Uploaded by Petru Vermaak

Class Participation Rubric: Evaluate Student Performance

Name: ___________________________
Class: _______________
Marking Period: ____________
Class Participation Rubric
Excellent - 4
Satisfactory - 2
Needs Improvement - 1
Student is always
respectful towards
others and the teacher,
has a positive attitude,
and does not disturb
other students by
talking or other
disruptive behaviour.
Consistently stays
focused on in-class
work and what needs
to be done. Very selfdirected.
Often or occasionally
has a positive attitude
about the task(s) and
behaves in a respectful
Student is always
respectful towards others
and the teacher, has a
positive attitude, and does
not disturb other students
by talking or other
disruptive behaviour.
Focuses on the task
and what needs to be
done some of the time.
Often must be reminded
by the teacher about
staying on task.
Sometimes contributes
ideas when participating
in classroom, group, or
partner discussions. A
satisfactory student who
does what is required.
Often listens to, shares
with, and supports the
efforts of others, but
sometimes is not
actively listening or
responding. May disrupt
others in their learning.
Brings some needed
materials to class, but
not all that is needed to
complete the task.
Tends to procrastinate,
does not use school
time or schedule
provided to get work
Work occasionally
needs to be redone or
does not reflect any
time or effort.
Student is engaged
some of the time, but
can also be distracted
or not paying attention.
Student may have had
to be reminded of the
class and school rules.
Rarely focuses on class
work and does not
complete in-class
assignments in a timely
Focus on Class
Working with
Quality of Work
Routinely contributes to
classroom, group, or
partner discussions. A
definite leader who
contributes a lot of
Almost always listens
to, shares with, and
supports the efforts of
others. Students can
feel safe volunteering
in this student’s
Brings needed
materials and devices
to class and is ready to
Routinely uses time
well to ensure things
get done on time.
Student never asks to
adjust deadlines.
Provides work of the
highest quality that
reflects the student’s
best efforts.
Student is engaged in
class on a daily basis,
and shows no
disruptive behavior.
Student follows the
class and school rules.
Score: _________/32
Rarely contributes or
participates in classroom,
group, or partner
discussions. May refuse
to participate.
Rarely listens to, shares
with, and supports the
efforts of others. Often
disrupts or discourages
others’ attempts to
No materials brought
rarely ready to get to work.
Rarely gets work done by
deadlines, always asks for
extensions or does not
submit work despite time
in school.
Provides illegible work that
reflects very little effort or
does not turn in any work.
Student is not engaged or
paying attention in class.
Student has been
disruptive and has broken
class or school rules.
Grade: ____________