THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA CAPSTONE COLLEGE OF NURSING BSN Program of Study UNOFFICIAL Date:_____________________ Name:_________________________________________ Office of Nursing Student Services (205) 348-6639 1-800-313-3591 UNOFFICIAL CWID:________________________________ The degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing requires the completion of the courses presented in the following program of study. Lower division students may choose to enroll in a summer session(s) to meet requirements and adjust the program of study to meet individual needs. Freshman Year Lower Division Fall Semester Core Upper Division Course Description EN 101 English Composition FC Hours Grade Replacement/Transfer Course-School 3 PY 101 Intro to Psychology SB 3 Course Description Semester 1 CH 104 Intro to Chemistry w/Lab N 4 NUR 305 Human Pathophysiology *Fine Arts Fine Arts Intro to Nursing (Optional Class) FA 3 NUR 308 Conceptual Foundation for Professional Nursing 1 NUR 310 Health Assessment NUR 102 Theory Clinical Core Hours Hours Total W 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 14 Freshman Year 9 Semester 2 Spring Semester EN 102 English Composition FC 3 NUR 309 Nursing Informatics *History History (Sequence 1 or 2) HI 3 NUR 324 or Fundamentals of Professional Nursing Practice CH 105 Intro Organic Chemistry w/Lab N 4 NUR 315/316 (Summer Term Only) NUR 326 MATH110 or Higher Math MA 3 HD 101 SB 3 Human Development 16 Sophomore Year Fall Semester 3 0 3 13 Semester 3 W Inquiry for Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing 3 0 3 4 4 8 NUR 374 Professional Nursing Practice: Mental Health 3 1 Intro to Human Nutrition 3 Human Anatomy & Physiology I w/Lab 4 SB 3 C/FL 3/4 16/17 Sophomore Year PHL223 or PHL292 Medical Ethics or Ethics 7 Professional Nursing Practice: Adults BSC 215 Spring Semester Literature/History *History/Literature 3 4 NUR 372 NHM 101 Computer Science or Foreign Language 0 3 3 Literature SOC101 or ANT102 Sociology or Anthropology Pharmacology for Nursing Practice 3 NUR 328 *Literature *CS/Foreign Lang L C L/HI 3 HU 3 4 15 Semester 4 NUR 418 Professional Nursing Practice: Childbearing 3 1 4 NUR 419 Professional Nursing Practice: Complex Client 3 2 5 NUR 420 Professional Nursing Practice: Children 3 1 4 13 Semester 5 *Statistics Statistics 3 BSC 216 Human Anatomy & Physiology II w/Lab 4 NUR 422 Professional Nursing Practice: Community 3 1 4 BSC 242 Microbiology w/Lab 4 NUR 473 Professional Nursing Practice: Leadership 2 4 6 17 NUR 475 Preparation for Licensure 1 0 1 11 **Humanities/Fine Art HU/FA 3 Note: Bold letters indicate courses that meet specific Core Curriculum. *See reverse side for specific courses that will satisfy requi **Only needed for students completing 2HY+1Lit Sequence. Please see an advisor. Date Approved:Spring 2019 Effective Date: Fall 2019 Date Reviewed/Revised: Sp 2019 Next Review: Sp 2020 I:\Student Services\Advising\Programs of Study\Program of Study Sp18 There are honors sections available in some courses for those in University Honors. Please inquire about these options with an advisor. *All students are required to complete either a six hour history or literature sequence. Students must also complete three hours in the area outside of their sequence (e.g., a student completing HY 101 and 102 must take a literature course to satisfy degree requirements). Twelve hours in Humanity/Fine Arts/Literature are required to graduate. If a student elects to complete two history courses, s/he must complete at least one additional HU/FA course to fulfill UA core requirement. Students electing to pursue two history courses must complete this requirement in sequence. Students electing to pursue two literature courses do not have to complete this requirement in sequence. HY 101 HY 102 HY 103 HY 104 HY 105 HY 106 HY 107 HY 108 HY 111 HY 112 HY 113 HY 114 HY 115 HY 116 SW 200 SW 205 Western Civilization to 1648 Western Civilization since 1648 American Civilization to 1865 American Civilization since 1865 Honors West Civilization To 1648 Honors West Civilization since 1648 Honors American Civilization to 1865 Honors American Civilization since 1865 Colonial Latin America Modern Latin America Since 1808 Asian Civilization to 1400 Modern Asia since 1400 History of Science to 1687 History of Science since 1687 History of Social Welfare-US Honors History of Social Welfare-US *Choose one of the Fine Arts courses listed below: ARH 151 ARH 252 ARH 253 ARH 254 EN 200 FA 200 MUS 121 NEW 212 JCM 112 TH 114 Introduction to the Visual Arts Survey of Art I Survey of Art II Survey of Art III Introduction to Creative Writing Introduction to Fine Arts Introduction to Listening Humanities I: Creativity Motion Picture History and Criticism Introduction to the Theatre EN 101/102 or 103 must be completed prior to enrolling in Literature classes EN 205 EN 206 EN 207 EN 208 EN 209 EN 210 EN 215 EN 216 EN 219 EN 220 EN 249 EN 250 AAST 249 FR 341 FR 441 GN 264 English Literature I GN 265 German Literature Translation I English Literature II World Literature I World Literature II American Literature I American Literature II Honors English Literature I Honors English Literature II Honors American Literature Honors American Literature II African American Literature I African American Literature II African American Literature Survey French Literature I Page & Stage German Literature Translation I *Choose one of the Statistics courses listed below: BER 345 Educational Statistics PY 211 Elementary Statistical Methods ST 260 Statistical Data Analysis (Course counts for both CS Core and Statistics requirement) *Choose two semesters of Foreign Language or two semesters of Computer Science Foreign Language - Students must complete an eight credit hour sequence (i.e., SP 101 and 102) Computer Science - Students must complete two semesters of Computer Science, including NUR 309. CS 102 CS 202 CS 285 Notes: Intro to Microcomputer Applications Intro to Information Highway Microcomputer Applications II NUR 309 Nursing Informatics