Uploaded by Nonalyn Coronado

English 8 Lesson Plan: Modern Short Stories & Filipino Values

At the end of the 1-hour discussion, the students should be able to:
Enhance the vocabulary skills.
Comprehend the whole literary text by answering questions related to the story.
Compose answers that are related to the situations in the story.
Discuss Filipino values that can be seen in the story.
Create an essay related to the message of the story about showing gratefulness
to their family.
a. Topic: Modern Short Stories
b. References: Gabriel, J. (2017). Asian & African Literature and Communication
Arts. (pp. 483-489) St. Bernadette Pub. House
c. Materials: Visual Aids and Handouts
Teacher’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
Student’s Activity
Clap Once!
(Clap Once)
Clap Twice!
(Clap Twice)
Good afternoon students!
Before you sit down, please arrange
your chairs properly and pick up the
trash on the floor.
Good afternoon, ma’am!
Thank you. You may sit down.
Are there any absences today?
Everyone is present today.
Thank you.
Before we start our lesson, can you
tell me the last topic discussed with
About perfect tenses.
Very Good!
Can you tell me what is the rule to in
forming in forming the verb in past
perfect tenses?
(had + past participle of the verb)
Very Good!
Example: I _________ (study) in a
provincial area before I moved here to
the city.
What is the correct form of the verb to
make it past perfect tense?
Had studied
Very Good!
How about the rule for present perfect
(has/have + past participle of the verb)
Very Good!
Example: She __________ (eat) the
food you gave to her.
What is the correct form of verb to
make it present perfect tenses?
Has eaten
Very Good!
How about future perfect tenses?
Very Good!
Example: He __________ (go) to his
new apartment.
(will/shall + have + past participle)
What is the correct form of the verb to
make it future perfect tense?
Will have gone
Very Good!
Do you have any questions about
No ma’am.
Let’s proceed on our new lesson for
B. Developmental Activities
Now let’s have a short fun activity.
This is called Arrange Me. I will divide
you into 9 groups. I have here some
vocabulary words and you should
define these words by arranging these
jumbled words. After that, use the
word in a sentence.
 Rivulet
Natural a running of body water under
flowing or on earth under the
 Assailed
violently attack to words with or actions
something suggest unlikely be to that
used to is
 Exultation
happiness or condition of pleasure a of
 Prodded
something or someone to push your
finger with
 Sprawling
a area large existing over or reaching
 Ceaselessly
or seems have no to in a way end does
stop not that
Group 1
a natural body of running water flowing on
or under the earth.
Sentence: We went hiking and discovered
this rivulet. We dive in and enjoy the day.
Group 2
to attack violently with actions or words
Sentence: He was assailed by his
neighbor because of his carelessness.
Group 3
used to suggest that something is unlikely
to be
Sentence: We have seen scarcely drop of
rain for over six months
Group 4
High rate is one of interest that unfairly
 Homestead
as a farm a house the area surrounding
the and of used a usually land
a condition of great pleasure or happiness
There is an exultation after the
announcement of the winners.
Group 5
to push something or someone
with your finger
Sentence: She prodded me hard while we
are watching the concert
Group 6
existing or reaching over a large area
Sentence: There is a vine of grapes
sprawling on my window.
Group 7
in a way that does not stop, or seems to
have no end
Sentence: He protests ceaselessly to fight
for the poor rights.
Group 8
rate of interest is one that is unfairly high.
Sentence: The bank lends money that is
Group 9
a house and the surrounding area of land,
usually used as a farm
Sentence: My grandparents live in a
homestead and I always visit them every
C. Lesson Proper
Now we will be reading a literary text,
The Happiest Boy in the World by
N.V.M. Gonzales.
Based on the title, what do you think
is this story is all about?
It is about how to become the happiest in
the world.
Very Good!
Any other answers?
It is about how a boy becomes the
happiest boy in the world.
Very Good! Thank you for sharing
your ideas.
Please listen well as I read the first
part then you will be reading the next
(Read the first part)
To whom did Julio write his letter?
He wrote the letter to Ka Ponso
Very Good!
Why did he write a letter to Ka Ponso? He wants his son, Jose to go to school in
Very Good!
Can someone read the next part?
(Reads the next part)
Based on the story, why do you think
Julio wants Jose to study in town?
There will be a lot of opportunities for
Jose once he studied in town.
Very Good!
Do you think Julio and Ka Ponso is a
very close friends based on the first
part of the letter? Why?
Very Good!
Yes, Julio chose Ka Ponso because he
has his trust in him regarding this kind of
Can someone read the next part?
(Reads the next part)
What can you visualize on Julio’s
social status? Why?
They are poor. It said that their house is
only a one-room house, he writes the
letter in a low wooden form, and they
don’t have electricity that’s why they use
a kerosene lamp.
Very Good!
Does Jose also work on the farm?
Why do you think he needs to work at
a very young age?
Yes, it said that Jose was sleeping
soundly after he look for Ka Ponso’s
carabaos that had strayed away all
afternoon. He needs to work because he
is the oldest child and his father needs
help working on the farm.
Very Good!
Can Someone read the next part?
(Reads the next part)
Is Julio proud of his son? Why?
Yes, Julio didn’t forget to mention the
good qualities of his son in his letter to Ka
Very Good!
Do you think Ka Ponso will accept
Jose in their house? Why?
I think so because he was a good man to
whom Julio gives his trust regarding his
Very Good!
Can someone read the next part?
(Reads the next part)
Based on that part, do you think Ka
Ponso is a good man? Why?
Yes, he already did good things for Julio’s
Very Good!
How did Julio feel after writing the
Very Good!
He was excited but also afraid of what will
happen to his son after Ka Ponso accept
his letter.
Can someone read the next part?
