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The Complete Guide to Divorce Laws and Procedures in India

The Complete Guide to
Divorce Laws and Procedures
in India
Marriages may seem like a fairy tale, but sometimes they
become a nightmare. Divorce is a legal process that terminates
a marital union. It involves a lot of emotions and complex
procedures. In India, the laws and policies for divorce vary based
on religion, which can be overwhelming for anyone considering a
divorce. This guide will help you understand the different types
of divorce, the procedures involved, and how to choose the best
lawyer for your case.
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What is a Divorce?
A divorce is a legal procedure that brings an end to a marriage. It
can be initiated by either spouse or by mutual consent. In India,
divorces are regulated by personal laws that vary based on
religion. These personal laws govern the grounds for divorce,
the procedures involved, and the maintenance and custody of
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What are the Different Types
of Divorce?
India has three types of divorces: civil, criminal,
and religious.
Civil divorce is common and based on civil laws like Hindu
Marriage Act, Special Marriage Act, and Indian Divorce
Act. Grounds for divorce include cruelty, adultery,
desertion, mental illness, and irretrievable marriage
Criminal divorce is based on criminal laws, which involve
filing a criminal complaint against a spouse for committing a
crime such as domestic violence or dowry harassment. This
type of divorce is less common and can be a lengthy
Religious divorce follows personal laws for different
religions. Muslim law has three types: talaq (by
husband), khula (by wife), and mubarat (mutual).
Christian law allows divorce on grounds like adultery,
desertion, cruelty, and incurable mental illness.
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How to Choose the Best
Divorce Lawyer for Your Case
Choosing the right lawyer can differentiate between a
successful or failed divorce. Here are some tips on how to
select the best lawyer for your case:
Look for a lawyer
experienced in handling
divorce cases in your
religion with a good track
Research the lawyer's
reputation, reviews, and
testimonials from
previous clients.
A good lawyer should be
able to answer your
questions and keep you
informed about the
progress of your case.
Discuss the lawyer's fees
and payment terms
upfront to avoid surprises
Try to find a divorce
lawyer near you.
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What to do now?
Divorce can be a challenging process that involves emotions
and legal procedures. Understanding the different types of
divorce, the procedures involved, and choosing the best lawyer
for your case can make the process less stressful.
If you are looking for the best divorce lawyer in Delhi, look no
further than Karuna Sharma. With years of experience handling
divorce cases across religions, she can guide you through the
legal procedures and ensure a smooth divorce process. Contact
her today at "+918851459843" or visit
"https://karunasharma.com" to schedule a consultation.