OUR LADY OF FATIMA UNIVERSITY College of Pharmacy LEGAL PHARMACY AND ETHICS (PLPE 311) Week 13: Module 15 Generics Act of 1988, RA 6675 UNIT OUTCOMES: ▷ Demonstrate knowledge on Generics Act of 1988 (RA 6675). ▷ Identify the laws that amends RA 6675. ▷ Identify the different prescription errors. ▷ Summarize the General Provisions, Statement of Policy, and Important terms. ▷ Enumerate the Rules and Regulations, Prohibited Acts and Penalties of RA 6675. ▷ 2 UNIT OUTLINE: Section 1. Title Section 2. Statement of Policy Section 3. Definition of Terms Section 4. The Use of Generic Terminology for Essential Drugs and Promotional Incentives Section 5. Posting and Publication UNIT OUTLINE: Section 6. Who will use Generic Terminology Section 7. Provision on Quality, Manufacturer’s Identity and Responsibility. Section 8. Required Production. Section 9. Rules and Regulation. Section 10. Authority to Import. UNIT OUTLINE: Section 11. Education Drive Section 12. Penalty CHECKLIST: ◎ Read required course notes in RA 6675. ◎ Attend and proact ively part icipate on t he Online Lect ure. TERM INOLOGIES: Generic Name / Generic Terminology The identification of drugs and medicines by their scientifically and internationally recognized active ingredients or by their official generic name as determined by the FDA of the Department of Health. TERM INOLOGIES: Brand Name The proprietary name given by the manufacturer to distinguish its product from those of competitors. NOTES: GENERICS ACT OF 1988 RA 6675 GENERICS ACT OF 1988 RA 6675 A p p r ove d d at e : September 13, 1988 AN ACT TO PROMOTE, REQUIRE AND ENSURE THE PRODUCTION OF AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY, DISTRIBUTION, USE AND ACCEPTANCE OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES IDENTIFIED BY THEIR GENERIC NAMES. Section 2. Statement of Policy To promote, encourage and require t he use of gener ic ter minology Section 2 To ensure t he adequate supply of dr ugs wit h gener ic names at t he lowest possible cost Section 2 • To encourage the ex tensive use of drugs wit h gener ic names t hrough rat ional system of procurement and dist r ibut ion • To emphasize t he scient ific basis for t he use of dr ugs, in order t hat healt h professionals may become more aware and cogniz ant of t heir t herapeut ic ef fect iveness • To promote dr ug saf et y by minimiz ing duplicat ion in medicat ions and/or use of dr ugs wit h potent ially adver se dr ug interact ions. Section 4. The Use of Generic Term inology for Essential Drugs and Prom otional Incentives I n t he promot ion of t he gener ic names for phar maceut ical product s,special considerat ion shall be given to dr ugs and medicines which are included in t he Essent ial Dr ugs List. Section 4. The exclusive use of gener ic ter minology in t he manufact ure, market ing and sales of drugs and medicines, part icular ly t hose in t he Essent ial Dr ugs List. Section 5. Posting and Publication The Depart ment of Healt h shall publish annually in at least t wo (2) newspapers of general circulat ion in t he Philippines t he gener ic names, and t he cor responding brand names under which t hey are marketed, of all dr ugs and medicines availablein t he Philippines. Section 6. Who will use Generic Term inology Section 6. Any organiz at ion or company involved in t he manufact ure, importat ion, repacking, market ing and/or dist r ibut ion of dr ugs and medicines shall indicate prominent ly t he gener ic name of t he product. Section 7. Provision on Quality, Manufacturer’s Identity and Responsibility. Name and Country of Manufacture Dates of Manufacture and Expiration Section 8. Required Production. S ubj ect to t he r ules and regulat ions promulgated by t he S ecretar y of Healt