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ANOVA Explained: One-Way Analysis of Variance

Setting the scene: what is ANOVA?
ANOVA is an acronym for Analysis of Variance. It covers a series of tests that
explores differences between groups or across conditions. The type of ANOVA
employed depends on a number of factors: how many independent variables
there are; whether those independent variables are explored between- or
within-groups; and the number of dependent variables being examined ANOVA
explores the amount of variance that can be ‘explained’.
. For example, we could give a questionnaire to a group of people. Responses to the questions can
be allocated scores according to how they have been answered.
Because people are different, it is quite likely that the response scores will differ between them. To
examine that, we find the overall (grand) mean score and see how much the scores vary either side
of that. The amount that the scores vary is called the variance.
When using ANOVA tests, we can partition that variance into separate pots. We call those pots the
‘sum of squares’
The overall variance is found in the ‘total sum of squares’: this illustrates how much the scores have
varied overall to that grand mean. Sometimes the scores will vary a lot, other times they will vary a
little, and occasionally the scores will not vary at all. When the scores vary, we need to investigate
the cause of the variation. The scores may have varied because of some fundamental differences
between the people answering the questions. For example, income may vary across a sample of
people according to the level of education. If those differences account for most of the variation in
the scores, we could say that we have ‘explained’ the variance. At the other extreme, the scores may
have varied simply due to random or chance factors: this is the variance that we cannot explain.
ANOVA tests seek to explore how much variance can be
explained – this is found in the ‘model sum of squares’. Any
variance that cannot be explained is found in the ‘residual sum
of squares’ (or error). We express the sum of squares in relation
to the relevant degrees of freedom (we will see how later). This
produces the model mean square and residual mean square. If
we divide the model mean square by the residual mean square,
we are left with something called an ‘F ratio’– this illustrates the
proportion of the overall variance that has been explained (in
relation to the unexplained variance). The higher the F ratio, the
more likely it will be that there is a statistically significant
difference in mean scores between groups (or conditions for
within-group ANOVAs).
What is independent one-way ANOVA?
An independent one-way ANOVA explores differences in mean scores from a single (para- metric) dependent variable
(usually) across three or more distinct groups of a categorical independent variable (the test can be used with two
groups, but such analyses are usually undertaken with an independent t-test). We explored the requirements for
determining whether data are parametric in Chapter 5, but we will revisit this a little later in this chapter. As we saw just
now, the variance in dependent variable scores is examined according to how much of that can be explained (by the
groups) in relation to how much cannot be explained (the error variance). The main outcome is illustrated by the
‘omnibus’ (overall) ANOVA test, but this will indicate only whether there is a difference in mean scores across the
groups. \
Research question for independent one-way ANOVA
We can illustrate independent one-way ANOVA by way of a research question. A group of higher education researchers, FUSS (Fellowship of University
Student Surveys), would like to know whether contact time varies between university courses. To explore this they collect data from several universities
and investigate how many hours are spent in lectures, according to three courses (law, psychology and media). FUSS expect that there is a difference but
they have not predicted which group will spend more time attending lectures. In this example, the explained variance will be illustrated by how mean
lecture hours vary across the student groups, in relation to the grand mean. For the record, all outcomes in this chapter are based on entirely fictitious
Theory and rationale
Identifying differences
Essentially, all of the ANOVA methods have the same method in common: they assess explained (systematic) variance in relation to unexplained
(unsystematic) variance (or ‘error’). With an independent one-way ANOVA, the explained variance is calculated from the group means in comparison to the
grand mean (the overall average dependent variable score from the entire sample, regardless of group). The unexplained (error) variance is similar to the
standard error that we encountered in Chapter 4. In our example, if there is a significant difference in the number of hours spent in lectures between the
university groups, the explained variance must be sufficiently larger than the unexplained variance. We examine this by partitioning the variance into the
model sum of squares and residual sum of squares. We can see how this is calculated in Box 9.3. It is strongly recommended that you try to work through
this manual example as it will help you understand how variance is partitioned and how this relates that to the statistical outcome in SPSS.
Post hoc tests
If no specific prediction has been made about
differences between the groups, post hoc tests
must be used to determine the source of
difference. We can also choose to use post hoc
tests in preference to non-orthogonal planned
contrasts. However, there must be a significant
ANOVA outcome in order for post hoc tests to be
employed. If we try to run these tests on a nonsignificant ANOVA outcome it might be regarded
as ‘fishing’. Also, we run post hoc tests only if
there are three or more groups. If there are two
groups we can use the mean scores to indicate
the source of difference. Post hoc tests explore
each pair of groups to assess whether there is a
significant difference between them (such as
Group 1 vs. 2, Group 2 vs. 3 and Group 1 vs. 3).
