Aluzanne Lombard 23711140 PGCE – Physical Education 2023 Assignment - Program Design & Lesson Plan 1 Date: Thu, 6 April 2022 Lesson Plan Particulars: Grade: Grade 8 Equipment: 10 Volleyballs, additional netball balls, a lot of cones, and a volleyball net. Class duration: 50 min Organising Centre: (objective, goal) General Outcome: (more specific) Specific Objectives: (how to achieve objective) Developing Volleyball Skills and Strategy focus of session: psychomotor domain Students will develop their volleyball skills and strategy by participating in a variety of drills and games. ( 1. Students will be able to exhibit good hitting technique by hitting the ball with control and force over the net. 2. Students will be able to interact efficiently with teammates during games. Task Analysis 3. 2. 3. Students will be able to predict and respond to ball movement during gameplay. Applying: Students will apply their knowledge of volleyball skills and strategies to gameplay. Valuing: Students will justify the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship in volleyball and apply these principles to other areas of their lives. Precision: Students will apply their knowledge of volleyball skills and strategies to gameplay while performing the skills correctly. Understanding: Students will comprehend the purpose and importance of specific volleyball skills and strategies. Responding: Students will respond to the information by participating in activities that require teamwork and sportsmanship. Manipulation: Students implement these basic skills into the drills to build on their volleyball knowledge and performance. 2 1. Domains Remembering: Students will recall the basic rules and terminology of volleyball. Cognitive = Information/Knowledge Receiving: Students will receive/hear information about the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship in volleyball. Affective = Emotions/Connection Imitation: Students will copy the proper technique for basic volleyball skills demonstrated by the PE teacher. Psychomotor = Physical/Active FULL LESSON PLAN Overarching goal: Developing Volleyball Skills, Strategy, and understanding of the importance of teamwork in volleyball. Teaching methods: Command; Partner Strategy; Problem solving Specific objectives: Students will be able to demonstrate proper hitting technique by hitting the ball over the net with control and power. Students will be able to effectively communicate with their teammates during gameplay. Students will be able to anticipate and react to the movement of the ball during gameplay Equipment: 10 Volleyballs, additional netball balls, a lot of cones, and a volleyball net. Class: _40_min Instructional Criteria/ Strategy Key Words Introduction: _5_ min Greet students and explain the objectives of the lesson. Review basic volleyball terminology and rules. Emphasize the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship in volleyball (Cognitive & Affective domain). Command Talk slowly; smile & show enjoyment & excitement. 3 Main Session: _45_ min For all exercises 1. stand in front of class & demonstrate. 2. let students face each other & perform movement the drills. if someone has trouble following/doing the drills, encourage them to do the drill slowly and to break it up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Exercises: (all psychomotor domain) Warm-up (10 mins): 1. Down ball hitting drill (3 mins) 2. Toss-up setting drill (3 mins) 3. Four sets drill (3 mins) 4. Focus on proper technique and control Drills: Whole Group Instruction (20 mins): 1. Serve and pass drill: One student serves the ball over the net, and the other student must pass the ball back. Students switch roles after each pass. 2. Block and hit drill: One student blocks the ball at the net, and the other student must hit the ball over the block. Students switch roles after each hit. 3. Rotation drill: Students rotate through different positions on the court, practicing different volleyball skills such as hitting, passing, and serving. 4. Focus on communication and teamwork Gameplay: Small Group Work (10 mins): 1. 4-square volleyball 2. Students apply their skills and strategy in a game setting 3. Focus on anticipation and reaction to the movement of the ball Cool-down: Guided Discovery (5 mins): 1. Stretching exercises to prevent injury and promote flexibility 2. Review key concepts and skills covered in the lesson ---------------- Command ---------------Partner & Problem solving ---------------Partner & Problem solving Avoid being prescriptive; emphasize importance of doing the basic drill correctly; Match ‘stronger’ players with ‘weaker’ players during session, encourage communication. Discipline: If students do not follow the instructions or do not dance, encourage them to observe & break up the drills in parts and to do it slowly and ask partner/others to help each other. Explain that it is important to perform the previously learned skills perfectly in the following drills to build on their volleyball skills. If they struggle let them do the drills slowly and break it up into parts. Discussion/Feedback: _5_min (cognitive & affective) Explain briefly the objectives of the lesson. Review basic volleyball terminology and rules again. Emphasize the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship in volleyball again. Questions to ask: 1. Were there any activities or drills that you particularly enjoyed or found helpful? 2. Were there any activities or drills that you found confusing or difficult to understand? Avoid right/wrong answer; emphasize the affective and cognitive domains importance of doing the basic skills correctly and teamwork in volleyball. Encourage to be communicative with each other during the 4 3. Did you feel like you had enough time to rest and recover between activities? 4. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the session in improving your volleyball skills? 5. Do you have any suggestions for how the session could be improved or modified in the future? session by giving advice to others. Comments/Final Thoughts: Have fun: Finally, remember that volleyball is a fun sport! Encourage players to enjoy themselves and to appreciate the opportunity to play and exercise together. 5