Skip to main content Print book Syllabus Site: My Courses Course: PSYC 6246 - Counselling Skills & Competencies (21F-1C) Book: Syllabus Printed by: Sabrina Brar Date: Sunday, 14 November 2021, 6:34 PM Table of contents • 1. Welcome to the Course! • 2. Important Course Information • 3. Your Professor • 4. Course Outcomes • 5. Required Materials o 5.1. IMPORTANT Information Regarding Textbooks • 6. Graded Components • 7. MACP & YU Policies • 8. Learning Support 1. Welcome to the Course! Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Yorkville University is committed to making diversity, equity and inclusion an integral part of our learning environment and culture. Please feel free to connect with any member of the YU Student Diversity Advisory Council (DAC) in order to provide feedback in relation to improving your experience. Members of the DAC can be found HERE Accessibility and Accommodations YU's goal is to create a learning experience that is as accessible as possible. If you anticipate any issues related to the format, materials, or requirements of this course, please reach out to the Academic Accommodations and Accessibility office: This course introduces students to communication concepts and categories that are central to the counselling process. As such, much of class time is spent in practicing the implementation of skills with opportunities to observe, practice, and receive direct individual feedback. While counsellors certainly need to master a great deal of theoretical material to function as competent professionals, communication skills are an absolute requisite as the means to transmit this professional knowledge. 2. Important Course Information • Please do not post to the weekly discussion forums prior to the first day of your course. Your professor will not be monitoring the discussion forums until the course gets underway. You may post your introductory message at any time. Thank you for your cooperation. • You are advised to have a backup computer (friend, family member) and backup Internet access plan, for technical problems that may arise and when they lose access to the course 30 days after the last day of instruction. It is also recommended that you print off papers and assignments as you go, so that you have a hard copy backup, and to save your files on CD or portable flash drive enabling you to take your papers and assignments from computer to computer as needed. • It is your responsibility to inform your instructors within the first 48 hours of the course start date of any upcoming religious observances and anticipated absences. Please see our Religious Observation Guidelines for more details. • Each week, you should review the Unit Tasks and Readings page. This provides important information and reminders that will help you throughout the course. • Your first point of contact for concerns or questions regarding this course is your professor. You can find their information which includes their YU email address in the Course Syllabus (please use this link). If you are having technical issues in the course or using the YU features and need technical support, submit a ticket for IT support (please use this link) to contact our ASKYU system. If you need to contact your MACP Program Advisor submit a ticket for student support (please use this link). 3. Your Professor Melissa Lee-Tammeus, PhD, LMHC, CCTP, CTMH, CCATP Dr. Melissa Lee-Tammeus (Tah -May-Us) is a full time professor and Course Lead for PSYC 6246 Counseling Skills and Competencies with the MACP at Yorkville University. She is a wife, mother, doctor, counselor, and college professor. She has lived in Jacksonville, Florida in the United States for the past 20 years, originally hailing from Denver, Colorado. She has a Ph.D. in Humans Services, a M.S. in Psychology, and a M.S. in Mental Health Counseling. Dr Mel has taught a variety of psychology and philosophy classes at the undergraduate and graduate level for the past 13 years in both brick and mortar and online universities. Some of the classes taught include General Psychology, Lifespan Development, Counseling Skills & Competencies, Addictions, Couples and Families, Successful Strategies for Online Learning, Philosophy, Theories of Personality, Speech, and Abnormal Psychology. She is also a team lead and professor for an online American University, assisting and guiding professors in their work online as well as teaching. Dr Mel has been in the counseling field for over 25 years. She began working as a psychotherapist in Colorado in 1996 and is now a licensed mental health counselor in private practice for the State of Florida. She is the owner of Possible Self Counseling, PL which specializes in LGB and heterosexual couples, transgender support, gifted teens, grief and trauma, and self-empowerment in women. She is a certified rape crisis hotline