See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: CMOS Inverter Analytical Delay Model Considering All Operating Regions Conference Paper in Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems · June 2014 DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS.2014.6865419 CITATIONS READS 6 467 3 authors: Felipe Marranghello André Inácio Reis Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul 24 PUBLICATIONS 95 CITATIONS 159 PUBLICATIONS 1,156 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Renato P. Ribas Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul 157 PUBLICATIONS 1,223 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by André Inácio Reis on 07 August 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE CMOS Inverter Analytical Delay Model Considering All Operating Regions Felipe S. Marranghello, André I. Reis, Renato P. Ribas PGMICRO, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil {fsmarranghello,andreis,rpribas} Abstract — This paper presents an accurate analytical delay model for CMOS inverter considering both subthreshold and superthreshold operating regions. Previous related work are either only valid for a specific operating condition or assume a step input. Therefore, that is the first approach to consider both different operating regions and input transition time. Moreover, the proposed model also considers several second order effects that influence the CMOS inverter dynamic behavior. Compared to electrical simulations based on BSIM4 transistor model the proposed delay model presents an average error of 2.3% and the worst case error of 6.6%. I. INTRODUCTION The design of ultralow-power systems such as sensor networks, portable devices and biomedical applications has received great attention. Reduction of the supply voltage value (Vdd) is a well-known technique to reduce power consumption and increase energy efficiency. Even though better energy efficiency is verified when the circuit operates below or near the transistor threshold voltage, others factors such as timing performance and robustness to process and environmental variations are also major concerns when defining the operating Vdd. In this context, analytical delay models that are valid over a wide range of Vdd values are quite useful to overcome the challenges related to circuit design that explore Vdd scaling. Several analytical models for fast estimation of CMOS gates delay have been proposed to perform analysis and optimization of circuits [1]-[12]. The main goal of these models is to explore a trade-off between accuracy and runtime when compared to electrical simulations. In this context, the CMOS inverter gate is of particular interest due to the importance of I/O drivers and clock networks. The main challenges in deriving an accurate delay model are related to the complex behavior of MOS transistors and existent nonidealities. Most proposed analytical delay models focus on the inverter operating in superthreshold region, and neglect the subthreshold current [1]-[5]. These models present accurate results for sufficiently high Vdd values, but they lose accuracy as Vdd is reduced. In a similar manner, models proposed for near and sub threshold regions are only valid for sufficiently small values of Vdd [6]-[9]. Since the best operating region for the circuit is a parameter to be determined, it is desirable to have a delay model valid over a wide range of Vdd values. One possibility is to combine models for specific operating regions. However, this approach can suffer from discontinuities and incoherencies at the 978-1-4799-3432-4/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE transition among different models. These discontinuities and incoherencies arise from different assumptions and approximations used by different models. Thus, a single model considering all operating regions represents a significant