DESTINATION B1 n1 Compiled by OTTO CHANNEL TỔNG TöNG HỢP HOP NGỮ VỰNG NGÜ PHÁP PHÅp & & TỪ VIJNG Otto Channel Sử Sü' dụng dung kèm kém Video Video trên trén YouTube YouTube Grammar Grammar Idioms Idioms Word pattern Word pattern … Phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs Word Word form form Otto Trung thân Otto Trung thån tặng täng các cåc bạn ben tự tV học! hQC! Teach from Teach from not not from from LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG DÄNH CHO HSG LOP 6 c) Néu döng tü' nguyén äm, EX: cö MOT am tiét, tan cüng am MOT phu am, lå cu6i thém rbi shop — shopped CHUYÉN Bl truöc phu MOT äm lå "i", chüng "-ed" tap — tapped Cö 1 våi tü' khöng thuöc quy tåc trén EX: commit — committed travel — travelled prefer stop — stopped I-II-YONG THI Dö TU(JNG 7 8 cÖ TRINH cån nhån döi phu ta HSG & DINI-I THI Lu'u V: d) Döng qiCp to tan cüng må truöc y lå "y" "nguyén am" "e" "u" "o" "a" lå nquyén vå thém ed. Néu truöc y vå thém ed thänh — preferred lå möt "phu am" thi chüng ta chuyén y ta i EX: enjoy — enjoyed EX: carry — play — played study carried stay — studied — stayed hurry — hurried cÅCH PHÅT AM ED 2.2. lid/ khi tån cüng cüa döng tü' lå /t/, /d/ EX: noted, added, decided. khi tan cüng cüa döng EX: watched, khi tan tü' lå /ch/, /s/, /x/, /sh/, /k/, /f/, /p/ coughed. fixed, cüng cüa döng tü' lå cåc phu am vå nguyén am cön lai EX: smiled, played. * Cåc tü' ngoqi 14: am Tip Phién aged /'eid3id blessed / 'blesid / crooked / 'krukid / cong, oän, vän veo dogged / 'dogid gan gåc, gan naked / 'neikid learned / 'la:nid / cÖ hoc thü'C, ragged / 'rægid råch tä toi, wicked / 'wikid wretched / 'retfid / If you wish to offer Bui me Nghia cao / lön tubi thån thånh, thiéng liéng / / tro / / a tu6i, trui, li, bén trån trubng tinh quåi, thöng thåi, ranh mänh, nguy hai tbi you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for uyén båc bü xü kh6n khb, bån cüng, for these bi your generosity! té here! HCM 8/ 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6 C) THI I-ISG 7 8 cÖ TRINH PREPOSITION PHRASES (CVM DUONG Bl DO Tij') Tü' vvng Nghia tiéng Viet 1. for a long time trong khoång thöi gian dåi 2. for fun 3. in the middle 4. in time 5. on CD/DVD/video trén 6. on stage lén Stt D) HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN & DINI-I tiéu khién (cho vui) ö (of) (for) Compiled b O CHANNEL chinh giCpa vü'a kip (lüc) bäng fia (CD/DVD/video) sän khåu WORD FORMATION (Tb' GIA DiNH) Stt Tü' gia dinh Tü' Ioai act act 1. (in)active athlete 2. (v) (adj) NghTa tiéng Viet dién, hånh döng (khöng) tich cuc, chü döng actor/actress (n) dién vién nam/nü' athlete (n) vän döng vién (dién athletic (adj) athletics kinh...) (thuöc) dién kinh athletic sports: children (n) tré childhood (n) thöi tho collection (n) bö suu tåp collector (n) nguöi suu tap (v) giåi (n) sw' giäi tri mön dién kinh con (s6 nhiéu) child 3. 4. åu collect tri, tiéu khién entertain 5. entertainment heroic hero 6. (adj) anh hüng, quå cåm hero (n) anh hüng, nam chinh heroine (n) nü' musical (adj) anh hüng thuöc music 7. 8. am nhac musical instrument (dung cu) musician (n) nhac sy player (n) nguöi choi playful (adj) play If you wish to offer Bui me a for these vui vé, khöi håi you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 16/ 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & D!NH HIJÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÄNH CHO HSG 6 7 8 cÖ TRINH Dö TU(JNG DUONG Bl sw' di (n) thuyén sailing 9. sailing club: clb sail (n) thüy thü (v) ca håt singer (n) ca sy singing (n) tiéng håt sailor sing 10. E) sing — sang — sung dua thuyén WORD PATTERNS (SY' KÉT HOP TO') Stt Tb' vvng Tip Ioai bored with 1. (adj) Nghia tiéng Viet chån nan vöi... The boys are bored with staying at home all day. crazy about 2. (adj) råt nhiét tinh Tom good 3. at (adj) is tåi giÖi Helen interested 4. in (adj) häo hü'ng crazy about football. (good at Sth is good quan tam vi keen on 5. (adj) keen on doing 6. popular with 7. feel like Sth häng I cåm listen to 8. thåy hü'ng thü astronomy. håi, nhiét tinh am keen on reading books. (adj) phb bién, nbi tiéng (v) cåm thåy thich, I (v) feel like cåm a complete fond of (v) tham 10. a book (by sb) about (n) möt cu6n såch (cüa 11. a fan of (n) möt nguöi häm 12. a (n) trån If game against you wish to offer Bui me a for these idiot. gia game d6i ai dö...) vé... mö cüa khång vöi you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you lå listening to folk music. in take part thåy nhu lång nghe I'm 9. at doing sth) Maths (doing Maths) at I'm interested in good // for your generosity! ai dÖ here! HCM 17 / 138 HSG & DIM-I HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN 8 cÖ TRINH DÖ TU(JNG DUONG Bl LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG DÄNH CHO HSG LOP 6 7. turn over 8. write C) låt down 7 nguqc (cåi gi) lai viét (ra giåy) PREPOSITION PHRASES (CVM GIOI STT Tü' THI vvng Tij') Nghia tiéng Viet 1. by heart thuöc löng, bång tåm löng 2. for instance vi 3. in conclusion tom 4. in fact thåt ra 5. in favour 6. in general D) du nhu.. lai. thi.. üng hö (of) nöi (ai / cåi gi), thién vé, nghiéng vé Chung WORD FORMATION (TO' GIA DiNH) Stt 1. Tip Tü' gia dinh begin begin brave 2. correct divide 3. educate 4. instruct 5. memory 6. If you wish Tü' loai — began — begun Nghia tiéng Viet (v) båt dåu beginner (n) nguöi båt dåu beginning (n) phån dåu (adj) düng cåm brave gan da, löng düng cäm bravery (n) sw' correction (n) sv chinh (in)correct (adj) scra (cho düng) (khöng) düng / chinh xåc divide (v) phän chia division (n) phép educate (v) giåo duc, education (n) sw' instruct (v) huöng dån instruction (n) sv huöng dån, instructor (n) nguöi huöng dån memory (n) tri memorise (v) ghi nhö memorial (n) dåi / to offer Bui me a for these chia, sw' giåo duc for löi chi dän nhö vat tu'öng niém you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you phän chia your generosity! here! HCM 27 / 138 LOP VIP.I -ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6 7 8 cÖ TRINH 7. 8. silent 9. E) silent simple HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN HSG & THI DO TIYCNG Bl dän (v) chi (n) sv tham khåo, chi dån im läng (adj) silence (n) silently (adv) mÖt cåch im läng simple (adj) don im läng sw' giån simplify (v) låm don giån hÖa simplicity (n) sw' don giån, dé dång WORD PATTERNS (SY' KÉT HOP TIP) Stt Tü' vvng Tb' loai Nghia tiéng Viet 1. capable of (adj) cö khå näng 2. talented at (adj) thién tåi vé. She 3. cheat 4. confuse Sth and 5. at/in is talented at music. (v) gian län (trong...) (v) bi continue with (v) tiép tuc 6. cope with (v) duong dåu 7. help (sb) with (v) giüp 8. know about (v) biét 9. learn about (v) tim hiéu (vé) / with nhåm län chuyén gi vöi chuyén gi vöi dö vé (cåi gi) 10. succeed in (v) thånh cöng (trong 11. an opinion about/of (n) y kién vé (cåi 12. a question about (n) möt cäu höi viéc... gi) vé (cåi gi) Compiled by OTTO CHANNEL If you wish to offer Bui me a you Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! he HCM 28 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6. 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl WORD FORMATION D) Stt 1. Tip Tü' gia dinh attract attract back 2. GIA DiNH) Tü' loai (v) (adj) attraction (n) choose cu6n, håp dän håp dän, thu hüt sw' löi lung (n, adj) backwards 3. löi attractive back Nghia tiéng Viet tut (adj) cu6n, håp dän (n)/ phia sau (adj) håu choose — chose — chosen (v) chon choice (n) sw' Iwa chon 4. comfort (un)comfortable 5. depart departure (n) sw 6. direct direction (n) phuong huöng 7. drive drive (v) låi (xe) (n) tåi xé (v) bay flight (n) chuyén bay travel traveller (n) ICY visit visitor (n) du khåch — drove — driven driver 8. fly fly 9. 10. — flew — flown WORD PATTERNS E) Stt (SV KÉT vvng Tü' 1. close to 2. famous 3. far 4. (khöng) thoåi måi (adj) gån vöi (adj) ndi tiéng (vé) (adj) xa late for (adj) tré 5. suitable for (adj) phü hop vöi 6. arrive at/in (v) töi 7. ask (sb) about (v) höi (ai dö) 8. ask for (v) yéu cåu vé 9. look at (v) nhin våo 10. prepare for (v) chuån 11. provide sb with (v) cung cåp (cho 12. wait for (v) chö doi If you wish to offer Bui me a khåch NghTa tiéng Viet (adj) from bén) HOP TIP) Tü' Ioai for röi khöi (xuåt for (vöi) (diém nåo dÖ) vé bi ai) cåi gi you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! I-ICM 36 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HI-PONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRiNH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 31. secret 32. strict 33. freedom 34. split 35. imagine tu do (n) Stt Tü' chia tay (v phr) tuöng tuong (v) PHRASAL VERBS (CVM B) nghiém khåc (adj) up vvng mat bi (n) TIP) Ngh7a tiéng Viet bring up nuÖi duöng (con cåi cho dén lön) 2. fall 3. get on (with) cö m6i quan hé 4. go out with hen hö 5. grow up truöng thånh 6. let 7. look after 8. split out (with) båt down thåt dbng (vöi ai), nghi choi vöi STT Tü' hÖa dbng vöi thånh ban (trö trai / ban gåi) vqng chäm söc két thüc up m6i quan hé, chia tay PREPOSITION PHRASES (CVM GIOI C) t6t, vvng TO') Nghia tiéng Viet minh (låm) 1. by yourself tu 2. common cÖ diém chung. 3. contact (with) 4. love (with) trong 5. on purpose c6 y (by mistake = vö 6. on your own tw chinh sü'C minh, tu minh låm (with) in vöi giü' lién lac in quan hé (ai) tinh O. cåm Y) WORD FORMATION (CVM GIOI TIP) D) Stt Tip gia dinh able admire 2. If you wish ability Tü' Ioai (n) Nghia tiéng Viet danh tü' disabled (adj) tan tat unable (adj) khöng thé admire (v) khäm phuc admiration (n) sw' to offer Bui me a thån phvc, khäm phvc you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! I-ICM 42 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINH HIJÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LÖP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl care 3. careful less 4. confident confidence 5. forgive forgive - forgave - (adj) cån thån (adj) khöng dé y, (n) su tu (v) tha thü' (n) su' tha thü' khöng can thån tin, tin tuöng forgiven forgiveness honest 6. dishonest (adj) khöng thånh thwc honesty (n) sw trung thuc giöi thiéu, sw' ra döi 7. introduce introduction (n) SW 8. lie liar (n) nguöi lying (n) su personality (n) tinh 9. person relate 10. nöi d6i nöi d6i cåch personal (adj) cå nhän relative (adj) cö relation (n) ho hång relationship (n) mbi quan hé lién quan WORD PATTERNS (CVM GIOI TIP) E) Stt Tü' vvng Tü' loai Nghia tiéng Viet mén 1. fond of (adj) yéu 2. jealous of (adj) ganh 3. kind to (adj) t6t 4. married to (adj) két hön vöi 5. proud of (adj) tu håo 6. admire sb for (v) nguöng 7. apologise (to sb) for (v) Xin 8. argue (with sb) about (v) tranh cäi (vöi 9. care about (v) quan tam vé (v) bån tån (vöi (n) cuöc tranh luån (n) m6i quan hé vöi 10. chat 11. an argument 12. a relationship with If (to you wish sb) about (with sb) to offer Bui me a about for these ty bung mö 16i (ai) vé ai) ai) vé vé you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 43 / 138 Ldp VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & D!NH HUONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LÖP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 5. in debt måc nq 6. in good/bad condition trong tinh trang t6t (in a of debt) lot xåu / WORD FORMATION (Tij GIA DiNH) D) Stt 1. Tü' Tü' gia dinh Tü' loqi Ngh7a tiéng Viet add add (v) thém våo addition (n) phån thém våo, phép cöng 2. afford affordable (adj) cö khå näng 3. compare compare (v) so sånh comparison (n) sw' decide (v) quyét dinh decisive (adj) kién quyét decision (n) quyét dinh expense (n) phi t6n, chi phi (in)expensive (adj) (khöng) dåt (måc tién) judge (v) dånh judgement (n) su dånh service (n) dich vu servant (n) nguöi håu decide 4. 