低碳烹飪技巧 Low Carbon Cooking Tips Cover your pots and pans whenever possible. 當烹調時,將鍋和煲的蓋子蓋上 • Heat escapes much more rapidly from open cookware. Trapping that heat will cut down dramatically on your cooking time and also prevent the kitchen from becoming unbearably hot while you’re getting dinner together. • 當我們打開蓋作烹調時,熱力更容易散失;熱力的流失 會延長烹調時間。當我們在烹調時把鍋和煲的蓋子蓋上, 可以減短煮食時間,同時防止廚房內的溫度過高。 Cover your pots and pans whenever possible. 當烹調時,將鍋和煲的蓋子蓋上 • Keep in mind that steam is heat, too. If your food has to let just to reach the right consistency, you probably used too much water in the first place. • 蒸氣是頗熱的。 • Covering dishes as they simmer also makes them less likely to turn out too dry. -10% Carbon emission -10% 碳排放 While cooking, cover Your Cookware with a Tight-fitting Lid 當煮食時,使用蓋蓋好烹調器皿 Reduce the heat as much as possible. 儘量減少熱能消耗 -Some cooks have a bad habit of turning the burner up all the way anytime they need to heat something. ---Instead, try to only use as much heat as necessary to reheat or cook your food through. Anything beyond the minimal required temperature will be a waste. -有些廚師有些不好的習慣,即長時間開啓爐火而不 關火 -取而代之,我們應該使用適度的火力以減底能源消 耗 Reduce the heat as much as possible. 儘量減少熱能消耗 Water, for example, boils at 100 °C. Once it’s boiling, leaving the cooktop on full blast won’t make it any hotter—it will only use up more gas. 例如,水的沸點為100度,當水煲滾,持 續的火力並不會提高水的溫度,只會耗 損能源 Reduce the heat as much as possible. 儘量減少熱能消耗 When cooking from a recipe, always follow the instructions to a T. Most recipes specify what level of heat to use (“low,” “medium,” “medium-high,” “high,” etc.). 當烹調時,儘可能跟隨食譜的指示溫度 進行烹調 Make sure the pot or pan is covering the flames completely. 確保煲底在使用時能完全覆蓋火焰 • Your energy cost and carbon emission may be reduced by up to 10%, as residual heat is retained for longer. • 你的能源消耗以及碳排放有機會減少至 10%,這以因為餘溫能更持續地被保留 Use cookware of the appropriate size with your stove, so that the flame is completely covered. 使用合適大小的烹調器 具,以致爐火能被完全 覆蓋 Keep your stove’s burners clean to ensure that they’re working properly. 保持你的爐頭清潔,以致爐具能正發揮其功能 • An extremely dirty burner may lead to additional energy cost and carbon emission of up to 7% and cooking time is potentially up to 30% longer. • 骯髒的爐具會使能源耗損提升 至7% ,而烹調時間會延長30% • A yellow flame is usually a sign of dirty burner. • 黃色火焰標示爐具不潔淨 • When there are yellow or orange flames, the natural gas isn’t completely burning and could be contributing to a gas leak. • 當出現黃色或橙色火焰時,氣體未 能完全被燃燒,有機會造成氣體洩 漏 • Gas stoves may have orange or yellow flames when they’re first lit. • 當首次使用氣體爐具時,有機會出 現黃色火焰 • Only be concerned if the flame is consistently orange or yellow. • 當火焰持續出現橙或黃色時才需要 關注這個情況 Check for potential leaks 檢查潛在洩漏 • Check if the flames on your gas stove are orange or yellow instead of blue.Gas stoves should have blue flames, meaning that they have enough oxygen for the gas to completely combust. • 檢查火焰的顏色是否藍色(正常顏色)而不是 黃或橙色,代表爐具排放足夠的氧氣而且 被完全燃燒 -25 % Carbon Emission -25%碳排放 • Defrost your food before cooking it. • 在煮食前徹底解凍 • Your energy cost and carbon emission may reduce by up to 25% and your cooking time will be shortened by 20%. • 你的能源耗損減少25% ,而烹煮時間減少20% Put the frozen food to the refrigerator unit the day before you cook it. 將急凍食物在煮食前的早一天放 在冰箱作解凍 • Your energy cost and carbon emission may reduce by30%. • 你的能源耗及碳排放可能減 低30% Avoid overcooking your food. 避免過度烹煮 • As soon as a dish is finished cooking, turn off the burner and set it aside to cool. • 當完成烹煮,將爐具熄火及將烹調器皿放離爐具 以便冷卻 • The longer the food is on the stove, the more gas you’ll use up. Set a timer and keep an eye on your food as it cooks so you can kill the heat as soon as it’s done. • 食物的烹調時間越長,氣體的使用越多。在烹調 時,可使用計時器,可以準確控制烹調時間 • Transferring your cooked food to a cooking bag or simply placing a lid on top is more practical then using the stove to keep it warm. • 將已煮好的食物放在食物盒或使用蓋蓋好烹調器 皿比持續以爐火保溫更能符盒環保原則。 Invest in High-Quality Cookware. 添購高質素的烹調器具 Materials like copper, stainless steel, and are extremely conductive, which allows them to heat up faster and distribute heat more evenly. 物料如銅,不銹鋼有良好的傳 導功能,傳熱快且受熱平均 Similarly, cast iron 鑄鐵 and ceramic 陶瓷 do a great job of retaining heat longer, meaning you won’t have to leave the stove on to simmer sauces or keep finished dishes warm. 同樣地,鑄鐡及陶瓷在保溫上表現良好,表示你不需要將它放在爐火上以慢火烹調或以 爐保留溫度 Stainless steel and ceramic cookware tends to be slightly more expensive, but when you consider how much money you stand to save every month, it will practically pay for itself. 不銹鋼以及陶瓷器具對具價格較高,但與往後 所能節省的燃料費對比,這種產品仍有其價值 Le Creuset Signature Cast Iron Wok with Glass Lid The Best Ceramic Cookware Sets of 2022 2022年最佳烹調器具 • Caraway Ceramic Cookware Set Grab a pressure cooker to boil, braise, or steam food faster. 壓力鍋(煲,燴或蒸 食物) • Pressure cookers take advantage of superior conductivity and high internal temperatures to cook food in less time. • 壓力煲的優點在於其快速導電,內 高溫以減低其烹煮食時間 • That means they’ll save you money while also freeing up precious minutes of your day that you can use to take care of other responsibilities. • 這意味著它能為你節省金錢與時間 The Priciest Pressure Cooker in 2022 Grab a pressure cooker to boil, braise, or steam food faster. 壓力鍋(煲,燴或蒸 食物) • energy on average than conventional cookware in the same cooking time. • 壓力鍋使用的能源量較傳統煮食 器具少50-75% • You can purchase a good pressure cooker for as little as $30-50 at most home goods stores. The Priciest Pressure Cooker in 2022 Use thermal cooking bags to keep cooked food warm. 以保溫袋保存食物溫 度 • Thermal bags, also known as "oven bags," work by insulating freshly-heated food, thereby slowing down the cooling process. • 保溫袋用以保存剛受熱的食物,以減低其 降溫速度 • Once the food is ready to come off the stove, simply remove it from the burner and seal it inside the thermal bag. It will stay piping hot while you see to the rest of the meal. • 當食物離開爐火後,將連同食物的煮食器 具連同食物一併放入保溫袋內,它能有效 地將食物保溫致一段時間 Use thermal cooking bags to keep cooked food warm. 以保溫杯保存食物溫 度 • Cooking bag are available in various sizes and designs for use with different food items and cooking methods. • 保溫袋有不同的大小以及設計以配 合不同的食品及烹調方 • Cooking bags are not intended to be used inside cookware directly on the stovetop. • 保溫袋不適合在煮食時直接使用 https://video.aliexpressmedia.com/play/u/ae_sg_item/2501089130/p/1/e/6/t/10301/ 238845414124.mp4 1. Fill a pot, pan, or wok with a small amount of water -- how much water depends on the size of the pot and how high the steamer sits. 1.在烹調器具內注入水,水量視乎烹調器具的大小 • The water level should be low enough that water won't touch the food when the steamer's placed in the pot. • 水的高度不應觸及盛載器皿 • A good rule is to start with 1/4 - 1/2 an inch of water, or enough water to reach 1 inch (2.5 cm) below the bottom of the steamer. • 大慨的水高度約1/4 – 1/2吋,或離蒸籠1吋 以下 2. Place the steamer into the pot, checking to make sure the water level meets the above requirement. 