h, ever y dr ug manufact ur ing company operat ing in t he Philippinesshall be required to produce, dist r ibute and make available to t he general public t he medicine it produces, in t he for m of gener ic dr ugs. Section 11. Education Drive Section 12. Penalty Any person who shall violate S ec.6 of t his Act shall: st 1Convict ion REPRIMAND Section 12. Penalty Any person who shall violate S ec.6 of t his Act shall: nd 2 Convict ion NLT P2,000.00 but NMT P5,000.00 Section 12. Penalty Any person who shall violate S ec.6 of t his Act shall: 3r d Convict ion NLT P5,000.00 but NMT P10,000.00 S uspension for 30 days Section 12. Penalty Any person who shall violate S ec.6 of t his Act shall: th 4 Convict ion and NLT P10,000.00 S uspension for 1 year or longer Section 12. Any j ur idical personwho violates S ec 6(c), 6 (d), 7 or 8 shall: Penalt y: NLT P5,000.00 but NMT P10,000.00 And S uspension or revocat ion of license to operate Section 12. Any j ur idical personwho violates S ec 6(c), 6 (d), 7 or 8 shall: Penalt y: NLT P5,000.00 but NMT P10,000.00 And S uspension or revocat ion of license to operate Or impr isonment of NLT 6 mont hs NMT 1 year Departm ent Memo 2009-0009 • Gener ics Only Prescr ibing • Is sued on J anuar y 7, 2009 • This prohibit s gover nment physicians to prescr ibe branded medicines. • A.O. 62 s. 1989 • S ubj ect : Rules and Regulat ions to I mplement Prescr ibing Requirement s under RA 6675 Sec 3. 1. Gener ic names shall be used i n al l pr escr i pt i ons. 2. The gener ic name must be w r i t t en i n f ul l but t he salt may be abbreviated. 3. The gener ic name of t he dr ug must be cl ear l y w r i t t en on t he prescr ipt ion immediately after t he Rx symbol Sec 4. • I NCORRECT PRESCRI PTI ONS 1. Erroneous prescr ipt ion 2. Violat ive prescr ipt ion 3 . I mpossible prescr ipt ion 1. Erroneous prescr ipt ion 2. Violat ive prescr ipt ion “NO S UBS TI TUTI ON” 3. I mpossible prescr ipt ion A.O. 90 s. 1990 • S ubj ect : Amendment to A.O. 62 s. 1989 • Rules and Regulat ions to I mplement Prescr ibing Requirement s A.O. 90 s. 1990 • As amended A.O. 62, per mit s t he wr it ingof t he gener ic names of more t han one dr ug product in one prescr ipt ion for m. A.O. 63 s. 1989 • S ubj ect : Rules and Regulat ions to I mplement Dispensing Requirement s under RA 6675. Sec 4. Guidelines on what to do with violative, erroneous, and im possible Rx • Violat ive and impossible Rx . • The prescr ipt ions shall be kept and reported by t he phar macist or ot her interested part ies to t he nearest DOH office for appropr iate act ion. Sec 4. • Erroneous Rx • The prescr ipt ions shall be filled, but it shall also be kept and reported to t he nearest DOH office for appropr iateact ion. Sec 5. Violations on the part of dispensers and outlets • I mposing a part icular brand or product on t he buyer • I naccurate dispensing • Failure to post or make accessible required up- to- date info on dr ug product • Failure to adequately infor m t he buyer on available product s t hat meet t he prescr ipt ion. Sec 5. Violations on the part of dispensers and outlets • Failure to indicate t he gener ic name • Failure to record and keep prescr ipt ions filled. • Failure to report to t he nearest DOH office cases of violat ive, er roneous, and/or wrong prescr ipt ions wit hin 3 mont hs after receipt of such prescr ipt ions. Sec 5. Violations on the part of dispensers and outlets • Failure to report to t he nearest DOH office cases of violat ive,er roneous, and/or wrong prescr ipt ions wit hin 3 mont hs after receipt of such prescr ipt ions. REFERENCE: ◉ Tubon, N. (2018). Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence and Ethics. Maxcor Publishing House Inc. Thanks! Any questions? You can find me at: