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Witch Hunt History Quiz: Supernatural Beliefs & Society

Alek Wilson
15 Feb 2022
T/Th 1630-1745
Quiz 5
1. Why did the people turn to supernatural explanations back in the day?
a. People turned to super natural explanations back in the day because they needed a
scapegoat or an answer to what couldn’t be answered with their current
2. How did Cotton Mather reason the existence of supernatural beings such devils and
a. Mather used the reasoning of that science could not explain what certain
phenomena’s were such as strokes and toothaches.
3. How was an unverified vendetta against witchcraft able to put 10,000 people to their
a. The clergy was able to portray witchcraft as a plague to new England which
unified the protestants and the Catholics in a holy war in a way.
4. With the church now in control of the occurrences that they cant explain such as
impotence, droughts, and etc. , what power did that give them in respect to justice?
a. It gave the church the right the exorcise capital punishment with no real need for
evidence to convict someone of a crime of witchcraft or wizardry.
5. How was the puritan ascendency assisted by the witch hunts?
a. The puritans brought the scare of witchcraft to places which never heard of such a
thing causing them to gain followers and believers at the same time
6. With the church having massive witch hunts, at what point did it get out of hand?
a. It got out of hand when a lots of people believed that an army of witches were
going to attack causing a small pandemic.
7. What where some of the characteristics of an area which witch hunting’s was easily
adopted with the sway of the church.
a. The area need to be in economic decline or have a declining or non-existent
8. What were some of the tests used to see if a witch was in fact a witch?
a. Some of the tests were pricking a person to see if they bleed, reciting the lord
prayer and if they had moles or not.
9. At the end, how did the witch hunts emphasize a need to study the natural world instead
of the supernatural world?
a. The witch hunts died down and people started to realize that innocent blood had
been shed so more focus into natural science was applied later.
10. Why did mather begin his vendetta against the witches?
a. He believed he had a vision from god himself that he was to do away with all
witches in existence.
11. Mather was accused of having molested a young girl, how did this signify a beginning in
the churches loss of control?
a. It signified this because it meant that the church was not safe of being accused of
witches and wizards so the intensity that they pushed the idea died down.
12. In accusing other people of being the devils doers, how did people prosper from this?
a. It was reassuring that the person accuser was not in fact a witch of wizard.
13. Who really started the fire of the witchcraft scare?
Alek Wilson
15 Feb 2022
T/Th 1630-1745
a. Its was actors who were to play a part in the assurance of the belief in witchcraft
then the puritans came in for the closing act/
14. Why were there no lawyers in the trials?
a. The clergy believed that there was no need for a lawyer since a college graduate
could interpret the churches teaches with a more orthodox belief.
15. Who felt the most responsible for the innocent deaths of people?
a. It was educated people who weren’t involved in the church because of their
ability to no have a strict religious intent.