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Patterns of Development Summative Test

Republic of the Philippines
Region I
Division of Ilocos Sur
Paratong, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur
Patterns of Development
NAME: ____________________________________________________ SCORE: _______________________
SECTION: _________________________________________________ DATE: _________________________
I. Multiple Choices Test:
_____1. Select the best topic sentence for the paragraph.
Most people already know they should eat fruits and vegetables to stay healthy. It is also important to get
exercise. It is equally important to get enough sleep at night.
A. It is good to be healthy.
C. There are many things you should do to stay healthy.
B. Being healthy requires a lot of work. D. Eating right is the best way to stay healthy.
_____2. Select the best topic sentence for the paragraph.
Reading helps people do well in school and their jobs. It is also a way to learn new things about our interests.
Some people read to escape to different worlds.
A. It is good to read a lot.
C. Reading is only good if you want to do well in school.
B. Some people like to read.
D. There are many good things that can come from reading.
_____3. Select the best topic sentence for the paragraph.
When the teacher walks in, we are always ready for class. We don't talk when the teacher is talking, and are
always respectful. No one ever gets in trouble.
A. School is awesome.
C. Our teacher likes our class the most.
B. Our class is always well behaved.
D. The other class is way worse than our class.
_____4. Select the best topic sentence for the paragraph.
When you bake cookies, you first have to make sure you have all the ingredients. Then you have to mix them
together. Finally, you have to put them in the oven.
A. Baking cookies is really easy to do.
B. Cookies are easier to make than cake.
C. My grandma has the best cookies recipe.
D. There are a few steps you must follow when making cookies.
_____5. Which thesis statement is correct for the following prompt?
According to some people, elderly drivers should be required to reapply for their driving licenses because
with age comes diminished vision, hearing, and reaction time. Write an explanatory essay on why elderly drivers
should be required to reapply for driving licenses.
A. Elderly drivers are dangerous.
B. Elderly drivers cannot see and should not be able to drive.
C. With age comes diminished vision, hearing and reaction time.
D. Elderly drivers should be required to reapply for driving licenses for various reasons.
_____6. What is the purpose of the thesis?
A. To remind your reader what your paper is about
C. To use vocabulary words
B. To state your opinion or claim and prove it
D. To hook the reader's attention
_____7. Choose the strong thesis.
A. I would like to become a chef
B. I would like to become a chef so I can inspire others.
C. Becoming a chef has many benefits such as, interacting with others and sharing the love of food.
D. Becoming a chef sounds cool because I can share my love of food with others.
_____8. Which of the following is a strong thesis statement?
A. Violent video games are harmful for young people to play.
B. Violent video games are harmful to young people, and it should be stopped.
C. Violent video games are harmful for young people to play because it promotes a sedentary lifestyle
and encourages violence.
D. Violent video games are harmful for young people because they should be reading a book.
_____9. What is a topic sentence?
A. A key detail about the topic
B. A sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph
C. The last sentence of each paragraph
D. Evidence taken from the text to support your point
_____10. Why is a thesis statement the most important component of an essay?
A. It tells the main point of the essay as well as the writer's position.
B. It introduces the topic to be covered in the essay.
C. It effectively explains both sides of a particular issue.
D. It summarizes the issues raised in the essay.
_____11. What three parts make up a thesis statement?
A. topic sentence, introduction, and conclusion
B. introduction, a quote or paraphrase, and conclusion
C. why I chose the topic, why it is a great topic, my personal connection to the topic
D. identification of topic/focus, the purpose/claim, and at least 3 subtopics/supporting points
_____12. What is a thesis statement?
A. It is a one-sentence explanation of the entire piece of writing, which gives focus to the essay.
B. It is a two-sentence explanation of the entire piece of writing, which gives focus to the first and last
paragraphs only.
C. It is a one-sentence explanation of the entire piece of writing, but only gives focus to the conclusion
D. It is the entire opening paragraph of the essay, including the grabber, details and last sentence.
_____13. It refers to the particular strategy writers use to develop ideas.
A. Paragraph Organization
C. Patterns of Development
B. Sequencing Events
D. All of the above
_____14. Identify the pattern of development used: Obesity and poor fitness are a significant problem in modern
life. Individuals and governments can work together to tackle this problem and so improve diet and fitness. With
obesity levels in industrialized and industrializing countries continuing to rise, it is essential that we act now to deal
with this problem.