5. expense 6. judge 7. so sånh civil true 8. use 9. value 10. chi trå giå giå servant: cöng chü'C truth (n) sv thåt untrue (adj) khöng düng truthful (adj) chinh xåc useful (adj) cö ich useless (adj) vö valuable (adj) cö giå nhå nu'öc ich tri WORD PATTERNS (SV KÉT HQP TIP) E) STT vvng Tü' loai 1. wrong about (adj) nhåm 2. wrong with (adj) truc träc 3. belong to (v) thuöc vé Tü' If you wish to offer Bui me a for Nghia tiéng Viet these lån, dånh (ai giå sai.. då) you can )ONMI Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 49 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & D!NH HIJÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl UNIT 16 PRONOUNS, POSSESIVE DETERMINERS A) Chü Tinh Tän ngü' ngü' so' hü'u Dai Possesive determiners Object Subject tü' tü' so' hCpu tü' phån Possesive thån pronouns Reflexive pronouns You My Mine myself You Yours Yours yourself Him His His Himself Her Hers She It It Its x Itself We Us Our Ours Ourselves They Them Their Theirs Themselves Lå chü ngü' cüa cäu Lå tan ngü' cüa hånh Dién tå su Sö hCpu Dé dién tå dö Sö ai hCpu cåi Mö må tå hånh döng cå S &O gi6ng nhau döng Nhån manh låm Lwu y: It's vå its lå you wish dä gi khåc nhau vé nghTa nhé! It's If ai my dog. to offer Bui me a Here's the dog's water and here's @for these its you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! food. here! HCM 51 / 138 Ldp VIP.I -ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I HI-PONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6. 7. 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 4. in the end r6t I cuöc thi..., cubi cüng thought we the future 5. in 6. out of order Stt 1. hét 6. hång GIA DiNH) Tü' loai boil (v) dun boiler (n) cåi nbi boiling (adj) fascinate 5. Nghia tiéng Viet söi söi (nu'öc söi) chemist (n) nhå hÖa hoc chemical (n) chåt höa hoc chemistry (n) mön höa hoc conclude (v) két luån conclusion (n) sw' két luån examine (v) khåm exam(ination) (n) su kiém examiner (n) nguöi kiém fascinate (v) mé hoäc fascination (n) sw' quyén fascinating (adj) history history the end, lai boil examine 4. in 5pm. Tü' gia dinh conclude 3. (TO' get there by 3pm, but Tip chemist 2. arrived at trong tuong WORD FORMATION D) we would thi. (n) kiém tra tra tra, rü, löi nguöi chåm thi cu6n håp dän lich sü' thuöc historic xét, lich sü' (adj) historic time: thöi identical 7. 8. long (n) identical (adj) dbng nhåt identically (adv) tuong tu long (adj) dåi length If you wish to offer Bui nhå so historian me a (n) for these ky lich sü' gia chiéu dåi you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 57 / 138 LOP VIP.I -ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINH HUÖNG THI DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl measure 9. science 10. measure (v) do luöng measurement (n) viéc do luöng science (n) khoa hoc scientist (n) nhå khoa hoc CHI-JYÉN WORD PATTERNS (CVM GIOI TO) E) Stt Tü' vvng Tü' Ioai Nghia tiéng Viet (adj) khåc (adj) dåy åp. 1. different from/to 2. full 3. begin Sth with (v) båt 4. connect Sth to/with (v) két n6i... vöi.. 5. disconnect Sth from (v) ngåt két 6. fill (v) låp dåy... vöi.. 7. result in (v) dän 8. a difference between (n) sw' 9. an idea about (n) 1 y kién vé. 10. a number of (n) 1 s6 luong. 11. a reason for (n) 1 IY 12. a type of (n) 1 If of Sth with you wish to offer Bui me a for these vöi... dåu vöi... vöi n6i... töi (két quå... khåc nhau do ) giCpa.. cho... loai.. you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 58 / 138 LOP VIP.I -ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HUONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl WORD FORMATION D) STT Tü' vvng communicate 2. connect 3. deliver 4. 5. express inform 6. secret Tü' Ioai (adj) chåc chån certainly (adv) chåc chån, nhåt dinh certainty (n) diéu chåc chån communicate (v) giao tiép communication (n) su truyén connect (v) két n6i connection (n) su disconnect (v) ngåt, thåo röi deliver (v) phän delivery (n) sw' express (v) dién tå expression (n) sw' expressive (adj) (v) 10. translate If you wish to offer Bui ph6i, chuyén giao phän ph6i dién dat dién carn thöng båo, truyén (adj) information (n) thöng prediction (n) sv cö nhiéu thöng tåi tin tin tién doån dv doån (un)predictable (adj) (khöng) cö thé secretly (adv) thåm kin, bi sw' bi mat, tinh kin dåo speak — spoke — spoken speak dat, giao tiép lién két informative secrecy 9. Nghia tiéng Viet certain inform predict 8. GIA DiNH) Tü' gia dinh certain 1 (TO' mat (v) nöi speaker (n) nguöi phåt biéu speech (n) båi phåt biéu translate (v) dich translation (n) bån translator (n) nguöi dich me a dich, sw' giåi thich you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 65 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI I-ISG & D!NH HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LÖP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 28. strike 29. tax 30. wealthy 31. neurologist dinh cöng (n) thué thinh (adj) vuong båc sy khoa thån kinh (n) PHRASAL VERBS (CVM DONG TO') B) Stt vyng Tü' Nghia tiéng Viet 1. call off hüy bö 2. give back trå 3. go on xåy 4. put off hoän 5. set up båt dåu (vån hånh cöng 6. stay up di take away take over 8. (db lai moon) ra lai ngü (put Sth off) Stt Tü' vvng loai bö tiép quån (doanh nghiép...) TO') Nghia tiéng Viet moment våo lüc phu tråch nay 1. at the 2. in 3. on business vi 4. on dinh cöng 5. on time düng giö 6. on/off duty trong ca truc (/hét ca truc) charge (of) strike WORD FORMATION D) Stt Tü' vvng 2. cöng beg pluc viéc, w cöng tåc GIA DiNH) Tü' Ioai Tü' gia dinh assist 1. tb chü'C) tré PREPOSITION PHRASES (CVM GIOI C) ty, Nghia tiéng Viet assistant (n) nguöi giüp dö assistance (n) so' beg (v) khån cåu beggar (n) nguöi än may h6 tro höng håch 3. boss bossy 4. occupy occupation (n) nghé nghiép office (n) vän phÖng If you wish to offer Bui me a (adj) for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 81 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 5. employ employment (n) su låm cöng, unemployment (n) thåt nghiép employer (n) nguöi thué lao döng employee (n) nguöi (adj) thåt nghiép (adj) n6i tiéng fame famous 7. office officer retire safe 9. succeed 10. (n) (adj) (khöng) chinh quy retired (adj) nghi huu retirement (n) sw' nghi viéc save (v) tiét kiém unsafe (adj) safety (n) an toån succeed (v) ké success (n) thånh cöng WORD PATTERNS Stt Tü' cöng chü'C (un)official (un)successful E) döng unemployed 6. 8. lao (SY' vvng (adj) khöng an toån tuc, ké nhiém (khöng) thånh cöng KÉT HOP TCY) Tip loai Nghia tiéng Viet 1. careful with (adj) can thån vöi 2. difficult for (adj) khå 3. fed up with (adj) chån ngån. 4. ready for (adj) sån sang... 5. responsible for (adj) Chiu tråch nhiém Cho.. 6. apply for (v) ü'ng tuyén Cho.. 7. depend on (v) phu thuöc 8. inform sb about (v) thöng båo cho 9. refer to (v) D6i chiéu, nhin nhån,. 10. work as (v) låm viéc vöi tu cåch. 11. work (v) låm cho 12. a kind of (n) t6t vöi... If for you wish to offer Bui viéc låm me a for these . vöi.. ai vé you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 82 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I HI-PONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl OTHER CONDITIONAL (CÄU DIÉU KEN KÉT HOP Cåu trüc If + S + had + EX: If V3/ed, 1-041 2 & 1.041 3) S + would + V she hadn't stayed up late last night, she wouldn't be so tired now. Lou y Thuöng VVNG TRONG B) Stt Tb' sü' dung UNIT 28 vvng khi 2. (n) vién thu6c (n) nghi ngoi, giåc ngü heat (v) dun (nuöc) 4. injection (n) tiém 5. top (n) quån åo 6. scream (v) gåo 7. vergetarian (n) nguöi än chay 8. light a (v phr) d6t ICpa 9. joke (n) trö düa (v phr) giCp eo (v phr) cö su chü y cüa 10. keep 11. catch sb attention 12. stairs fit vé loai 3, 1 vé loai 2) Nghia 3. fire (1 & 29 Tü' Ioai pill cö now, today... thét (giü' dång) ai cåu thang (n) Compiled by OTTO CHANNEL If you wish to offer Bui me a for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 84/ 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI I-ISG & DINI-I HI-PONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl UNIT 30 TOPIC VOCABULARY (MOT SÖ A) Stt Tü' vvng Tij Tü' loai VVNG TRONG Nghia tiéng Viet ånh huöng 1. affect 2. balance can bäng 3. benefit låm cho cö 4. breathe (v) thö 5. chew (v) nhai 6. chop (v) bäm, xåt hat lvu 7. contain (v) chü'a 8. cough ho 9. cure chCpa 10. exe rcise thé duc, båi tap 11. flu 12. have an operation 13. healthy 14. ignore (v) 10, phöt 15. infection (n) su läy 16. ingredient (n) thånh phån 17. injury (n) sv chån thuong 18. limit 19. meal (n) bCpa än 20. pill (n) thu6c 21. recover (v) hbi 22. salty 23. slice 24. sour (adj) chua 25. spicy (adj) cay 26. stir (v) khuåy 27. suffer (v) Chiu If you wish (v) (n) Bui a tri phäu thuät (adj) khöe manh for di nhiém han phuc män xåt me nhuån bénh cüm giöi to offer loi, loi dung (v phr) (adj) BÅI) these låt dvng you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! HCM 85/ 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HIJÖNG THI CHIJYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl ném 28. taste 29. treatment (n) chCpa 30. vitamin (n) vitamin 31. epidemic (n) dich bénh 32. malaria (n) bénh s6t tri rét PHRASAL VERBS (CVM DONG TO') B) STT Tü' vvng 1. cut down 2. fall down 3. get over hbi 4. go off bi 5. lie down nåm 6. put on sit Nghia tiéng Viet (on) giåm té (dåi) can dCpng lén PREPOSITION PHRASES (CVM C) STT Tü' tuoi) ngbi xu6ng stand up 8. hu (khöng cön lén down phuc vvng TU') Nghia tiéng Viet dém at night giCpa 2. at risk cÖ nguy co 3. in addition 4. in comparison 5. in shape 6. on a Ngoåi (to) to/with hon nCpa so sånh vöi giü' diet ra, dång giåm cän WORD FORMATION (TO' GIA DiNH) D) Stt Tü' vvng Tü' gia dinh bake bend 2. If you wish to offer Bui Tü' loqi Nghia tiéng Viet bake (v) nuöng (bånh) baker (n) nguöi låm bånh bakery (n) tiém bånh bend (v) queo, cüi xu6ng me a for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! I-ICM 86 / 138 Ldp VIP-I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & D!NH I-IUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6. 7. 