Lab report writing Task 2.1. Lab report writing Task 2.1 Due date: 23 April 2023 Mark allocation: 15 Surname / initials: CHAUKE I STUDENT NUMBER: 222208526 LFS lab report Task 2.1 Balloon rocket experiment TOPIC HOW DOES A ROCKET MOVE IN SPACE INTRODUCTION Objective: The objective of this experiment is to prove how does a rocket moves in space therefore by using a balloon (balloon rocket experiment). Background: This experiment gives a brief background about newton is third law of motion, which state that every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. Hypothesis: while the air is released out of the balloon by a force exerted by the balloon in one direction then it causes the balloon to move in opposite direction by the same force. So as the balloon rocket fly across the cotton string then this is equal but opposite force caused by the air out of the balloon. And this can be explained by newton is third law of motion. As the air is released from the balloon and pushes back. Hence the balloon is propelled forward by the opposite force like a rocket. which is the gas released from the rocket pushes back. METERIALS Rubber balloon size 25 cm, Drink straw, Cotton string 2.4 meter (m), Packaging tape, Iron and chair, Ruler. METHODS The cotton string was measured about 2.4 meter (m). set up the balloon rocket to the string connected the two chairs along the distance of 2.4 meter. And blew up the balloon more than one time. Then attached one end of a fixed object. And making sure that not to pop the balloon while in mouth. After took the balloon and taped it onto the straw, as the balloon rocket in a starting point. After that the balloon is released to let it to move through the string. And repeated the same steps three times. Then ensure that not have a constant force for the balloon. Rubric /15 Component Title Poor 0-1 The title is missing or unclear Introduction 0-2 The introduction is missing or does not provide any context or background information. Materials 0-1 The materials list is incomplete, unclear or contains errors that could compromise the results of the experiment. 0-2 The methods section is incomplete, unclear or contains errors that could compromise the results of the experiment. Methods Overall grading: • • • Poor: 0-4 marks Fair: 5-8 marks Good: 9-13 marks Fair 1 The title is present but does not effectively communicate the purpose or the nature of the lab experiment. 3-4 The introduction provides some context or background information but is incomplete or lacks clarity. Excellent 2 The title is clear, concise and accurately reflects the purpose of the experiment. 2 The materials list is present but may contain errors or omissions. 3 The materials list is complete, accurate, and includes all necessary components for the experiment. 3-4 The method section provides someone information about the experimental procedure and contains objective, formal phrasing. 5 The methods section provides clear and detailed information about the experimental procedure, including all relevant variables, controls and steps. 5 The introduction provides clear and concise background information about the report and effectively outlines the hypothesis and objectives of the experiment. • Excellent: 14-15 marks.