將蒸籠放在鍋上,檢查水的高度是否符合剛才所設的標準 3. Place food in the steamer, making sure the individual pieces don‘t touch.(Unless you’re steaming vegetables, of course!) 將食物放在蒸籠內,確保食物之間保存充足空間 4. Turn the stove‘s heat to “medium” and bring the water to a simmer. 開啓爐火至中火,將水煲至微滾 5. Put the lid on the pot, and steam for the amount of time indicated in your recipe (or see the guidelines below for steaming times). • 在煲外蓋上煲蓋,根據食譜指示蒸 所需的時間 Where does your food come from? 食物從哪裡來? Where does your food come from? 食物從哪裡來? • Food miles: The distance food items travel from where they are grown to where they are eaten. • 食物里數:食物由生產地到達購買地的距離 Broccoli and Cauliflower 西蘭花與棷菜花 Top producers: China, India, Spain, Mexico, USA, Italy UK Broccoli mostly comes from Spain or Italy. How far away is that? Spain: 800 miles Italy: 900 miles 最高生產者: 中國、印度、西班牙、麥西哥、美國、意大利 英國的英蘭花大部份來自西班牙及意大利,食物里數量是多少? 西班牙: 800 里 意大利: 900 里 Oranges 橙 Top producers: Brazil, USA, China, India, Mexico, Spain UK oranges mostly come from Spain. How far away is that? 最高生產者: 巴西, 美國, 中國, 印度, 麥西哥, 西班牙 英國的橙主要來自西班牙. 食物里數是多少? 800 里 800 miles Bananas 香蕉 Top banana producers: India, China, Philippines, Ecuador, Brazil UK bananas mostly come from the Caribbean. How far away is that? 4600 miles! 最高生產者: 印度, 中國, 菲律賓,厄瓜多爾, 巴西 英國的香蕉主要來自加勒比海. 食物里數是多少? 4600 里 What goes in to making a Chocolate Bar? 朱古力條的成份是什麼 每種朱古力條成份 不一,不能一慨而 論 Wheat/小麥 Sugar糖 Cocoa 可可 Calcium sulphate 硫酸鈣 Palm oil/棕梠油 Milk/奶 Soya 大豆 Salt 鹽 Yeast 酵母 Milk chocolate (66%): Sugar, dried whole milk, cocoa butter, coca mass, lactose, whey proteins, whey powder, vegetable fat, emulsifier (sunflower lecithin), butterfat, natural vanilla flavourings Total ingredient list: Wheat flour, Sugar, Vegetable fat (Palm oil), Cocoa mass, Yeast, Raising agent (Sodium bicarbonate), Salt, Emulsifier (Soya lecithin), Natural flavourings Where do the ingredients come from? 材料從哪裡來? Cocoa可可: West Africa 西非 Milk: EU 歐洲聯盟 Palm oil: SE Asia 東南片 Sugar糖: Caribbean加勒比海 Yeast: Europe歐洲Soya: Brazil/Argentina 巴西/阿根廷 Wheat小麥: East Anglia東安格利亞 Salt: China中國 Calcium Sulphate: India 印度 How far have the ingredients travelled? 材料的食物里數是多少? Cocoa可可: Sugar糖: Wheat小麥: 3100 miles/里 4600 miles/里 200* miles/里 Milk奶: 500* miles/里 Yeast酵母: 500* miles/里 4700 miles/里 Salt鹽: Palm oil棕梠油: 6500 miles/里 Soya大豆: 5600 miles/里 Calcium Sulphate硫酸鈣: 4700 miles/里 Total food miles: ~30,400 What might increase the food miles even further? 什麼因素會增加食物里數? • Transport routes: sometimes transport stops at other countries on the way • 交通路線,有些時間交通會在某 些地區暫停 • Processing and packaging are sometimes done in other countries… more miles! • 有些時候,加工及包裝的過程會運 送至其他區,增加食物里數 Why do we source our food from so many different countries? 為什麼我們從其他地區輸入食物 Climate – we can’t grow them here 氣候,我們不能作本地耕 作 Space 空間 • Many ingredients need to be grown in particular climates • 食材可能固定生長於某些地區 • Soya can only handle a 1.4 degree temperature change so climate change would affect production • 大豆只能耐受1.4度的溫差,固氣候影響其生產量 • Agriculture needs a lot of land 農耕需要大量土地 Expertise專業 Cost of production 生產成本 • Countries with a lower cost of living can produce food more cheaply • 生活指數較低的地區可以生產較便宜的食材 Point to note on choosing environmental friendly and healthy food Local production: -Nutrients will be lost while the transition time increase -A longer the travel