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Nginx Explained: Easy Steps for Web Server Optimization

Developer Tips
Ron Fybish
Easy Steps
Developer Tips
Ron Fybish
Bob had always been a
savvy businessman
Bob started his own
online store, and it
was doing well
Developer Tips
Ron Fybish
Bob's website got 10,000
visitors in one day
The server couldn't handle all the
traffic, and it crashed!
Developer Tips
Ron Fybish
The main problem
that web servers commonly face
were heavy loads
More connections
Less preformence
Developer Tips
Ron Fybish
Luckily for Bob, he had
heard about Nginx
A web server with different features
to handle this problem
Developer Tips
Ron Fybish
Nginx can efficiently distribute
requests among multiple
processors and memory caches
Without Nginx (Server Crashes)
Developer Tips
Ron Fybish
Which means it can handle significantly
more connections than traditional web
With Nginx (Distribute the Load)
http: 4001
http: 4002
http: 4003
Developer Tips
Ron Fybish
Bob quickly installed
Nginx on his server
and was back up and
running in no time!
Developer Tips
Ron Fybish
Bob's website continued to
experience record traffic
And Bob could keep up with demand thanks to
Nginx's powerful performance capabilities
Developer Tips
Ron Fybish
Developer Advocate
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Ron Fybish