苏格拉底项目介绍 Pen.xyz Introduction 项目介绍 / Project Introduction Pen.xyz 是一款 Web3 社交媒体应用。 Pen.xyz is a Web3 social media app. 产品以“没有标准答案的选择题”为核心理念。用户可以通过选择问题的答案选项、写选项理 由、对理由点赞和回复、投资问题来赚取积分和赢得荣誉。积分可以兑换稳定币。用户需要 通过购买笔(SBT 或 NFT)和消耗墨水来参与应用内的互动,包括创建问题、选择答案、写选 项理由、点赞等。另外应用也包含关注他人,私信等社交媒体的基本功能。 The core concept of the product is "multiple-choice questions without standard answers". Users can earn points and win honors by selecting answer options for questions, writing reasons for the options, liking and replying to the reasons, and investing in the questions. Points can be exchanged for stable coins. Users need to buy pens (SBT or NFT) and consume ink to participate in interactions within the app, including creating questions, choosing answers, writing reasons for options, liking, etc. The app also includes basic social media functions such as following others and private messaging. 产品精神内核:当前的社交媒体,越来越倾向于通过个性化功能及算法, 向人们推荐符合个人 口味,但倾向于片面和极端的内容。Pen.xyz 的使命在于开启人们对于任何问题的辩证思考, 影响当前主流社交媒体对于人类社会许多问题的极端思考,并推动人类社会向着更加理性, 包容,文明的方向前进。我们希望通过向全世界展示每个人对于不同问题的思考,选择和辩 论,推动人与人,民族与民族,国家与国家之间的理解,推动人类社会的良性竞争和长久和 平。 The mission of Pen.xyz is to open people's minds to dialectical thinking on any issue, to influence the extreme thinking of many issues in the mainstream social media, and to push human society towards a more rational, inclusive and civilized direction.We hope to promote understanding between people, nations and countries, and to promote healthy competition and lasting peace in human society by showing the world how each person thinks, chooses and debates different issues. 愿景,使命,价值观 / Vision,Mission,Values ● 愿景: 用技术探索重构世界的力量;为探索人类新文明贡献力量 Vision: Explore the power of reconstructing the world with technology; Contribute to the exploration of a new human civilization. ● 使命:通过商业的方式去帮助与服务他人 Mission: Helping and serving others through business ● 价值观:敬畏,谦卑,感恩,平等,开放,创新 Values: Revere , Modest , Appreciation, Equality, Open, Innovation 公司高管介绍 / Leadership Background CEO - Jack Jiang ● 技术背景出身,大学时参加程序设计大赛,获重庆市第一名,全国第二名。 Jack comes from a technical background, having won first place in Chongqing and second place nationwide in a programming competition in college. ● 社交交易平台 MoonXBT 创始人兼 CEO,专注东南亚、日韩、俄罗斯和土耳其等市场。 Founder and CEO of MoonXBT, a social trading platform, focusing on Southeast Asia, Japan, Korea, Russia and Turkey. ● 早期于国内大厂搜狐和腾讯有多年工作经验,2015 年离开搜狐后在电商、游戏、金融领域连 续创业。2018 年正式进入加密货币领域,同年创立 SnapEx,且SnapEx 曾是越南交易量最 大的交易所。 After leaving Sohu and Tencent in 2015, he started his own business in e-commerce, gaming and finance. 扩张计划及目前团队情况 / Expansion plans and Current team ● ● ● ● 目前的团队成员大概100人左右(全职+兼职),北京 50人左右,伦敦不到10人,其他成员分 布式办公。公司规划未来2年扩张到500-1000。 The current team is about 100 members (full time + part time), there are about 50 people in Beijing and less than 10 in London, and the rest of the team is distributed. And the company plans to expand to 500-1000 in the next 2 years. 计划在伦敦搭建国际化团队,目前从总监级别的开始,包括产品、技术、UX/UI、市场、运 营、PR、Social Media 、CHO 等。 We plan to build an international team in London, currently starting with director-level positions, including product, technology, UX/UI, marketing, operations, PR, Social Media, CHO, etc. 产研团队:目前北京有产研人员参与。未来技术总监到位后,要在伦敦搭建技术团队,base 伦 敦办公 Product and R&D team: Currently there are product and R&D staff involved in Beijing. After the future technical director is in place, we plan to build a technical team in London, base London office 运营 & 市场:海外分布式或者 base 伦敦。 Operation & Mkt: overseas distributed or based in London.