improvement. Existing approaches that consider both subthreshold and superthreshold regions are limited to step input transitions [10][11]. This work proposes a novel delay model for CMOS inverter valid for both subthreshold and superthreshold operating regions considering the influence of input transition time. Unlike previous works focusing only on superhtreshold operation, the model proposed herein considers the subthreshold current even for superthreshold operation. Consequently, the proposed model does not lose accuracy as Vdd is reduced, and the same approach used to model an inverter operating in superthreshold is applied to subthreshold operation. Hence, a continuous model with respect both to Vdd and to input transition times is obtained. Finally, the proposed model also considers channel length modulation, drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL), velocity saturation and I/O coupling capacitances. II. PROPOSED DELAY MODEL The CMOS inverter gate delay can be defined as follows: Td Tout50 Tin / 2 (1) where Tout50 and Tin are the time instants when the output voltage (Vout) and the input voltage (Vin) attain Vdd/2, respectively. Hereafter, the case for a rising input is considered, while the analysis for falling input is symmetrical. In this work, three different conditions of input signal slope are taken into account for Tin: (1) fast input when Tin<Tout50; (2) slow input when Tvthn<Tout50<Tin, being Tvthn the time instant when Vin reaches the NMOS transistor threshold voltage; and (3) very slow input when Tvthn>Tout50. The superthreshold drain-to-source current (Ids) of MOSFET is calculated based on the α-power transistor model [1], and the subthreshold current is modeled as presented in [12]. As result, Ids is given by: I 0.We( VgsVth ) / n.Ut ( 1 e Vds / Ut ) Vgs Vth Ids Klin.W ( Vgs Vth ) / 2 Vds Isub Vgs Vth & Vds Vdsat Ksat.W ( Vgs Vth ) ( 1 .Vds ) Isub Vgs Vth &Vds Vdsat (2a) (2b) (2c) where W is the effective transistor width, Klin and Ksat are technology parameters. Vdsat, Vds, Vgs, Vth and Ut are saturation, drain-to-source, gate-to-source, transistor threshold and thermal voltages, respectively. I0 is a characteristic current, 1452 λ represents the channel length modulation parameter, n is the subthreshold slope, and α is the velocity saturation index. Hereafter, indexes n and p are used to refer to NMOS and PMOS parameters, respectively. Isub is added to the α-power transistor model to ensure that the estimated current behavior is continuous with respect to Vgs between the subthreshold and superthreshold regions. Isub is given by: (3) Isub I 0.W (1 e Vds /Ut ) In order to include DIBL effect, Vth can be expressed as: Vth Vth0 .Vds (4) Where Vth0 is the threshold voltage when no bias is applied and η is the coefficient to model the DIBL effect. The proposed model uses a charge based approach, in which the main principle is that the charge to be removed from the output node equals the charge drained by the NMOS transistor. Both the output charge and the NMOS drained charge can be written as the sum of several components: Qload Qcm Qsc Qsubrise Qsubhigh Qstrrise Qstrhigh (5) where Qsubrise and Qsubhigh are the charges drained through the NMOS transistor, operating in the subthreshold region, for a rising input signal and when the input voltage (Vin) equals Vdd, respectively. In a similar way, Qstrrise and Qstrhigh are the charges drained by the NMOS transistor for Vthn<Vin<Vdd and when Vin=Vdd, respectively. Qload represents the charge due to capacitances connected to the output node, Qcm is the extra charge due to I/O coupling capacitance, and Qsc is an equivalent charge that models the short circuit current (ISC) influence. The proposed inverter delay model calculates each component individually, and then solves (6) to find Tout50 for possible situations. Before presenting the calculation of