Uploaded by David Simms

3D Slicer AI Plugin Tutorial

Task - Write a "blog post" style tutorial (several tutorials) on running existing 3D slicer AI-based
plugins and setting up a custom AI-based 3D slicer plugin.
s: image acquisition, classification and risk stratification of the target lesion (is this benign or malignant?
or is the vascular lesion at risk of occlusion or rupture?), semantic segmentation (differentiating tumors
or target vessel from the surrounding organ), object segmentation (delineation of individual tumors or
target vessel) and intervention planning and guidance
3d Slicer Tutorial
3d Slicer Documentation
Getting Started
Training Slicer 5.0
3d Slicer 4.0 Intro Webinar (old but good)
Wiki (old)
FAQ (old)
List of Modules (old)
*Training Slicer 4.0 (old)
Slicer Tutorials In Chinese
3d Slicer Community
Python tutorial
Python Modules Tutorial Playlist
script repository
german python tutorials (english subtitles)
andras lasso (creator) youtube
MedSlicer Tutorial Playlists
DeLeon Lab Tutorial
SlicerMorph SlicerMorph Tutorials
Jan Witowski tutorial playlist (best)
3DSlicerChannel playlist
Michael Fassbind tutorials
Brandon Holt Tutorial Playlist
PerkLab Research Videos (a lot)
medec021 playlist
Vis Sim Tutorial
Cardiac MRI Toolkit Slicer Extension Powerpoint
Whole heart segmentation from Cardiac CT in 10 minutes
ai models
deep infer models
Projcet MONAI
Slicer RVX Liver