MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 LIMITATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. STRUCTURAL WEIGHT LIMITATION . ........................................... 1 2. CENTRE OF GRAVITY (LIMITS) . ............................................. 2 3. OPERATING LIMITATIONS . ................................................. 4B A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. 4. POWER PLANT LIMITATIONS . ................................................ 7 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 5. Types of Operation . ............................................... 4B Altitude and Temperature Operating Limits . ........................ 4B Runway Surface . ................................................... 4B Runway Slopes . ..................................................... 6 Tailwind Conditions . ............................................... 6 Minimum Flight Crew . .................................... ........... 6 Maximum Occupants . ................................................. 6 Operation in Icing Conditions . .................................... 6A Cold Weather Operations . .......................................... 6C Engines ............................................................ 7 Engine Operating Limits . ........ ................................... 7 Automatic Performance Reserve (APR) . ............................... 8 Oil Temperature . ................................................... 8 Oil Pressure . ...................................................... 8 Engine Airstart . ................................................... 8 Air Turbine Starter . ............................................... 8 Fuel Temperature . ................................................. 10 Fuel Grades . ...................................................... 10 Fuel Additives . ................................................... 11 Oil Grades . ....................................................... 12 Oil Replenishment System . ......................................... 12 Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Operating Limits . ...................... 12 Power Plant Instrument Markings . ........................... ....... 15 MAXIMUM OPERATING LIMIT SPEEDS . ........................................ 17 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Maximum Operating Speed (VMO) and Mach Number (MMO) . ............... RVSM Maximum Operating Speed . ..................................... Design Manoeuvering Speed (VA) . .................................... Flaps Extended Speed (VFE) . ........................................ Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed (VLO) . ........................ Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed (VLE) . ......................... Tire Limit Speed . ................................................. Maximum Airspeed for ADG Operation . ............................... Turbulence Penetration Speed . ..................................... DOT Approved Sep 11/06 44,600/45,100 17 17 17 19 19 19 19 19 19 LIMITATIONS − CONTENTS Page i MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 Page 6. MINIMUM OPERATING LIMIT SPEED . ......................................... 20 7. MANOEUVERING LIMIT LOAD FACTORS . ....................................... 20 8. SYSTEMS LIMITATIONS . ................................................... 21 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. 9. Air Conditioning and Pressurization (Structural Limitations) . ..... Automatic Flight Control System . ................................. Electrical Systems . .............................................. Flight Controls − Lift/Drag Devices . ............................. Fuel System . ..................................................... Stall Protection System . .......................................... NOT USED . ......................................................... NOT USED . ......................................................... NOT USED . ......................................................... Wheel Brake Cooling Limitations . .................................. Wheel Brakes Anti-Skid . .......................................... Bleed Air Systems . ............................................... NOT USED . ......................................................... Tire Pressures . .................................................. Thrust Reversers . ................................................ Taxi Lights . ...................................................... Air Data System . .................................................. 21 21 22 25 26 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 31 31 31 CONFIGURATION DEVIATION LIST . .......................................... 31 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Title Figure Number Page 1 Centre of Gravity Limits . .......................................... 3 1A Centre of Gravity Limits (A/C incorporating Service Bulletin 601-0360) . .................... 4 2 3 Altitude and Temperature Operating Limits . ........................ Start Envelope . ................................................... 4 APU In-Flight Envelope (Airplanes NOT incorporating Service Bulletin 601-0568 or 601−0581) . ......................... 14A APU In-Flight Envelope (Airplanes incorporating Service Bulletin 601-0568 or 601−0581) . ......................... 14B 4A 5 6 Design Manoeuvering Speed − VA . ................................... 18 Maximum Permissible Loads on DC Electrical System − Ground Operation . ................................................ 23 LIMITATIONS − CONTENTS Page ii 5 9 DOT Approved Jan 30/07 44,600/45,100 canadair chailenqer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS £12" Number Title Maximum Permissible Loads on DC Electrical System Ground Operation - Airplanes 3051 and Subsequent and Airplanes Incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0107 DOT Approved Sep 25/90 44,600 Page 24 Tire Pressures vs Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) (25.75 x 6.75 - 14 PR Tires) 29 Tire Pressures vs Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) (A/C incorporating Service Bulletin 601-0360) (25.75 x 6.75 - 14 PR Tires) 30 LIMITATIONS - CONTENTS Page i i i canatiair chaneriQer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 LIMITATIONS Observance of the limitations contained within the LIMITATIONS section of the Airplane Flight Manual is mandatory. 1. STRUCTURAL HEIGHT LIMITATION Maximum taxi and ramp weight: 44,750 lb (20,298 kg) (see NOTE 1) 45,250 1b (20,525 kg) (see NOTE 2) I Maximum take-off weight: 44,600 lb (20,230 kg) (see NOTE 1) I 45,100 lb (20,457 kg) (see NOTE 2) | Maximum landing weight: 36,000 lb (16,329 kg) Maximum zero fuel weight: 31,000 lb (14,061 kg) Minimum f l i g h t weight: 25,000 lb (11,340 kg) NOTE 1. Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0280, must be incorporated for airplane to operate at the maximum taxi and ramp weight of 44,750 lb (20,298 kg) and at the maximum take-off weight of 44,600 lb (20,230 kg). I | 2. Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0360, Modification - Increased MTOH - 45,100 lb, must be incorporated to operate at the maximum taxi and ramp weight of 45,250 lb (20,525 kg) and at the maximum take-off weight of 45,100 lb (20,457 kg). 3. The maximum take-off weight (MTOW) and/or maximum landing weight (MLH) may be further limited due to tire pressures, brake kinetic energy, tire limit speeds and/or performance considerations (refer to LIMITATIONS - TIRE PRESSURES, NORMAL PROCEDURES and PERFORMANCE). DOT Approved Sep 25/90 44,600 LIMITATIONS Page 1 canadair chanenQer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 CENTRE OF GRAVITY (LIMITS) The maximum permissible centre of gravity (CG) range with landing gear extended is shown in Figure 1 and Figure 1A. The airplane must be loaded in accordance with the loading instructions associated with the Weight and Balance Report, Reference RAW-601-***, pertaining to the particular aircraft. The effect of landing gear retraction on CG position is negligible. ***Each report is identified by the airplane serial number. LIMITATIONS Page 2 T 44,600 canadair MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 CENTRE OF GRAVITY 12 25 12776 12*27 12(878 M ftC 46 503 5•05 LIMITS MILLIMETRES AFT OF DATUM 13081 1313,I 13183 12929 12979 13030 INCH!:s AFI OF DATUM 511 i» 7 513 515 517 323 3 132C u 521 519 52: 16. 0 X M*X RAI JP 4 4 ! 50 LE - 2 0298 K 5 29.f. X 45 MAX AKE ( IFF 44 600 L B - 2()230 > C A 20.0 44 • • 43. .19.0 42. 41. 40. 39. 38 37. CD V \ \ V \\ r \ \ . 36. 2 .18.0 MAX 1 .AND If 10 36C 00 LB - 16, \29 K( 35. l ?34 1 o *33 32. 31, .17.0 o o 16 o§ I O .15.0 \ MA ( ZER< > FUEL 3100 0 LB •- 140( 11 KG \ 14.0 30. 29. .13.0 28 27. .12.0 26 25 Ml JIMUM FLICK T 250 00 L6 - ii;140 KC 2( . O X 24 12 DOT Approved Nov 07/89 44,600 35 .0 X .11.0 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 X M.A.C. Centre of Gravity Limits Figure 1 LIMITATIONS Page 3 canadair chanencjer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 CENTRE OF GRAVITY L I M I T S Ml LLIME TRES i KF1 OF' OATUIM 12" '25 12776 13"827 1 2878 46 5<II 503 9« 5 17.0 X 16. 0 % MKK *AX M>7 RAJ IP AKEOf 1313 I 13183 13081 12929 12979 13030 ATUM INCHIIS AF1r OF o i i 509 511 45: 50 LE F 45100 LB 513 517 515 519 I32J 3 1321 52. 521 .0 * *25 K ; 29.1 X 157 IS 20.0 44 43. \ 42. ,19.0 \ 41 \ 40. .18.0 39. 38 J7.0 \ 37 \ o CD MAX LAND NG 3< • 0 0 0 L 8 -1 >329 1 o 8 - 35 .16.0 2 1 \ A 5 34. 5 - .15.0 ^ 32 MA < ZER( > FUEl 3100 0 LB - 140< 1 KG 31 ,14.0 30 29 .13.0 28 27 .12.0 ?6 Ml VIMUM FLIGt T 250 00 LB - 25 ii; >40 K( : 24 12 LIMITATIONS Page 4 : : * .OX 14 16 18 20 35 .0 22 24 26 28 X M.A.C. 30 32 34 x 36 Centre of Gravity Limits (A/C incorporating Service Bulletin 601-0360) Figure 1A .11.0 38 40 DOT Approved Sep 25/90 44,600 MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DOT Approved S f 25/90 44,600 LIMITATIONS Page 4A MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 3. OPERATING LIMITATIONS A. TYPES OF OPERATION This airplane is certificated in the transport category and is eligible for the following kinds of operations when the appropriate instruments and equipment required by the airworthiness and/or operating certificate are installed and approved and are in operable condition. Day and night VFR IFR Icing conditions On airplanes incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0484, Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) - 1000 Ft. Aircraft Qualification Requirements: This airplane is certificated capable of RVSM operations in accordance with FAA "Interim guidance material on the approval of operations/ aircraft for RVSM operations", 91-RVSM, dated March 14, 1994. NOTE Compliance with the standard noted above does not constitute RVSM operational approval. B. ALTITUDE AND TEMPERATURE OPERATING LIMITS Maximum airport pressure altitude for take-off and landing is 10,000 feet. Maximum operating altitude is 41,000 feet. Maximum air temperature approved for take-off and landing is ISA +35°C (+50°C (122°F)). Minimum temperature approved for take-off is -40°C (-40°F). When the ambient temperature is -30°C (-22°F) or below, the engines must be motored for 60 seconds and the fan must rotate before engine start is initiated. C. RUNWAY SURFACE Both igniters on both engines must be on continuously for take-off and landing on runway surfaces covered with standing water, slush or snow or in icing conditions. DOT Approved LIMITATIONS Page 4B fl Mar 27/97 44,600/45,100 nr MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FUGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 TAHEO. UllDffllG UMBS -80- -fe- AMBIENT v—'—r •100 - 8 0 DOT Approved Oct 28/96 44,600/45,100 -60 ERATURE l—'—nr -40 -20 0 20 40 60 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - °F 80 Altitude and Temperature Operating Limits Figure 2 100 120 140 LIMITATIONS Page 5 canadair chanenqer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 3. OPERATING LIMITATIONS (Cont'd) D. RUNWAY SLOPES The maximum runway slopes approved for take-off and landing are: +2% (uphill) -2% (downhill) E. TAILWIND CONDITIONS The maximum tail wind component approved for take-off and landing is 10 knots. F. MINIMUM FLIGHT CREW The minimum flight crew is one pilot and one copilot. G. MAXIMUM OCCUPANTS The total number of occupants, including no more than nineteen passengers, must not exceed the lesser of the following: (1) Twenty-two or, (2) The number for which seating accomodation approved for take-off and landing is provided. DOT Approved LIMITATIONS Page 6 A pr 21/03 44,600/45,100 canadair