A. Cause and Effect
C. Persuasion
C. Compare and Contrast
D. Problem-Solution
_____15. How would you know if a text was written in problem-solution text structure?
A. The text would explain the steps of an event in time order
B. The text would explain some kind of trouble, and ways to deal with this issue
C. The text would show how two things are similar and different
D. The text would define and describe one main topic
_____16. Identify the pattern of development used: The country of Israel is now one of the most progressive
countries of the world. It was born in 1948. Jews from all parts of the world came to settle in Israel. They cleared the
land, they planted crops, they built industrial and manufacturing centers. Today, the income per capital of Israel is
higher than most countries of the East.
A. Description
B. Narration
C. Definition
D. Persuasion
_____17. Identify the pattern of development used: Traffic accidents occur because of several reasons. One of them
is careless drivers. Some drivers ignore the traffic rules such as traffic lights and other warning signals. Another
cause that results in traffic accidents is weather conditions. Drivers tend to lose the control of the car on icy, wet, or
slippery roads and this gives rise to traffic accidents. Drivers should take all these into consideration if they do not
want to get into an accident.
A. Cause and Effect
B. Persuasion
C. Compare and Contrast
D. Problem-Solution
_____18. This pattern of development arranges event details logically in time order, and uses appropriate transitional
devices such as first, lastly, consequently, etc.
A. Narration
B. Description
C. Definition
D. Persuasion
_____19. Choose one pattern from the choices that best matches the thesis statement: Freedom is a concept that
needs to be understood.
A. Narration
B. Description
C. Definition
D. Persuasion
_____20. Choose one pattern from the choices that best matches the thesis statement: Major events happened that
lead to the defeat of Japan during World War II.
A. Cause and effect
B. Definition
C. Description
D. Narration
_____21. Anna has to describe a square and a triangle. Her teacher told her to write a paragraph about how the two
shapes are alike and how they are different. What pattern should she use?
A. Question and answer B. Problem-Solution C. Compare and contrast
D. Description
_____22. It has concrete and specific details, which are carefully chosen by a writer to paint a picture in the mind of
the reader
A. Narrative
B. Descriptive
C. Comparative
D. Definition
_____23. The main idea is explained by giving an extended example or a series of detailed examples
A. Exemplification
B. Contrast
C. Cause and effect D. Persuasive
_____24. Which of the following is the main point of this paragraph?
I will be looking after my uncle’s dog this week. He has gone abroad on a holiday and cannot take it with
him. I will feed him and take him for walks every day. I'm really looking forward to it.
A. enjoying dogs
C. going on a holiday
B. looking after an uncle’s dog D. taking a holiday with the dog and neighborhood
_____25. Choose one pattern from the choices that best matches the thesis statement: There is something very
wrong with the system of values in a society that has only derogatory terms like nerd and geek for the intellectually
curious and academically serious.
A. Problem-solution
B. Cause and effect C. Classification
D. Narration
_____26. It’s a Pattern of Development which convinces readers to agree to an argument about a particular topic.
A. Narration
B. Description
C. Persuasion
D. Comparison
_____27. We write persuasive essays to ______.
A. inform our audience with research about one topic. C. To describe a thing
B. Persuade the audience to agree with our opinions D. To tell a story
_____28. What is a cause?
A. The result of something happening
C. The last thing that happened
B. The source or root of something happened D. Something that happens
_____29. What is an effect?
A. Something that causes something else
C. What happens because of a cause
B. The first thing that happens
D. Something that happens
_____30. Cause: My brother added lots of sugar to his drink.
A. It was too sour to drink.
C. It was too sweet to drink.
B. He broke the cup.
D. He had to clean the dishes.
_____31. Forest fires sometimes begin through natural events. Very little rainfall and dry forests are ideal situations
for fires to start. All it takes is a lightning strike, sparking a fire that can destroy the entire forest. Often, forest fires
are so large that firefighters can't stop them, and these fires sometimes threaten homes and businesses. Then,
people are forced to flee the fire and hope that their property isn't destroyed.