(Reads the next part)
Why do you think Julio is always
reminding Jose to take good care of
the letter?
Jose needs to take care of the letter so
that Ka Ponso will not be confused about
why Jose is there.
Very Good!
Why do you think Julio said that Jose
needs to do everything Ka Ponso
asks him to do?
Julio is asking a big favor to Ka Ponso
and in exchange he wants Jose to
become an industrious kid to Ka Ponso
while he was staying inside his house.
Very Good!
Can someone read the next part?
(Reads the next part)
Do you think something is missing in
the story? What is it?
Yes, the ending. We don’t know if Ka
Ponso will accept Jose in his house.
Very Good!
We don’t know if Ka Ponso will accept
Jose. But based on your opinion, do
you think Ka Ponso will accept Jose?
Based on Julios’s description of Ka
Ponso, I think Ka Ponso is a very kindhearted man and he will accept Jose with
open arms.
Very Good!
In the end, why do you think this story
is titled “The Happiest Boy in the
Jose is the happiest boy in the world
because he got another opportunity to
continue studying. Maybe Jose wants to
go to school and he misses the feeling of
being a student.
Very Good!
All of your ideas are correct, thank
you for your answers.
Do you understand the story?
What is the reason again why Julio
wrote a letter to Ka Ponso?
Julio wants Jose to study in Mansalay. He
wants to say to Ka Ponso that he wants
his son to stay with Ka Ponso while
What was the relationship between
Julio to Ka Ponso?
They are great friends, compadres.
Why did Julio choose Ka Ponso of all
the people to take good care of his
Julio trusts him so much about this matter
and he knew that Ka Ponso is a kindhearted man.
Are there any questions?
No ma’am.
Okay since you already understand
what the story is all about, let’s
proceed to a short activity.
Interview with the cast.
I have here the names of the
characters. I will assign a character to
random students. I will ask a few
questions related to the characters.
Questions for Julio
If you’re Julio, would you feel bad that
you will send your son to town just to
study? Why?
No, I would not feel bad because what I
am doing is for his future.
If someone tells you that you are a
bad father because you let your son
work at a younger age and let him go
to be a servant just to study, what will
you say to them?
I want them to know that my son is a
good kid that’s why he initiates to help me
in farming and he is a boy who knows
how to survive because I taught him to be
like that.
Questions for FIDELA
If you are Fidela, would feel bad that
your son needs to stop studying
because of your situation? Why?
Yes, as a mother, I feel like I take away a
year of his childhood because of being
poor and not being able to provide good
things for him.
Since Fidela doesn’t have lines in the
story, what will you say to Jose before
he leaves?
I want to say that take this as a good
opportunity to experience new things in a
town. Grab the opportunity to study again
for a better future. He should do well and
should not think about our situation we
will be able to figure out to how to survive.
He should take care of himself and don’t
forget to take a visit or write a letter. I will
tell him how much I love him.
Questions for JOSE
If you are Jose, would you get mad at
your father because he wants you to
work for Ka Ponso and study far away
from your home? Why?
Would you be willing to go far away
from your home just to study? Why?
No, I know my father will never do
anything to me that will lead to worse
Yes, it was a good opportunity to help my
family. If I will be able to finish my studies,
I will get a good job and I can provide
good things for my family.
Questions for KA PONSO
If you are Ka Ponso, would you treat
Jose as a servant or as a son? Why?
You already did a lot for Julio’s family
and then now he was asking you to
accept Jose in your household, do
you think Julio is taking advantage of
No, he was my compadre’s son. I know
that he was also the same as his father.
He can work if he wants to but I will try my
best to make him feel welcome inside my
I don’t think that he was that kind of
person. I know him since then and he
never makes me feel that he was trying to
get an advantage of me since I am
financially stable. He even said that he
will repay me so I don’t think he is the
kind of person who will do that to their
closest friend.
Thank you so much for your answers!
Direction: Write your best
answer to each question.
1. Do you think Julio raised his son,
Jose well? Why do you think so?
2. What does Julio want his son to be
once he was already at Ka
Ponso’s household?
3. What kind of Filipino value is
implied when Julio said that “I
hope you will not think this as a
great brother. We shall repay you
for whatever you can do for us,
compadre. And why?
A. Pakikisama
B. Utang na loob
C. Ningas Kugon
4. How does Julio describe Ka Ponso
as one of his closest compadre?
5. “The world seemed full of bird
song and music from the stream”
Is this kind of feeling common
when you are so happy? Why do
you think so?
1. List down five things that Jose will
experience in the future inside Ka
Ponso’s house and while studying.
2. Write down 5 things that you will
do to become a good student and
child. (5pts)
1. Yes, because at a young age, Jose
knew a lot of things and he was a
very independent child.
2. He wants him to be a child that will
follow orders from Ka Ponso. He
wants Jose to become the same
person he is when he was working
on the farm.
3. Utang na loob. Julio is asking for a
favor and Filipinos always repay
someone who did them a favor as
an act of gratefulness.
4. Julio said that Ka Ponso is a
person who give them a lot of
things before and even offered to
become the godfather of his
5. Everything feels perfect and unreal
when you are so happy. This is
because it is an extreme emotion
that lets us think that the world
itself is smiling at us.
1. – He will meet new friends
- He will be homesick for a while.
- He will learn a new lifestyle in
the town.
- He might feel tired
- He will know how good Ka
Ponso is.
2. – Study well
- Be grateful for all opportunities
coming to your life.
- Live well
- Focus on your goal as a
- Follow the advice of your
Create an essay about how grateful
you are that you have the privilege to
study. Maximum of 10 sentences and
a minimum of 7 sentences. Write it on
your intermediate pad.
Prepared by:
Nonalyn D. Coronado
Student Teacher