chanenqer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 3. OPERATING LIMITATIONS (Cont'd) H. OPERATION IN ICING CONDITIONS During cold weather operations, the flight crew must ensure that the airplane fuselage, wings and tail surfaces are free from ice, snow or frost. (1) Cowl Anti-ice System (a) Ground Operations The engine cowl anti-ice system must be on when the OAT is 10°C (50°F) or below and visible moisture in any form is present (such as fog with visibility of one mile or less, rain, snow, sleet and ice crystals). The engine cowl anti-ice system must also be on when the OAT is 10°C (50°F) or below when operating on runways, ramps, or taxi ways where surface snow, ice, standing water or slush is present. (b) Flight Operations NOTE Icing conditions exist in flight at a TAT of 10°C (50°F) or below and visible moisture in any form is encountered (such as clouds, rain, snow, sleet or ice crystals), except when the SAT is -40°C (-40°F) or below. The engine cowl anti-ice system must be on: At or above 22,000 feet: • when ice is indicated by the ice detection system, or • when in icing conditions, if an ice detector has failed. Below 22,000 feet: • when in icing conditions, or • when ice is indicated by the ice detection system. DOT Approved Apr 21/03 44,600/45,100 LIMITATIONS Page 6A canadair chanenqer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 3. OPERATING LIMITATIONS (Cont'd) H. OPERATION IN ICING CONDITIONS (Cont'd) (2) Wing Anti-ice System (a) Ground Operations The wing anti-ice system must be on for take-off when the OAT is 5°C (41°F) or below and visible moisture in any form is present (such as fog with visibility of one mile or less, rain, snow, sleet and ice crystals). The wing anti-ice system must also be on for take-off when the OAT is 5°C (41°F) or below and the runway is contaminated with surface snow, slush or standing water. When Type II, III or IV anti-icing fluids have been applied, the wing anti-ice system must only be selected on, if required, just prior to thrust increase for take-off. (b) Flight Operations NOTE Icing conditions exist in flight at a TAT of 10°C (50°F) or below and visible moisture in any form is encountered (such as clouds, rain, snow, sleet or ice crystals), except when the SAT is -40°C (-40°F) or below. The wing anti-ice system must be on: At or above 22,000 feet: • when ice is indicated by the ice detection system, or • when in icing conditions, if an ice detector has failed. Below 22,000 feet: • when in icing conditions, or • when ice is indicated by the ice detection system. (3) Super-Cooled Large Droplet Icing Continued operation in areas where super-cooled large droplet (SLD) icing conditions exist is prohibited. SLD icing conditions are indicated by ice accretion on the flight compartment side windows. • The wing anti-icing system must be ON in SLD icing conditions. • The cowl anti-icing system must be ON in SLD icing conditions. • Leave icing conditions when side window icing occurs. LIMITATIONS Page 6B DOT Approved Jan 14/05 44,600/45,100 MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 3. OPERATING LIMITATIONS (Cont’d) I. COLD WEATHER OPERATIONS Take-off is prohibited with frost, ice, snow or slush adhering to any critical surface (wings, horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer, control surfaces, engine inlets and upper surface of the fuselage). WARNING Even small amounts of frost, ice, snow or slush on the wing leading edges and forward upper wing surface may adversely change the stall speeds, stall characteristics and the protection provided by the stall protection system, which may result in loss of control on take-off. NOTE 1. Comprehensive procedures for operating in cold weather are provided in the Operating Manual Volume 1, SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES, Cold Weather Operations. 2. Take-off is permitted with frost adhering to the underside of the wing that is caused by cold soaked fuel, in accordance with the instructions provided in the Operating Manual Volume 1, SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEDURES, Cold Weather Operations, Pre-Flight Preparation, External Safety Inspection. In addition to a visual check, a tactile check of the wing leading edge, wing forward upper surface and wing rear upper surface is required during the Walkaround Check List inspection to determine that the wing is free from frost, ice, snow or slush when the outside air temperature (OAT) is 5_C (41_F) or less, or it cannot be determined that the wing fuel temperature is above 0_C (32_F); and: S There is visible moisture (rain, drizzle, sleet, snow, fog, etc); or S Water is present on the wing; or S The difference between the dew point temperature and the OAT is 3_C (5_F) or less; or S The atmospheric conditions have been conducive to frost formation. NOTE Ice and frost may continue to adhere to wing surfaces for some time even at outside air temperatures above 5_C (41_F). DOT Approved Sep 11/06 44,600/45,100 LIMITATIONS Page 6C MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK LIMITATIONS Page 6D DOT Approved Sep 11/06 44,600/45,100 MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 4. POWER PLANT LIMITATIONS A. ENGINES Type: Two General Electric CF34-1A or Two General Electric CF34-3A or Two General Electric CF34-3A2 NOTE Mixing of CF34-1A, CF34-3A and CF34-3A2 engines is permitted. B. ENGINE OPERATING LIMITS Condition N1 N2 (% rpm) (% rpm) ITT (_C) Time Limit for ITT Maximum take-off (APR operating) 98.6 99.4 857 886 5 minutes 2 minutes Normal take-off 96.2 98.3 842 864 5 minutes 2 minutes Maximum continuous 98.6 99.2 838 − 930 889 16 seconds 50 seconds − − Start/relight Minimum idle in icing conditions (cowl anti-ice only) − 64.0 NOTE 1. The above take-off and maximum continuous limits for N1, N2 and ITT are engine limits and are not presented for purposes of setting power. The pilot must observe the take-off and maximum continuous power settings for the appropriate pressure altitude, ambient temperature and bleed air extraction as presented in the PERFORMANCE section of this manual. 