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl bent cook cook 3. intend 4. (n) nåu, dåu bép (n) jog nåu än cooking (n) viéc cooker (n) bép cookery (n) nghé nåu än intention (n) y dinh, intentional 5. khuynh huöng (adj) muc dich chü y jogging (n) viéc chay bö jogger (n) nguöi chay bö 6. medicine medical (adj) thuöc y hoc 7. pain painful (adj) dau dén painless (adj) khÖng dau (a painless injection) 8. reduce reduction 9. sense sensible (adj) cÖ thé nhån thü'C sensitive (adj) nhay cäm 10. weigh (n) weight (n) su giåm giå, giåm xu6ng trpng luong WORD PATTERNS (KÉT HOP E) Stt Tü' vvng Tü' loai Ngh7a tiéng Viet addicted to (adj) nghién 2. allergic to (adj) di 3. covered (adj) bao phü 4. pleased with (adj) håi löng 5. combine 6. complain 7. die from/of 8. fight 9. in/with Sth with ü'ng hop vöi (v) két (v) phån nan (v) chét against (v) chién dåu, d6i khång nhau recover from (v) hbi 10. smell of (v) müi... 11. a cure for (n) möt cåch chCpa 12. a recipe (n) cöng If you wish (to sb) about for to offer Bui me a for these (vöi ai) vé. (vi) phvc thü'C tri. Cho (mén än) you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! 87 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI I-ISG & DINI-I I-IUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LÖP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl UNIT 31 REPORTED SPEECH A) SCP dung cäu tuöng thuåt Direct * Compiled by khi mu6n thuät Reported speech * Present simple "l Present continuous am looking * Present perfect continuous all day, said * Tom. friend "l Past continuous was poem, said writing a will finish was looking my keys. said he had been drawing all day. Past perfect simple * said her friend had given her a bar a Past perfect continuous Tina said she had been writing a poem. Tina." * Would Will "l said that she chocolate the day before. yesterday." * Tom She bar of chocolate coat. Past perfect continuous * me a gave wore Past continuous She * Past simple "My said (that) she always * keys" have been drawing Past simple He * my nhü'ng viéc nguöi khåc nÖi. speech "She always wears coat." "l lai OTTO CHANNEL my report in two days. He " said that he would finish his report in two days. * * Was/were going Am/is/are going to "They are going to make a new Joe said they were going one," said Joe. make a new * Could can draw quite well," * Must / have "You have to one. * Can "l to Emma Emma said. said she could * Had to to visit the fashion show," he He said draw quite well. to we had to visit the fashion show. said. * May "l may visit the * Thien Mu Pagoda next week," said Hong. If you wish to offer Bui me a for Might Hong said she might visit the Thien Mu Pagoda the following week. these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 88 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HI-PONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG Ldp 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl Lu'u V: 1. Khi chuyén dbi tü' cäu truc sang cäu giån tiép tiép, chüng ta cån lupu y cåc to sau Directed Reported Directed Reported Now —+ Then He/she You —+ l/me/they/them We Them Us Your The next day Tonight That night week Next The day week Last —+ döng to tuöng thuät (EX: 2. D6i EX: Tom says he is going to study architecture. * Tom says he was going to study architecture. 3. Khöng EX: I had seen the He 4. d6i thi vöi thi said he said Cö thé she miqht take up EX: "I'm sorry —Y My sister EX: "I'll love sü' Francis 'No, I I hoån thånh tiép dién. appolised you tü' nhu "appologise", "deny", for telling my everyone promise", sister said. my secret. forever!", Francis said to Elizabeth. promised to love Elizabeth forever. won't open the door!" said Mandy. didn't give the Ali painting. everyone your secret." told Mandy refused If khü' khü'. d6i would, should, could vå might. dung nhCpng döng trong cäu tuöng thuåt. "l ö quå the picture before. 5. EX: before Light-take up painting" She EX: tell...) hoån thånh vå quå khü' The week picture before. had seen Khöng thay "l quå say, before Before Ago thi khi moment The following week Yesterday My/their At that Tomorrow -9 His/her My // to opend the door money to John," said Ali denied giving the money you wish to offer Bui me a to John. for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 89 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl cÅc DANG cÄU TUONG THIJAT B) S+ * Ö dang He cäu ké —Y told + + S + (that) V me haven't finished my work". He told me he hadn't finished his work. said to "l S + asked/wanted to know/wondered + if/whether + S + V. "Are you angry?" he asked. * Ö dang —+ He asked if/whether I was angry. cäu höi S + asked (+0) / wanted "What are you —+ told + O Please wait Ö dang —+ know/wondered + Wh-words + S + + V. talking about?" said the teacher. The teacher asked us what we were S+ * to talking about. to-infinitive. for me here, Mary. Tom told Mary to wait for him there. cäu ménh S+ lénh told + "Don't talk O + not to-infinitive. in class", the teacher said to us. The teacher told us not to talk in class. TijVVNG TRONG UNIT 31 C) Stt Tü' vvng Tü' Ioai Nghla 1. wooden 2. Encyclopaedia (n) båch khoa toån thu 3. stomach (n) bung 4. juggle (v) tung hü'ng 5. score (v) ghi 6. drawer (n) ngän If you wish bång g6 (adj) to offer Bui me a for diém these tü you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 90 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl UNIT 32 REPORTED QUESTIONS, ORDERS, REQUESTES. A) Muc dich: Tuöng thuät HAVE / DO I BE + 'Have you been asked dÖ dä yéu cåu vån dé ai He asked he to the gallery?' her. my you making a baby WHETHER her IF she had been to the My aunt asked doll?' asked I I aunt asked IF asked Jenny IF I wanted a coat. she was making a baby doll. MODALS + CO thé thay ....? 'Can you paint?' Mary asked her friend. you make 'Shall thé IF = gallery. Jenny. 'Will gi. QUESTION CO thé thay ? 'Do you want a coat?' 'Are viéc lai I me one?' wear a jacket?' I asked Henry. asked Mum. I thé IF = Mary asked I I asked her friend could paint. IF asked Henry Mum IF IF he would make I me one. should wear a jacket. I Mr Jones asked me 'May borrow your coat?' Mr. Jones asked me. WHETHER IF I might borrow your coat. WH — questions 'What kind of shoes are trending now?' asked Tom. 'Who did you see Sarah asked Lily. show?' at the fashion Tom asked what kind trending at that of shoes were moment. Sarah asked who Lily had seen at the fashion show. 'Which one do you want?' I asked my I asked my friend which one he wanted. friend. 'When My my these drawings. will they finish these drawing?' leader asked. 'Why did you say asked me. 'How much that?' my My cousin did your hat cost?' Ed asked Carol. 'Put leader asked cousin asked when they would finish why had I said that. Ed asked Carol how much her hat had cost. you clothes in the drawer.' ORDERS Mum Mum told me to put my clothes in the drawer. said. wear the "Don't red one.' Alice said Alice told me not to wear the red one. REQUEST 'Will you make 'Please don't me one?' move my I asked Terry. I asked Terry Oliver asked pictures,' said to me make me not to one. move her picture. Oliver. If you wish to offer Bui me a for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 91 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI I-ISG & DINI-I HIJÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LOP 6. 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl UNIT 33 VVNG TRONG TOPIC VOCABULARY (MOT SÖ A) Stt Tü' vvng Tü' Ioai Nghia tiéng Viet 1. ancient (adj) c6 (xua) 2. checked (adj) hpa 3. cotton (n) våi cotton 4. create (v) tao ra 5. design 6. fix (v) soa 7. fold (v) gåp 8. gallery (n) phöng trung båy 9. improvement (n) su 10. loose 11. tiét ö vuöng ké thiét cåi tién (adj) löng maintain (v) duy 12. match (v) phü hqp, khöp 13. material (n) vat liéu 14. notice 15. pattern (n) mäu, hoa 16. pile (n) d6ng 17. practical (adj) thuc 18. rough (adj) thö, 19. shape (n) hinh dang 20. silk (n) lua 21. sleeve (n) tay åo 22. smooth (adj) 23. stretch (v) 24. striped (adj) cö soc, vän 25. style (n) phong cåch 26. suit 27. suitable 28. tear 29. tight (adj) 30. tool (n) If you wish BÅI) tri cånh båo, chü y tiét tién xü råp (chua duoc måi böng) tron, suön sé kéo giän låm phü hop, åo vest (adj) phü hop xé to offer Bui me a for (råch), vét råch chät (cü'ng) dung cu these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 92 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I HIJÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LÖP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 31. camel 32. concrete 33. poetry (n) tho 34. wardrobe (n) tü lac (n) då cu thé, bé töng (adj, n) quån åo PHRASAL VERBS (CVM DONG TIP) B) Stt Tü' vvng Ngh7a tiéng Viet 1. cut off cåt (ra khöi) 2. do up mäc 3. fill 4. have on mäc 5. leave out khöng bao gbm 6. put on mäc (deo våo) 7. take off cöi ra.. 8. try (åo) våo låm dåy up on thü' (döi...) (quån åo) PREPOSITION PHRASES (CVM C) Stt Tü' vvng TO') Nghia tiéng Viet back ö phia sau.. 1. at the 2. the 3. in fashion/style hqp m6t 4. in front (of) phia truöc 5. in the corner 6. out of fashion/style end (of) at cu6i cüng (of) goc (of) löi WORD FORMATION D) Stt Tü' 1. art vvng break 2. thöi GIA DiNH) Tb' gia dinh Tü' loai Ngh7a tiéng Viet art (n) nghé thuåt artist (n) nghé sy artistic (adj) khiéu nghé thuät (v) låm gäy, bé (un)breakable (adj) (khöng) dé vö freedom (n) su tu do break — broke — broken free 3. If you wish to offer Bui me a for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! I-ICM 93 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HIJÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl exhibit 4. (v) trién exhibition (n) bubi trién läm compose (v) soan nhac composition (n) Båi vän, båi soan composer (n) nguöi soan nhac handful (n) Möt handle (v) cåm, nåm imagine (v) tuöng tuong imagination (n) sw' imaginative (adj) tuöng tuqng phong phü intelligent (adj) thöng minh intelligence (n) tri perfect (adj) hoån håo perfection (n) su hoån häo imperfect (adj) khöng hoån häo prepare (v) chuån preparation (n) su chuån compose 5. hand 6. 