MIF II DIGITAL FEEDER PROTECTION “A Comprehensive Protection solution for Feeders at any voltage level” Functionality F60 SR 750/760 F650 F35 MIFII FMII SR 735/737 Price 1 GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: What is MIF II? APPLICATIONS FEATURES & BENEFITS PROTECTION & CONTROL: Block Diagram PRODUCT ARCHITECTURE: Mechanical, Hardware, Software SOFTWARE: enerVista MIF II Setup Software COMMUNICATIONS ORDER CODE SUMMARY 2 GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential INTRODUCTION What is the MIF II? Protection, control, metering, monitoring, and analysis system • Supports ModBus communication protocol for integration with other IEDs • Applicable to Electrical Utilities and industrial systems • Best value for price • Building block for systems Most MostCost CostEffective EffectiveOffering Offeringfor forLow Lowand andMedium MediumVoltage VoltageFeeders Feeders GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential 3 APPLICATIONS The MIF II can be used for: • • • Comprehensive feeder protection for any voltage level Backup protection for transformers, busbars, generators and large motors Control functions breaker control (open/close) and recloser Specify SpecifyMIFII MIFIIfor forLow LowEnd EndFeeder Feederand andReclosure ReclosureApplications Applications GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential 4 FEATURES AND BENEFITS The MIF II features advantage such as: • Configurable logic • Configurable curve • Flash memory for field upgrades • Two setting tables • AC/DC power supply • HMI with 5 keys and a 2x16 character alphanumeric display • Isolated front RS232 serial port State Stateof ofthe theArt ArtFeatures Features GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential 5 BLOCK DIAGRAM MIF II Protection and Control characteristics: Combine CombineOvercurrent OvercurrentProtection Protectionand andMultiple-shot Multiple-shotReclosing Reclosingin inOne One Compact CompactRelay Relay GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential 6 PROTECTION AND CONTROL MIF II Protection functions include: • Phase/Ground TOC • Phase/Ground IOC (two levels) • Configurable breaker failure to open • Configurable I/O • 4 preconfigured overcurrent curves (ANSI or IEEE) • 6 outputs: trip, service required, auxiliary • Thermal image protection • Sensitive ground protection • 4-shot recloser • Breaker opening/closing • Cold load pickup function Combine CombineOvercurrent OvercurrentProtection Protectionand andMultiple-shot Multiple-shotReclosing Reclosingin inOne One Compact CompactRelay Relay GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential 7 MONITORING AND METERING The MIF II provides: • 32 Event record • Analog/Digital oscillography • Breaker health monitoring through KI2 counter • Per phase current metering for primary or secondary values Low LowPriced PricedScaleable ScaleableOptions Options––Event EventReports, Reports,Waveform WaveformCapture, Capture,Breaker Breaker Monitoring Monitoring GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential 8 TYPICAL WIRING 9 GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential HARDWARE User Interface DISPLAY & LEDS Text 2x16 display Multicolor programmable LEDs with customizable label panel KEYPAD ESC/RESET key UP/DOWN keys for easy navigation ENTER function Menu key FRONT PORT Electrically isolated front RS232 communication port Easy Easyto toUse UseMan ManMachine MachineInterface Interfacewith withCommunication CommunicationAccess Access GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential 10 DIMENSIONS Compact CompactDesign Designin inaaModular ModularPackage Packagefor forEasy EasyMaintenance Maintenance GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential 11 enerVista MIF II Setup Software MIIPC Software provides the following functions: Logic Settings Oscillography Metering Powerful PowerfulConfiguration ConfigurationTools ToolsThat ThatGet Getthe theMIF MIFIIIIup upand andRunning Runningin inMinutes Minutes GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential 12 COMMUNICATIONS • A front mounted RS232 and a rear RS485 port allow easy user interface via a PC. • ModBus ® RTU protocol is used for all ports. • The relay supports baud rates from 300 to 19,200 bps. • Up to 32 MIF II relays can be addressed on a single communications channel. A unique address must be assigned to each relay via a setting when multiple relays are connected. Access Accessto toInformation Information--Serial SerialCommunication Communicationand andModBus ModBusRTU RTUProtocol Protocol GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential 13 MIF II ORDER CODE *** 14 GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential Feeder Protection - MIFII Functionality F60 SR 750/760 F650 MIFII F35 MIFII “M-Family – Cost Effective Digital Protection” FMII Target Applications/Industries: SR 735/737 Price Key Values: • Low end three phase over current protection • Low priced scaleable options – event reports, waveform capture, reclosure, breaker fail • Simple re-closure applications • Reduce troubleshooting and maintenance cost – Event reports, waveform capture • Backup/auxiliary protection for transformers, generators and motors • Design flexibility – Easy to use programming logic • Replacement/upgrade of E/M devices • Asset monitoring – Breaker health, and breaker failure protection • Consultants, HQ engineering and end user utilities, OEM • Simple overcorrect protection applications • Access to information – Modbus RTU communications Sales Strategy: • Specify MIFII for low end feeder and reclosure applications • Specify 735 for customers that desire draw-out capability Most MostCost CostEffective EffectiveOffering Offeringfor forLow Lowand andMedium MediumVoltage VoltageFeeders Feeders 15 GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential MIF II SUMMARY • • • • • Reliable feeder protection and control for Electrical Utilities and Industrial applications. User-friendly visual software for setting, monitoring, and metering. EnerVista compatible. Password protected HMI for local operation. Component based architecture for easy switching of internal boards. Communications via front RS232, and rear RS485 ports. Web: www.GEindustrial.com/multilin Tel: +1 905-294-6222 Fax: +1 905-201-2098 Email: gemultilin@indsys.ge.com Most MostCost CostEffective EffectiveOffering Offeringfor forLow Lowand andMedium MediumVoltage VoltageFeeders Feeders GE Multilin – Sales Training, May 2-5, 2004 Proprietary & Confidential 16