2. Above 40,000 feet one ACU or cowl anti-ice must be selected on for each engine. DOT Approved Jan 30/07 44,600/45,100 LIMITATIONS Page 7 MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 4. POWER PLANT LIMITATIONS (Coni/d) C. AUTOMATIC PERFORMANCE RESERVE (APR) (1) If take-off performance is predicated upon the use of APR, take-off with the APR system armed must not be attempted until satisfactory static and dynamic APR system tests have been achieved. (2) The APR system must be selected OFF for take-off if: (a) Pre-flight static or dynamic tests fail. (b) Ambient temperature is below -20°C (-4°F). D. OIL TEMPERATURE Minimum for starting: -40°C Maximum permissible: +163°C (15 minutes maximum) Maximum for single engine climb: +155°C (60 minutes maximum) Maximum continuous: +150°C E. OIL PRESSURE Transient cold start: (Six minutes maximum) Minimum at steady state idle: Minimum at take-off (power): Maximum continuous: 100 psi (transmitter limit) (Engine must remain at idle until oil pressure returns to normal range.) 25 psi 40 psi 95 psi F. ENGINE AIRSTART Engine starting in flight is permitted only within the envelope defined in Figure 3. AIR TURBINE STARTER The starter must not be used if indicated N2 rpm exceeds 55%. Starter Duty Cvcie Normal engine start Motoring and engine start at -30°C (-22°F) and below Motoring with engine fuel and ignition OFF JMITWriONS r'age 8 Three consecutive engine start cycles with 5 minutes cooling between additional cycles. Motor engines for 60 seconds and assure fan rotation. Then two consecutive engine start cycles with 5 minutes cooling between additional cycles. 90 seconds with 5 minutes cooling between additional cycles of 30 seconds. DOT Approved Apr 20/98 44,600/45,100 MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 ASSOCIATED CONDITIONS For air turbine starts in flight: For air turbine starts on the ground: At initiation of thrust lever movement: At initiation of thrust lever movement: 1) ITT is to be 90_C or less. 2) N2 must be 28% or greater. 1) 2) ITT is to be 120_C or less. N2 must be 20% or greater. For windmill starts: At initiation of thrust lever movement: 1) 2) ITT must be 120_C or less. Above 10,000 feet, N2 must be 13% and stable or increasing. At or below 10,000 feet, N2 must be 12% and stable or increasing. 25 ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÏÏÏÏÏÏÏ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎ 21,000 FEET ALTITUDE X 1000 FT. 20 N2w13% W’MILL 15 10 STARTER ASSISTED 10,000 FEET W’MILL N2w12% 5 0 0 100 DOT Approved Jan 30/07 44,600/45,100 200 KIAS (KNOTS) Start Envelope Figure 3 300 360 LIMITATIONS Page 9 MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 4. POWER PLANT LIMITATIONS (Cont’d) H. FUEL TEMPERATURE Take-off with engine fuel temperature indications below 5 °C (41 °F) is prohibited. Take-off with a bulk fuel temperature below the following limits is prohibited. Fuel Bulk Fuel Take-off Limit Bulk Fuel Freezing Point ASTM D1655 − JET A −30 °C * −40 °C ASTM D1655 − JET A1 −37 °C * −47 °C ASTM D6615 − JET B −40 °C * −50 °C MIL-DTL-5624 − JP 4 −48 °C * −58 °C MIL-DTL-5624 − JP 5 −36 °C * −46 °C MIL-DTL-83133 − JP 8 −40 °C * −50 °C GB 6537 − No. 3 JET −37 °C * −47 °C * When OAT is within 5 °C of take-off limit or colder, determine bulk fuel temperature using a fuel sample from a water drain. I. FUEL GRADES Fuel conforming to any of the following specifications are approved for use. Mixing of fuels is permitted. Canadian American British Kerosene Type CAN 2 − 3.23 ASTM D1655 − JET A D. ENG. RD. 2494 CAN 2 − 3.23 ASTM D1655 − JET A1 D. ENG. RD. 2494 − MIL-DTL-83133 − JP 8 D. ENG. RD. 2453 − MIL-DTL-5624 − JP 5 D. ENG. RD. 2452 Wide Cut Type CAN 2 − 3.22 ASTM D6615 − JET B D. ENG. RD. 2486 CAN 2 − 3.22 MIL-DTL-5624 − JP 4 D. ENG. RD. 2454 LIMITATIONS Page 10 DOT Approved Sep 11/06 44,600/45,100 MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 4. POWER PLANT LIMITATIONS (Cont’d) J. FUEL ADDITIVES The following additives, used individually or in combination, are approved: (1) Anti-icing Anti-icing additives to the latest revision of specifications MIL-I-27686E or MIL−DTL−85470B or any direct equivalent, at a concentration of 0.10 to 0.15% by volume. CAUTION Do not add unblended PRIST additive directly into the fuel tank, as this may damage fuel tank components. Anti-icing Methyl Cellosolve at concentrations of 0.10 to 0.15% by volume. (2) Biocide SOHIO Biobor JF biocide additive at a concentration not in excess of 270 parts per million (20 parts per million elemental boron) for the initial dose to prevent the growth of micro-organisms. A maintenance dose of 135 parts per million should be used thereafter. Kathon FP 1.5 biocide additive at a concentration not in excess of 100 parts per million for the initial dose to prevent the growth of micro-organisms. A maintenance dose of 50 parts per million should be used thereafter. (3) Anti-static Stadis 450 anti-static additive at a concentration of 5 mg/L. (4) Corrosion inhibitor Corrosion inhibitors listed below are approved, by the concentrations indicated, for hydro-treated fuels only. It is recommended that corrosion inhibitors, conforming to MlL−I−25017, be blended with the fuel to provide lubricity. The corrosion inhibitor must be added after water removal and downstream of any clay filters (these processes remove the inhibitor). S Appollo PRI-19, at a maximum concentration of 0.0227 g/l; S Octel DCI-4A or DCI-6A, at a maximum concentration of 0.0227 g/l; S Hitec E-515, at a maximum concentration of 0.0457 g/l; S Hitec E-580, at a maximum concentration of 0.0227 g/l; S Nalco 5403 or 5405, at a maximum concentration of 0.0227 g/l; S Tolad 245, at a maximum concentration of 0.0340 g/l. DOT Approved Sep 11/06 LIMITATIONS 44,600/45,100 Page 11 MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 4. POWER PLANT LIMITATIONS (Cont’d) K. OIL GRADES Refer to appropriate maintenance or servicing manual for approved oil grades. L. OIL REPLENISHMENT SYSTEM The oil replenishment system must not be operated before fifteen (15) minutes have elapsed after engine shutdown. M. AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) OPERATING LIMITS On airplanes incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581: APU type: 36-150(CL) On airplanes not incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581: APU type: GTCP-36-100(E) The APU must not be operated if APU generator oil leakage is evident. Unless it has been established that any main generator with a part number 720845, 720845A or 720845B has more than 150 operating