IT1 Spreadsheet Modelling (Section B of the examination) Use the following table to make revision notes for section B of the exam. You will have to give full answers, including cell references, what the formula/function does and possible outcomes, in order to score full marks – see specimen/past papers for examples. It would be useful if you annotate a copy of the spreadsheet with brief notes as well. You exam answers must relate to your own spreadsheet not general descriptions and must be clearly evidenced in the submitted spreadsheet. What could be asked USER REQUIREMENTS What is the purpose of your spreadsheet? What will it be used for? How will it be used? DESIGN and IMPLEMENTATION Group A – they could ask for two in the exam: – SUM – COUNT – MAX – MIN – AVERAGE - RAND Group B –they could ask for two in the exam: – SINGLE IF What you have used Describe how used/purpose The purpose of my spreadsheet is to calculate the cost of a Meat orders from a Meat delivery company The spreadsheet will be used for choosing the meat and quantity required, as well as whether delivery is needed. It will calculate the cost. Sum Sum formula to add E12, E13, E14, E15, E16 (cost column, which meat calculates cost of meat chosen with the weight required) on meat order sheet. Value to appear in cell E18 (total meat cost) on meat order sheet. Count Count formula to count the number of entries between cells F4 and F20 (total cost column, on Order sheet) to count the total amount of orders made and return the value in cell J5 (orders placed) Count IF formula to count the amount of Y’s (yes) between G4 and G20 (paid column on Orders sheet) to count the amount of orders paid and return a value in cell J7(orders paid) Count IF – – – MULTIPLE IF DATE ROUND Date Today formula to show today’s date in cell C4 on meat order sheet If IF formula to add delivery cost to meat cost if needed. If the tick box (delivery needed) is checked it will return the value TRUE in cell G4 (on the meat order sheet) if it does show TRUE then F6 which shows a constant £10.00 (standard delivery price) will be added to E18 (Total meat cost) and the subsequent value will appear in cell I16 (sub Total). If G4 (on meat order sheet) shows FALSE then the value of E18 (total meat cost) will be shown in I16 (Sub Total) Sum If Sum IF formula to work out the amount of money not paid. If the value of a cell between cells G4 to G20 (paid column on orders sheet) is equal to ‘N’ (no) then it looks in cells F4 and F20 (total cost) for the value which is in the same row, it will then add the value of all the unpaid orders and return a value in cell J11 (amount owed) Other formulae used in your spreadsheet (probably won’t ask for more than 2 so include 4/5 here) Multiple sheets and 3D links Simplification of data entry drop down list boxes Multiply Formula to times C12 (weight) by D12 (price per Kg) on the meat order sheet and return value in E12 (cost) Divide Formula to divide I16 (Sub total) by K8 (customer discount) on the meat order sheet and return the value in cell I18 (grand total) Formula to repeat the content of C4 (Order date) from the meat order sheet and return the value in cell B14 (order date) on the receipt sheet 3D referencing Drop down list boxes I have used 5 sheets (title, meat order, receipt, orders, data) Drop down list box used to give a choice of meat. Used over cell • Lists Spinners logical True or False or Tick Boxes or Option boxes lookup or vlookup or hlookup tables A12 (on data entry sheet) list is linked to table ‘meat’ (on data sheet) and taken from column index number 2 (Veg) Lists List used for customer discount (covering cells I4 to I6). List is linked to the table ‘customer’ (on the data sheet) and choices are taken from index column 2(type of customer). Output value to K4 Tick Box Tick box used on meat order sheet to find out if delivery is needed (covers cell F4). Outputs the value of either ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’ depending on whether the box is ticked and returns the value in cell G4 to be used in an IF statement in I16 (sub total) to find out if delivery is needed. VLookup Ease of use and professionalism • startup user interface • data entry forms • Control buttons should be used to initiate macros. e.g. navigation / print/ data transfer Startup User interface Data entry forms VLookup function to find the price per kg of the chosen meat. Look up the value of B12 (output from the chosen veg) in the meat table (on data sheet) and return value from column 3 and show value in D12 (price per kg) Used a menu page (title sheet) to guide the user into the spreadsheet and it makes it easy to get started. I have used a button with a macro to the next sheet (meat order) to make it instinctive for the user. I have merged cells D4 to I17 as a central title on the page, I have also given it a dark red background to make the title stand out. Control buttons Used a data entry form (meat order sheet) to make the customers’ requests easily entered into the database Used macros to ease navigation from page to page and to save time with a macro to print the receipt sheet. Error trapping e.g. validation techniques and error messages produced NOT spinners or lists Validation Processing • sorting techniques • Search for specific criteria e.g. single and multiple criteria Sorting Searching Searching used with auto filter on order sheet in cells A4 to A20 (name column) to search for a specific name and only show that persons data on the sheet Use of graphs such as bar or column Graph graphs, line graphs, pie charts, scatter graphs, pictographs EVALUATION What worked? Some aspects of the spreadsheet or system which could be improved Future developments to the spreadsheet or system Validation used to limit the input range of cells C12 to C16 (weight column on Meat order sheet) to a range of between 1 – 12. If it is outside these limits then it is rejected and the message ‘must be between 1 & 12’ will appear. Validation has been used to decrease the margin of error in data entry through less typing. Sorting used on cells F4 to F20 (total cost column on orders sheet) on all the orders to sort the amounts from largest to smallest (making £145 move to the top). Pie chart has been used on order sheet to show the amount of orders paid (from cell J7) compared to the amount of orders not paid (from cell J9). The chart has the title ‘Orders paid’ and has the labels ‘Paid’ and ‘not paid’ next to the corresponding section of the pie chart. I think that each one of the macros worked very well as they all achieve their objectives perfectly The drop down lists for choosing veg and there corresponding Vlookups work very well I think that the graph should have percentages on because it needs to have a more clear meaning with the use of facts and figures If I was to make the spreadsheet again I would use pastel coloured backgrounds to highlight the different areas of the sheets (especially the veg order sheet) and make it easier to use and navigate Remember: You will also have some theory questions on simulation and modelling in this section You are advised to spend 45 minutes on section B