the charge components, some parameters are initially defined in the following sections. A. Inverter threshold voltage As Tin increases, the transient behavior of inverter tends to its DC behavior. In the DC transfer curve, there is a Vin value such that Vout=Vdd/2. This Vin value is defined as the inverter threshold voltage (Vtinv). Hence, to calculate Vtinv, Vout is set to Vdd/2 and Ids currents of NMOS and PMOS transistors are equated. Different cases are considered to calculate Vtinv: (1) NMOS and PMOS operate in superthreshold region; (2) NMOS operates in subthreshold region, and PMOS operates in superthreshold region; (3) PMOS operates in subthreshold region, and NMOS operates in superthreshold region; and (4) NMOS and PMOS operate in subthreshold region. If the inverter operates in subthreshold region, then Vtinv is determined by the fourth case. Otherwise, Vtinv is determined by one of the other cases, depending on the Vdd value. To determine which case must be taken into account to calculate Vtinv, two PN ratios (PNref1 and PNref2) for CMOS inverter are adopted as boundary values. If the PN ratio of the evaluated inverter is smaller than PNref1, then Vtinv is determined by case (2). If such inverter presents PN ratio between PNref1 and PNref2, then Vtinv lies either on case (1) or case (4), depending on Vdd. Finally, case (3) determines Vtinv for inverter gate with PN ratio higher than PNref2. Defining Vthp0p5 and Vthn0p5 as the PMOS and NMOS threshold voltages for |Vds|=Vdd/2, respectively, and Vov as Vdd-|Vthp0p5|- Vthn0p5, PNref1 and PNref2 are given by: I 0 n .eVov /( nn .Ut ) / I 0 p PN ref 1 I 0 n /( Ksat p .Vov p ( 1 0.5 p .Vdd )) Vov<0 Vov>0 Ksat .Vov n ( 1 0.5 .Vdd ) / I 0 n n p PN ref 2 Vov /( nnp .Ut ) I 0 n / I 0 p .e Vov<0 Vov>0 (6a) (6b) (7a) (7b) The solution for case (4) is directly obtained from the subthreshold current of both transistors. The remaining three cases are solved using a first-order Taylor expansion around Vin=V0 for both NMOS and PMOS currents. To ensure that the proposed delay model is continuous with respect to PN ratio, V0 is written as a function of PN ratio (PN), as follows: Case (1): V 0 Vthn0 p5 Vov Case (2): Case (3): PN PN ref 1 any Vov (8a) ( Vdd | Vth p 0 p5 |) PN / PN ref 1 V0 Vthn0 p5 PN / PN ref 1 Vov<0 Vov>0 (8b) (8c) Vdd ( Vdd Vthn0 p5 ) PN ref 2 / PN V0 Vdd ( Vdd | Vth p 0 p5 |) PN ref 2 / PN Vov<0 Vov>0 (8d) (8e) PN ref 2 PN ref 1 Defining Ip and In as the PMOS and NMOS currents, respectively, for Vout=Vdd/2 and Vin=V0, and Ip’ and In’ as the PMOS and NMOS current derivatives, respectively, when Vout=Vdd/2 and Vin=V0, Vtinv can be written as: Vtinv V 0 ( Ip In ) /( In' Ip' ) (9) B. Modeling DIBL and channel length modulation One of the main challenges on developing an accurate analytical gate delay model is to consider appropriately the influence of Vds on the discharge current. If such influence is explicitly considered, the differential equations become difficult to be solved. Since the NMOS transistor is expected to operate in saturation during the output transition to Vdd/2, several works assume that the discharge current is constant in respect to Vds, and the discharge current is calculated with Vds=Vdd [2][4]. However, the influence of Vds on the saturation current is verified through both channel length modulation and DIBL, gaining importance in advanced CMOS technology nodes. A simple way to consider the Vds impact on the saturation current is to use an effective value (Vdseff), which is defined by: Vds eff Vdd ( 1.5 Cme ff /( Cload Cme ff )) / 2 (10) where Cload is the lumped capacitance at the output node. Cmeff is an effective I/O coupling capacitance value. Cmeff is the sum of a PMOS component (Cgdp) and a NMOS component (Cdgn). Cmp is given by: Cmlin p ( Vdd | Vth p min |) | Vth p min | ( Cmlin p Cmoff p ) Cgd p Vdd Cmoff p |Vthpmin|<Vdd (11a) |Vthpmin|>Vdd (11b) where Vthpmin is the threshold voltage with |Vds|=Vdd. Cmoffp, and Cmlinp are, respectively, coupling capacitances when the transistor is turned-off and in linear region [14]. Cdgn is calculated in the same manner replacing PMOS by NMOS parameters. The effective values are used because both the 1453 input and output signal transitions have great influence on the value of these capacitances. C. Charges from output load and coupling capacitances Qload is obtained from Cload. These capacitances have a voltage drop of Vdd/2, which leads to: (12) Qload ( Cload Cmeff ).Vdd / 2 Qcm depends on the input transition time. For fast inputs, all possible extra charge is transferred through the coupling capacitance. For slow input, the charge transferred is reduced. A simple way to consider this dependence is to write Qcm as: Cmeff .Vdd Qcm Cmeff .Vdd (Tinref / Tin) Tin<Tinref Tin>Tinref (13a) (13b) where Tinref is the input transition time that defines the boundary between fast and slow inputs. Accurate expressions for Tinref are presented in Section II.F. D. Short circuit current equivalent charge Even though the influence of ISC on the CMOS inverter dynamic behavior can be neglected for fast input transitions, this component is important for slow inputs. The proposed model considers the ISC through an equivalent charge Qsc. Qsc is the product between the time during which ISC flows and an average ISC value. It is considered that ISC flows during the whole input transition except for the overshoot time (Tov). Firstly, equating the Vout derivatives due to I/O coupling capacitance and due to the NMOS current, the time instant when the overshoot voltage reaches the maximum value (Tmax) is estimated as: Icm Isubn Vthneff ) Tin.(Vdd Vthneff )( n I high Isubn Tmax Vdd Tin.( nn .Ut .ln( Icm / Isubn ) Vthneff ) Vdd Icm>Isubn (14a) Icm<Isubn (14b) by: (15) Qsubhigh I 0 n.Wn e The average short circuit current corresponds to a percentage of the DC current when Vin=Vtinv. This current is referred as Ivtinv. This assumption is justified because the DC behavior represents the worst case scenario when increasing the input signal transition. As a result, Qsc can be expressed as: Qsc 0.25Ivtinv (Tin Tov)(1 Tinref / Tin) (17) E. NMOS drained charge If Vin is smaller than Vthneff, from the starting of the input transition until an arbitrary time t1, then Qsubrise can be expressed as: Vdd.t1/(Tin.nn .Ut ) Qsubrise Tin.Ksubn .(e 1) )n n .Ut.e Vdd Vthneff /( nn .Ut ) (19) (Vdd Vthneff ) /( nn .Ut ) (1 e Vdseff / Ut )(t1 Tin) (20) If Tvthn defines the time instant when Vin=Vthneff, then Qstrrise from Tvthn to t1 is given by: Qstrrise I high.Tin.(t1.Vdd / Tin Vth neff ) 1 Vdd .(Vdd Vth neff ) ( 1) (21) Qsub where (22) Qsub Isubn .( t1 Tvthn ) In order to guarantee that the proposed delay model is continuous with respect to Tin, Qstrrise is calculated for both α=1(Qstrrise1) and α=2 (Qstrrise2), and an average value is considered, as follows: Qstrrise Qstrrise1( 2 n ) Qstrrise2 ( n 1 ) (23) If Vdd>Vthneff, then the charge drained by NMOS transistor from Tin until t1 is given by: Qstrhigh I high .( t1 Tin ) (24) F. Output discharge for fast input transition An input is considered fast when Tin<Tout50. If Vdd>Vthneff, then Qsubhigh is null, whereas Qsubrise, Qstrrise and Qstrhigh are calculated with t1=Tvthn, t1=Tin and t1=Tout50, respectively. If Vdd<Vthneff, then both Qstrrise and Qstrhigh are null, whereas Qsubhigh and Qsubrise are calculated with t1=Tin and t1=Tout50, respectively. As result, Tout50 can be calculated as follows: Qcm Qout Qsubrise Qstrrise I high (25) The boundary between fast and slow inputs (Tinref) for superthreshold and subthreshold operating conditions are given by: Tinref (16) In (16), if Tmax>Tin¸ then Tin is used instead of Tmax. A first order Taylor expansion around t0=(Cmeff.Vdd/Isubn) is used to calculate Tov when Isubn>Icm. This