B io Factsheet www.curriculum-press.co.uk Number 147 Ageing • An adult organism is not a static being but continues to change and develop, until the developmental processes are brought to an end by death. The word ‘ageing’ describes the developmental changes that lead, over time, to the deterioration of the mature organism and finally to the organism’s death. Ageing is a complex process which involves interactions between a number of biochemical mechanisms. The effects of these act at the molecular, cell, tissue and whole organism levels. The complex of interacting ageing processes that lead to death is called senescence. Ageing: • is species specific – it seems to be an inborn property which results in particular species having particular life spans; For example, at 5 years old a human baby’s tissues will still be growing and differentiating, whereas 5 year old mouse tissues will be fully mature and showing signs of ageing/deterioration; • correlates with the organism’s investment in repair, particularly in DNA repair. • is affected by diet and by exercise. The ageing processes appear to be slowed by having a good diet and by regular exercising. DNA damage may occur due to somatic-cell mutations which occur during the normal cell divisions which enable growth, repair or replacement of tissues. These somatic-cell mutations may be triggered by exposure to radiation, particularly the background cosmic and Xradiation. Long-lived species counteract this by having high levels of DNA repair enzymes and they invest much energy in maintaining the stability of their DNA. Short-lived species, which have early ageing, have low levels of DNA repair enzymes and invest little energy in maintaining the stability of their DNA. • • Fig. 2. Activity of DNA repair systems in different mammals Mean lifespan /years (log scale) 100 Exam Hint: If you are asked to write an essay on ageing, it is important to distinguish the normal process of ageing, which occurs in healthy organisms, from premature ageing caused by disease and associated pathological changes. Normal ageing processes can be modified and accelerated by pathological processes. Do not be drawn into writing an essay about disease and death. The fact that ageing and longevity (length of life) is characteristic to particular species suggests that ageing and longevity are determined by genes:- Human Elephant Horse Longer-lived mammals invest more energy and materials in repair enzymes and processes Dog 10 Hamster Rat Mouse Shrew Thus, there is a general trend – larger animals tend to have longer lifespans than smaller animals. There is thought to be a genetic trait, related to the ability of the organism to repair DNA damage which occurs throughout life. 0 Relative DNA repair activity 0 Primates Carnivores Galapagos tortoise Ungulates Rodents Animals 1 Nile crocodile Birds Frog 10 Sparrow Horse 20 Domestic cat 30 Domestic dog 40 Brown bear 50 Gorilla 60 Herring Gull 70 Mouse 80 Brown rat 90 Elephant (Indian) 100 Modern human Fig 1. Mean normal lifespan of some animal species Reptiles Amphibians Bio Factsheet 147 Ageing www.curriculum-press.co.uk Examples of genetically coded detoxification enzymes produced by mammals (and by many other groups of organisms) include peroxidases, alcohol and lactic dehydrogenases and transdeaminases. A similar pattern exists for the genetic coding and production of antioxidant molecules in different species. • Antioxidants detoxify dangerous chemicals (free radicals) that are byproducts of certain metabolic processes. They can cause molecular/ DNA/RNA damage resulting in deterioration of cells, tissues or whole organisms. The damage caused may contribute to the ageing process. during cell metabolismmitochodria convert glucose into energy Glucose Remember - some dietary constituents also have excellent antioxidant properties. For example, vitamins A, C and E. As well as their probable action in slowing the ageing process, there is considerable statistical evidence to show that a normal intake of these vitamins gives some protection against developing certain cancers (bowel and bladder) and cardiovascular disease. Oxygen The fact that offspring of long-lived parents tend to have long lives supports the idea that ageing has a strong genetic component, simply because offspring inherit their genes from their parents. Mitochondria Further evidence for a genetic component in ageing comes from the study of identical twins. Identical twins (with identical genomes) tend to age in a similar fashion and at a similar rate. For example, they tend to develop similar skin lines and creases at similar ages, and their eyesight and hearing ability becomes similarly impaired at similar ages. Cell membrane Chromosome Nucleus Oxygen radical cell membrane damage energy released energy and oxygen radicals formed So to summarise the evidence that ageing has a genetic component (Fig 3). Fig 4. Evidence that ageing has a genetic component Offspring live long if parents do DNA damage in mitochondria Oxygen radical damages cell membrane, DNA in mitochondria and DNA damage in nucleus DNA damage in nucleus • Species have characteristic longevity For example, highly reactive products like hydrogen peroxide, if not destroyed quickly, will cause cell damage and deterioration. Hydrogen peroxide is detoxified by peroxidase enzymes. 