Poll Responses School management team (SMT) (Principal & School governing body (SGB)) play a role in ICT integration at schools, mention 10 responsibilities SMT play in integrating ICT at schools Text in Green is lecturers’ comments Text in black “not bolded” is students’ responses. Managing the school as an organisation (This means taking care of the overall operational of the school with regard to ICT integration), Working with and for the community(SMT works closely with the community, this will include different stakeholders), Managing human resources (staff)(This includes all the teachers in the school, their usage of ICT, support and availability of human resource that is cable to integrate ICT in their teaching and learning) in the school and. Managing and advocating extra-mural activities (Mini workshops and creating any activities that will influence teachers to use ICT in their teaching and learning). * Achieving targets (Which target are you referring to? When you respond to questions make sure your answer is solid.) *Managing the use of financial(Yes, the SMT manage the school finances, the budget allocations to buy resources or to conduct training sessions, Installing the security to protect the resources teachers), human and material resources. Ensuring that management and administrative tasks are progressively more (Your statement is not wrong but be more specific, i.e “Ensuring that management and administrative tasks(managing funds, taking care of infrastructure, communicating with parents about assistance with devices where possible, providing training for teachers who do not have computer literacy skills) are progressively more”) Making facilities and resources available during school hours and after (Your statement refers to the role of the coordinator but the SMT is responsible to ensure that facilities are available at the school so that “the ICT coordinator can make the facilities and resources available during school hours and after”) Budgeting, costing and procurement (True, see some of my comments above) to support the progressive increase in the usage of ICTs in the school.(Excellent “support” the SMT ensures that purchasing new ICT tools and resources is possible at all times) to provide and maintain the basic infrastructure that supports ICT usage in the school. (It is the role of the SMT to insure that the classroom has enough resource to integrate ICT in teaching and learning, this would include things like better lighting, better internet, smartboard, computers and also safety of users from any harm the resource used my bring the end-userī¨And the ICT coordinator will control all of these features) Assist in developing code of conduct for learners. (This will mean the policy. Yes the ICT resources at school should be used under certain conditions so that they could be used for a longer time, if there are no rules then anyone can do as they please and is not allowed. Can you think of some conducts that the SMT will develop in terms of using ICT at school?) ".decide on what to buy (Not directly through but, they form part of decision based on the budget constraints that most schools have. Then the ICT coordinator decides on what to buy since they are more involved in instructional design) . assist in developing code of conduct for learners,(Read comment about code of conduct) Administer teaching and learning (In this case the HOD will be more directly involved on this role and the HOD as well can from part of the ICT committee as well, depended on how the school is structured) perform professional functions (Be more specific, all role players perform professional functions) .Manage Personnel (Read comments above) Schedule training (ICT coordinator) "Ensures literacy skills(This will be the responsibility of ICT coordinator) "Facilitates (Be more specific facilitates what?) Budget (Read comment above) Vision (The vision and implementation of ICT in teaching and learning relies more on SMT of the school) Policy () Ensures usage of resources (A good report from the ICT coordinator can assist the SMT to ensure usage of ICT resources as SMT manages human resources (Teachers)) Infrastructure(Read above) Manages ICT training (Role of ICT coordinator) For everyone to be helpful (Be more specific) To ensure that there is discipline (True, managing human resources and learners as well by also creating the ICT policy of the school as well they can achieve the goal of discipline) To ensure that teaching go smoothly (Role of HOD and ICT coordinator) Guide teachers (SMT can provide guidance in terms of motivating teachers to integrate ICT or to inform the school that the policy of the school says ICT should be integrated at all times when teaching and learning is conducted) facilities, budget, infrastructure ,vision ,policy, ensure usage of resources, ensure literacy skills (Role of ICT coordinator), communication with parents(Because of digital divide at times parents can be told that they should borrow children tablets for some school projects or Parents can be told to help assist learners on how to operate gadgets while they are at home etc), integrate ICT into teaching and learning (Directly not all SMT will do that, SGB is not allowed to teach, be careful how you structure your sentence ), schedule and manage ICT related training (Role of ICT Coordinator). Leading learners, giving rules to the school, for school to run smoothly, discipline,good environment, to show how things must be done, to govern the school, to ensure that everything is in order and to make sure that everyone feels free (Very good) 1.ict planing 2. Ict policy 3. Identify funding resources 4.schedule training 5.identify and select educational software involved in e-learning activities 6. Assist teachers with lessons plans 7. Recommend ict tools 8. Monitor ict usage throughout the school 9. Monitor how ict is used 10 provide technical back up (No this is the role of the ICT coordinator)