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Road Safety Questionnaire for Criminology Students

Road Safety and Traffic Rules Awareness among 4th Year Criminology Students
of Northeastern College
Name: ___________________________ Block: ________________ Date: __________
Age: __________ Sex: __________ Civil Status: __________________
Direction: Please read and analyze the questions and answer it with honesty.
Part I
1. Can you ride a vehicle?
a. Yes, I can drive
b. Yes, learning to ride
c. No, I can’t drive (question over, go to part III)
2. What type of vehicle do you use?
a. Bicycle
b. Motorcycle
c. Tricycle
d. Car
3. What age did you start riding a vehicle?
__________ years old
4. How often do you ride a vehicle?
a. Always
b. Often
c. Sometimes
d. Rarely
e. Never
5. When is the most time you ride a vehicle?
a. Morning
b. Afternoon
c. Evening
6. Where are your most frequent destinations when riding?
a. School
b. Outside City
c. Inside City
7. Who do you ride with more often?
a. Alone
b. With classmate/s
c. With Family
8. What equipment do you prepare before riding? (Can choose more than one)
a. Driving license
b. Vehicle registration certificate
c. Helmet
d. Jacket
e. Shoes
f. Gloves
g. Mask
h. Knee/Elbow/Chest protectors
i. Raincoat
j. Water
9. Which part of the vehicle needs to be checked before riding? (Can choose more
than one)
a. Tires
b. Horn
c. Lights (front, rear, turn signals)
d. Brake
e. Seats
f. Rearview
g. Gasoline fuel
h. Speedometer
10. What is the average speed when you drive?
a. 20-30 km/h
b. 40-50 km/h
c. 60-70 km/h
d. 80-90 km/h
e. More than 90 km/h
Part II
1. Do you have driving license?
a. Yes
b. No (continue to number 4)
2. If yes, when did you get it?
a. Last 1-6 months
b. Last 6-12 months
c. Last 1-2 years
3. How do you get a driving license?
a. Officially (take the riding test)
b. Unofficially (without riding test)
4. Have you ever been committing traffic violation?
a. Ever
b. Never (go to part III)
5. What type of traffic violation did you commit? (Can choose more than one
a. Not bringing driver’s license
b. Not bringing vehicle registration certificate
c. Not wearing a helmet
d. Not turning on the headlights
e. Breaking the traffic signs
f. Motorcycle is not standard
g. Riding > 3 people
h. Expired (invalid) license plate
i. Illegal Parking
Part III
1. Do you often get a ride?
a. Always
b. Sometimes
c. Never (question over, go to part IV)
2. How often do you get a ride?
a. Always
b. Often
c. Sometimes
d. Rarely
e. Never
3. When is the most common time you are getting a ride?
a. Morning
b. Afternoon
c. Evening
4. Where are your most frequent destinations when you are getting ride?
a. School
b. Outside City
c. Inside City
5. Who do you ride with more often?
a. With classmate/s
b. With Family
c. With public transportation driver/passengers
6. What equipment do you prepare before getting ride? (Can choose more than one)
a. Helmet
b. Jacket
c. Shoes
d. Gloves
e. Masks
f. Knee/Elbow/Chest protectors
g. Raincoat
h. Water
7. What is your position when you are getting ride?
a. Facing forward
b. Facing side
c. Facing back
8. What was your attitude during getting a ride
a. Talking/joking to distract the driver
b. Taking photos/videos to distract the driver
c. Sit quietly
Part IV
Are you using your phone while driving?
Are you smoking/vaping while driving?
Have you ever participated in drag races?
Are you wearing a protective gear while
Do you slow down or stop at road junctions,
intersections, pedestrian crossing and road
Do you use signal/s before you proceed to
turn left or right?
Do you follow the speed limit sign?
Do you drive at night without a front light?
Are you driving under the influence of
Are you doing stunt riding on the highway?
Sometimes Never