7. imagine 8. intelligent 9. perfect 10. prepare läm exhibit it tuöng tuong thöng minh bi bi WORD PATTERNS (KÉT HOP TU') E) Stt Tü' vvng 1. amazed 2. Tü' Ioai Nghia tiéng Viet (adj) ngac nhién disappointed with (adj) thåt 3. familiar with (adj) quen vöi 4. involved (adj) lién 5. similar to (adj) tuong tw vöi 6. change 7. at/by in (vé) vqng quan (v) chuyén dbi to describe Sth as (v) mö tå 8. explain Sth to (v) giåi thich 9. remind sb of (v) goi nhö. 10. remove (v) go 11. an influence on (n) anh huöng 12. a picture of (n) bü'C tranh If you wish Sth (from sth) into Sth from to offer Bui me a for these A sang B (bö) lén.. you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 94 / 138 Ldp VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I I-IUÖNG THI DÅNH CHO I-ISG LÖP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl CHI-JYÉN UNIT 34 DIRECT AND INDIRECT OJBECTS. A) S+V+ indirect S+V+ direct O O I'd like The flowers grew. to lå O indirect nguöi. teach English to your teenagers. rubbish. I'd like to down borrow muqn bring teach your teenagers English. get up dåy close dÖng buy mang mua grow lön draw vé cost t6n (bao nhiéu) happen xåy drink u6ng get låy laugh cuöi drive låi give cho chay eat än lend cho sleep ngü have cö make låm speak nöi invite rnöi offer dé nghi walk di open mö owe no work låm viéc pain son pass du'a (qua) ngbi pick up nhät pay trå plant trbng read doc (cay) teach day tell nöi throw ném write viét fall run sit away down ra bö (xu6ng) stand up dü'ng (xe) (lén) B) O TO & FOR GiOi to thuöng: up the direct + prep + thuöng Indirect O: We picked + muon (vü't) cÅCH CHUYÉN cÄU S +V+ S+V+ direct O + preposition + indirect My mum often makes —Y My mum often makes some soup EX: My mum is going to write a My mum is going to write the editor a If you wish to offer Bui me $er-the old lady a letter O S+V+ O EX: direct who lives FOR the old + preposition + indirect next door lady who O some irect i + direct O O soup. lives next door. TO the editor. for letter. these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 95 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINH HIJÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl TijVVNG TRONG UNIT 34 C) Stt Tü' vvng Tü' Ioai Nghia 1. crisp 2. autogragh (n) büt 3. astronomy (n) Thién vän hoc 4. hobby (n) Sö 5. telescope (n) kinh vién vqng 6. basic (n) co bån 7. planet (n) hånh 8. architect (n) kién trüc 9. old- fashioned (n) m6t 10. breath (n) hoi thö 11. Breathe (v) thö If you wish (adj) to offer Bui me giön tich, chCp ky (låm k' niém) thich tinh su thöi trang cü a you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 96 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & D!NH HUONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl UNIT 35 WISH A) * UÖ'C O' Thé hién su Wish + had + V quå khü' tiéc nubi khi EX: Tracy wishes she'd seen that programme. dä khöng thwc hién gi trong quå khü' (tråi vöi quå Wish + had + khü') EX: * I-YÖ'C O' Thé hién hién su tiéc hién nu6i khi gi vöi hién tai (tråi wish she hadn't been disappointed. V 2/ed OR wish + were + V EX: Carl wishes he had a telescope. Wish + tai) I didn't + EX: I V OR wish + were + not + V wish the weather weren't hot now. Wish + would + Chi trich / phån nan ve vån dé gi dÖ O' hién NOT + V 3/ed dé ö EX: * I Wish + tai. khöng thé låm viéc 3/ed V nguyén thé wish people would throw their litter in the bin and not tai. on the ground! * Mong näng * / Wish + COUld + vb khå LPÖ'C cho phép s!' EX: I wish I V nguyén thé could travel through time. Lupu y: Cö dung If only tuong tu vöi Wish. dung WOULD cho diéu uöc vé bån thé SCP Khöng sü' on Mars I wish I lived I wish I would Wish thi chi sü' dung live on Mars dung cho nhCpng sv kién khöng thé xåy it If it you wish Néu cé xåc suåt xåy ra so doesn't rain tomorrow. We are planning for camping many months, we wish ra. HOPE thay vi WISH. We are planning for camping many months, we hope thän. so doesn't rain tomorrow to offer Bui me a for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! I-ICM 97 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7. 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl UNIT 36 VVNG TRONG BÅI) TOPIC VOCABULARY (MOT SÖ A) Stt Tü' vvng Tü' loai Nghia tiéng Viet ngac nhién 1. amazing 2. climate (n) thöi 3. countryside (n) vüng qué, nöng thön 4. environment (n) möi truöng 5. extinct 6. forecast 7. freezing (adj) dÖng bäng 8. global (adj) toån cåu 9. heatwave (n) dot nong 10. insect (n) cön trüng 11. lightning (n) tia 12. litter kinh ngac, (adj) tiét, chüng tuyét (adj) khi håu du båo sét xå råc råc (=rubbish) 13. local 14. locate (v) dinh 15. mammal (n) Döng 16. mild phuong dia (adj) vi, xåc dinh vi tri vat cö vü ém diu (adj) mild weather: thöi 17. name 18. origin (n) xuåt 19. planet (n) hånh 20. preserve (v) båo tbn 21. recycle (v) tåi 22. reptile (n) loåi 23. rescue 24. satellite (n) vé 25. shower (n) con 26. solar 27. species (n) gi6ng 28. thunder (n) såm If tiét dé Chiu dät tén, tén gpi tinh ché bö såt giåi thoåt system you wish xü' to offer Bui (n phr) me a for tinh mua råo Hé Mät Tröi these loåi sét you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 98 / 138 Ldp VIP.I -ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINH HI-JONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl hoang dä 29. wild 30. wildlife (n) cuöc s6ng hoang dä 31. eagle (n) chim dai bång 32. dynamite (n) thu6c nb 33. rainforest (n) rCpng 34. lizard (n) con thån lån (adj) mua nhiét döi PHRASAL VERBS (CVM DONG TO') B) Stt Tü' vvng Nghia tiéng Viet 1. blow up 2. build up täng 3. clear up don dep 4. go out tåt, Iwi 5. keep out cåm våo 6. put 7. put out däp 8. put up treo (lén tuöng) nd tung down thå tan (the fire shall be ra, dät xu6ng Stt Tü' vvng box down and help you) (lü'a) PREPOSITION PHRASES (CVM C) (put the gone out soon) TO') Ngh7a tiéng Viet most nhiéu nhåt 1. at 2. at the top/bottom (of) 3. in the beginning ngay 4. in the distance ö 5. in total 6. on top trén dinh tit tü' / lå dudi dåy cüa.. dåu dång xa tbng cong trén (of) bé mät WORD FORMATION (Tb' GIA DiNH) D) Tb' loai Nghia tiéng Viet (n) trung central (adj) ö circle (v) xoay quanh, vöng trön circular (adj) mang tinh chåt trön (n) thöng to, nghi dinh (n) sw' Tü' gia dinh Tip Stt n tre 1. circle 2. 3. danger If you wish danger to offer Bui me a for these tam giCpa nguy hiém you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! I-ICM 99 / 138 LOP VIP.I ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HIJÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH TUONG DUONG Bl 4. deep 5. destroy 6. fog 7. garden invade 8. dangerous (adj) nguy hiém deep (adj) säu deeply (adv) säu sac, vö cüng depth (n) dö säu destroy (v) hüy hoai destruction (n) su phå hoai destructive (adj) hüy fog (n) sucng mü foggy (adj) 10 garden (n) vuön gardener (n) nguöi låm vuön gardening (n) nghé låm vuön invade (v) xäm invasion (n) su xåm luoc invader (n) ké natural (adj) thuöc tu nhién naturally (adv) 1 pollution (n) sw' polluted (v) bi nature 9. 10. pollute diét mö lån xåm luoc cåch tu nhién ö nhiém ö nhiém WORD PATTERNS (SV KÉT HOP TIP) E) Stt Tü' vvng Tü' loai Ngh7a tiéng Viet afraid of (adj) so 2. aware of (adj) khöng 3. enthusiastic about (adj) håo 4. serious about (adj) 10 5. short of (adj) thiéu hut, 6. escape from (v) tr6n thoåt prevent sb from (v) ngän 8. save (v) CCPU... 9. think about (v) nghT vé 10. worry about (v) 10 11. damage (n) thiét hai 12. an increase (n) SW' gia täng If Sth from you wish to in to offer Bui me a biét, hü'C nhån thü'C vé lång vé (ai) khöng dü låm gi khöi (save the Earth from destruction) lång vé you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! I-ICM 100 / 138 LOP VIP.I -ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HUONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6. 7. 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl UNIT 37 A) ING & TO INFINITIVE DÖng theo sau tü' admit thCpa avoid Döng V-ing lå nhån theo sau tü' advise khuyén trånh afford dat deny to ch6i agree discuss thåo luän dislike lå infinitive (to V) promise hü'a refuse tü' dbng y seem coi choose chon teach day khöng thich decide quyét dinh tell nöi enjoy thich thü expect mong want mu6n feel like mu6n help giüp finish hoån thånh hope hy vong give up tü' invite möi mention dé cap learn hQC mind chü y manage quån practice thuc hånh offer dé nghi suggest kién nghi plan ké hoach take up chon (Sö pretend giå * bö thich) duoc dqi would dö like ch6i bö mu6n IY vo Ltpu y Sau EX: Våi EX: giöi I am tü' I tü', ta sü' afraid of lying. bång két thüc am dung V-ing. giöi looking forward V-ing cå thé sü' EX: Cooking Sau made (bi is dung TO nén theo sau sé lå V-ing. TO hearing from you soon. tü' nhu' Subject trong cåu. great fun! döng cüa make), EX: Michael was ta thuöng made to apologize sü' to his dung döng tü' nguyén mau cö TO. mother. infiniti e V-ing OO If you wish to offer Bui me a o for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 101 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl B) vÅl DONG TÜ'CÖ THÉ THEO SAU LÅ V-ING HAY TO VERB. Khöng dbi nghia hay ngh7a tu'0'ng begin EX: I continue EX: If hate EX: I hate dancing love EX: I love watching like EX: Do you prefer EX: Do you prefer to play start EX: I begin to learn / you continue to like to learning guitar. make / making to / noise, I'm going to get annoyed. dance with Henry to / t!' my dad. watch sport with wacth watching TV. / / start to drive / driving playing football. as soon as I'm 18 years old. Dbi nghta Infinitive V-ing Remember Have a memory EX: in your mind Do you remember seeing Do something you EX: Did you remember to that film? James Forget Stop planning to do. EX: EX: Oh... forgotten hearing that Not do something you are/were joke. Sally! Stop a happening action Interrupt EX: Stop laughing! else. It's not a EX: joke. invite come? to Not be able to remember a past event I'd are/were planning to I no... ! forgot to invite I an action do something to was on my way to Maria's birthday and stopped to get her some Try Do something to try problem EX: Have you tried talking to and solve a Make an EX: I'm an If o you wish trying to do something. say I'm sorry, but listen. was on my way birthday some action o effort to you won't I Interrupt presents. to Maria's and stopped to get her presents. o to offer Bui me a for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! I-ICM 102 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HI-PONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7. 