Based on this passage, what is the initial cause of some forest fires?
A. a lightning strike
B. little rainfall
C. campfires
D. dry forests
_____32. Suri and Dawson are rock climbing. Suri decides to attempt a new skill she has learned. At first, she is
successful, but then she loses her grip and falls. Suddenly, the safety ropes catch her, but she smashes her hand
on the rock.
What is the effect of Suri's fall?
A. Suri decides to try a new skill.
C. Suri smashes her hand.
B. At first, she is successful.
D. Suri is rock climbing.
_____33. Because Amelia was determined to be a famous actor one day, she auditioned for every school play,
signed up for after-school acting classes, and subscribed to a special magazine for actors. What causes Amelia to
audition for school plays, sign up for acting classes, and subscribe to an acting magazine?
A. her dream of being rich one day
C. her willingness to try new activities
B. her determination to be a well-known actor D. her determination to get the lead in the school play
_____34. Which of these options would be a good solution to the problem: Wendy can't reach the package of
lightbulbs in the garage.
A. She could just stay in the dark.
C. She could stack random things to create steps.
B. She could use a broom to knock the box down.
D. She could ask somebody taller for help.
_____35. Ben can't find a job. He needs money to pay for college. What could be a good solution to his problem?
A. He could turn to crime.
C. He could not continue his education.
B. He could just sit in the classes without paying. D. He could find alternative ways of making money.
II. ANALYSIS: Read the essay fellow and fill in the graphic organizer with the needed information coming from the
Bad Parenting
Everyone thinks about the time that they are going to become a parent. It seems all lovely and nice until you
grow older and things turn out to be different. Oftentimes not everyone in the world is not fit to be the perfect parent
like expected. Although part of the American dream is to become a parent, career-oriented people, narcissistic
people, people who live with substance abuse, and people who suffer from mental illness should never become
The first type of person who should not become a parent is a career-oriented person. It's not that they will be
bad parents, it's just that they will not have time to be a parent. The career-oriented parent will always be traveling
around for different work reasons. They will not have time to tend to their child like a child need to be cared for.
Children need a stable parent to care for them because they can't care for themselves, and a career-oriented person
can't do that because they are always moving any and everywhere. A career-oriented parent can often leave their
child to feeling neglected, but there are even worse parents than them.
The narcissistic parent is the next kind of person who should not be a parent. This selfish and conceited
person is easy to recognize due to the fact that he or she does not think about anyone else besides their self. They
will show very little attention to their child because they will feel like that is the least important thing. Their number
one priority would be focusing on their self and making sure that they are straight instead of their child. This will
leave their child feeling even more neglected.
The third type of parent is the substance abuse parent. Parents dealing with substance abuse can cause
their selves and the kids health problems. This type of parent will focus more on their drugs than anything else. They
can't worry about the health of their child because their own health is not straight and this can be dangerous for both
the parent and child. The child safety is the most important thing in the world, but with a parent during substance
abuse the child, nor the parent is safe because they aren't in the right state of mind.
The mental illness parent is the last kind of person who should not be a parent. This kind of parent is not
stable enough for to be a parent because their mental health is not good. Their mind is not capable of staying focused
in order to provide the care that a child need. A mentally ill parent can't keep a child safe because they are unable
to provide a sense of security for a child with their mind unstable. The child might even be scared of the parent
because of their unnatural behaviors. A mental illness parent will not put their child as their priority or themselves.
They become a shell within themselves that they priority is messed up.
It is important for people to be aware of these four types of parents: career-oriented, narcissistic, substance
abuse, and mental illness parents. Each parent has a main priority, an attention grabber, and child. Most of all, it is
clear to see that some parents do not care about kids leaving their kids feeling unwanted.
Thesis Statement
Topic Sentence 1
Topic Sentence 2
Topic Sentence 3
Topic Sentence 4
What Pattern of Development is used in the essay?