2H2O2 2H2O + High levels of anti-oxidant = long life (production of antioxidants is genetically controlled) O2 peroxidase (catalase) • Evidence that ageing is partly controlled by genes Long-lived organisms maintain high concentrations of antioxidant molecules and expend much energy in cellular detoxification whereas short-lived species do not. Fruit flies bred with a gene that produced higher levels of an antioxidant (superoxide dismutase or SOD) lived longer than those without the antioxidant (Fig 3). Identical twins age similarly High levels of DNA/RNA repair enzyme = long life (production of antioxidants is genetically controlled) The effects of ageing: senescence As animals age, they tend to become physically weaker and various physiological processes decline. Senescence effects all parts of the body, including the brain. Some of the changes are listed in the table below: Fig 3. SOD1 flies Table 1. Average decline in a human male from ages 25 to 75 years 100 Characteristic 90 Survivorship (percent) 80 Peak bone density Percentage decline 30 70 Weight of brain 44 60 Number of neurones in spinal cord 37 Velocity of nerve impulses in myelinated neurones 10 Blood supply to cerebral hemispheres 20 SOD1 flies Normal files 50 40 30 Number of taste buds 64 Power of accommodation (focussing) 45 Cardiac output at rest 30 20 Vital capacity of lungs 44 10 Number of nephrons in kidneys 44 Maximum glomerular filtration rate 30 Maximum O2 uptake during exercise 60 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Life Span (days) 70 80 90 2 Bio Factsheet 147 Ageing www.curriculum-press.co.uk As a human grows older:• • • • The immune system becomes less efficient so the likelihood of suffering disease and disability increases. Ultimately the person is confronted with a situation to which there is no effective response and death occurs. Cataracts develop - lens becomes more opaque, scattering light, and eventually leading to blindness causing visual impairment Glaucoma - involves structural changes of the optic nerve as a result of increasing pressure in the eye. This happens when the aqueous humor is prevented from draining from the eye properly Muscle mass decreases, the speed and strength of muscles decreases and the number of muscle fibres decreases. Bones become more brittle and break more easily. • Falls in the level of sex hormones may have side effects which can cause ageing effects. In women particularly, after the menopause, the fall in oestrogen levels may result in loss of calcium from bones. This can cause development of brittle bones and osteoporosis. Women may be given hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to counteract this. • Physiological processes that maintain our organs and systems become less sensitive, less accurate and slower. • Nervous reaction times become slower. • Maximum heart rate is lowered by about one beat for each year a person ages, and the resting heart rate also declines. • Basal metabolic rate (BMR) declines - after the age of 60, BMR slows down at a rate of about 3% each year. • As cells age they tend to accumulate more metabolic wastes, for example, highly reactive peroxides which may cause cell deterioration. Ageing cells tend to synthesise less antioxidant molecules, which destroy the damaging wastes, than younger cells and so cell damage is more likely in ageing tissues. • The number of nerve cells in the brain declines with age and so the brain becomes smaller. Nerve cells in the brain either cannot regenerate or do so very slowly. Thus dead or damaged brain cells are not replaced as quickly as they are lost. The brain of a 90-year-old probably has about 10 per cent fewer nerve cells than the brain of a 30-year-old. Because of the loss of brain cells, one might think that brain function would also decline with ageing, but this is not necessarily so. Providing certain pathological conditions, for example, senile dementia, are absent, although a small degree of memory loss often occurs, some intellectual skills can actually increase with age and gaining experience. Many biologists believe that a decrease in brain function is not an inevitable result of ageing. It is probable that memory loss, personality changes, and other malfunctions are due to disease processes which might be treated or even prevented. Senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease Senile dementia is a progressive loss of intellectual abilities which usually starts after the age of 65. It is characterised by: • • a gradual decline in reasoning powers, • • memory loss, which eventually may become severe, • a tendency to be easily confused, • personality changes. Alzheimer’s disease is now thought to be caused by a variety of factors, both genetic and environmental. There is often a family history of the disease suggesting a strong genetic component. It is now known that exposure to aluminium is not a causative factor. Alzheimer’s disease is the fourth biggest killer in economically developed countries after heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Further Reading Scientific American Vol 14 No. 3. 