time result a higher energy lost and increase the carbon emission Eat seasonal -It can prevent the overuse of pesticide and fertilizer -it also prevent the nutrients lost due to the prolonged storage of food 1月 2月 5月 6月 9月 10 月 3月 7月 11 月 4月 8月 12月 1月 2月 5月 6月 9月 10 月 3月 7月 11 月 4月 8月 12月 Natural ingredients It can reduce the use of chemicals and the lost due to the food process Balance diet with suitable proportion of vegetable and meat (depending on the need of the consumer ) -It prevents us from having various kind of cancer, also reduce the carbon dioxide emission Shopping for Natural Food Eliminate processed foods from your diet. 減少食用加工食品 • The first step towards eating naturally is to stop eating unnaturally. Stop buying processed foods from the grocery store and cut them out of your diet to avoid eating harmful foods, • 自然飲食的第一步,停止食用加工 食品 Eliminate processed foods from your diet. 減少食用加工食品 • like frozen meals, boxed foods, canned goods, etc., often have high amounts of salt and sugar that are unhealthy for you when you eat too much of them. • 例如急凍食材,盒裝或罐裝食品, 當中不少含有高糖及高鹽成份 Visit local farmers and markets to buy locally produced natural foods. 到本地農場購買自然 食品 Community-supported farmers markets are very reliable sellers when it comes to natural, organic, pesticide-free produce. 社區支援的農夫值得信賴,當中有不少自然、有機、無農藥的食品 • Buying from local growers will not only support your local economy, but also make it easier for you to get natural food when it’s fresh • 支持本地農作品不單支持本地經濟,同時你能更容易得到新鮮的 食品 • Check with the individual seller to see if the food is organic, if it's been ordered from out of state, etc. • 檢查獨位的賣家是否售賣有機產品(尤其訂貨來自其他地區 • Farmers markets also enable you to buy produce that doesn’t travel well. 蛋白質 選擇瘦肉 去除肉類的可見脂肪 有營餐盤指引 我們減少 碳水化合物 全穀食品較可取 蔬菜 目標:3款或以上不同顏色的食品 • Suitable proportion • Over eating result obesity and increase the rate of disease • Buy food with suitable amount can prevent the waste of food • Choose organic food to prevent the environmental pollution 9種方法不致肥 慢慢吃 慢慢咀嚼 咀嚼好 steam saute boil Which are the Healthy Cooking Methods? Swallow fry braise bake grill Deep fry Swallow fry, take zucchini as example zucchini Some vegetable release acrylamide in high temperature cooking ,put it into water can reduce the Emission of chemical substance First Blanch Then Fry Steam vs fry There is poly unsaturated fatty acid in fish, especially omega 3, steam could save more 20% of these substance compare with fry .Steaming fish also prevent oxidation of fish over 50%. Pompano 黃鱲䱽 Boiling of vegetable Prolonged boiling of vegetable would result the lost of vitamin c Use the amount of water just cover the vegetable can reduce the cooking time Frying Frying vegetable with low amount of oil can keep more vitamin c Deep frying of fish Prevent the use of batter and oil, adding the batter and breadcrumbs would increase the food energy especially in fat. Do not reuse the deep frying oil as it would increase the rate of having cancer. We can use frying pan to reduce the use of oil Oil with different cooking method Mixing Oil with different cooking method Saute /frying Saute /frying/deep frying Butter : Frying ,baking lard : Saute,frying ,deep frying, baking Smoke point: The temperature when oil having smoke, representing that oil is denatured and cannot be used, different oil have different smoking point