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MC3 report (Ascaris)

TOPIC:Ascaris Lumbricoides (Intestinal Nematodes)
Contents of oral presentation:
1. Introduction
2. Morphology
o Adult
o Males
o Females
o Eggs
o Cyst
o Trophozoite
o Other life stages
3. Life cycle
4. Diagnostic features
5. Mode of transmission
6. Disease produced
7. Pathology and symptomatology
8. Incubation period
9. Laboratory diagnosis
10. Treatment, prevention and control
*Limit number of slides from 10-15 slides only per presenter
* See course outline for the schedule of oral presentation
*Look for reliable sources for the contents of your oral presentation. Do not use
Wikipedia as source.
*Avoid using long texts in your slides.
[] means to put it on a slide
{} means to explain it and dont include on the slides
[]what is ascaris lumbricoides?
[] Ascaris is a type of intestinal parasite that can be found inside a human
{}And Ascaris is an intestinal roundworms and can be found in Gastrointestinal tract of a human body
[] why Ascaris Lumbricoides is a parasite?
[] it is a worm eggs that can grow into a form of the parasite that can infect others
{} You can and will be infected if when your hands or fingers is contaminated by
dirt and you put them inside your mouth or maybe you just have a small chunk of
beef stuck in between your teeth and you forgot that you are gardening and didnt
wore gloves and you tried getting rid of that small chunk of beef with your contaminated
[] Ascaris is a parasitic worm known as Soil-Transmitted-Helminths
[]Morphology: Adults, Male, Female, eggs, cyst, trophozoite
{}what is morphology? here we will talk about the morphology of the Ascaris Lumbricoides from Adults, to male, female, from their eggs, Cyst, Trophoizoite, and other
life stages
[]Adults of Ascaris Lumbricoides are large roundworms
{}The round worm resembles to earthworm. It is elongated tapering to both end, anterior being thinner than posterior. Freshly excreted worm is yellowish pink in color, which gradually changes to white.
[]Male Ascaris is measured to 15-30cm in length, 3-4mm in diameter
{}and the tail of the male ascaris is curved
[]Female Ascaris is Measured to 20-40cm in length, 2-6mm in diameter
{}and the tail of the female ascaris is straight
{}and they are smooth finely striated cuticle, conical anterior and posterior extremities, ventrally curved
papillated posterior extremity of male with two spicules and terminal mouth with three oval lips
with sesory papillae and paired reproductive organs in posterior two thirds of female and a single long
tortuous tubule in male
[]Egg Ascaris is round or oval, thick brown shell and have rough surface. it is the infective form of
parasite, and measures to 40 to 70 µ
{}there is an outer coarsley mammillated, albuminous covering thats serves as an auxiliary barrier
to permeability but may be absent
{}ascaris eggs are susceptible to desiccation althpugh they are more resistant than are trichuris eggs
[]Cyst of the Ascaris is a larvae in tiny sacks containing the parasite.
{}and that leads to your digestive juice dissolve the cyst, releasing the larvae into your body. then
the larvae will enter the wall of your intestines where they grow into adult worms and mate
[]Trophozoite of Ascaris: Ingestion, Migration, Maturation, Reproduction
{}what is the trophozoite of ascaris? here we will talk about ingestion, migration, maturation,
{}Ingestion: The microscopic ascariasis eggs cannot become infective without coming into contact with soil. Moreover, individuals can accidentally come into contact with such contaminated soil by consuming any undercooked vegetables or fruits grown in any infected soil.
{}Migration: These eggs then hatch within the small intestine of an individual and produce larvae. After that, they penetrate the intestinal wall and move into the lungs with the help of the bloodstream or lymphatic system.
{}serious and sometimes fatal effects of ascaris are due to migrations of the adult worms,
they may be regurgitated and vomited, escape through the external nares, or rarely be inhaled into a bronchus.
{}Maturation: Once back into the intestine, these parasites develop into either male or female worms. Female worms are more than 40 centimeters (15 inches) long and less
than 6 millimeters (quarter inch) in diameter.
{}Reproduction: The reproduction process takes place in the small intestine. Moreover, female worms can produce around 200,000 eggs each day. {}These eggs leave the human body through feces. Furthermore, these fertilized eggs must stay in the soil for at least 18 days before they become infective.
[] The life cycle of Ascaris completes in single host. Human.
{}here, we will talk about the life cycle of the ascaris lumbricoides and how it lives in the small intestine of the human
[]Stage I: Eggs in faeces
[]Sexually mature female produces as many as 200,000 eggs per day, which are shed along with faeces in unembryonated form.