2004 - The Science of Staying Young Senile dementia is a symptom of a variety of diseases of which Alzheimer’s disease is the commonest. In Alzheimer’s disease there is a gradual build-up of: • an insoluble, abnormal protein, called beta-amyloid, which forms deposits called plaques outside neurones, • a protein, called tau, which becomes abnormally, highly phosphated and forms tangles within the nerve cells. The tangles interfere with the functioning of the normal microtubules of the nerve cells. • The neurons most affected are in the cerebral cortex (memory) and in the hippocampus (memory and personality) Acknowledgements: This Factsheet was researched and written by Martin Griffin. Curriculum Press, Bank House, 105 King Street, Wellington, Shropshire, TF1 1NU. Bio Factsheets may be copied free of charge by teaching staff or students, provided that their school is a registered subscriber. No part of these Factsheets may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any other form or by any other means, without the prior permission of the publisher. ISSN 1351-5136 3 Bio Factsheet 147 Ageing www.curriculum-press.co.uk Specimen questions 1. (a) Define the terms ‘ageing’ and ‘senescence’. Answers 2 1. (a) ageing describes the developmental changes that lead, over time, to the deterioration of the mature organism and finally to the organism’s death; senescence is the complex of interacting ageing processes which eventually lead to death; 2 (b) Suggest four reasons for thinking that ageing processes are partly genetically controlled. 4 (c) A suitable dietary intake of vitamins A, C and E are thought to slow the ageing process. Suggest why. 4 Total 10 marks (b) identical twins age at similar rates and in similar ways; long-lived families tend to have long-lived offspring but shortlived families tend to have short-lived offspring; ageing is species specific and species are characterised by their genes/DNA; organisms which activate their genes which synthesise DNA repair enzymes tend to live longer than organisms which do not invest in DNA repair; organisms which activate their genes to synthesise antioxidant molecules tend to live longer than organisms which do not; max 4 2. Suggest explanations for each of the following: (a) The average length of life of human red blood cells is 120 days but humans live for many years. 2 (b) A person who is alcoholic may suffer liver damage leading to replacement of normal liver cells with fibrous tissue. The remaining undamaged liver cells age more rapidly than liver cells in a person of similar age who is not alcoholic. 2 (c) The percentage of women in the 30 to 39 age group who break a femur is only 0.01%. The percentage of women in the 60 to 69 age group who break a femur is 2.7% 2 (c) vitamins A, C and E have strong antioxidant properties; metabolism produces free radicals/oxidising agents; these can damage cells/cause deterioration of tissues and so speed up ageing; antioxidants destroy the free radicals before they can cause serious harm; 4 Total 10 marks (d) The brain becomes smaller during ageing yet intellectual ability may not decline. 2 Total 8 marks 3. The graph below shows the expected life spans of modern humans and stone-age humans. 2. (a) individual cells and tissues in the body do not live as long as the organism; regeneration/replacement occurs/most body cells are regularly replaced by mitosis and differentiation; 2 Proportion of population surviving of birth population /% 100 (b) the number of healthy liver cells in the alcoholic person is greatly reduced; but they still have to cope with the workload of a normal liver and so become ‘worn out’ more quickly; 2 75 50 (c) in post-menopausal women the levels of female sex hormones decrease; a side-effect of this is that calcium leaches out of the bones which thus weaken/ref brittle bone disease/osteoporosis; 2 25 (d) the number of neurones in the brain decreases during ageing and thus the brain becomes smaller; but experience and accumulated knowledge may enable the remaining neuronal circuits to work more efficiently; 2 Total 8 marks 3. (a) few, if any, Stone-age humans lived beyond the age of 40 but over 85% of modern humans live beyond the age of 40; the greatest death rate in Stone-age humans occurred over the first 10 years of life, when 50% of the population died; the greatest death rate in modern humans occurs between the ages of 60 and 80, when about 60% of the population die; 3 0 0 20 40 Age/years 60 80 (b) because ageing processes are partly controlled genetically they are probably similar in Stone-age humans and modern humans; thus other factors are probably causing early death in Stone-age humans/longer life in modern humans; reference to Stone-age humans having a poor diet compared with highly refined, varied, nutritious modern diets/ Stone-age humans were hunter-gatherers and so expended a lot of energy and time to obtain enough food; reference to disease –Stone-age humans had few cures and no access to the drugs and medical care available to modern humans; Stone-age humans were more at risk of injury/death due to accidents (when hunting) and due to attack by predators than modern humans; 5 Total 8 marks (a) Describe the differences between the two sets of graphical data. 3 (b) Suggest reasons for the differences between the two sets of data. 5 Total 8 marks 4