Faculty of Business Administration Course Outline 1. Course Code and General Information BUS365 Course Code Human Resource Theory and Practice Course Title 03 Credit Hours Pre-requisite BBA Program Spring 2021 Semester 2. Instructor and contact information Abdul Wahab Malik Faculty Name Contact Number Email Address Office Number Office Hours 3. Program Learning Outcomes Critical Thinking and Decision Making PLO1: Illustrate critical thinking skills in solving complex business problems in a local and global environment Leadership Skills PLO2: Exhibit leadership skills in executing projects in complex business environment Communication Skills PLO3: Communicate professionally through oral and written means by using appropriate technology Experiential Learning PLO4: Demonstrate business knowledge through practical assignment by working in a real environment Ethics and Values PLO5: Apply ethical principles and show commitment towards sustainable development goals 4. Course Description This course examines the role and importance of human resource management (HRM) in an organizational context. The course will enable the students to comprehend theoretically and practically the effective utilization of HR practices. The topics covered in this course include personnel planning, recruitment and selection training and development, performance management, coaching, career development, compensation and benefits, employee relations, work ethics, green HRM and Human resources in small and entrepreneurial Firms. Course Outline IQRA UNIVERSITY (IU) Page 1 of 7 5. Course Objectives 1. To develop the understanding of the concept of human resource management and to understand its relevance to organizations. 2. To enable the students to learn the necessary skills for the application of various HR policies and practices. 3. To examine the strategies and strategic issues related to the selection and development of human capital. 6. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) 1. To analyze and explain what human resource management is and how it relates to the management process. 2. Critically evaluate how organizational and HR strategies are shaped by and developed in response to internal and external environmental factors. 3. Analyze technological trends in terms of how they interact with organizational and HR strategies and HR practices. 4. Comprehend the prerequisite to secure compliance of all applicable ethical and legal obligations, particularly equality of opportunity and diversity in HRM 5. Understand the role of HRM practices in sustainable development initiatives. 7. Teaching and Assessment Code CLO 1 CLO-1 CLO-2 2 3 CLO-3 4 CLO-5 5 CLO-4 Teaching Strategies Critical Thinking and Decision Making To analyze and explain what Lecture human resource management is Reading Assignments and how it relates to the Case Studies management process. Critically evaluate how Lecture organizational and HR strategies Reading Assignments are shaped by and developed in Case Studies response to internal and external environmental factors. Leadership Skills Communication Skills Analyze technological trends in Lecture terms of how they interact with Group activities organizational and HR strategies Case Studies and HR practices. Experiential Learning Understand the role of HRM Lecture practices in sustainable Case Studies development initiatives. Mini Project Ethics and Values Comprehend the prerequisite to Lecture secure compliance of all Case Studies Course Outline IQRA UNIVERSITY (IU) Course Assessment Methods Examination Quizzes Presentation Group Discussion Examination Quizzes Presentation Group Discussion Examination Quizzes Presentation Presentation Group Discussion Examination Quizzes Page 2 of 7 applicable ethical and legal obligations, particularly equality of opportunity and diversity in HRM Group Discussion Presentation 8. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Program Learning Outcomes S No. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) 1 CLO-1 and CLO-2 PLO 1 2 CLO-3 PLO 3 3 CLO-5 PLO 4 4 CLO-4 and CLO-5 PLO 5 9. Course Contents Session Topic Recommended Readings 1 Introduction to Chapter 1 of Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler (15th Human Resource edition) Basics of HRM Management https://www.digitalhrtech.com/human-resource 16-hr-trends-you-need-to-know-in-2020-according-to-experts https://i-sight.com/resources/16-hr-trends-you-need-to-know-in2020-according-to-experts/ Trends shaping HRM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrhmHbDLM8o Importance of HRM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doi5_E96Cgk 2 3 4 5 Human resource Management strategy and analysis Job analysis and the talent Management Process Chapter 3 of Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler (15 th edition) Krishnan, S.K. and Singh, M., (2011). Strategic human resource management: A three-stage process model and its influencing factors. South Asian Journal of Management, 18(1), pp.60-82. Chapter 4 of Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler (15th edition) https://hbr.org/2008/03/talent-management-for-the-twenty-firstcentury https://mathias-sager.com/2018/04/09/job-analysis-and-its-role-inglobal-talent-management-incl-insights-from-japan/ Chapter 5 of Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler (15th edition) James, E.H. and Cross, T. (2017), "Human Capital Strategy", Darden Business Publishing Cases. https://doi.org/10.1108/case.darden.2016.000158 Employee testing Chapter 6 of Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler (15th edition) https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-andand selection samples/toolkits/pages/screeningbymeansofpreemploymenttesting. aspx Personnel planning and recruiting Course Outline IQRA UNIVERSITY (IU) Page 3 of 7 6 interviewing Candidates 7 Training and developing employees 8 9 Garcia, B.L.and Kleiner, B.H. (2001), "How to hire employees effectively", Management Research News, Vol. 24 No. 6/7, pp. 35 42. https://doi.org/10.1108/01409170110782874 Chapter 7 of Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler (15th edition) Barnhart, A.C., Cook, J.M., Critten, J., Pashia, A., Stanfield, A.G. and Sullivan, D. (2014), "The Fit Test: Interview Techniques to Build a Strong Team", Advances in Librarianship (Advances in Librarianship, Vol. 38), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 155-175. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0065-283020140000038007 Chapter 8 of Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler (15th edition) https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/careers/softskills/employee-training-and-development/ Mid-term Examination Performance Management and appraisal Chapter 9 of Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler (15th edition) Wiese, D.S. and Buckley, M.R. (1998), "The evolution of the performance appraisal process", Journal of Management History (Archive), Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 233-249. https://doi.org/10.1108/13552529810231003 Chapter 10 of Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler (15th edition) https://hbr.org/2020/01/a-better-way-to-develop-and-retain-toptalent https://smallbusiness.chron.com/components-employee-retentioncareer-development-processes-12191.html 10 Managing Careers and retention 11 Establishing strategic Pay Plans Chapter 11 of Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler (15th edition) https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/forget-cash-here-are-better-ways-tomotivate-employees 12 Pay for Performance and Financial incentives Chapter 12 of Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler (15th edition) Purohit, N. (2018), "Reward encourages beast.....oops, best!", Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 8 No. 4. https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-07-2017-0188 13 HR Analytics Marler, J. H., & Boudreau, J. W. (2017). An evidence-based review of HR Analytics. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(1), 3-26. 14 Understanding Green HRM Course Outline https://www.questionpro.com/blog/hr-analytics-and-trends/ https://www.hrtechnologist.com/articles/hr-analytics/what-ishr-analytics/ Pham, N.T., Hoang, H.T. and Phan, Q.P.T. (2019), "Green human resource management: a comprehensive review and future research agenda", International Journal of Manpower, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJM-07-2019-0350 IQRA UNIVERSITY (IU) Page 4 of 7 15 16 Shoeb Ahmad (2015) Green Human Resource Management: Policies and practices, Cogent Business & Management, 2:1, DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2015.1030817 Project TBA (Theoretical/Industry) Final Examination 10. Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students During the Semester S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Course Assessment Method Quizzes Midterm Examination Project and Presentations Assignments Final Examination Week Due TBD 8 TBD TBD 16 Percent of Total Assessment 10% 25% 15% 10% 40% 11. Grading Policy ‘A’ Grade ‘B+’ Grade ‘B’ Grade ‘C+’ Grade ‘C’ Grade ‘F’ Grade 12. 13. Text Book(s) 88 and above 81-87 74-80 67-73 60-66 Below 60 1. Gary Dessler (2017). Human Resource Management 15th edition 14. Reference Books & Learning Material Course Outline IQRA UNIVERSITY (IU) Page 5 of 7 Michael Armstrong (2007) A Handbook of human Resource Management Practice 10th edition https://hbr.org/2008/03/talent-management-for-the-twenty-first-century https://mathias-sager.com/2018/04/09/job-analysis-and-its-role-in-global-talent-management-inclinsights-from-japan/ https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-andsamples/toolkits/pages/screeningbymeansofpreemploymenttesting.aspx Garcia, B.L.and Kleiner, B.H. (2001), "How to hire employees effectively", Management Research News, Vol. 24 No. 6/7, pp. 35 42. https://doi.org/10.1108/01409170110782874 Barnhart, A.C., Cook, J.M., Critten, J., Pashia, A., Stanfield, A.G. and Sullivan, D. (2014), "The Fit Test: Interview Techniques to Build a Strong Team", Advances in Librarianship (Advances in Librarianship, Vol. 38), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 155-175. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0065-283020140000038007 https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/careers/soft-skills/employee-training-anddevelopment/ Wiese, D.S. and Buckley, M.R. (1998), "The evolution of the performance appraisal process", Journal of Management History (Archive), Vol. 4 No. 3, pp. 233-249. https://doi.org/10.1108/13552529810231003 https://hbr.org/2020/01/a-better-way-to-develop-and-retain-top-talent https://smallbusiness.chron.com/components-employee-retention-career-development-processes12191.html https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/forget-cash-here-are-better-ways-to-motivate-employees Purohit, N. (2018), "Reward encourages beast.....oops, best!", Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 8 No. 4. https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-07-2017-0188 Marler, J. H., & Boudreau, J. W. (2017). An evidence-based review of HR Analytics. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(1), 3-26. https://www.questionpro.com/blog/hr-analytics-and-trends/ https://www.hrtechnologist.com/articles/hr-analytics/what-is-hr-analytics/ Pham, N.T., Hoang, H.T. and Phan, Q.P.T. (2019), "Green human resource management: a comprehensive review and future research agenda", International Journal of Manpower, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJM-07-2019-0350 Shoeb Ahmad (2015) Green Human Resource Management: Policies and practices, Cogent Business & Management, 2:1, DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2015.1030817 Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources (online) Harvard Business Review (online) Human Relations (online) Human Resource Management Review (online) Human Resource Planning (online) International Journal of Human Resource Management (online) Journal of Applied Psychology (online) Journal of Human Resources (online) Journal of Industrial Relations (online) Personnel Journal (online) Training and Development (online) Course Outline IQRA UNIVERSITY (IU) Page 6 of 7 15. Code of Conduct Follow the University attendance policy. Observe the class schedule. Keep cell phone off during the class. Submit assignments as per requirements. Maintain a disciplined, and respectful attitude towards the teacher and fellow students. Abstain from any form of plagiarism. Course Outline IQRA UNIVERSITY (IU) Page 7 of 7