a gastronomic holiday

Are you ready to start a trip to the best delicacies of Emilia Romangna region?
A short journey of one day and half is enough to satisfy your precious five senses.
I have been to Imola lately, a small village nearby my native city, where I tried an unforgettable
mix of flavour between main courses and the delightful desserts.
First of all, do not waste your time on the appetizers, skip directly to the stuffed pasta, the pork meat
is the protagonist of a wide range of dishes here.
There is a wide variety of choosing from the numerous menus because the local families or the
trade food companies, will prepare different dishes such as traditional tortellini in broth, tagliatelle
with sauce meat or steaming lasagna.
The prices are affordable, well balanced with the excellent quality of the final products you will
taste during your trip.
My accommodation has been a small room to an Imolese family who has hosted me in a rural farm,
in my view the best option to enjoy as much as possible traditional customs, habits.
Joining some cooking lessons will certainly be a special occasion to taste your skills.
Moreover, the staff of Love Italy, the tour guide agency, are very kind, available to explain to you
every single preparation ingredients, secret recipes in a smiling way.
In conclusion I highly recommend this short holiday break to all the foodaholic public.