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl C) TIP Stt VVNG TRONG Tü' UNIT 37 vvng Tü' loai NghTa poisonous (adj) döc 2. submarine (n) tåu 3. explode (v) låm nb 4. extinguish (v) låm 5. cigarette (n) thu6c lå 6. Astrophysics (n) Vät hQC thién thé breath (n) hoi thö illegal (adj) 8. If you wish to offer Bui me a tråi for ngåm tåt IY phåp these luät you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! I-ICM 103 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I HI-PONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRiNH DO TUONG DUONG Bl UNIT 38 A) BOTH, EITHER, NEITHER, SO, NOR BOTH Both + NI + and + N2 Cåu trüc Both + Adjl + and + Adj2 Nhån manh m6i cåi trong cå hai düng EX: Simon is both rude and unkind. Cåch dung sü' Dién tå su gi6ng nhau giCpa 2 vat EX: Jack and SO' dvhg EX: I've both Jill know / sw' kién / däc tinh.. lots of jokes. OF kém vöi "BOTH" khi no di lién truöc Pronoun. had an argument with both of them. EITHER Either + NI + or + N2 Cåu trüc Either + Adjl + or + Adj2 Either + VI + or + Dién tå Cåch dung sü' EX: SCP EX: I sw' think dung I Iva chon giCpa hai vät. I'll buy a Valentine's card with either a puppy or a OF kém vöi really like either khi no Robert and Martin. di lién I'll kitten on it. truöc Pronoun. go out with either of them. NEITHER neither + NI + nor + N2 Cåu trüc neither + Adjl + nor + Adj2 Com il OTTO CHANN neither + VI + nor + V2 Cåch sü' dung Nhån manh cå hai déu khöng düng. EX: What you said to Lucy was neither true nor fair. SC? dung OF kém vöi neither khi no di lién truöc Pronoun. EX: Neither of us found Jason's joke funny. SO, NOR Cåu trüc Cåch sü' dung Cåu So + do/have/be/modal + S Cung cåp thöng tin EX: You're good trüc Cåch dung If sü' thém våo cäu khång at listening to people, dinh. and so am l. Nor + do/have/be/modal + S Cung cåp thöng EX: you wish Tom tin thém våo cäu phü dinh. wouldn't forgive Jenny, and nor would to offer Bui me a for these l. you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 104 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I HI-JONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl UNIT 39 TOPIC VOCABULARY (MOT SÖ Tij VVNG TRONG BÅI) A) STT Tü' vvng Tb' loai amusing Nghia tiéng Viet huöc håi (adj) 2. annoy (v) låm phién 3. attitude (n) thåi dö 4. bad-tempered (adj) tam trang xåu (dé n6i nöng) 5. behave 6. bully 7. calm 8. celebrate (v) ki 9. character (n) tinh cu (v) xü' båt nat, ké chuyén båt nat binh tinh (adj) niém, tån duong cåch chån nån 10. depressed 11. embarrassing (n) nguong ngüng 12. emotion (n) cåm xüc 13. enthusiastic 14. feeling 15. glad 16. hurt 17. miserable (adj) cuc kh6, nghéo nan 18. naughty (adj) hu 19. noisy (adj) bn åo 20. polite (adj) lich 21. react (v) 22. regret 23. ridiculous (adj) ky cuc 24. romantic (adj) läng 25. rude (adj) thö 26. sense 27. shy If (adj) nhiét huyét (adj) cåm (n) hån hoan, (adj) adj) (v, giåc you wish humour d6n, nghich (adj) to offer Bui me a for ngom sv phån (n phr) suöng låm tbn thuong, tbn thuong ü'ng h6i tiéc, of vui an hån man 16 khiéu håi huÖc måc cö, xåu h6 these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 105 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & D!NH HI-PONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 28. stress 29. tell 30. upset cäng thång, åp luc (n) a joke tréu (v phr) düa (v) chQC (adj) buc tü'C, nbi giän tü'C PHRASAL VERBS (CVM DONG TIP) B) STT Tü' vvng Nghia tiéng Viet 1. calm down binh tinh 2. cheer up chia vui 3. come on nhanh 4. go on tiép tuc 5. hang on chö 6. run 7. shut up ngung 8. speak up nöi to (lén) away lén (doi) tr6n khöi (from) nÖi chuyén, PREPOSITION PHRASES (CVM GIOI C) STT Tb' at vvng låm bn TIP) Nghia tiéng Viet möi dåu first nhåt 2. at least it 3. at times thinh thoång (=sometimes) 4. in 5. in spite 6. in secret 1 thi... cåch bi mat båt chåp, dü cho of dang khÖc tears WORD FORMATION (TO' GIA DiNH) D) Stt bore comedy 2. emotion 3. If you wish Tü' gia dinh Tü' Ioai Nghia tiéng Viet boring (adj) nhat nhéo, chån bored (adj) chån comedy (n) håi kich comedian (n) dién vién håi emotion (n) cåm xüc emotional (adj) cåm döng to offer Bui me a for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 106 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI* HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 4. energy energetic (adj) manh mé, dåy 5. excite excitement (n) sw' kich thich exciting (adj) håo hü'ng excited (adj) håo hü'ng felt (v) két feeling(S) (n) cåm unhappy (adj) khöng hanh phüc feel 6. 7. happy (un)happiness sw' nghi luc lai giåc (khöng) hanh phüc 8. hate hatred (n) su cäm ghét 9. noise noisy (adj) bn åo noisily (adv) huyén nåo sympathise (v) thöng cäm, dbng tinh sympathetic (adj) thöng 10. sympathy cåm sympathetic + to/towards/with sb WORD PATTERNS E) Stt Tü' (KÉT vvng 1. ashamed 2. HQP TIP) Tü' Ioai NghTa tiéng Viet (adj) xåu h6 embarrassed about (adj) b6i 3. frightened of (adj) sq vån dé 4. happy about/with (adj) hanh phüc, 5. nervous about (adj) 10 6. scared of (adj) so häi vé 7. sorry about/for (adj) Xin 16i, cäm 8. surprised at/by (adj) ngac nhién vöi (vån dé 9. tired of (adj) mét möi of nguong ngüng r6i, gi vui vé vé... lång vé thåy cö Ibi vi.. gi) vi... 10. congratulate sb on (v) chüc mü'ng 11. laugh at (v) cubi vé vån dé (ai dÖ) vé. gi, thoåi måi vöi... laugh at myself: thoäi måi vöi chinh minh a joke about 12. If you wish to offer Bui chuyén (n) me a for these håi you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 107 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI I-ISG & DINI-I HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LÖP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH TUONG DUONG Bl UNIT 40 CONNECTIVES A) TIME 1. WORDS & PHARES Khi SCP dung cåc lién két thöi gian, chüng ta sü' dung hién tuong after, Luu y: x Luu as soon as, before, Khöng dung sü' until/till, when, hay "be going "will" while... to" Will you visit Eiffel tower while you Will you visit Eiffel tower while you are will be in in France? I won't contact Tourism agent y: Chüng ta cö thé sü' dung DANH sÅCH cÅc tü' lién we will let Lan asks to begin with két thöi gian dåu cåu. you know. at last morning finally began all Time connectives to end with to begin first of Time connectives for surprise time on end of the day end the day suddenly secondly without warning after that all then in later move the end eventually to next to in at the all initially Time connectives to. LIÉN KÉT TijTHÖl GIAN. this it me me to. firstly Time connectives nay. France? won't contact Tourism agent until Lan are going to ask until hop trong cåc truöng I EX: As soon as they come, 2. dé nÖi vé su kién trong lai. EX: x tai on of a sudden the blink of an eye within seconds out of nowhere as time passed afterwards a few minutes a moment later later before long at that point after If you wish to offer Bui a while me a for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 108 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI I-ISG & DINI-I HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl OTHER CONNECTIVES B) Nghia Connectives Cåu Mäc dü Though Though/Although/Even though + clause trüc Clause Although clause 2. though/although/even though + clause 2, EX: Although Even though 1, was it expensive, 1. wasn't very good it quality. Luu Though dung chü yéu trong giao tiép. Riéng even though mang y nghTa formal hon although. Dü cho In spite of Despite y: sü' Despite + In spite of / Despite + the fact that EX: / Clause If ... Unless not Except Cåu EX: if REVIEW cÅU TRIjc Khöng sü' dung Unless Khöng sü' dung Will / khi IF CD wasn't very good it was clause. quality. expensive, this CD 2. too expensive. However, it wasn't in quality. trüc sü' If it dung Unless gi6ng tuong tu vöi doesn't it IF. we will go to the beach. we will go to the beach. rain, rains, & UNLESS mu6n Would + clause, main quality. CD was Unless C) this However, clause 1. EX: This good / of the fact that In spite wasn't very good However V-ing, + clause. of EX: Despite the cost, Tuy nhién N In spite dién giåi y nghTa trong ménh dé IF. chü'a Unless. FIRST CONDITIONAL If + S + Vs/es, S + Will + Vnguyén Unless + S + thé vs/es, S+ V2/ed, S + would/ will + vnguyén SECOND CONDITIONAL If + S + + V2/ed, S + would/ could/ should V nguyén thé Unless + S + should... + could/ V nguyén thé THIRD CONDITIONAL If + S + Had + could...+ V3/ed, have + Unless + S + had + S + would/ could...+ V3/ed have + V3/ed, S + would/ V3/ed OTHER CONDITIONAL lf+S + had + wed, S + would + If you wish to offer Bui me a V Unless + S + had + for these V3/ed, you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! S + would + V here! HCM 109 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl UNIT 41 THE CAUSATIVE A) Muc dich Cöng SCP thü'C : dung dé dién S + have (in tå su såp xép dé the correct form) + dÖ låm cho minh. gi O + V 31ed Past simple Present simple S + have / has ai +0+ V O + V 3/ed S + had + 3/ed EX: She had the car filled up with petrol EX: Mrs Taylor has her car cleaned once a month. yesterday. Present continous Past continous S+ am/is/are + having + am O + S + was / were + having + O + V V 3/ed moment. EX: She was having when last saw her. Present perfect simple Past perfect simple EX: I having the tyres checked at this 3/ed the car repaired I S + have / has + had + O + V S + had + had + 3/ed O + V 3/ed EX: She has had the windscreen replaced. EX: She had had the engine checked. Present perfect continous Past perfect continous Khöng Khöng B) sü' dung trong cäu cåu khién sü' dung trong cäu cåu khién OTHERS S + modals + have + Will or other modals EX: She will S+ + V 3/ed have a car alarm EX: She would have Be Going O air fitted bags put am/is/are + Going to when she can in + have + but it's afford it. too expensive. O + V 3/ed to EX: She is going to have a S + V + having + O + V Ing form new car radio installed. 3/ed EX: She might stop having the car cleaned so often. V: nhCpng Cö döng to theo sau lå V-ing, xem HAVE bång GET nhung thé thay thé båi 37. vöi muc dich trinh trong hon Get or have EX: I'm going to C) my hair cut tomorrow. GET my hair cut tomorrow. (more FORMAL) EX: I'm going to have cÅCH CHUYÉN SANG cÄU Someone cÅlJ KHIÉN cle obseö s Mr Ta ait) lor's car every week. ver —+ Mrs Taylor has her car cleaned every week. If you wish to offer Bui me a for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 110/ 138 LOP VIP.I - ON TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HUONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl UNIT 42 TOPIC VOCABULARY (MOT SÖ A) Stt Tü' vvng Tü' loai Tij VV'NG TRONG BÅI) Nghia tiéng Viet nan 1. accident (n) tai 2. assume (v) giå dinh (giå sü' 3. cause (v) gay (n) nguyén nhän vån dé dé claim (v) khiéu nai 5. complain (v) phån ånh, phån nan 6. convince (v) thuyét phuc 7. criticise (v) chi trich 8. deny (v) tü' 9. discussion (n) bån bac ch6i 10. doubt 11. encourage 12. get 13. gossip 14. ideal (adj) 15. insult (v) läng ma, si nhvc (n) Idi (v) diéu tra rid nghi ngö, of (v phr) su thanh IY ngö (vot bö...) tam chuyén, ngbi IY lé dÖi mach. tuöng läng ma, investigate 17. negative (adj) tiéu cuc 18. positive (adj) tich cuc 19. praise 20. pretend (v) giå 21. purpose (n) muc dich 22. refuse (v) tü' (v, dän töi n) két quå Idi cöng kich ca ngqi, tån du'ong 23. vo ch6i chuyén 24. rumour 25. sensible (adj) nhay cåm 26. serious (adj) nghiém trpng 27. spare (adj) du you wish nghi khuyén khich 16. If düng) ra, 4. (v) lå (n) to offer Bui me a tin for gi.. dbn trü', these du.. you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 111 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I HIJÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 28. theory (n) IY 29. thought (n) suy nghT 30. warn (v) cånh båo 31. idiot (n) ké ng6c 32. petrol (n) xäng dåu 33. stream (n) con su6i 34. pump (n) cåi 35. garage (n) nhå dé xe PHRASAL VERBS (CVM DONG B) Stt Tü' vvng thuyét Tij) Nghia tiéng Viet våo hang up treo (db) 2. pick up nhåc 3. put back trå 4. run out hét, 5. share out chia sé 6. sort out xü' IY 7. watch out can thån! 8. work out tim giåi phåp (of) (ch6 cü) lai can kiét Compil (vån dé) PREPOSITION PHRASES (CVM GIOI Stt Tb' tuöng thoång qua trong dåu) may bom 1. C) (Y vvng Tij') Nghia tiéng Viet 1. by accident/mistake 2. in a mess 3. in danger 4. in my 5. in trouble 6. under pressure vö tinh, lön xön so y cÖ nguy co (of) trong view quan diém cüa dinh våo råc cé nhiéu åp töi.. r6i.. lvc, stress.. WORD FORMATION (Tij GIA DiNH) D) Stt 1. If Tü' loai Tip Tü' gia dinh advice advice (n) löi advise (v) khuyén båo adviser (n) c6 vån (nguöi khuyén båo) you wish to offer Bui me a for these Ngh7a tiéng Viet khuyén you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! I-ICM 112/ 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & HI-PONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl confuse 2. confuse (v) låm confused (adj) b6i r6i confusion (n) su b6i (n) ngoai lÖn xön, gay b6i lüng tüng r6i, 3. except exception 4. help (un)helpful, (adj) (khöng) hü'u helpless (adj) båt luc, yéu du6i (un)lucky, (adj) (khöng) (un)luckily (adv) mÖt cåch may mån luck 5. 