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Vincentian Values Lesson Plan

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Discuss the fundamentals of Vincentian Spirituality: St Vincent de Paul
2. Explain the Vision-Mission Statement of the University.
3. Create a personal vision-mission statement considering the values discussed pertinent
to Vincentian spirituality.
Answer the following questions.
1. What is your most marked characteristic?
2. What do you dislike the most about your appearance?
3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
4. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
5. What is it that you most like and dislike?
6. What is your most treasured possession?
7. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
8. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
9. When and where were you happiest?
10. What is your favorite motto?
I. Discussion
A. Knowing Thyself
“Self-awareness is the first step to self-improvement.” Knowing thyself make us aware of
who we are. It is an advantage to know our needs and desires, knowing our strength and
weaknesses make us accurately assess ourselves and react to the things happened to ourselves
as well as our surroundings. Knowing thyself is a journey that leads us towards discovering the
“real” us. Being the “real person” is leading towards to become a good person. We believe that
God created us good because He is good and in order for us to know our goodness our self, we
have to acknowledge and Identify some good values and traits that needs to our journey towards
discovering ourselves. This knowledge will lead us to the truth and this truth will lead to the
purpose of our existence and our existence will be strengthened if we know and define clearly
our mission to attain our vision in life.
B. Adamson Community
Adamson University first as a Greek-run school and then as a Catholic and Vincentian institution.1
The university is known in their slogan “School for the Poor”. It is also known with their motto
“Veritas in Caritate”, meaning Truth in Charity. We used to call our fellow students’ “klasmeyt”.
The School is under the supervision of the Vincentian Fathers.
C. The Patron Saint: St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul is the founder of the Congregation of the Mission and patron saint of Adamson
University. He is known as the Great Apostle of Charity.
D. Vision and Mission statement
Adamson University, a Catholic Vincentian educational institution, is a recognized leading center
for quality education particularly for the socially disadvantaged.
As a Catholic University, we diligently pursue truth and knowledge, inspired by the Gospel values
and guided by the teachings of the Church;
As a Vincentian Community, we inspire others to follow the example of St. Vincent De Paul, who
led and organized his contemporaries in creatively responding to those who are in need;
As an institution of learning, we assist in the formation of competent, creative and socially
responsible leaders through our commitment to excellence in discovery, learning and service;
As a catalyst of social transformation, we provide quality services that empower others to
become agents of change.
E. Core Values
Search for Excellence
The highest standards of academic excellence and professionalism in service are the hallmarks of
our educative endeavors. We regularly assess and transform our programs to make them
effective for learning, discovery of knowledge and community service. Our service ethics
manifests strong sense of responsibility, competency, efficiency, and professional conduct.
Spirit of St. Vincent de Paul
The Spirit of St. Vincent de Paul inspires and permeates our learning community, programs, and
services. This spirit is shown in our sensitivity to the presence of God, compassionate service, and
the building of supportive relationships towards an effective service to persons in need.
Drawn together by a common vision and mission, we believe education is a shared responsibility
and a collaborative effort where the gifts of persons are valued. Our learning community is a
"family" where participation, teamwork, interdependence, communication, and dialogue prevail.
A culture of appreciation builds up our community, encouraging us towards excellence and
Social Responsibility
Education at Adamson University aims at developing a sense of social responsibility - the mark of
an authentic Christian faith. Social responsibility leads us to empower the marginalized sectors
of society through the creation of knowledge and human development. We are committed to
work for the building of a society based on justice, peace, and respect for human dignity and the
integrity of creation.
Sustained Integral Development
Education is a lifelong quest whose primary purpose is the full and integral development of the
human person. We are committed to provide programs for holistic development and continuous
learning. Networking with other educational institutions, government agencies, industries,
business, and other groups enhances our educational services.
F. 3 C’s
1. Competence
Creative and Critical Thinking
Fluency and Articulateness
Expertise and Life-long Learning
Theory and Practice
2. Character
Leadership and Network
Adamsonian Identity and Integrity
Commitment to Social Transformation
Patriotism and Universal Outlook
Care for the Environment
Faith in God
Spirit of Saint Vincent de Paul
3. Charity
Know thyself is accepting one’s self and choosing a good decision, decisions that right
for us in order for us to be great. Striving to reach our goals and to be what we want to be in
the future with the help of people around us to inspire us and cheer us to achieve our goals in
life. We have to strive hard to reach our goals and be part of God’s Family that helps one
another in achieving our goals. Helping one another, a sense of belongingness caters charitable
acts to be great and it doesn’t stop because “Greatness never ends.”
Key points:
Knowing thyself is about being aware of our core values, dreams and priorities in life.
The Patron Saint of Adamson University is St. Vincent de Paul
The Vision and Mission of the Institution must be inculcated, embraced and harmonized
by the student’s personal vision and mission in life.
The 5 S as well as three C’s must wholeheartedly apply to the Student’s life as