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Clinical Pathophysiology Exam Blueprint

Clinical Pathophysiology
Final Exam Blue Print
Dr. Kelly
Clinical Pathophysiology final exam will be given via the Examplify program. This cumulative
exam will consist of 100 multiple choice questions to be completed within 100 minutes. Below
is a list of the content that will be represented. Please note this list refers to concepts and
pathophysiology (what is it and what does it do in the body), so be sure to review terms,
definitions, and basic pathophysiology of alterations including clinical manifestation of
each chapter as reviewed throughout the semester. In order to be successful on the final exam
students MUST read the book. Of course, lecture recordings, class notes, powerpoints are all
important tools BUT there is no substitute for reading the text. There is a clear distinction in
success between students who read and students who do not read the book!
Chapter 1: Into to Patho (know these terms) (5 questions)
morbidity / mortality
disease etiology (idiopathic, nosocomial, iatrogenic)
clinical manifestations (signs vs symptoms, local vs systemic)
incidence / prevalence
disease prevention (primary, secondary, tertiary)
Chapter 2: Altered Cells & Tissue Biology (7 questions)
cellular function
proliferation / differentiation
cellular adaptation (metaplasia, dysplasia, hypertrophy, atrophy, hyperplasia)
cellular injury / cellular death (TIPS)
diagnostic testing (CBC, blood tests, radiologic tests)
Alterations (cerebral atrophy, cardiac hypertrophy, acromegaly, cervical dysplasia)
Chapter 3: Inflammation (8 questions)
defense mechanisms (skin & mucous membranes, inflammatory response, immune response)
vascular / inflammatory response of tissue injury
cardinal signs of inflammation
steps of restoring structural integrity
healing by intention (primary, secondary)
alterations in wound healing (infection, ulceration, dehiscence, keloids, adhesions, granuloma)
Clinical Alterations (burns, arthritis, pancreatitis)
Chapter 4: Immunity (8 questions)
adaptive / innate immunity
cellular components of immunity (Natural killer cells, lymphoid progenitor cells)
hypersensitivity reactions (know all types I - IV)
antigens / antibodies / vaccines
Clinical Alterations (AIDS, Lupus)
Chapter 5: Infection (10 questions)
pathogenicity (virulence, infectivity, toxigenicity, superinfection)
bacteria / virus / fungi / parasites
stages of infection / modes of transmission
opportunistic infection / colonization / resident flora / normal microbes
WBCs / cells of the CBC
Chapter 7: Altered Cellular Proliferation / Cancer (10 questions)
oncogenes / tumor suppressor genes / carcinogen
hallmark signs of cancer (cancer characteristics)
tumor markers
carcinoma in situ
TNM staging / tumor grading
benign vs malignant / cancer spread / metastases
cancer treatment
Clinical Alterations (lung cancer, colon cancer, Hodgkin / Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma)
Chapter 8: Altered Fluids & Electrolytes (6 questions)
clinical manifestations / lab levels of:
hypo / hypervolemia
hypo / hypernatremia
hypo / hyperkalemia
Chapter 10: Altered Neuronal Transmission (5 questions)
neurons / action potentials / neuron communication
CNS functions (lobe functions & hemisphere functions)
Clinical Alterations (Multiple Sclerosis, hydrocephalus, Parkinson)
Chapter 12: Pain (4 questions)
types of pain / theories of pain
Chapters 13: Hormone Regulation (7 questions)
Regulating hormones (page 319)
Negative & positive feedback / receptor binding / cell to cell communication
Stress response
thyroid hormones
hypothyroidism / Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
hyperthyroidism / Grave’s Disease
Chapter 14: Altered Reproductive Function (5 questions)
menses cycle (hormones FSH, LH, Estrogen, Progesterone, HCG) *refer to the handout
know the terms list6ed on page 347
Clinical Alterations (PCOS, Ovarian Cancer, Prostate Cancer)
Chapter 15: Altered Ventilation & Perfusion (7 questions)
Clinical manifestations (local / general)
hypoxia and hypercapnia (acute / chronic) & signs & symptoms (i.e. clubbing / barrel chest)
Types of altered breathing (table 15.1 on page 372)
basic pathophysiology of the altered concepts presented (Pneumonia, COPD, Asthma)
Chapter 16: Altered Perfusion (7 questions)
Cardiac cycle (systole & diastole) – know flow of blood through cardiovascular system
3 Layers of the heart (pericardium, myocardium, endocardium)
Blood pressure
Vascular, Valvular, Conduction Alterations
Heart failure / Myocardial Infarction
Chapter 18: Altered Elimination (5 questions)
Urine production
Urine characteristics & urine analysis
Urine specific gravity
General manifestations of altered elimination
Basic pathophysiology of the altered concepts presented
Chapter 20: Diabetes (6)
hgba1c laboratory test
diabetes (type 1, type 2 & GDM)
Implications of chronic uncontrolled diabetes (neuropath micro / macrovascular)