uGH IN cese iatien No. 130 72 Original sAD Education Research Academy's ERA International School ERA ternatlonal Schoo CBSE Affiliation No. 1130872 Bhalgaon, Beed Rond, Tal. N Dist. Aurangabad (MH) 431 007 Ph. No.: 9767101093, E-ail: 339 T.C. No. U-DISE code:27190101002 G.R.No652 SCHOOLTRANSFER CERTIFICATE (No change in any entry in this certificate shall be made except by the authorlty issuing it and any infringement of this requirement is llable to Involve the positlon of penalty such as that of rustication) Student 1D No.: 2 0 1 7 2 zlolz|o8o923l0olG 773/918|8|1 |8||41915] Aadhar No. (Student) ) Nameofthe Pupil: (Surname) (Father) Aditya Siddhasth moxey 2) Mother's Name:Pyqtibha Moxey 3) Father's Name: Siddhasth movey 5) MotherT6ongue: Maadthi 4) Nationality:Lndian 6) Religion: BuddhaCaste / Sub-caste:Buddha 7 PlaceofBirth ("Village| City): Aurangabad (Tatuka): Ausangabacd (District) Ausungabad State: Mabasashtoa Country:N d i a 8) Date of Birth : 02007 9)n words Twenty Fiyst May TuwO Thousand Seven 10) Class in which the Pypil wasfirst admitted: 9 1) astSchool Attended:ERA Integnational School, Sillod 12) Date ofAdmission: 15/06 /2021 Class: g h Behavior:_ G10od 14) Date ofleaving theschoo:28/07/2022 13) Study progress Good 15) Class in which studlying &Since When:X Std Since June 2024 16) Reasen for leaving theSechool:_Pcisents request m Remarks-: Studying in Std t is certified that the above information is available in the school in accordance to the General Register no. b>2 Date ofIssue: BQa Class Teacher Clerk PRINCIPAL ERA INTERNATIONAL SCHO vore: ln case of unauthorized changes in school leaving certificate, legal action wit rakbAD