rESr coDE FORM TP 2023005 JANUARY 2023 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS CARIBBE AI{ ONDARY E DU CATION EXAMINATION SE C 012120201 COUNCIL CE RTIT' TCATH,!! CHEMISTRY Paper 02 - General Proficiency 2 ltours 30 minutes RSAD THE T'OLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This paper consists of SIX questions in TWO sections. Answer ALL questions. 2. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet. 3. Do NOT write in the margins. 4. Where appropriate, 5. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer questions. ALL WORKING MUST BE SHOWN inthis booklet. 6. If you need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the original page, you must use the extra lined page(s) provided at the back of this booklet. Remember to draw a line through your original answer. 7. If you use the extra page(s) you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the question pari beside the answer. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright @ 2A19 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. lotztzo2o tJt csl.c 2023 I rilrii [IlIllillJtlllillJtil[lilIJlitIIili ll[]til |lil F: -4- FIOTHINC HAS BEEI{ OMITTED. GO ON TO THE NE,XT PAGE a1212020lJlcsEC 2023 rulil lIlilllllllllll]illillil lllll]iill!!lli lllll illl llll J -5SECTION A :_-:s-_ AnswerALL questions. DO NOT spend more than 30 minutes on Question (a) 1. 1. Students were required to prepare a sample of the normal salt produced when aqueous sodium hydroxide reacts with dilute sulfuric acid. (i) Define the term 'normal salt'. (2 marks) (ii) Identifl, ONE other type of salt that can be formed from the reaction between dilute sulfuric acid and aqueous sodium hydroxide. (1 mark) :a_--. -:r*: = - CO ON TO TT{I-] NEX'| PAGE 0l:21202Atl|CSEC 2023 L I l[iti lIlil illrrlill{l1ryillll|IJlll Illli lItilliti ffi t -6(b) The normal salt was produced by conductiflg a dilute solution of a titration' The students were provided with 4'9 g dm-' of sulfuric acid 5 g of sodium hYdroxide methyl orange indicator' A and B' The titration results for Parl A They carried out the procedure outlined in Parts are presented in Figure 1' of a normal salt and answer the Review the procedure in Part A for the preparation questions that follow. Part A - Procedure 1. the volumetric ffask and add distilled water Place 5 g of sodium hydroxide solution in 2. and transfer the solution to Pipette 25 cm3of thp sodium hydroxide solution flask. a sodium hydroxide solution in the Add 2 droPs of methYl orange indicator to the to make 250 cm3 of solution' a conical conical flask. 4. solution until place the sulfuric acid in the burette and titrate the sodium hydroxide the end point is reached. 5. obtained' Repeat Steps 2-4 until consistent results are ,,8 I Hl ,r[.:,1 Initial Titration Final Initial Final Titration 1 2 (Rough) Figure 1. Burette readings GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212020lIlcsBc 2023 I iilil illillill lffi lilll lllll lllll llill ffi illl lil llll -7 (D Complete Table 1 - by using the readings shown in Figure 1 on page 6. TABLE 1: TITRATION OF SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION WITH SULFURIC ACID Burette Reading/cm3 Titration 1 Titration 2 Titration 3 Final reading initial reading Volume of acid used (9 marks) (ii) (iii) In Table 1, indicate using asterisks (*), the titration volumes that will be used to (1 rnark) calculate the average volume of sulfuric acid. Calculate the average volume of sulfuric acid used in the titration. (1 mark) (iv) Part B Complete the procedure for Part B by stating the steps required to obtain a dry sample of the normal salt. - Procedure 1. Pipette 25 cm3 of the sodium hydroxide solution and transfer the solution to a conical flask. 2. Using the burette, add the volume of sulfuric acid used to neutralize the base from Part A to the sodium hydroxide solution in the conical flask. J. 4. (2 marks) GO O].iI TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212020lllcsBc 2023 t_ I l fiil liilr rllll ilililll o1?1202007 llllfl Iilil itili lllli illli llli ffi -8(v) formation of the normal write a balanced equation, including state symbols, for the salt from sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide' i;";;; (vi) neutralize the sodium hydroxide' calculate the number of moles of sulfuric acid used to (MolarmaSS:sulfuricacid:98g/mol;sodiumhydroxide:40gimol) (2 marks) (vii) reaction' calculate the mass of the normal salt expected from the :32') S (R.A.M. Na =23 A: 16; is'*utrtO (viii) g' Suggest