6. p refe prefer n preferable uu sw' (n) lé tién, recommend nghiéng vé. tién A is 7. recommend (v) giöi thiéu, tién cü' recommendation (n) su giöi thiéu refuse refusal (n) sw' tü' ch6i 9. solve solution (n) giåi suggest suggest (v) dé nghi, suggestion (n) löi kién nghi E) WORD PATTERNS KÉT HOP TO') vvng Tü' Ioai Stt Tip 1. sure about/of 2. advise against Sth (adj) (v) advise again doing Sth phåp dé xuåt Nghia tiéng Viet khöng chåc vé khuyén I dÖ) låm gi (ai would advise against studying 3. agree (with sb) about (v) khÖng dbng y 4. approve of (v) khöng chåp nhån.. 5. believe (v) tin våo. 6. deal with (v) xü' 19.. 7. happen (v) xåy 8. hide Sth from sb (v) giåu 9. insist (v) yéu cåu, (v) dva däm in to on 10. rely 11. an advantage of (n) uu 12. a solution to (n) giåi If on you wish to offer Bui hon preferable by b 8. 10. ich, may mån duoc uu (adj) me a for these r6i all day. (vöi ai) vé. ra vöi.. ai dÖ chuyén gi dÖi höi diém.. phåp. you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 113 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7. 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl TONG HOP PHRASAL VERBS Tip Nghia add up tinh t6ng (tién, 2. blow up n6 (bom) 3. break down hu hÖng 4. break döt nhåp (tröm) 5. bring up 6. build 7. call 8. call off hüy 9. calm down binh tinh 10. carry on tiép tuc 11. catch up (with) c6 gång theo kip 12. cheer up låm vui lén 13. clear up don dep 14. come across tinh 15. come back trö 16. come on nhanh 17. come xuåt bån 18. cross out 19. cut 20. cut off cåt (dién, nuöc...) 21. cut off cåt bö 22. do up (kéo) khöa 23. eat out än ö ngoåi 24. fall down té, 25. fall out (with) cäi lön vöi, tranh cäi vöi 26. fill in/out dién våo (don, thu) 27. fill up låm dåy, db dåy (db xäng...) 28. find out 29. get away with thoåt khÖi hinh phat 30. get in(to) lén 31. get out Stt If in(to) täng back gpi dién thoai (from) out down you wish duöng nuöi day, nuöi up cong cåc con s6) lai sau su viéc nåo dö) (1 cö thåy vat vé tü' lén gach chéo giäm (on) (sü' (1 dung cåi gi dÖ) phån) quån åo (cåi åo khoåc.. ngä khåm phå xe (xe hoi) xu6ng xe (of) to offer Bui me a for (car), röi khöi these tÖa nhå, noi nåo.. you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 114/138 Ldp VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINH HI-JONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 32. get off xu6ng xe 33. get on(to) lén 34. get on (with) höa dbng 35. get over hbi phuc, khÖi 36. get up thü'C dåy 37. wake up thü'C däy (cö thé ngü 38. give 39. give back trå lai 40. give up to bö 41. go away di 42. go back 43. go 44. go on tiép tuc 45. go on xåy 46. go out ngü'ng chåy 47. go out with hen hö vöi 48. grow up lön lén 49. hang on doi, chö möt chüt 50. hang up treo db 51. hang up gåc dién thoai 52. have on mäc quån åo 53. hurry up nhanh 54. join in tham 55. keep out ngän cån khöng cho 56. leave out bö 57. let down låm thåt vqng, gay thåt vqng 58. lie down näm xu6ng 59. log off thoåt khöi (website) 60. log on(to) däng nhäp våo (website) 61. look after chäm sÖc, 62. look up tra dién 63. make up bia 64. move chuyén dén sinh s6ng If away xe (bus, xe vöi, ICpa) ICpa) cö m6i quan t6t vöi bénh giuöng) (ra khöi tiép) Cho, täng (mién phi) db må ban dä vé hu höng in to offer Bui me a muon möt noi khÖi trö (to) off you wish (bus, xe (db än), chuöng dbng hb reo, nb ra (ICpa) lén lén gia sot, tü' dé sot, these våo möt noi chua hoån thänh chäm nom chuyén, bia for ai ra you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 115/ 138 Ldp VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & D!NH I-IUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 65. pay back trå lai tién 66. pick up nhät lén point out chi ra (vån 68. print out in ra, 69. pull off låm hu hång (do kéo 70. put away bö lai 71. put back bö lai vi tri 72. put 73. put off tri 74. put on täng can 75. put on mäc quån åo 76. put out låm cho ngü'ng chåy 77. put up treo 78. read out doc lön 79. rip 80. rub out 81. run 82. run out 83. save up 84. send 85. set off/out khöi hånh, lén 86. set up cåi dät share out chia sé dé düng, dé än 88. shut up häy im 89. sit 90. sort out giåi 91. speak up nÖi to lén 92. split 93. stand up dü'ng dåy 94. stay up thü'C 95. take 96. take back 97. take If down (from) (of) (for) vi tri manh låm gay) phü hop (dpn dep) cü (dpn dep) vat) xu6ng db vat lén tuöng Com lén thånh tCpng ra månh tåy, xöa (bång göm) tr6n di, tr6n nhå, chay hét (tién, xäng...) tiét kiém tién (dé låm • OCH tr6n gi dÖ) dudi khÖi sån (sån böng då. off down di, duöng dCpng cö bn åo ngbi xu6ng quyét vån dé, xü' IY cöng viéc chia tay up away khuya bö, loai down you wish db vat ö ra hoän xé away sao chép bö (db up dé nåo då) to offer Bui me a bö (råc thåi) (såch, trå lai låy xu6ng db vat..) you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 116 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÄN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINH HUONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LÖP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 98. take off cåt cånh (måy bay) 99. take off cöi db (åo quån) take over kiém soåt (cöng 101. take up chon möt cöng 102. throw 103. try 104. turn 105. turn off 106. turn on mö 107. turn over lät 108. turn up vän lön 109. wake up thü'C 110. wash up rCpa, 111. watch out coi chCpng 112. work out tim cåch 113. write If away bö viéc, down båc bå, Bui me a thao (thü' quån åo) måy möc) måy mÖc) (dén, (db vät) viét to offer thich, thé ch6i tü' tåt (dén, down Sö (råc thåi..) mäc thü' quån åo on you wish di ty) am dåy (chua chén, ra khöi giuöng) dTa,. (giåi thöng for thanh tin these phåp) dé xu6ng xü' IY cöng viéc (to giåy...) you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! HCM 117 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINH HUONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LOP 6, 7. 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl TONG HOP PREPOSITION PHARES Tip Cym accident by accident 2. addition in 3. age at the 4. air/etc by 5. back at the 6. beginning in 7. board on board 8. bottom at the 9. business on business 10. cash in 11. cd/dvd/video on cd/dvd/video 12. chance by chance 13. charge in 14. coast on the coast 15. common in common 16. comparion in comparion 17. conclusion in conclusion két luän 18. condition in good/bad condition trong tinh trang 19. contact in contact (with) lién lac 20. corner in the corner trong 21. credit Stt card/cheque Nghia giÖ'i tü' tinh addition (to) co tüy theo, ngoåi ra dö age of tu6i.. bus/taxi car bång phuong back ö air/ (of) the beginning tién.. phia sau båt dåu trén tåu bottom (of) duöi dåy dang cash trä bång tién xem bång mät fia CD/DVD/video tinh charge of cöng tåc di co Chiu tråch nhiém, ö vüng (with) to/with (of) by credit card/ cheque quån IY bién cÖ diém chung, tu'ong dbng khi trå so sånh vöi (t6t, xåu) vöi göc (phöng, nhå) bång thé tin dung, ngän phiéu 22. danger in danger 23. debt in debt 24. diet on a 25. distance in 26. duty on duty/ 27. e-mail/etc by email/phone/letter If you wish to offer Bui me a (of) trong tinh trang nguy hiém mäc no än kiéng diet the distance off duty tåm xa dang läm nhiém vv/ hét giö låm nhiém vu bång phuong tién email, dién thoai you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! I-ICM 118 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIE-N cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I I-IUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl end 28. in the end sau cüng (cüa möt chu6i sw' viéc) 29. end at the 30. fact in fact 31. fashion/style in 32. fashion/style out of fashion/style 33. favour in favour of thién vé, nghién vé, thich.. 34. first at first lüc 35. foot on 36. front in front of 37. fun for fun 38. future in the future trong tupong 39. general in general nöi 40. heart by heart end két thüc (möt sw' viéc) thåt våy, thät ra fashion/style foot hop thöi trang thöi (trang) 16i dåu bö di phia truöc vui lai Chung hoc thuöc, thät tinh (tåm löng) 41. holiday on holiday dang 42. instance for instance vi 43. internet on the trén 44. last at last sau cüng 45. law against the law vi 46. least at least it 47. love in love (with) 48. mess in a 49. middle in the middle of 50. mistake by mistake 51. moment at the 52. most at 53. news on the news trén 54. night at night ban dém (khuya) 55. opinion in my theo suy nghT cüa 56. order out of order hu hÖng 57. own on your own tw 58. phone on the phone dang 59. pressure under pressure bi If you wish to offer Bui me a internet mess moment most opinion di nghi mat du mang Pham (internet) luåt nhåt yéu dö ai trong möt d6ng bCpa bön trong giCpa lüc vö khöng c6 y y, våo lüc nay nhiéu nhåt bång (ai tin töi dÖ) låm nÖi chuyén dién thoai åp luc you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 119/138 Ldp VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HI-YONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl truöc cöng chüng, 60. public public in 61. purpose on purpose c6 Y 62. radio on the radio dang nghe 63. rent for rent cho thué, cho 64. respone in ch6 döng nguöi nhåm phån respone phåt thanh dåi, muön hbi, to phån cho hbi at risk dang gäp for sale dang duqc bån schedule on schedule theo lich, 68. secret in secret trong su 69. shape in shape nguöi can 70. spite in spite of mäc dü 71. stage on stage trén 72. strike on dinh cong 73. tears in tears khöc 74. teens/twenties/etc in your teens.. ö dö 75. time for 76. time on time 77. time in 78. times at times 79. top on top of 80. top at the top of trén 81. total in total tbng cöng 82. touch in touch with lién lac vöi, lién 83. trouble in trouble dang gäp khö khän, 84. TV on 85. view in 86. yourself by yourself 65. risk 66. strike a long time rüi ro, düng nguy hiém lich måt bi d6i, khöe manh sän khåu tubi teen/.. möt khoång thöi gian dåi düng giö time kip lüc thinh thoång trén phån cao nhåt (khöng gpi lå dinh) TV phån cao nhåt chiéu trén my view hé vöi råt r6i TV theo suy nghT cüa tw låm, (dinh) töi möt minh ban Compiled by OTTO CHANNEL If you wish to offer Bui me a for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 120 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINH HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LÖP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl TONG HOP WORD FORM Tip Gia Tip Stt Dinh ability able act (n) Nghia Tiéng Viet danh tü' disabled (adj) tan unable (adj) khöng thé act 2. Tb' Loai (in)active (v) (adj) tat hånh döng dién, (khöng) tich cuc, chü döng actor/actress (n) dién vién nam/nü' add (v) thém våo addition (n) phån thém våo, phép cöng admire (v) khåm phuc admiration (n) su thån phuc, khåm phuc advice (n) löi advise (v) khuyén båo adviser (n) c6 vån (nguöi khuyén båo) add 3. admire 4. advice 5. 