hours, the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) and APU generator systems must be serviceable for dispatch. Maximum rpm: 110% The APU overspeed control will automatically shutdown the APU at 107% rpm (110% on airplanes not incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581). Maximum EGT: 732_C Starting: Minimum ambient temperature for starting a cold soaked APU on the ground is −40_C The following APU start cycles are permitted: (a) Using aircraft batteries on the ground or for normal in-flight start: Three start attempts, each of 30 seconds continuous cranking, followed by a 20-minute off-time, followed by two further attempts each of 30 seconds continuous cranking. (b) Using ground power: Two start attempts, each of 15 seconds continuous cranking, followed by a 20-minute off-time, followed by two further attempts each of 15 seconds continuous cranking. If, in either case (a) or (b) a successful start is not obtained, a further start must not be attempted for a period of at least 35 minutes. DOT Approved Sep 11/06 LIMITATIONS 44,600/45,100 Page 12 MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 4. POWER PLANT LIMITATIONS (Cont’d) M. AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) OPERATING LIMITS (Cont’d) The APU RDY light must be on within 60 seconds of operating the APU start switch. Maximum EGT: 974_C not to be exceeded under any operating conditions. Hung start: On airplanes not incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581: Below 60% rpm − maximum 20 seconds Between 60% and 95% rpm − maximum 10 seconds On airplanes incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581: If not greater than 30% rpm within 60 seconds APU starting and operation is permitted within the following operating envelope: Airspeed: Temperature: Sea level to 10,000 feet: 10,000 feet to 20,000 feet: Altitude: 0 to 290 KIAS 141 KIAS to 290 KIAS Refer to Figure 2 Refer to Figure 4 or 4A Do not operate the APU in-flight if a main engine fails and engine rotor burst damage is suspected. In-Flight Starting: On airplanes not incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581: In-flight starting is guaranteed at altitudes up to 15,000 feet and has been demonstrated at altitudes up to 20,000 feet. On airplanes incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581: In-flight starting is guaranteed at altitudes up to 20,000 feet. Air Conditioning: On airplanes not incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581: (a) APU bleed air extraction is not permitted above 14,500 feet pressure altitude. (b) APU bleed air extraction is not permitted in flight whenever standby electrical power is required from the APU. On airplanes incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581: (a) APU bleed air extraction is not permitted above 15,000 feet pressure altitude. DOT Approved Dec 21/06 44,600/45,100 LIMITATIONS Page 13 MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 4. POWER PLANT LIMITATIONS (Cont’d) M. AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) OPERATING LIMITS (Cont’d) Main Engine Starting: During double engine failure conditions, APU bleed air extraction for engine starts is permitted. On airplanes not incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581: In-flight APU main engine starts have been demonstrated to 10,000 feet. On airplanes incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581: In-flight APU main engine starts have been demonstrated to 15,000 feet. APU Generator: The maximum permissible load on the APU generator in flight is 30 kVA. On airplanes not incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581: (a) With APU supplying bleed air during take-off and landing, the APU generator must be selected OFF. (b) In-flight use of the APU generator is intended only if both main generators have failed. Use of the APU generator is not permitted unless both main generators are off line. LIMITATIONS Page 14 DOT Approved Sep 11/06 44,600/45,100 DOT Approved Sep 11/06 44,600/45,100 AIRSPEED: 0 to 290 KIAS AIRSPEED: 141 KIAS to 290 KIAS MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 APU In-Flight Envelope (Airplanes NOT Incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581) Figure 4 LIMITATIONS Page 14A MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 APU Operation is permitted up to 20,000 feet. APU in-flight starting is guaranteed up to 20,000 feet. Main engine starting is guaranteed up to 15,000 feet. 25 APU generator operation is guaranteed up to 20,000 feet. APU pneumatic operation is guaranteed up to 15,000 feet. APU start and generator operation guaranteed − 20,000 feet 20 Main engine start and pneumatic operation guaranteed − 15,000 feet ALTITUDE X 1000 FT. 15 10 5 0 0 100 141 LIMITATIONS Page 14B 200 KIAS (KNOTS) APU In-Flight Envelope (Airplanes Incorporating Service Bulletin 601−0568 or 601−0581) Figure 4A 300 290 DOT Approved Sep 11/06 44,600/45,100 canadair chanenqer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 4. POWER PLANT LIMITATIONS (Cont'd) N. POWER PLANT INSTRUMENT MARKINGS Maximum and minimum limitations: Takeoff and caution range: Normal operating range: (1) FAN SPEED RPM INDICATION (N1) % RPM 98.6% 0 to 98.6% (2) Red radial line Yellow vertical band Green vertical band Red radial line Green vertical band INTERSTAGE TURBINE TEMPERATURE INDICATOR (ITT) 857°C Red radial line 838°C to 857°C Yellow vertical band 0 to 838°C Green vertrical band L/R red overtemperature warning lights will come on when ITT reaches 856°C. (3) TURBINE SPEED RPM INDICATOR (N2) % RPM 99.4% 99.2 to 99.4% 0 to 99.2% (4) OIL TEMPERATURE INDICATOR 163°C 150°C to 163°C -40°C to 150°C (5) Red radial line Yellow vertical band Green vertical band Red radial line Yellow horizontal band Green vertical band OIL PRESSURE INDICATOR 100 psi Red radial line 95 psi to 100 psi Yellow vertical band 25 psi to 95 psi Green vertical band 25 psi Red horizontal line The low oil pressure warning lights will come on when oil pressure drops below 28±3 psi. (6) FUEL TEMPERATURE INDICATOR 60°C to 70°C 5°C to 60°C -20°C to 5°C DOT Approved 2 5 / 0 2 ,nn Oct 44,600/45,100 Yellow band Green band Yellow band LIMITATIONS Page 15 canadair chanenqer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 4. POWER PLANT LIMITATIONS (Cont'd) N. POWER PLANT INSTRUMENT MARKINGS (Cont'd) (7) ENGINE VIBRATION INDICATOR 1.7 MILS D.A. to 4.0 MILS D.A. 0 MILS D.A. to 1.7 MILS D.A. Yellow band Green band (8) APU EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE (EGT) INDICATION 730°C 680°C to 730°C 0°C to 680°C Red radial line Yellow band Green band (9) APU TACHOMETER INDICATOR % RPM 110% 105% to 110% 0% to 105% Red radial line Yellow band Green band DOT Approved LIMITATIONS Page 16 Oct 25/02 44,600/45,100 canadair chanenqer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 5. MAXIMUM OPERATING LIMIT SPEEDS Maximum operating limit speeds must not be deliberately exceeded in any regime of flight (climb, cruise or descent), unless a higher speed is specifically authorized for flight test or training operations. A. MAXIMUM OPERATING SPEED (VMO) AND MACH NUMBER (MMO) Altitude; (feet) Pilot's Altimeter Copilot's Altimeter 0 to 10,000 10,000 to 21,420 21,420 to 25,740 25,740 to 28,640 28,640 and above. 