counselor, a certified Clinical Trauma Specialist, a Clinical Telemental Health Provider, and a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional, and has worked in both private practice settings and residential treatment centers. Dr Mel is a member and weekly blogger for American Counseling Association. She is also a member of Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Issues in Counseling, Citizen Therapists, Equality Florida, and Open Path Psychotherapy Collective. Dr Mel’s research includes dissociative identity disorder treatment, men with anger, test anxiety in college students, and the educational needs of counseling interns in regards to counseling LGB couples. Early in her career, Dr Mel wrote extensively on the need for a collaborative stance on treatment protocols for dissociative identity disorder. She also studied the effects of test anxiety on college students, particularly those in the medical field. Most recently, she developed an Anger Management Protocol for Court Appointed Anger Management classes which includes a familial element to work within the family system and learn healthy and communicative anger displays. In her latest work, Melissa studied academic learning and the needs associated with counseling interns working with LGB couples to ensure that both clients and therapists get the support they need for the optimal therapeutic relationship. Contact: 4. Course Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to • Acquire and demonstrate such foundational counselling skills as o o o o o o o o o constructing effective opening statements; paraphrasing, and reflecting both feelings and content; summarizing; demonstrating empathy vs. simple agreement with client statements; assessing for suicide risk, and articulating understanding of core underlying principles; assessing client motivational readiness; goal-setting and maintaining focus on client and problem definition; planning and implementing client skill development strategies (e.g., in session rehearsal and homework assignments): and writing clearly and articulately. • Demonstrate the ability to reason critically about topics related to o the essential ambiguities of the helping relationship, o confrontation as a counselling intervention, and o alternate interpretations of client statements. • Recognize, differentiate, categorize, and evaluate different counsellor responses that o create obstacles to communication, and o contribute to transference and counter-transference patterns in helping relationships. 5. Required Materials Textbooks Sperry, L., & Sperry, J. (2020). Case conceptualization (2nd ed.) Taylor & Francis. • This book is available as apart of our eBook Collection via the EBSCO Academic database in the YU Library. Young, M. (2021). Learning the art of helping: Building blocks and techniques (7th ed.). Pearson • Please note that these textbooks are also required for PSYC 7106, the Practicum course that accompanies the practicum portion of the program, and so you are advised to retain this textbook at least until completing your Practicum, if not beyond. These are the references of choice for ensuring proper use of psychology terms. Please do not use Oxford, Merriam, or etc. for psychological terms. Gladding, S. T. (2018). The Counseling Dictionary: Vol. Fourth edition. American Counseling Association.,cookie,ip,uid&db=nleb k&AN=1561316&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_C1 Neukrug, E., Brace-Thompson, J., Maurer, C., & Harman, C. (2015). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Counseling and Psychotherapy. SAGE Publications, Inc.,cookie,ip,uid&db=nleb k&AN=1061337&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_C Required Journal Articles Flatt, S., & Curtis, S. (2013). Offering expert knowledge within a not-knowing solution-focused paradigm: A contradiction in terms or a helpful response to (some) real life conundrums? International Journal of Solution-Focused Practices, 1, 28– 30. Granello, D. H. (2010). The process of suicide risk assessment: Twelve core principles. Journal of Counselling and Development, 88(3), 363370.,sso&db=bth&AN=52425 748&site=eds-live&custid=s7439054 Goldfried, M. R. (2007). What has psychotherapy inherited from Carl Rogers? Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 44(3), 249252.,sso&db=pdh&AN=2007 -14639-003&site=eds-live&custid=s7439054 Kim, J. S., & Franklin, C. (2015). Understanding emotional change in solution-focused brief therapy: Facilitating positive emotions. Best Practices in Mental Health: An International Journal, 11(1), 25– 41.,sso&db=a9h&AN=10353 4839&site=eds-live&custid=s7439054 Negash, S., & Morgan, M. (2016). A family affair: Examining the impact of parental infidelity on children using a Structural Therapy Framework. Contemporary Family Therapy, 38(2), 198209.,sso&db=pbh&AN=1147 88666&site=eds-live&custid=s7439054 Parker, M. L., & Molteni, J. (2017). Structural family therapy and autism spectrum disorder: Bridging the disciplinary divide. American Journal of Family Therapy, 45(3), 135148.,cookie,ip,uid&db=ehh &AN=123914019 Smith, I. C. (2011). A qualitative investigation into the effects of brief training in solutionfocused therapy in a social work team. Psycholoogy & Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, 84(3), 335-348.,cookie,ip,uid&db=pbh &AN=67611555 Wachtel, P. L. (2007). Carl Rogers and the larger context of therapeutic thought. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 44(3), 249252.,sso&db=pdh&AN=2007 -14639-010&site=eds-live&custid=s7439054 Required Videos Dr. J. Scott Branson, LPC, NCC. (2013, November 3). Case conceptualization HD [Video]. YouTube. Kundla, M. (Director), & Kundla, M. (Producer). (2015). Theoretical case conceptualization and treatment planning [Video]. Microtraining Associates. Luciano Aaron Lambertini. (2015, May 11). Case conceptualization [Video]. YouTube. Psychotherapy Practice Research Network. (2013, April 27). One case, two formulations: Psychodynamic and CBT perspectives [Video]. YouTube Important Course Information PSYC6246 Course Map Welcome to the Course MACP Skills Lab The Skills Learning Lab serves as a central location for the MACP program practical application materials focused on skill acquisition. It is open throughout your program so that you can review this material at your own pace while also giving you the opportunity to revisit concepts, ideas, and skills. Each module is a combination of videos, text, or interactive elements with a singular goal of preparing you to be a competent helping professional! 5.1. IMPORTANT Information Regarding Textbooks If you have any issues acquiring the textbooks, please contact Paul Graham, the University Librarian at: email:; Skype at universitylibrarian, Fredericton, NB, Canada; EBSCO database's "Ask Yorkville's Librarian" feature; or by telephone at 506-454-1220, extension 1302. 6. Graded Components Graded Item % of Final Grade Due Date Instructor Discussions /5 Units 5 & 7 Weekly Activities /10 Units 1, 3, 4, & 8 Practical Application Sessions: Practical Application Session #1 /20 Unit 2 Practical Application Session #2 /20 Unit 6 Practical Application Session #3 /20 Unit 9 Journal Reflection /10 Unit 9 Case Conceptualization and Literature Review /15 Unit 10 Total 100% Please note that acceptable mastery of the skills and competencies demonstrated in this courses assignments are critical to effective counselling. As such, you must earn a grade of B- (or 70%) or greater on all parts of all assignments to pass the course. There are no grounds for appeal regarding the 70% passing requirement due to regulatory requirements Opportunities for re-submission will be limited, as per the MACP Late Submission policy Grading of Assessments Assignments will be marked based on comprehensiveness, presentation quality, form, and content. Submissions must be presented in the manner requested of each particular assignment. Please do not email instructors asking when grades will appear, as responding to numerous emails to this effect tends to delay the process. Rubrics Each submitted assignment has its own rubric depending on the assignment’s goals and objectives. General requirements include the understanding of the course material in question, neatness and organization, and successful completion of minimum requirements. After being submitted, assignments will be graded by the professor and returned to the student with feedback. Grade Standards Every graded assignment will have a rubric defining the criteria unique to the assignment. Student evidence of having relatively demonstrated or mastered these criteria will be assessed according to the grade standards found in the New Brunswick Academic Calendar (Section 8 Graduate Program Grading Policies). APA All written work for this course must be formatted according to the APA style as outlined in the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the APA. Program Expectations for Assignments Please use 12pt text size with Times New Roman font for all assignments. Running head for the assignment is not needed. The reference list should only include sources that were used for intext citations in the paper itself. 