6. afford 7. agree art 8. khuyén cö khå näng affordable (adj) agreement (n) hiép dinh, thÖa thuån (dis)agree (v) (khöng) dbng y art (n) nghé thuät artist (n) nghé sy artistic (adj) chi trå khiéu nghé thuåt assistant (n) nguöi giüp dö assistance (n) sw' athlete (n) vån döng vién (dién athletic (adj) assist 9. 10. athlete attract 11. attract If (v) (adj) attraction (n) (n, adj) athletic sports: löi mön dién kinh cu6n, håp dän håp dän, thu hüt su löi lung cu6n, håp dän (n)/ phia sau (adj) back backwards 13. kinh...) (thuöc) dién kinh attractive back 12. h6 trq (adj) tut håu beg (v) khån cåu beggar (n) nguöi än may beg you wish to offer Bui me a you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! I-ICM 121 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HI-YONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 14. bake bake (v) nuöng (bånh) baker (n) nguöi låm bånh bakery (n) tiém bånh (v) båt dåu beginner (n) nguöi båt dåu beginning (n) phån dåu belief (n) löng believe (v) tin begin — began — begun 15. 16. begin belief (un)believable 17. 18. 19. boil 21. brave (v) queo, cüi xu6ng bent (n) khuynh huöng boil (v) dun boiler (n) cåi nbi boiling (adj) söi boring (adj) nhat nhéo, chån bored (adj) chån bossy (adj) höng håch brave (adj) düng cåm break 25. 26. If tin bend bravery 24. (khöng) cö thé tuöng söi (nuöc söi) bore boss 23. tuöng bend 20. 22. (adj) tin sw' (v) låm gäy, bé — broke — broken break gan da, löng düng cåm (n) (un)breakable (adj) (khöng) dé careful (adj) cån thån (adj) khöng dé vö care y, khöng cån thån tam centre (n) central (adj) certain (adj) chåc chån certainly (adv) chåc chån, nhåt dinh certainty (n) diéu chåc chån chemist (n) nhå hÖa hoc chemical (n) chåt hÖa hoc chemistry (n) mön hÖa hoc trung centre certain chemist you wish to offer Bui me a for these giü'a you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 122 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I HIJÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 27. 28. 29. children (n) tré childhood (n) thöi (v) chon choice (n) su lua chon circle (v) xoay quanh, vöng trön choose — chose — chosen choose circle 31. mang tinh chåt trÖn (n) thöng tu, nghi dinh collection (n) bö suu tap collector (n) nguöi su'u tap comedy (n) håi kich comedian (n) dién vién håi collect comedy 32. comfort 33. communicate 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. If tho åu (adj) circular 30. con (sb nhiéu) child (un)comfortable (adj) communicate (v) giao tiép communication (n) sw' compare (v) so sånh comparison (n) sw so sånh compose (v) soan nhac composition (n) båi vän, båi composer (n) nguöi soan nhac conclude (v) két luån conclusion (n) sv confidence (n) su tu confuse (v) låm lön xön, gåy b6i compare compose (khöng) thoåi måi truyén dat, giao tiép soan conclude confident confuse connect cook két luån tin, tin tuöng confused (adj) b6i r6i confusion (n) sv b6i connect (v) két n6i connection (n) sw' lién disconnect (v) ngåt, thåo röi cook (v) nåu cooker (n) bép cookery (n) nghé nåu än correction (n) sv chinh (in)correct (adj) r6i, r6i lüng tüng két scra (cho düng) correct you wish to offer Bui me a for these (khöng) düng you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! / chinh xåc here! HCM 123 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HUONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl courage 42. courageous danger 43. 46. 47. 48. decide deep depart destroy direct 50. divide nguy hiém (v) quyét dinh decisive (adj) kién quyét decision (n) quyét dinh deep (adj) säu deeply (adv) såu såc, vö cüng depth (n) dö såu deliver (v) phån delivery (n) su phån departure (n) su destroy (v) hüy hoai destruction (n) su phå destructive (adj) 54. diét (v) phän chia division (n) phép (v) låi (xe) driver (n) tåi xé educate (v) giåo duc, education (n) su giåo duc su phån chia chia, — drove — educate (v, adj) båu cCp, chon Ipc elect election (n) cuöc båu emotion (n) cåm xüc cü' emotion employ you wish to offer Bui (adj) cåm döng employment (n) sv låm cöng, viéc låm unemployment (n) thåt nghiép employer (n) nguöi thué employee (n) nguöi unemployed If hüy bén) hoai divide emotional 55. röi khöi (xuåt phuong huöng driven drive ph6i (n) elect 53. chuyén giao ph6i, direction drive 52. su nguy hiém deliver 49. 51. (n) can dåm (adj) decide 45. (adj) su can dåm danger dangerous 44. (n) courage me a (adj) lao lao döng döng thåt nghiép you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 124/138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI I-ISG & HIJÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 56. energy 57. entertain 58. 59. 60. (adj) entertain (v) giåi entertainment (n) sw' giåi equality (n) su binh dång unequal (adj) examine (v) khåm exam(ination) (n) su kiém examiner (n) 62. 63. examine 65. 66. 67. except exception excite 69. (n) 71. If khöng dbng déu kiém xét, tra tra tra, nguöi chåm thi ngoai su lé kich thich (adj) håo hCpng excited (adj) håo hCpng exhibit (v) trién exhibition (n) cuöc trién läm expense (n) phi t6n, chi phi läm exhibit expense express fame fascinate (adj) (khöng) dåt (måc express (v) dién tå expression (n) sw' expressive (adj) dién famous (adj) nbi tiéng fascinate (v) mé hoäc fascination (n) su quyén fascinating (adj) tién) dién dat cåm rü, löi cu6n håp dån felt (v) két feeling(s) (n) cåm (v) bay flight (n) chuyén bay fog (n) suong mü lai feel — flew — flown giåc fly fog foggy 70. tri exciting fly 68. tiéu khién nguöi kiém (in)expensive 64. tri, nghi luc equal excitement 61. manh mé, dåy energetic forgive you wish to offer Bui 10 mö forgive forgave - forgiven (v) tha thü' forgiveness (n) su tha (n) su tu do fre e free (adj) me a o m for these thü' you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 125 / 138 LOP VIP.I ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HI-YONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 72. 73. garden garden (n) vuön gardener (n) nguöi läm vuön gardening (n) nghé låm vuön handful (n) möt handle (v) cåm, unhappy 74. (adj) nåm khöng hanh phüc happy 75. hate 76. help 77. it hand hero (un)happiness (n) sv (khöng) hanh phüc hatred (n) sw' cäm ghét (un)helpful, (adj) (khöng) hCpu helpless (adj) båt luc, heroic (adj) anh hüng, quå cåm hero history historic history anh hüng, nam chinh (n) nü' (n) lich sü' (adj) historian (n) dishonest 79. 80. 81. anh hüng (adj) 83. If d by OTTO NNEL lich sü' historic time: thöi ky lich sü' nhå SCP gia khöng thånh thuc honest trung thuc honesty (n) identical (adj) dbng nhåt identically (adv) tuong tu sw' identical imagine imagine (v) tuöng tuong imagination (n) su tuöng tuong imaginative (adj) inform 82. yéu du6i (n) thuöc 78. ich, inform instruct you wish to offer Bui (v) tuöng tupong phong phü thöng båo, truyén informative (adj) information (n) thöng instruct (v) huöng dän instruction (n) sw' instructor (n) nguöi huöng dån me a for these cö nhiéu thöng tåi tin tin huöng dän, you can Van T rung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! Ibi chi dän here! HCM 126 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I HI-PONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRiNH DO TUONG DUONG Bl intelligent 84. 85. (adj) intelligence (n) tri intention (n) y introduce invade 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. (adj) 94. 95. 96. ff!nh, chü y (n) sw' giöi thiéu, sw' ra invade (v) xåm invasion (n) su xäm luoc invader (n) ké jogging (n) viéc chay jogger (n) nguöi chay bö judge (v) dånh giå judgement (n) sw' liar (n) nguöi nöi d6i lying (n) sw' nÖi d6i live (v) s6ng xåm luoc bö jog judge dånh giå lie life alive (adj) cön s6ng long (adj) dåi long (n) chiéu dåi may mån (un)lucky, (adj) (khöng) (un)luckily (adv) möt cåch may mån luck measure (v) do lu'öng measurement (n) viéc measure medicine memory medical (adj) memory (n) tri memorise (v) ghi memorial (adj) musical (adj) music musician If döi lån do luöng thuöc y hQC nhö nhö (thuåc) k' thuöc 97. muc dich introduction length 93. thöng minh intend intentional 86. thöng minh intelligent you wish to offer Bui me a (n) for these niém am nhac musical instrument (dung cu) nhac sy you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 127 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I HIJÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl nationality 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. nation (n) töc, qu6c gia, national (adj) thuöc qu6c gia international (adj) qu6c té natural (adj) thuöc tw nhién naturally (adv) 1 noisy (adj) bn åo noisily (adv) huyén nåo qu6c tich nature cåch tu nhién noise occupy office occupation (n) nghé nghiép office (n) vän phÖng officer (n) cöng chü'C (un)official (adj) (khöng) chinh quy painful (adj) dau dén painless (adj) pain khÖng dau peace 104. dån (n) peace (adj, peaceful(ly) a painless injection höa binh hÖa binh, yén tinh adv) perfect 105. perfect (adj) perfection (n) imperfect (adj) personality 106. (n) 108. 109. (adj) If hoån håo khöng hoån håo tinh cåch player (n) playful (adj) cå nhän nguöi choi play vui vé, khöi håi pollution (n) su polluted (v) bi prediction (n) sw' tién nhiém pollute ö nhiém doån predict (un)predictable 110. sw' person personal 107. hoån håo (adj) preference (n) preferable (adj) sw' uu tién, duoc uu prefer you wish (khöng) cÖ thé to offer Bui me a for these a is dv doån nghiéng vb. tién hon more preferable by b you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 128 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINH HUONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 111. prepare (v) chuån preparation (n) su chuån prisoner (n) tü recommend (v) giöi thiéu, tién cCp recommendation (n) su giöi thiéu reduction (n) su' giåm refer (v) chi dän reference (n) su tham khåo, refusal (n) sv to bi prepare 112. prison 113. recommend 114. bi nhän giå, giåm xu6ng 115. 116. refuse (adj) 117. re late 119. lién ho hång relationship (n) m6i quan hé nghi huu retire safe retirement (n) sw' save (v) tiét nghi viéc kiém unsafe (adj) safety (n) sailing (n) sailor (n) thüy thü science (n) khoa hoc scientist (n) nhå khoa hoc secretly (adv) thåm kin, bi secrecy (n) sw' bi mat, tinh kin sensible (adj) cé thé nhän thCpc sensitive (adj) nhay cåm khöng an toån an toån thuyén SW' 120. 121. 122. 123. quan (n) (adj) dän ch6i relation retired 118. cö chi sail sailing club: clb dua thuyén science måt secret dåo sense service (n) dich vu nguöi håu 124. servant (n) civil servant: cöng chü'C nhå nuöc If you wish to offer Bui me a for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 129 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & D!NH I-II-PONG THI DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 125. shot (n) phåt dan shooting (n) sv bån (adj) im läng shoot silent 126. 