oNE possible The actual mass of salt obtained by the student was 0.09 salt and the mass obtained' reason for the difference in the expected mass of the (1 mark) Total25 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0t212o20lJlcsEc 2023 I llllil llll J t,, -9MAII{ active ingredients in chlorine bleach is the oxidizing agent, sodium hypochlorite (NaClO). By adding sodium hypochlorite to water, hypochlorous acid (HOCI) is formed, One ofthe according to the equation below. NaCIO + H2O --+ HOCI + NaOH (a) State ONE use of bleach in the laundering of clothing. (1 mark) (b) Define EACH of the following terms. (i) Oxidizing agent (1 mark) (ii) Oxidation (1 mark) (c) Deduce the oxidation number of Cl in the fonnula NaClO. (3 rnarks) - \. \*, GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 011212020lJ|CSEC , : L 2023 r flilil lil] illfl iiil ilil iltiltfl o1?1202009 illli ilili ililIiillffil - Ffl f------l f----_-l td F-.-.-r-l -10- t-,.1 L"l [=l l.- -----l (d) acid (HOCI) as shown in the hypochlorous. Chlorine gas also reacts with water to form ion' C1-' ;;;;;,"" 6"lo* u,ro i, -tti"t1 the Clr' has become a chioride C12 (i) tl t-.fl fc L--rl t---lrl + H2O --+ H* + Cl- + HOCI tH -El f of Cl for the process? What is the change in oxidation number l:--A t---t frli F--tl lr{l t-l t-\ t--t l---E (2 marks) t-n tiF? r-'_: FI (ii) Whichprocessoccurredwhenthechlorinegas'Cl,'becameachlorineion'Cl-? l-+ t-i:: [-'--: l= f--: f --. t= f-1 f-L'-: t-_: t--f-a (1 rnark) (iii) [-: r1 t:: i-F-: r_a t-.. t-.! gas' Describe a simple laboratory test for chlorine t-- f--. lr. t_: l-l f-: fi--. l-j F- i.: J.: Fl li-, f-: t-' l... 1- (2 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE }12l2az}lllcsBc 2023 llill lllli lllil illli lilil illii lllli illi I 1i (e) ..4. ..S. .:EA. -+r' A more natural altemative to chlorine bleach is the use of detergents which release hydrogen peroxide in water. The bleaching action of hydrogen peroxide is also a redox reaction and is represented by the foliowing equation. zHrar@g)'-+ ZHra(l + Or(g) '+r-- ::ts[-: ,k: _---l:ri... During one stage of the reaction, Hr0r(ad is converted to HrO(/). Show the changes in the oxidation number for oxygen in HrO,(aq) and HrO(/), and deduce whether this is an oxidation or reduction reaction. .-i:i-i,--t{.t ----F+l .S+. .;-.. :-ht: :[:. rx: ---\r)-: :--+l :i:jjji- .:= :jjji= :i,:--::: aaaaaaa, :jjji= ..."....:.....,... --*t- (4 marks) :S.: Total 15 marks -r|{-i. .E{. -k. .{+l rtii+i. .TE:.: :-FCi :_JaE -' ..t*.t tE': ::i{-:- .--A-- :,Et-" ..= ...= ..= ..-= :aaaaa- GO Obi 'fO THE NEXT PACE 0t2t2020tJtcsEC 2423 L l Iflil tilil lfit lll] rffi lilfiffi o121202A11 iltil lltil tru ll] ffit -- -t2- 3. (a) the term Cracking is a very important process in the petroleum industry. What is meant by 'cracking'? ii;;) (b) CompoundA (C4H8) and Compound B (C4H10) are both hydrocarbons that can be obtained from cracking' (i) (ii) State the names of Compound A and Compound ComPound A ComPound B'........"... B' ."........... (2 marks) Draw the FULLY displayed structure of Compound A' (2 rnarks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE u2l2A2AlJ|CSF.C 2023 i llilil illl lfll lllll lflI lill lllll ffiIl lilll ffi llll llll .-'....-..-.: = _-aa:::1 ::r= ::....- ta - lJ - jjjjji-: :,-.- (iii) ..*_. ---+i+: State the homologous series to which Compound B belongs. -A+-l -'. -l r:la. rr.E+ l -\t: fr{-iHa': (1 mark) 2r '-.\1: ::i-:-:. ----Fl- i-lsi-: (iv) r'Er: Describe briefly ONE test that could be used to distinguish between Compound A and Compound -;- .': '-',ht: B. Write the expected observations. .]!ri: Test -/-.-:. r-Hr-l jjji- ;==: :jjji= i.i= jji.-: ---t:Y-: rl+: r-g: :-:p{:i -:{iif-: -i-!ii: -:{f,+i :1-f - --: i-: r:E+. l++, 'tSi--. -\i-. .p<. ---a:: ::*:: :'hi,:. ---!51-1 (3 marks) E.l ia-: -\*: ---j{F (c) i= Compound B (CoHrJ can exist as structural isomers. (i) i--i--i_: i= Define the term'structural isomers'. :--_-_,_:i, :::--:_i: :-_,_-_,___,4 .'.+-l :*l (2 marks) :.r{:t _--Ti_ -:-%:-l --Ai--,-J-[] |iiLl -.h---l .>.. ..