Most post hoc tests account for multiple
comparisons automatically (so long as the
appropriate type of test has been selected – see
How SPSS performs independent one-way ANOVA
We can perform an independent one-way ANOVA in SPSS. To illustrate, we will use the same data that we examined manually earlier. We are investigating whether there is a significant
difference in the number of lecture hours attended according to student groups (law, psychology and media). There are ten students in each group. This means that we will not need to consult
Brown–Forsythe F or Welch's F outcomes (see assumptions and restrictions). However, because we do not know whether we have homogeneity of variance between the groups, we still need to
potentially account for that in choosing the correct post hoc test (so we should request the outcome for Games–Howell in addition to Tukey – see Box 9.8). We can be confident that a count of
lecture hours attendance represents interval data, so that the parametric criterion is OK. However, we do not know whether the data are normally distributed; we will look at that shortly.
Testing for normal distribution
To examine normal distribution, we start by running the Kolmogorov–Smirnov/Shapiro– Wilk tests (we saw how to do this for between-group studies in Chapter 7). If the
outcome indicates that the data may not be normally distributed, we could additionally run z-score analyses of skew and kurtosis, or look to ‘transform’ the scores (see
Chapter 3). We will not repeat the instruction for performing Kolmogorov–Smirnov/Shapiro–Wilk tests in SPSS (but refer to Chapter 3 for guidance). However, we should
look at the outcome from those analyses (see Figure 9.3).
Because we have a sample size of ten (for each group), we should refer to the Shapiro– Wilk outcome. Figure 9.3 indicates
that lecture hours appear to be normally distributed for all courses: Law, W (10) = .976, p = .943); Psychology, W (10) = .893,
p = .184); and Media, W (10) = .976, p = .937). You will recall that KS and SW tests investigate whether the data are
significantly different to a normal distribution, so we need the significance (‘Sig.’) to be greater than .05.
Running independent one-way ANOVA in SPSS
Now we can perform the main analysis:
We explored the various post hoc options earlier. We know that we have equal group sizes (ten in each group), so we are
pretty safe in selecting Tukey. However, we do not yet know whether we have equality of variances, so we should also select
Games–Howell just in case.
Interpretation of output
Figure 9.8 shows the lecture hours appear to be higher for psychology than for the other two courses, and appear to be
higher for law than media. However, we cannot make any inferences about that until we have assessed whether these
differences are significant.
We need to check homogeneity of (between-group) variances. Figure 9.9 indicates that
significance is greater than .05. Since the Levene statistic assesses whether variances are
significantly different between the groups we can be confident that the variances are equal.
Figure 9.10 indicates that there is a significant difference in mean lecture hours across the courses. We report this as
follows: F (2, 27) = 12.687, p 6 .001. The between–groups line in SPSS is equivalent to the model sum of squares we
calculated in Box 9.3. The within–groups line equates to the residual sum of squares (or error).
There are conventions for reporting statistical information in published reports, such as those suggested by the
American Psychological Association (APA). The British Psychological Society also dictates that we should adhere to
those conventions. When reporting ANOVA outcomes, we state the degrees of freedom (df), which we present (in
brackets) immediately after ‘F’. The first figure is the between groups (numerator) df; the second figure is the within
groups (denominator) df.
The ‘Sig’ column represents the significance (p). It is generally accepted that we should report the actual p value (e.g.
p = .002, rather than p 6 .05). When a number cannot be greater than 1 (as is the case with probability values) we
drop the ‘leading’ 0 (so we write ‘p = 002’, rather than ‘p = 0.002’). The only exception is when the significance is so
small that SPSS reports it as .000. In this case we report the outcome as p 6 .001. We cannot say that p = 0, because it
almost certainly is not (when we explored the ANOVA outcome manually earlier, we saw that p = .0001; this is less
than .001, but it is not 0).
Welch/Brown–Forsythe adjustments to ANOVA outcome
If we find that homogeneity of variance has been violated, we should refer to the Welch/Brown– Forsythe statistics to
make sure that the outcome has not been compromised. The tests make adjustment to the degrees of freedom (df)
and/or F ratio outcomes (shown under ‘Statistic’– Figure 9.11). We do not need to consult this outcome, as we did satisfy
the assumption of homogeneity of variance. However, it is useful that you can see what the output would look like if you
did need it.
Post hoc outcome
As we stated earlier, if we have three or more groups (as we do), the ANOVA outcome
tells us only that we have a difference; it does not indicate where the differences are. We
need to refer to post hoc tests to help us with that.
Figure 9.12 shows two post hoc tests: one for Tukey and one for Games–Howell. We selected both because, at the
time, we were not certain whether we had homogeneity of variances. As we do, we can refer to the Tukey
outcome. The first column confirms the post hoc test name. The second column is split into three blocks: Law,
Psychology and Media (our groups). The third column shows how each group compares to the two remaining
groups (in respect of lecture hours). For example, Law vs. Psychology (row 1) and Law vs. Media (row 2). The fourth
column shows the difference in the mean lecture hours between that pair of course groups. To assess the source
of difference we need to find between-pair differences that are significant (as indicated by cases where ‘Sig.’ is less
than .05).
Presenting data graphically
We can also draw a graph for this result. However, never just repeat data in a graph that has already been shown in tables. The
illustration is shown in Figure 9.16, in case you ever need to run the graphs. We can use SPSS to ‘drag and drop’ variables into a
graphic display with between- group studies (it is not so straightforward for within-group studies).