{}They are non infective.
[]Stage II: Development in soil
[]Embryonation occurs in soil as optimum temperature of 20-25C with sufficient moisture and O2
{}Infective larva develops within egg in about 3-6 weeks.
[]Stage III: Human infection and liberation of larvae
[]Human get infection with ingestion of embryonated egg contaminated food and water
Within embryonated state inside egg, first stage larvae develops into second stage larvae. This second stage larvae is known as Rhabtitiform larvae
{}Second stage larve is stimulated to hatch out by the presence of alkaline pH in small intestine and solubilization of its outer layer by bile.
[]Stage IV: migration of larvae through lungs
[]Hatched out larvae penetrates the intestinal wall and carried to liver through portal circulation.
It then travels via blood to heart and to lungs by pulmonary circulation within 4-7 days of infection.
{}The larvae in lungs molds twice, enlarge and breaks into alveoli.
[]Stage V: Re-entry to stomach and small intestine
[]From alveoli, the Larvae then pass up through bronchi and into trachea and then swallowed. The larvae
passes down the oesophagus to the stomach and reached into small intestine once again. Sexual maturation occurs with 6-10 weeks {}and the mature female discharges its eggs in intestinal lumen and excreted along with faeces, continuing the life cycle.
{}Small intestine is the normal habitat of Ascaris and it colonises here. Within intestine parasite molds twice and mature into adult worm. and The life span of parasite is 12-18 months
{}here we will talk about how the diagnosis is made to find the Ascaris Lumbricoides inside
a human body
[] What is the Diagnosis Procedure to find Ascaris Lumbricoides inside a human body?
{}by simply taking a stool sample and using a microscope to look for the presence of eggs.
[]The numerous eggs are detected in the direct coverglass mount.
{}infertile eggs are easily missed by the examiner, and concentration technique may be employed
{}here we will talk about how you can get infected by Ascaris Lumbricoides. as i said in the previous
slide that Ascaris is a Soil-Transmitted-Helminths or (STH).
[]Chief source of soil contamination is by their promiscuous defecation in door yards and earthen-floored
{}and it is where the resistant eggs remain viable for long periods.
[]how can you get infected by Ascaris Lumbricoides?
{}By heavy soil pollution and unsatisfactory hygiene are most afflicted
[]Ascaris occurs at all ages, but it is most prevelant in the 5 to 9-year-old group of preschool and young
school children
{}Infection is a household affair, the family being the unit of dissemination and infected small children.
{}since we are already familiar with Ascaris and how it infects our body, now we will talk about
the diseases produced
[]what are the disease that Ascaris produce inside our body?
abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and diarrhea
[]Ascaris may penetrate intestinal wall, migrate into tge peritoneal cavity, and produce peritonitis
{}due to the migration of ascaris, there are many instances of invasion of the bile ducts, gallbladder,
liver, and appendix.
{}Here we will learn about the pathology and symptomatology. but first what is pathology and symptomatology?
pathology talks about the cause and effects of the disease, and symptomatology talks about the symptoms of the disease and pathologic conditions which may produce a given symptom.
[]The usual infection, consisting of 5 to 10 worms and often goes unnoticed by the host and is
discovered only on a routine stool examination or by the discovery of an adult worm passed
spontaneously in the stool, the most frequent complaints of patients infected with Ascaris is
Abdominal Pain
[]What is incubation period?
{}it is a period between exposure to an infection and the appearance of the first symptoms.
[]Incubation period of Ascaris Lumbricoides is (interval between ingestion of eggs and development of egg-laying adults) is approximately 6 to 8 weeks 3, 5, 12.
{}this is where we will learn how ascaris is diagnosed
[]How is ascariasis diagnosed? by taking a stool sample and using a microscope to look for the presence of eggs
{}then here we will learn the treatment of the Diseases caused by the Ascaris,
on how to prevent and control
[]Treatment - Piperazine citrateis safe and very effective in ascariasis; a single dose will cure
75% to 85% of the infections. a dose on 2 consecutive days will eliminate approximately 95%
of the infections
[]Prevention - Ascariasis is essentially a household and dooryard infection and is intimately associated
with family hygiene, prophylaxis depends upon the sanitary disposal of feces and upod health education
[]Control - It wont be difficult controlling Ascaris if the sanitation is being executed correctly by procedure
and on how poverty and ignorance plays a huge role in inertia among the people most afflicted