\-. rrii. -.frt. "a i-X'-l i.t*.i :-A--l -- aa- -'--=r-: _-:H: ::a-il= I= := GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0l2na20/IlcsEc L 2023 I ffitil 1ilil tllll fiil fill rililtfi 0121202013 i|ili ilIil ilIll ilil lllr -14- (ii) In the space provided below, draw FULLY displayed structures of TWO isomers of Compound B" Isomer 1 fsomer 2 (2 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a1212020lI1CSEC 7023 i lililt [itililt]liltill]ill lIfl l]lll f!Iil]Jlli fl i llll -15- (d) Compound A burns in oxygen with a sooty flame. Write a balanced chemical equation for the complete combustion of Compound A in excess oxygen. (2 marks) Total 15 marks GO ON TOTHE NEXT PAGE 0l 2t2020/JtcsEC L 2023 I lillll lill lilll lltl ililt tililtffi llilllil] o121202015 lllil lttitil -16SECTION B AnswerALL questions' (a) (i) of carbon' Define the term'allotrope'' Graphite and diamond are two allotropes (1 mark) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, o12l2}20lIlcsEC 2023 I tilll |ilil flllillfii lllll lll1l lllll lill lliil ilil l11l llll -t7 (ii) - Draw the lattice structures for diamond and graphite. Diamond (3 rnarks) (Jraphite (3 rnarks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 011212A20/I/CSEC L 2A23 r llilil ilril{llurIlfl ryillllllJlilIlrilfl il f 1 iilr r -18(b)Likemetals,graphitecanconductelectricitybutdiamondcannot. (i) but diamond does Explain, in terms of bonding, why graphite conducts electricity not. (2 marks) (ii) Describe the bonding present in metals' (2 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212020lIlcsBc 2023 l lilir lrtil illllllllllliulll illill]lilllllllllllllillll _19_ (c) Sodium chloride is solid at room temperature. (D Sketch the lattice structure for sodium chloride. Sodium chloride (3 marks) (ii) Which type of bonding exists in sodium chloride? (1 mark) Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012t2020t1/csEC 2023 L i riliilIllri{il1$ti1ltuiltlllruilt [I1ilIltlJill iilt -24 5. (a) -l - Ethene undergoes a halogenation reaction to form 1,2-dibromoethane. (i) Draw the FULLY displayed structure of ethene' Ethene (2 marks) (ii) Write the molecular formula for 1,2-dibromoethane. (l CO aDl2AzAlJ|CSEC 2023 r iilril [iiltiltiltil ilillfiilllfi lllllllilliillllillllll ON mark) O T}{I] NEXT T,ACI] -21 (iii) - Draw the FULLY displayed structure of 1,2-dibromoethane. 1,2-dibromoethane (2 marks) (iv) State whether the halogenation of ethene is an addition or substitution reaction. (1 mark) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0i 2t2020lJtcsEc 2023 L i ifitil til] r|ll! ilt ilil ililI flfi iltil llil iffl il] llil o'i212tJ2021 7- 1,) (b) place in two steps' Dibromomethane can be obtained from methane" This reaction takes of Write balanced chemical equations to show EACH step in the formation (D dibromomethane. Step 1 Step 2 (4 marks) (i reaction' state whether the halogenation of methane is an addition or substitution i) (1 mark) (c) materials for making Ethene and propene are $zpical monomers which are used as starting polymers. fn forming poiy-*.r, ethene and propene undergo addition polymerization' (i) Define the term 'PolYmer'. (1 mark) (i i) Define the tem 'addition polymerization'' (1 mark) (iii) State ONE use of EACH of the following polymers' Polyvinyl chloride Teflon (2 marks) Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012t2021lllcsBc 2423 l rllilI ilil xilll]lllllilllltl ll]llll]li llll l -23 (a) 6. I \ The most abundant gas in the air by volume is nitrogen. List ONE physical property and ONE chemical property of nitrogen. Physical property =i !*i. Chemical property (2 marks) (b) When gases are produced in a school laboratory, there are THREE main methods in which they can be collected: upward delivery, downward delivery and displacement of water. (i) List the TWO factors that should be considered when choosing an appropriate method for the collection of gases in the laboratory. (2 marks) (i i) State which ONE of the three methods is best suited for the collection of ammonia gas in the laboratory. Explain why EACH of the other two methods would NOT be appropriate. (5 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a __-,--__--l _1_-r E =------a-: tsi ts-: E.-:: 412 12A20lilCSEC 2023 L i illril Illl lilillllli llllllllll llil a121202023 lill llil iillI ilil ffii -24 (c) - preparation of dry Draw a labelled diagram of the apparatus which could be used for the ammonia in the laboratory. to be used and the Ensure that you identify on your diagram the location of the reagents drying and collection areas of the ammonia gas' (4 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212020lJ1CSEC 2023 l llllfl ljilullllJilulll p llll (d) Ammonia is rnainly used in fertilizers such as ammonium nitrate. Explain how nitrate fertilizers can be harmful to the environrnent. (2 marks) Total 15 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TBST. 0t2t2020lJic_-sEC 2A23 i ililil illl ilililiil iil! ililr ilil o1?12A20?.5 rllil ilil! iilti lili |lil I