ROADMAP CONSIDERATIONS Your Nurse Entrepreneur Roadmap demonstrates the application of the PDSA improvement process for the specific quality challenge that the organization has contracted your Consulting team to assist them with during this calendar year. The first two parts of the PDSA (the Plan & Do) phase should be evident in your roadmap. The Plan (P) Step 1: Recruit the Team by considering who should be on the team from the organization and/or from the community at large. Your roadmap should outline the team members, their roles and their qualifications. Step 2: Develop the Aim Statement by attempting to answer the following questions: 1. What are we trying to accomplish? 2. How will we know that a change is an improvement? 3. What changes can we make that will result in an improvement? Step 3: Describe the current context and process. Provide information on the geographic and population characteristics that influence the problem and/or the proposed improvement. Consider & illustrate the type of healthcare data analytic methods that would be valuable to apply such as a fishbone diagram or a swim lane map or a workflow diagram (examples only). Step 4: Describe the Problem (the quality challenge). Using the aim statement created in Step 2, state the desired accomplishments, data and information required in order to measure how the organization meets or does not meet goals. Consider whether any benchmark information is available, that can guide this assessment (local, regional, state or national level publicly available data). Then write a problem statement clearly summarize the team's consensus on the problem. You may find it helpful to prioritize problems, if your team has identified more than one, and/or include a justification with scholarly citations on why the team chose these particular quality challenges. Using a SWOT analysis to identify the organization’s internal and external strengthens, weakness, opportunities and threats that can aide or hinder the organization’s success in achieving its QI Aim. The SWOT assessment refers to the organization as a “whole” and not any particular intervention that may be considered. Eizaga Rebollar et al. (2020) provides a good example of a SWOT assessment in healthcare. 1 ROADMAP CONSIDERATIONS Step 5: Identify Causes and Alternatives Refer back to the Problem statement, using healthcare data analytics such as the swim lane mapping, or the workflow process diagram or some others, identify the causes contributing to the quality challenge (examples only). Consider whether these causes relate to the lack of applying evidence-based interventions or care paths. Describe some of the potential interventions that might achieve the QI Aim that will be the bases of the team’s Action plan. Those that are evidence-base should have supporting references from the published literature. In addition, discuss how these interventions would support the IOM Six Aims. The DO (D): Step 1: Discuss the recommendations on how to implement the various interventions and measure their impact during this initial pilot phase. Step 2: What type of data would they collect and how would they collect the data for the analysis of the effectiveness of these various interventions? Note This assignment can be a word document, infographic or a power point presentation. Be sure to include scholarly citations and references to support your consulting firm’s work. 2 ROADMAP CONSIDERATIONS Eizaga Rebollar, R., García Palacios, M. V., Fernández Mangas, M. D. C., Arroyo Fernández, F. J., Márquez Rodríguez, C. M., Carnota Martín, A. I., . . . Torres Morera, L. M. (2020). Strengths-WeaknessesOpportunities-Threats Analysis for a Pediatric Anesthesia Program. Pediatric quality & safety, 5(1), e254. doi:10.1097/pq9.0000000000000254 3