Flight Cancellations Solve It! COMM1110 Word Count: Reza Sariya Sultana Statistical Toolbox Conducting a multiple linear regression with ‘Cancellations’ as the dependent variable and ‘Weather’, ‘Mechanical Failures’ and ‘Staff Shortages’ as independent variables, results are shown in tables 1.1 to 1.3. The data in Table 1.1 suggests a strong relationship between dependent variable ‘Cancellations’ and independent variable ‘Weather’. The p-value for the ‘Weather’ variable is extremely close to zero which is lower than usual significance level of 0.05. This suggests that the relationship between the variables is highly significant, and we can reject null hypothesis. Furthermore, the coefficient of 2.304 for the ‘Weather’ variables suggests a positive relationship between the variables, further indicating that if weather conditions were to worsen, the quantity of cancellations are also probable to increase. The relatively small standard error in comparison to the coefficient value indicates that the effect which ‘Weather’ has on ‘Cancellations’ according to the statistics is quite accurate. Lastly, the approximately zero p-value and high t-statistic value suggests a strong correlation between the variables. The data in Table 1.2 suggests that ‘Mechanical Failures’ are a highly significant predictor of ‘Cancellations’. The p-value is extremely small, approximately zero which is lower than significance level of 0.05 allowing us to reject the null hypothesis that there is no relationship between the variables. Also, the coefficient of 7.1317 for the ‘Mechanical Failure’ variable indicates a positive slope, which suggests a direct relationship between the variable of ‘Mechanical Failures’ and the number of cancellations. The small standard error compared to the coefficient value suggests that the effect which ‘Weather’ has on ‘Cancellations’ is relatively accurate. Additionally, considering the low p-value and high t-statistic value means that we can confidently deduce the high correlation between the variables. Weather P-Value 9.8816E-175 Coefficient 2.3043 Standard Error 0.0222 T-Statistic Value 103.9747 Table 1.1 Regression values of Weather variable Mechanical Failure P-Value 2.66231E-35 Coefficient 7.1317 Standard Error 0.4670 T-Statistic Value 15.2696 Table 1.2 Regression values of Mechanical Failure variable The data in Table 1.3 suggests a highly statistically significant relationship between dependent variable ‘Cancellations’ and independent variable ‘Staff Shortages’. The p-value for the ‘Staff Shortage’ variable is lower than 0.05 and close to zero suggesting a highly significant relationship between the variables The positive slope of the coefficient also confirms this relationship, suggesting that if staff shortages were to increase, the number of cancellations would also increase. The effect which the staff shortage has on cancellations is proven to be accurate due to the small standard error. The low p-value and high t-statistic value suggests a strong correlation between the variables. Staff Shortage P-Value 7.7162E-173 Coefficient 2.0628 Standard Error 0.0203 T-Statistic Value 101.6696 Table 1.3 Regression values of Staff Shortage variable Additional Findings Conducting a multiple linear regression with ‘Staff Shortage’ as the dependent variable and ‘Weather’ as the independent variable, we can deduce a strong statistic relationship between the variables (Shown in Table 2.1) Weather and Staff Shortage P-Value 5.6792E-142 Coefficient 1.0949 Standard Error 0.0156 T-Statistic Value Confidence Interval 70.2923 R-Squared Value 0.9615 95% Table 2.1 Regression values of dependent variable ‘Staff Shortage’ and independent variable ‘Weather’ The results of the multiple linear regression suggest that there is a high correlation to the weather having an impact on the severity of staff shortages. The very low p-value suggests statistical significance, accompanied by the high t-statistic value indicates high correlation. The co-efficient of 1.0949 suggests a positive relationship and due to the very low standard error, the effects portrayed in the date are highly probable to be accurate. A positive, relatively strong, and significant relationship between weather and staff shortage is shown through the confidence interval of 95%. The Rsquared value of 0.9615 indicates that 96.15% of the variation in staff shortages can be affected by the weather variable. Thus, we are able to make an inference that staff shortages are highly affected by poor weather. Ethical Toolbox Can Staff be Incentivised for Less Cancellations? A Utilitarian Perspective. Step 1. The increased incidence of flight cancellations since the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the commercial airline industry. Multiple stakeholders are directly affected by the increase in flight cancellations including internal stakeholders such as owners, management and employees which are struggling to adapt to dropped demand of airline services due to fear of COVID-19 and well as restrictions. As a result of this, the industry has faced massive losses which in turn effects their abilities to pay dividends to shareholders and investors as well as their ability to hire and support employees. Furthermore, consumers are greatly affected by flight cancellations as they may not be able to travel. Step 2. There are multiple assumptions which relate to this situation. We assume that staff actions and behaviors have an extensive impact on flight cancellations. We are also assuming that staff will respond positively to such incentives for flight cancellations to be reduced, they may also respond irresponsibly and cause higher risks of poor safety regarding flights. These assumptions may need to be further researched as it is still unclear whether staff actions can have a major influence on flight cancellations. Biases which are involved include confirmation bias, availability heuristic and overconfidence bias. Step 3. Airline Staff have the right of safe working conditions and to be compensated fairly. Incentive programs must be organised to be fair and safe for staff and include extensive training in order to prioritise safety and avoid unethical behaviour. Passengers have the right of safety regarding their health especially post COVID-19 and such incentive programs must not negatively affect this. The management of AAA have the right to operate their business safely with legal and ethical considerations in mind. They have the right to make decisions regarding employees work and payment and must operate responsibly Step 4. Staff may be incentivized for reduced cancellations through implementing monetary or non-monetary incentives to staff based on their performance and its effect on the reduction of flight cancellations. They may introduce further staff training to reduce cancellations to promote ethical work behaviors. If training is not involved it may allow for the consequence of poor safety and unethical work practices to take place in order to gain incentives. Staff may also disapprove of incentives and may have an overall poor effect on workplace culture and staff motivations Overall, from an utilitarian ethical standpoint, staff can be incentivized to reduce flight cancellations however it must be ensured that the correct training and procedures are being taken place to avoid unethical workplace behaviors which may negatively effect the safety of staff and consumers. It is also recommended that further research be done into whether staff has a direct influence or causation on the number of flight cancellations as it may be more successful to consider the impacts of weather and mechanical failures. Information Toolbox The increased incidence of flight cancellations since the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the commercial airline industry. The following recommendations will help minimise flight cancellations considering the data in the Statistic Toolbox and our findings throughout this investigation. Increase in COVID19 cases AAA may choose to introduce staff incentives to reduce flight Stricter restrictions and quarantine protocols cancellations, mainly to improve staff shortages as they are highly correlated to flight cancellations and poor weather. Staff incentives to work more frequently in weather conditions may greatly impact on the Effects of COVID19 frequency of flight cancellations. Furthermore, investing in HR management to improve workplace culture and create a positive staff Cleaning schedules and safety procedures Closed borders experience may further improve staff shortage issues. AAA may also invest in improving the mechanics of their planes and input frequent daily checks and repairs on their machinery to lower the Less demand for travel Increased Flight Cancellations Machinery Issues frequency of mechanical failures, this may be completed through hiring more engineers and providing them incentives to work more frequently Weather and to a higher quality. Actionable next steps for the AAA is to put in place such decisions and Existing Factors Staff Shortages document its impacts and progress to identify its effectiveness. They may also choose to hire more management staff for this purpose to look Low Flight Revenue over workplace practices and its impacts of flight cancellations. Aircraft Maintainance Schedules