-pity to self-confident and
from non-essentialist to essentialist is what I want to achieve to my future students as
well as a teacher, through this, I can say that I’m truly globally competitive and
professional one.
November 2, 2022. The teaching and learning process should always be based on
the learners' interest. Teachers must give appropriate lessons that fit to the capabilities
and likes of his learners. If in some instances where students have difficulties in learning
for they have learning disabilities like dyslexia, the role of the teacher is to first change
his strategies in teaching and make sure that he will give the special attention they
November 3, 2022. The experience of being able to talk to students, learn how they
think, and connect is both fulfilling, and informative. This is why I was so ecstatic to learn
I had the opportunity to practice what I learned in class in the real world. The past couple
of weeks have been such an experience and I know the rest of the semester holds more
opportunities for me to learn and grow as a future educator. I have enjoyed my time
observing and tutoring some students. I find so much pleasure tutoring them, not just
because I have fun, but because I know that I am giving these students a little help for
their discussion.
November 7, 2022. Observing a place of learning of the students is very great and
pleasant to us as a future teacher. Because we could able to see and witness how those
learning resources helped to enhanced the skills of the students and developed well those
talents and intelligence's they have. And by that we could gain a lot of knowledge and
ideas on how to have an effective strategies and way of teaching someday.
November 8, 2022. My observing experience has been the best, most informational
and inspiring experience in many years. Generally, I had a great time with students, and
I could not have asked for a better report with my cooperating teacher. I felt supported
from day one, and he gave me the confidence I needed to keep progressing. Interacting
with students was fantastic, and I was very surprised at how much students taught me,
from everything to relationships to school practices.
November 9, 2022. I realized that being a good teacher, one should be
knowledgeable enough about the topic at hand; teaching students are an entirely different
matter, especially teaching those who are not interested to listen. That is why projecting
a pleasing personality and attitude in class is important. Students would be interested to
listen to the teacher and learn to appreciate teachers’ efforts when teachers are
holistically at their best. But, of course, when things get out of hand, teachers should
assert themselves for students to remember the authority.
November 10, 2022. This experience made me realized that being a teacher is not a
joke; we have to take this profession seriously. My cooperating teacher, Ma’am Haganas,
always tried her best to point out and make her students understand their mistakes in a
tactful and in a positive manner. Also, I found it comforting that she told me that mistakes
are part of this experience, and that I could learn from these mistakes in the future by not
trying to repeat them. In contrast to this, another thing I learned from her is that, in order
to encourage students to perform better in class, teachers should give compliments to
every student’s good effort, like correct answers or creative outputs. This must be done
for them to keep showing their good efforts and inspire their classmates to do the same.
This experience leaves me to this quotation: “Teaching is a noble profession”. This is true
because teachers must exude favorable qualities and impart moral principles. We must
remember that teachers, more than anyone else, is judged by their character. So,
teachers should be the best that they can be.
November 11, 2022. In my last duty, I just realized that every student does not fit into
the same bubble, therefore, assessment tools should not always be kept the same. This
will allow me to gain a real understanding on what each can do. I will seek to find the extra
help and assistance for those students who are struggling in my class. I’ll strive to make
learning meaningful and a connective process bringing in some of their everyday lives
experiences into their learning in the classroom. I hope to inspire their interests’ and
curiosity in the materials they are studying and to extend their learning beyond the