expansion is required to calculate Tinrefslow, defined in Section II.G. Vdseff / Ut If Vdd<Vthneff and Vin=Vdd, Qsubhigh from Tin to t1 is given Then, Tov is estimated as follows: Tov Tmax( 1 Vdd ( Cl Cmeff ) /( I high.Tinref )) I 0 n .Wn (1 e Tout50 Tin where Vthneff is the NMOS transistor threshold voltage when Vds=Vdseff, Ihigh is the NMOS current for Vgs=Vdd and Vds=Vdseff and Icm is the current through the coupling capacitance: Icm Cmeff .Vdd / Tin Ksubn Vdd ( 1 )( Qout Qcm ) ( I ( Vdd Vth neff ) Isubn ( Vdd Vthneff k1 )) high Vdd ( Qout Qcm ) Isub ( eVdd /( nn .Ut ) 1 )n Ut ( e Vthneff /( nn .Ut ) ) n n Vdd>Vthneff (26a) Vdd<Vthneff (26b) where k1 nn .Ut(1 e Vthneff /( nn .Ut ) ) (27) G. Output discharge for slow and very slow input transitions When the input is slow or very slow, the input voltage is still rising at Tout50. Therefore, both Qsubhigh and Qstrhigh are null. If Vdd>Vthneff, then Qsubrise, and Qstrrise are calculated with t1=Tvthn and t1=Tout50, respectively. If Vdd>Vthneff, then Qstrhighis null and Qsubrise is calculated with t1=Tout50. In the superthreshold region, defining Tvthneff as the instant when Vin=Vthneff and Δt=(Tout50-Tvthneff), Tout50 satisfies the following expression: (18) where 1454 I high .Vdd n ( t ) n 1 n Tin ( Vdd Vthneff ) n ( n 1 ) Isubn .t Qout Qcm Qsc Qsubrise (28) TABLE I. Equation (30) cannot be solved analytically unless αn=1 or αn=2. Similar strategy used in (23) and (25) is applied to determine Δt. For the subthreshold domain, Tout50 is given by: Tout50 nn .Ut.Tin Qout Qcm Qsc ln( 1) Vdd k.Tin Power supply (Vdd) 1.0 V 0.8 V 0.6 V 0.4 V 0.2 V (29) where k nn .Ut Vth Isubn .e neff Vdd /( nn .Ut ) (30) In superthreshold domain, the input can also be classified as very slow. In this case, Vout reaches Vdd/2 while the NMOS transistor is in subthreshold. For this, it is required Vtinv <Vthneff and Tout50 is similar to a slow input in subthreshold. The boundary between slow and very slow inputs (Tinrefslow) is found considering Qsubrise=Qout+Qcm+Qsc, and Tin=t1=Tinrefslow. Qsubhigh, Qstrrise and Qstrhigh are all zero. Tinrefslow satisfies the quadratic equation: 2 a.Tinrefslow b.Tinrefslow c 0 (31) where coefficients a, b and c are given by: Vthneff /( nn .Ut ) ) (32) b 0.25Ivt inv( Tinref ( 1 Tov' ) Tov0 Tov' t 0 ) Qout Qcm (33) c 0.25Ivtinv .Tinref (Tov0 Tov'.t 0) (34) a 0.25Ivt inv ( 1 Tov' ) I 0.n.Wn.Ut .(1 e being Tov0 and Tov’, respectively, the overshoot time and the first-order derivative for Tin=t0, as described in Section II.D. III. MODEL VALIDATION The proposed model has been validated using a 32 nm bulk CMOS predictive technology model [13]. The supply voltage values considered were 1 V, 0.8 V, 0.6 V, 0.4 V and 0.2 V, and the operating temperatures considered were 25ºC and 125ºC. For each pair of Vdd and temperature, 13200 different configurations were evaluated. Each configuration is defined by the transistor channel widths, output load and input transition time. PN ratio was varied from 0.25 to 8. The fanout applied lies in the interval from 0.25 to 256, and the input transition time was changed from 5 ps to 1 ns with a 5 ps step. Fig. 1 presents the dispersion of the relative error considering all simulations performed. Half the cases are in the interval [-2%,2%], 85% in [-4%,4%], and 97% in [-5%, 5%]. CONCLUSIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Research partially supported by Brazilian funding agencies CAPES, CNPq and FAPERGS, under grant 11/2053-9 (Pronem). REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] 1455 View publication stats 125ºC AVG (%) WC (%) 1.95 5.00 2.65 6.50 2.40 4.55 2.20 6.40 3.50 6.60 This work proposed an accurate analytical delay model that is valid for all possible operating conditions, including different effects that are important in the CMOS inverter transient behavior. 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