7. MACP & YU Policies Academic Appeals Process See Section 5 of the New Brunswick Academic Calendar Grade Policies See Section 8 of the New Brunswick Academic Calendar Note: In fairness to other students, individual assignment/final grades will not be adjusted on request so that a student may achieve the next grade level, e.g., A+ from an A. Academic Integrity and Honesty Academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, results in serious consequences. Punishments range from a reduced grade or a grade of zero on an assignment to automatic failure of a course to academic dismissal from the university (see Section 5 of the New Brunswick Academic Calendar, Student Conduct, for a statement of the University’s policy). MACP Late Submission Policy • • • Every assignment has a due date. Students are expected to submit assignments on or before the assigned due date. Late assignment submissions must be arranged with the instructor PRIOR to the assignment due date. o Approved late assignments will be penalized 3% for each day that they are late, up to 5 days (15%). o Approved late assignments will not be accepted after 5 days unless there are extenuating circumstances (such as major illness or death in the family) that have been discussed with the professor before the new assignment deadline. Late assignment submissions that have not been prearranged with the instructor will only be accepted under extenuating circumstances (such as major illness or death in the family). o The student must contact their instructor and Student Services Advisor as soon as reasonably possible to discuss the extenuating circumstance. o In the case of illness, arrangements may be made at the discretion of the instructor to make up the work, however, documentation from a health care professional will be required. Non-Academic Conduct Confidentiality is a continuous ethical obligation as well as learning process as a counsellor and as a student. Please do not share materials or discussions from the course room on public forums, like social media, blogs or other sites. We want you and other students to feel safe in being authentic. Just like group counselling rules, what’s said here, stays here. See Section 5 of the New Brunswick Academic Calendar. Religious Observation Guidelines Religious Observation Guidelines 8. Learning Support Students are strongly encouraged to use numerous student learning support resources available through the Library and the Yorkville University: MACP Student Orientation. Library resources include research tutorials, APA writing guides, sample essays, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on information literacy, links to web tools to help find and organize materials, and much more. The Library can be accessed throughout the course by clicking the MyYU icon at the top of every page. If you want to submit a ticket for student support, please use this link. Using the Library for Research Journal databases are provided through the Library Website. For more information on searching databases and course-related articles, please refer to the Library. You can contact the Librarian, Paul Graham, by email ( , by Skype (skypename: University Librarian) or, by telephone at (506-454-1220, extension 1302). If you wish to report a technical problem, please click on the MyYU button at the top of the page and choose the AskYU option to submit a case to our HelpDesk. The MACP Student Orientation at Yorkville University provides extensive information on how to use and navigate the Online learning environment, ways to contact key personnel, and access to your program information pages. Return to the Orientation frequently, as this resource is constantly being updated and you may find answers to your questions about this course and your program. Student Success Centre The Student Success Centre is all about helping ensure your success as a student, providing strategies, best practices, demonstrations, tutoring services, and interactive labs on a wide variety of topics. Also, to access Alexander Street's Behavioural and Mental Health Online video resources, login to MyYU, select "Library", "free trials", then select "Counselling Videos". You may also use the Psychology Open Access Journals for quick access to e-books and other resources. APA Style and Support Resources APA 7th edition support: Here are some supports from the library site Bibliographic software: You may already be using a bibliographic software package but if you don’t, I’d recommend Zotero. It is a free program that lets you download citations from any online source, and cite in APA 7th edition. Other software should be able to do so as well, such as Google Docs, MS Word and LibreOffice. Libguides: When you are unsure about a specific citation, it’s structure and appearance, you can also search for libguides. Libguides are freely accessible, pre-vetted information sites. These are not only good for citation, but for any and every academic topic… research methods, lit reviews, etc. You can use these as templates of comparison for your lists. Are you citing a journal correctly? You can search for examples of Journals on a libguide site. Just search for the topic plus the term 'libguide' in your web search. Templates: And you can search for templates on YouTube, online, etc. Main Changes in APA 7th Edition for MACP students. Click here the pdf.