Taxes are inevitable because we as citizens expect the government to provide us with various goods and services For the government to perform economic wellbeing (), it needs to raise revenue through taxation A Financial Overview of the US Government The Federal Government The Fiscal Challenge Ahead State and Local Government Taxes and Efficiency Marginal Tax Rates Versus Average Tax Rates Taxes and Equity Conclusion: The Trade-Off Between Equity and Efficiency Insert Figure 1 Insert Table 1 The Federal Government Collects 2/3 of the economy Table 2 Individual Income Tax April 15 To report all sources of income E.g. Wages from working, Interest on savings, Dividends from corporations in which it owns shares, Profits from small business add Family’s Income Tax Not simply proportional to its income Taxable incomes Computed as total income minus an amount based on the number of dependents (primarily children) INSERT TABLE 3 ad Payroll Tax Tax on the wages that a firm pays its workers Corporate Income Tax Tax bases on profit of the corporation In essence, taxed twice Once when the corporation earns profits Twice by the individual income tax when the corporation uses its profits to pay dividends to its shareholders add Other Excise taxes Estate Taxes Custom Duties Payroll Tax Tax on the wages that a frim pays its workers Income Tax ax Rate The rate is 30% on net income but there are some preferential rates and exemptions. Preferential rates vary from 2 to 20%. Regional headquarters are taxed at 10%. Capital Gains Tax These are taxed like income, except those from selling shares in companies (5-10% if not exchanged on the Stock Exchange; half of 1% of the selling price otherwise), and those from selling real estate not used for business purposes (6%). Deductions on dividends Deduction of 15% on dividends paid by the Philippine company if the non resident's country allows 20% tax credit, otherwise there is a deduction of 35%. Deductions on interest Deduction of 20% Deductions on royalties Deduction of 20% Deductions on transfers from subsidiaries Deduction of 15% of profits after tax paid by the subsidiary to the head office. Property Tax Varies according to the location, and does not exceed 3% of the estimated value. Social contributions Vary according to wages, maximum 1 090 PHP. Stamp duties Vary according to the type of document. Tax on transfers of property From 2 to 15%. Other Tax of 3 to 7% for certain activities such as banking, insurance, finance and transport.