0 to 10,000 10,000 to 21,270 21,270 to 25,590 25,590 to 28,200 28,200 and above. Maximum Operati ng Limi t Speed VMO (KIAS) MMO (MI) 301 360 _ — 0.79 330 — — 0.835 B. RVSM MAXIMUM OPERATING SPEED On airplanes incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0484, Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) - 1000 Ft. Aircraft Qualification Requirements, the maximum cruise mach number during flight in RVSM airspace is 0.82. C. DESIGN MANOEUVERING SPEED (VA) Full application of rudder and aileron controls as well as manoeuvers that involve angles of attack near the stall, must be confined to speeds below VA. Values of VA are given in Figure 5 for varying airplane altitudes and weights. Avoid rapid and large alternating control inputs, especially in combination with large changes in pitch, roll, or yaw (e.g. large side slip angles), as they may cause structural failure at any speed, including below VA. DOT Approved Jul 16/04 44,600/45,100 LIMITATIONS Page 17 MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 Weight Ob) Weight (kg) 24,525 31,000 36,000 38,000 43,100 44,600 45,100 11,124 14,061 16,329 17,237 19,550 20,230 20,457 (SB 601-0360) Design ^lanoeuveri ng Speed (VA) (KIAS) Altitude (feet) Sea Level 172 193 211 217 236 241 243 10,000 174 201 224 232 256 263 265 15,000 179 209 234 243 267 275 278 20,000 186 219 245 254 278 286 290 25,000 194 229 255 265 289 297 299 30,000 203 238 264 274 294 304 304 35,000 211 245 268 276 - - - 40,000 218 248 - - - - - 45,000 225 - - - - - - LIMITATIONS Page 18 Design Manoeuvering Speed - VA Figure 5 DOT Approved Sep 25/90 44,600 canacfair chauenQer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 5. MAXIMUM OPERATING LIMIT SPEEDS (Cont'd) D. FLAPS EXTENDED SPEED (VFE) | The maximum speeds at which the flaps may be extended are: flaps to 20 degrees: 232 KIAS flaps to 30 degrees: 198 KIAS flaps to 45 degrees: 190 KIAS E. MAXIMUM LANDING GEAR OPERATING SPEED (VL0) | The maximum airspeed at which the landing gear may be lowered or raised is 197 KIAS/0.7 M L F. MAXIMUM LANDING GEAR EXTENDED SPEED (VLE) | The maximum airspeed at which the airplane may be flown with the landing gear extended and locked is 250 KIAS/0.7 Mi. On airplanes incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0329 Part B(3), Special Check/Modification - Main Landing Gear Door - Hinge and Fasteners, but not Part C, the maximum airspeed at which the airplane may be flown with the landing gear extended and locked is 197 KIAS. G. TIRE LIMIT SPEED | The tire limit speed is 183 knots ground speed. H. MAXIMUM AIRSPEED FOR ADG OPERATION | The maximum airspeed for continuous operation of the air driven generator following automatic or manual deployment is 250 KIAS. When operationally necessary, speeds up to 330 KIAS are permitted for a period of twelve (12) minutes reducing to a period of four (4) minutes at VMO with linear interpolation. For flight test or pilot training deployment, the maximum airspeed is 215 KIAS. I. TURBULENCE PENETRATION SPEED | Turbulence penetration speed is 280 KIAS or 0.75 Mi, whichever is lower. DOT Approved Mf 27/97 44,600/45,100 LIMITATIONS Page - 1 9 MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 6. MINIMUM OPERATING LIMIT SPEED Intentional speed reduction below the onset of stall warning, as defined by stick shaker operation, is prohibited unless a lower speed is specifically authorized for f l i g h t test or training operations. 7. MANOEUVERING LIMIT LOAD FACTORS These load factors l i m i t the permissible angles of bank in turns and the severity of pull-up manoeuvers: Flaps up: Flaps down: -1.0 G to 2.56 G 0.0 G to 2.0 G DOT Approved LIMITATIONS Page 20 °(l canadair chauenqer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 8. SYSTEMS LIMITATIONS (Cont'd) A. AIR CONDITIONING AND PRESSURIZATION (STRUCTURAL LIMITATIONS) The maximum relief differential pressure is 9.20 psi. During taxi, take-off and landing, the pressure differential must not exceed 1.0 psi. B. AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM Operation of the autopilot is prohibited at altitudes below 200 feet above ground level. The autopilot must be disengaged at speeds below VR^p. The autopilot is not approved for continued approach following engine failure on final approach (refer to EMERGENCY PROCEDURES - AUTOMATIC FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM EMERGENCIES). Maximum flap angle for single engine autopilot coupled approach is 20 degrees with V R E F + 20 KIAS. DOT Approved Mar 10/89 44,600 LIMITATIONS Page 21 canadair chanenqer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 8. SYSTEMS LIMITATIONS (Cont'd) C. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Unless it has been established that any AC Generator with a part number 720845, 720845A or 720845B has more than 150 operating hours: Prior to every flight a visual inspection of the engine cowls and drains for evidence of AC Generator oil leakage must be conducted. If generator oil leakage is evident, generator must be replaced. Unless it has been established that an APU Generator with a part number 720845, 720845A or 720845B has more than 150 operating hours: Prior to every flight a visual inspection of the APU drains for evidence of generator oil leakage must be conducted. If oil leakage is evident, APU Generator must be replaced unless it has been established that AC Generators with part numbers 720845, 720845A or 720845B are not installed, or if installed, both have more than 150 operating hours. (1) Permissible Loads on AC Systems Individual AC generator loading, as indicated by the loadmeters, must not exceed the following values: L o a d Limitationmi tat ion (kVVA) 0 11,000 20,000 35,000 - 11,000 - 20,000 - 35,000 and above 30 30 30 25 APU Generator CO CD Main Generator (each) CO CD Altitude (feet) DOT Approved LIMITATIONS Page 22 Oct 25/02 44,600/45,100 canadair chanenqer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 8. SYSTEMS LIMITATIONS (Cont'd) C. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS (Cont'd) (2) Permissible Loads on DC Systems (a) In Flight The maximum permissible continuous load on TRU 1 or TRU 2 is 100 amps. The maximum permissible continuous load on TRU 3 is 50 amps. (b) Ground Operation Total combined loads on TRU 1 and TRU 2 must not exceed limits shown in Figure 6 or Figure 7. Individual loads on TRU 1 and TRU 2 must not exceed 100 amps. If TRUs are inadvertently operated at limiting loads for periods longer than those shown, the nose bay doors must be opened for 10 minutes minimum prior to taxi for take-off. (3) Permissible Operating Time During ground operation at ambient temperatures above 45°C (113°F), operation of electrical/avionics equipment must be limited to 30 minutes unless at least one environmental control system is operating and cabin doors closed. DOT Approved 2 5 / 0 2 ,nn Oct 44,600/45,100 LIMITATIONS Page canadair chanenqer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DOT Approved LIMITATIONS Page 22B Oct 25/02 44,600/45,100 canadair chaiienqier MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 3UnibU3dU31 aid 1N318WB Q3A0Uddb UDUlXbU * : : : r or • • • o CSI '•'••'•'•, '•/ '•'•M '•:/. ' • : • : • : * *; / ^ .© / — '••j / \ / • / • :: :i * ' • ' • \ ' • • ' • • o \ P* / 1 f / / / / • / UJ UJ CO z> fr- r:.: in •2UJ flL UJ UJ 1— O CO !? ' / • • • ' • • ' 1— UJ as UJ CD GO / • / y / ' • • . ; 00 ; u> • CM / r • • • • / / .O / ' • ' • / / / • ' . ' : . If} O O O O CO CD O o CM O O O 00 O CD .o OD o CM nai • i nyi) QHOI IUIOI DOT Approved Mar 10/89 44,600 Maximum Permissible Loads on DC Electrical System Ground Operation Figure 6 LIMITATIONS Page 23 canadair chanencjer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 3 anjmi13dU3. L \lib l N3 19kIB 03 IB unitin :: • • Q LO ^ • / / ^. . . ' / / Sir • • • • ' • ' • / o \ / '' J^ / • : O • : /:: " • • w- • < / : < / • o • • / : | : LO CO & / / : : • * * Q£ it ^ flL / -o O •— CO / / / CD CD / x: :: • / l/> CSJ" ' • ' • ' / / r> / / • • CM • / : / • : / \ .o o CM o —' o -« o o — o —i o o ~- o CM Sduu - cz nai • i nan own Maximum Permissible Loads on DC Electrical System - Ground Operation - Airplanes 3040 and Subsequent and Airplanes Incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0107 Figure 7 LIMITATIONS Page 24 DOT Approved Mar 10/89 44,600 MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 8. SYSTEMS LIMITATIONS (Cont’d) D. FLIGHT CONTROLS − LIFT/DRAG DEVICES (1) Flaps En-route use of flaps is prohibited. Flight at altitudes above 15,500 feet with flaps extended is prohibited. (2) Flight Spoilers On airplanes 3001 to 3039 which do not incorporate Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0040, Modification − Central Warning System − Flight Spoilers, or on airplanes incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0040 (Initial issue) and Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0095, Modification − Flight Spoiler Warning System − Elimination of Spurious Warnings: (a) Flight below an altitude of 700 feet agl with flight spoilers extended and the flaps retracted is prohibited. (b) Flight spoilers must not be extended in flight with flaps extended. On airplanes 3013, 3018 to 3023, 3040 and subsequent and airplanes incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0040 (Initial issue) only (i.e. Service Bulletin 601-0095 not incorporated) or Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0040 (Rev. 1): (a) Flight below an altitude of 300 feet agl with flight spoilers extended is prohibited. (b) To ensure adequate manoeuvre margins, flight spoilers must not be extended in flight at airspeeds below the recommended approach speed (refer to PERFORMANCE − LANDING) plus 10 KIAS. (3) Ground Spoilers On airplanes 3001 to 3059 which do not incorporate Canadair Service Bulletin 601-0113, Modification − Ground Spoilers − Auto Deployment: The spoiler lever must not be selected to the GROUND SPOILER position in flight. DOT Approved Apr 20/98 44,600/45,100 LIMITATIONS Page 25 MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 8. SYSTEMS LIMITATIONS (Cont’d) E. FUEL SYSTEM The maximum permissible fuel imbalance between the contents of the main fuel tanks is 800 lb (363 kg). Take-off with up to 500 lb (230 kg) of fuel in the auxiliary tank is permitted, provided that there is at least 1500 lb (690 kg) of fuel in each wing tank and no fuel in the tail tank (if installed). Take-off with more than 500 lb (230 kg) of fuel in the auxiliary tank is permitted, provided that there is at least 4400 lb (1996 kg) of fuel in each wing tank. Fuel remaining in a tank when the appropriate fuel quantity indicator reads zero is not usable. The maximum usable fuel quantities shown below are achieved by pressure fueling and are based on maximum achievable capacity with wings level, aircraft 1/2_ nose down and a standard day conversion factor of 6.8 lb/USG. To determine approximate maximum usable fuel quantities by gravity fueling, reduce selected weight by 7%. 1. On airplanes 3001 − 3014 equipped with Forward and Aft fuselage fuel tanks, maximum usable fuel quantity is: Left Main Tank Right Main Tank Fuselage Tanks Total 2. Total 16,626 lb (7,541 kg) 4,879 lb 4,879 lb 5,736 lb (2,213 kg) (2,213 kg) (2,601 kg) 15,494 lb (7,027 kg) On airplanes 3001 − 3014 equipped with Forward and Aft fuselage fuel tanks, incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 601−0535, maximum usable fuel quantity is: Left Main Tank Right Main Tank Fuselage Tanks Total LIMITATIONS Page 26 (2,213 kg) (2,213 kg) (3,115 kg) On airplanes 3001 − 3014 equipped with Aft fuselage fuel tank only, maximum usable fuel quantity is: Left Main Tank Right Main Tank Fuselage Tanks 3. 