127. silent (n) simple 129. 130. 131. solve speak succeed möt cach im läng simple (adj) don giån simplify (v) låm don giän höa simplicity (n) sw' (v) ca håt singer (n) ca sy singing (n) tiéng håt solution (n) giåi speak — spoke spoken (v) nöi speaker (n) nguöi phåt biéu speech (n) båi phåt biéu succeed (v) ké success (n) thånh cöng 133. (adj) 135. 136. If giån, dé dång phåp tuc, ké nhiém (khöng) thånh cöng suggest (v) dé nghi, suggestion (n) Ibi kién nghi sympathise (v) thöng cåm, dbng tinh dé xuåt suggest sympathy sympathetic 134. don — sang — (un)successful 132. su im läng (adv) sung sing (di) silently sing 128. CHI-JYÉN translate travel true you wish to offer Bui (adj) thöng cåm sympathetic + to/towards/with sb translate (v) dich translation (n) bån translator (n) nguöi dich traveller (n) 10' truth (n) su dich, sw khåch thåt untrue (adj) khöng düng truthful (adj) chinh xåc me a for these giåi thich you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 130 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I I-IUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO I-ISG LdP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 137. useful (adj) cö ich useless (adj) vö ich (adj) cÖ giå use 138. value valuable 139. visit visitor (n) du khåch 140. weigh weight (n) trpng luong If you wish to offer Bui me a tri you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! 131 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINI-I I-IUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl TONG HOP WORD PATTERN Tip Word accuse accuse sb of buöc 2. addict addict to nghién (game, thu6c...) 3. admire admire sb 4. advantage an advantage of mot su thuån 5. advert(isement) an advert möt muc quång cåo vé 6. advise advise against khuyén båo khöng låm afraid afraid of so 8. agree agree (with sb) about Sth dbng y vöi 9. allergic allergic to di Cpng 10. amazed amazed ngac nhién 11. angry angry with sb about Sth giån 12. apologise apologise Xin 13. apply apply for Xin viéc, 14. approve approve of üng hö, tån thånh 15. argue argue with sb about 16. argument an argument with sb 17. arrive arrive at 18. arrive arrive in 19. ashamed ashamed 20. ask ask (sb) about Sth höi ai 21. ask ask yéu cåu 22. aware aware of cé y thü'C vé, biét vé 23. begin begin Sth with båt dåu diéu gi dÖ vöi.. 24. believe believe tin 25. belong belong to 26. blame blame sb 27. blame blame Sth on so d6i 28. book a book (by sb) about möt cu6n såch cüa Stt If you wish to offer Bui me a Pattern Nghia töi ai, håm mö for for at/by (to sb) for Sth st ai cåo buöc dÖ vé diéu loi dö ai gi dÖ cüa gi dÖ dö cåi gi dÖ vé diéu ai gi dÖ vöi böi.. dÖ vé vån dé ai dÖ vé diéu Ibi ai nöp don dÖ gi dÖ gi Xin dÖ vé tranh cäi vöi ai möt su tranh cäi vöi dÖ ai dén noi nåo dö <= sån bay + n dén noi nåo dÖ > sån bay of for in xåu nguong ngüng 11b, dÖ vé diéu väo gi dÖ nha dö cåi gi thuöc vé for Sth for these db 16i ai löi dÖ vé diéu diéu gi you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! gi dÖ cho ai dÖ ai dö dÖ vé here! HCM 132 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI* HUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP 6. 7. 8 cÖ TRiNH DO TUONG DUONG Bl 29. bored bored with chån vöi 30. borrow borrow Sth from muon 31. buy buy mua 32. capable capable of cö khå näng låm 33. care care about quan tam vé 34. careful careful with thän trpng vé vån dé 35. change change bién d6i cåi gi dö thånh 36. chat chat to sb about nöi 37. cheat cheat ICpa d6i, ICpa 38. choose choose between chqn 39. close close to gån 40. combine combine 41. comment comment on binh luån vé vån dé gi dÖ 42. communicate communicate with giao tiép vöi 43. compare compare Sth to/with so sånh diéu gi dÖ 44. complain complain to phån nan vöi ai dÖ vé 45. confuse confuse Sth with b6i 46. congratulate congratulate sb on Sth chüc 47. connect connect két n6i diéu gi 48. continue continue with tiép tuc vöi.. 49. cope cope giåi quyét, 50. covered covered with/in bao phü, che däy 51. crazy crazy about cuc 52. criticize criticize 53. cure a cure 54. damage damage 55. deal deal with giåi quyét vån dé 56. decide decide on giäi quyét vån dé 57. depend depend on phu thuöc våo 58. describe describe Sth as miéu If you wish to offer Bui me a Sth from Sth into in/at Sth with sb about st to/with with sb for dÖ cåi gi giCpa hop dÖ tü' ai dÖ tü' ai dÖ gi chuyén thän mat dÖ gi vöi... vé. gat 2 nguöi hoäc 2 våt dÖ vöi cåi gi vöi.. dléu gi dÖ vOi mong ai dÖ vé diéu r6i cåi gi gi dö dÖ dÖ vöi duong dåu thich diéu gi chi trich ai vöi dÖ dÖ vé diéu gi dÖ möt phuong thu6c chCpa bénh for thiét hai to for két dÖ cåi gi these cho tä diéu gi you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! gi dö dÖ nhu ld. here! HCM 133 / 138 Ldp VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI I-ISG & DINH HUÖNG THI CHIJYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG Ldp 6, 7, 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl bénh 59. die die from/of chét 60. die die for hy sinh (cho 61. difference a difference between mot 62. different from/to khåc vöi 63. different indifferent to thö 64. difficult difficult for khö khän vé 65. disappointed disappointed with thåt 66. disconnect disconnect Sth from ngåt két n6i 67. embarrassed embarrassed about b6i 68. enthusiastic enthusiastic about häng 69. escape escape from thoåt khöi 70. explain explain Sth to sb giåi thich 71. familiar familiar with vi sw' tåt tb qu6c) khåc nhau giü'a o dÖ gi vpng vöi r6i dö gi vé diéu tü' gi dö dö gi näng nb håi, diéu gi dö cho ai dÖ hiéu biét vé cåi gi dö, 72. famous famous 73. fan a fan of 74. far far 75. fed 76. for quen vöi (biét) n6i tiéng vé gi möt fan häm xa from tü' dö mÖ noi nåo dö.. fed up with chån nån feel feel like thich fight fight against dåu tranh ch6ng 78. fill fill 79. fond fond of thich 80. forget forget about quén vé 81. forgive forgive sb for tha thü' 82. frightened frightened of so 83. full full 84. game a 85. glance glance at liéc 86. good good at giöi cåi gi 87. good good for cö If up you wish to offer Bui me a cüa lai db dåy Sth with of gi cåi gi ai dö dÖ vé diéu gi dÖ dÖ dåy game möt trån dåu vöi against for these for nåo dö nhin loi cho dÖ (sü'C you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you döi your generosity! khöe) here! HCM 134 / 138 LOP VIP.I ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI HSG & DINH HUONG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl cé 88. guilty guilty of 89. happen happen 90. happy happy about/with hanh phüc vöi/vé 91. help help sb with giüp 92. hide hide Sth from sb giåu cåi 93. idea an idea about möt y tuöng vé 94. increase an increase möt sv 95. influence an influence on anh huöng 96. inform inform sb about/of thöng båo 97. information information about thöng 98. insist insist 99. interested interested 100. invite invite 101. involved involved töi xåy to in on ra dÖ vé viéc ai dÖ vöi gi dÖ gi dÖ ai gia täng lén cåi gi dÖ dÖ vé dö ai gi vé tin khäng khäng dÖi låm möi gi dÖ An quan dén/ dinh liu i Compiled b t dÖ dé låm ai OTTO jealous jealous of 103. joke a joke about mét cåu chuyén düa 104. keen keen on thich/ 105. kind kind to 106. know know about hiéu biét vé/ biét vé 107. late late for tré. 108. laugh laugh at ché nhao 109. learn learn 110. lend lend Sth to 111 letter a 112. listen listen to nghe 113. look look up to tön trpng 114. married married to sb két hön vöi 115. engaged engaged dinh hön vöi 116. nervous nervous about If you wish to offer Bui me a about hQC vé cho from sb about to khao khåt to té vöi of for dén/ cö am du 102. letter dÖ gi quan tåm/ thich in sb to / dö cåi gi sb these lå 10 gi ai dÖ dÖ dÖ muon thu to cåi gi ai cåi gi cåi gi dÖ cho dÖ vé vån dé ai gi dÖ dÖ lång vé dléu gi dé you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 135 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NANG THI HSG & DINI-I HIJÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl number 117. number a/the 118. opinion an opinion about/of möt y tuöng vé/ 119. part take part tham 120. pay pay 121. picture a picture of möt 122. pleased pleased with håi löng vöi 123. popular popular with ph6 bién vöi 124. prepare prepare for chuån 125. prevent prevent sb from ngän cån 126. proud proud of tu håo.. 127. provide provide sb with cung cåp 128. punish punish sb for phat 129. question a question about möt cäu 130. ready ready for sån sang 131. reason a reason for möt 132. receive receive Sth from nhån 133. recipe a recipe for möt cöng 134. recover recover from hbi 135. refe r refer to/stand for dé cap dén/ thay thé cho 136. relationship a relationship with mot mbi quan hé 137. rely of in möt s6 luong gia thanh toån tién hång/ for cho bi ai dÖ vé viéc ai dÖ dÖ ai cåi gi cåi gi cåi gi dÖ thü'C nåu än remove remove loai 140. reply reply to phån 141. responsible responsible for Chiu tråch 142. result result in dän dén két quå 143. result result 144. save save Sth from cü'u ai 145. scared scared of so.. 146. send send you wish to offer Bui me a 3) for bö these gi ai dÖ cåi gi vöi dö vé gi dö tü'.. hbi/ trå löi nhiém vé cö két quå göi . våo, phi* thuöc våo 139. so dÖ tü'.. nhåc/ goi nhö Sth to dÖ do cho IY remind sb of from dÖ hÖi vé. remind Sth from gi pluc dva on trå tién bü'C tranh.. 138. If cüa.. dö gi dÖ tü' tü' dÖ cho you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! ai dÖ here! HCM 136 / 138 LOP VIP.I - ÖN TOÅN DIEN cÅc KY NÄNG THI I-ISG & DINI-I I-IUÖNG THI CHUYÉN DÅNH CHO HSG LOP6 7 8 cÖ TRINH DO TUONG DUONG Bl dö 147. serious serious about nghiém tüc vé diéu 148. share share Sth with chia sé cåi 149. short short of thiéu hut (tién, thöi gian 150. similar similar to tuong tw vöi 151. smell smell of müi, 152. smile smile at mim cuöi 153. solution a solution to mot 154. sorry sorry for/about Xin 155. spend spend xåi tién/ tiéu tién vé gi 156. succeed succeed 157. suitable suitable for phü hop 158. sure sure about/of chåc chån 159. surprised surprised at/by ngac nhién vé 160. talented talented at giÖi 161. talk talk to 162. tell tell 163. think think about suy nghT vé. 164. tired tired of chån nån/ mét 165. translate translate from Sth into dich cåi gi dé sang cåi gi dÖ 166. type a type of möt loai gi dÖ 167. wait wait for chö doi dö 168. work work as låm nghé 169. work work låm viéc cho 170. worry worry about 10 171. write write to sb about viét 172. wrong wrong about sb ai 173. wrong wrong Sth on giåi Ibi dö dö, vöi ai gi huong gi ... ) vi. phåp Cho. vé diéu gi dÖ dÖ thånh cöng in sb about sb about Sth for vé vöi.. gi vé. gi dÖ/ cÖ dÖ tåi vé gi nöi vöi ai dÖ, vé diéu gi nÖi ai dÖ vé diéu ai gi dÖ dÖ dÖ möi.. lång vé cho ai dÖ vé viéc dÖ cÖ chuyén cö chuyén gi gi, gi råc dÖ r6i gi dö with Sth (hu hÖng, phién phü'C) If you wish to offer Bui me a for these you can Van Trung _ 0071000643599 _ Vietcombank Thank you for your generosity! here! HCM 137 / 138 o I-IJ o O z O z 0 (D z 0 LIJ 3 o O > z z Q) -o U) -o -o z z z tu-l• z z O z o o n