4,879 lb 4,879 lb 6,868 lb 4,879 lb 4,879 lb 2,610 lb (2,213 kg) (2,213 kg) (1,184 kg) 12,368 lb (5,610 kg) DOT Approved Jan 19/07 44,600/45,100 MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 8. SYSTEMS LIMITATIONS (Cont’d) E. FUEL SYSTEM (Cont’d) 4. On airplanes 3015 and subsequent equipped with Forward and Aft fuselage fuel tanks, maximum usable fuel quantity is: Left Main Tank Right Main Tank Fuselage Tanks Total 5. (2,227 kg) (2,227 kg) (3,115 kg) 16,686 lb (7,569 kg) On airplanes 3015 and subsequent equipped with Aft fuselage fuel tank only, maximum usable fuel quantity is: Left Main Tank Right Main Tank Fuselage Tanks Total 6. 4,909 lb 4,909 lb 6,868 lb 4,909 lb 4,909 lb 5,736 lb (2,227 kg) (2,227 kg) (2,601 kg) 15,554 lb (7,055 kg) On airplanes 3015 and subsequent equipped with Forward and Aft fuselage fuel tanks, incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 601−0535, maximum usable fuel quantity is: Left Main Tank Right Main Tank Fuselage Tanks Total 4,909 lb 4,909 lb 2,610 lb (2,227 kg) (2,227 kg) (1,184 kg) 12,428 lb (5,638 kg) On airplanes incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 601−0535, operation with more than 2,610 lb (1,184 kg) of fuel in the auxiliary tank is prohibited. NOTE Following a rejected take-off on airplanes incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 601−0535, inspect the forward auxiliary tank to ensure that there has been no migration of fuel, in accordance with paragraph 2.C. of Canadair Service Bulletin 601−0535. F. STALL PROTECTION SYSTEM Both stall protection systems must be fully operative for take-off and remain on for all phases of flight. The stall protection test indicator must only be used for S.P.S. functional test purposes. DOT Approved Jan 19/07 44,600/45,100 LIMITATIONS Page 27 MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 8. SYSTEMS LIMITATIONS (Cont’d) G. NOT USED H. NOT USED I. NOT USED J. WHEEL BRAKE COOLING LIMITATIONS Brake cooling times (established in accordance with the procedures in NORMAL PROCEDURES-LANDING GEAR WHEELS AND BRAKES) must be observed between a landing or a low-energy rejected take-off (RTO) and a subsequent take-off, to ensure that sufficient brake energy is available to bring the airplane to a complete stop, if the subsequent take-off is rejected. If a fusible plug releases, the affected wheel, brakes and the anti-skid wheel speed sensors must be inspected in accordance with the procedures in the CL-601 Time Limits/Maintenance Checks, PSP601−5, and any damage rectified before the next take-off. K. WHEEL BRAKES ANTI-SKID Take-off with the wheel brakes anti-skid system inoperative is prohibited. L. BLEED AIR SYSTEMS The bleed air 10th stage valves must be closed for take-off and landing with cowl and/or wing anti-ice systems on. M. NOT USED N. TIRE PRESSURES When operating with 25.75 x 6.75 − 14 PR mainwheel tires at unloaded inflation pressures between 198 psi and 145 psi, the maximum take-off weight (MTOW) is limited (refer to Figures 8 and 9). The maximum nosewheel tire pressure is 151 psi (1041 kPa) +5%, −0 on the ground. On airplanes incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 601−0205, Modification − Flight Compartment Tire Pressure Caution Placard − Special Operating Conditions Only: Tire pressures must be verified daily and a placard installed on the pilot’s instrument panel. LIMITATIONS Page 28 DOT Approved Jan 19/07 44,600/45,100 canadair chaiienQer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 CO €L CD • cn : :r» LO HI ; ; ; • \ O; . «.. CM CD \ \ ! 1\ CM v \ V • s \ • z / c 'v *^: 'o o o \ \ o CD"• - N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ > v vV A \ coo <x v\: \ \ > .:2 C O 0)0 CD • O . c .. • g ' O CDUJ UJ -S u. u. Q 1 UJ CD" cr>cr cr ' . • • • if, \ . XL IT \ 'MM = ) — X en ex O X . t. cc n • — CM 1— LU en a: r. _> CO o LU ^r:r tn Q. UJ rr o u. oo CD -J o - • CM • O O O O O O O O o • • • o CD CM isd - 3anss3dd 3dii DOT Approved Mar 10/89 44,600 Tire Pressures vs Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) (25.75 x 6.75 - 14 PR Tires) Figure 8 LIMITATIONS Page 29 canadair chanenqer MODEL CL-600-2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601-1A-1 CO CD CO \ y \ \ JU1 1 . : — Hi Ilk CM A O 7Z : N O \ > V \ CD V\ > \ ;. . 7 s z X \ /\ V G CO • LULO a: CM z> — CO CO UJ GC a. cr O O CD' O o o V ci o o >-* t> UJ \ \ . Z •• O v U- y o x \x\ >\ CO I f u. o 1 • UJ CD" CE > T" cox t Y\ • : •-* a. X O CE CO V. * CM CD I— UJ on M O UJ eg rK u. ^r" Q- o a u. -j o CO o • to" CD o — LIMITATIONS Page 30 o o Tire pressures vs Maximum Take-Off Weight (MTOW) (A/C incorporating Service Bulletin 601-0360) (25.75 x 6.75 - 14 PR tires) Figure 9 DOT Approved Sep 25/90 44,600 MODEL CL−600−2A12 AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL PSP 601−1A−1 8. SYSTEMS LIMITATIONS (Cont’d) O. THRUST REVERSERS Thrust reversers are approved for ground use only. The thrust reverser pre-flight checks (NORMAL PROCEDURES) must be successfully accomplished and the proper indications obtained on each operative thrust reverser prior to each take-off. Thrust reversers are intended for use during full stop landings. Do not attempt a go-around manoeuvre after deployment of the thrust reversers. Application of reverse thrust above 60% N1 is not permitted at airspeeds below 60 KIAS. The maximum demonstrated crosswind component approved for use of reverse thrust is 24 knots (at 33 feet (10 meters) tower height). This value was demonstrated on a dry runway and is considered limiting. P. TAXI LIGHTS Taxi lights must be switched off whenever the airplane is stationary in excess of 10 minutes. Q. AIR DATA SYSTEM On airplanes incorporating Canadair Service Bulletin 601−0484, Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) − 1000 Ft. Aircraft Qualification Requirements; S The ADC source coupled to the active autopilot must be the same as that coupled to the ATC transponder during flight in RVSM airspace. S If alternate static source is selected, airplane must not be operated in RVSM airspace. 9. CONFIGURATION DEVIATION LIST If the airplane is to be operated with certain secondary airframe and/or nacelle parts missing, operation must be in accordance with the limitations specified in the basic Airplane Flight Manual, and as amended by the Configuration Deviation List (Appendix 1). DOT Approved Jan 19/07 44,600/45,100 LIMITATIONS Page 31