Healthy Parents and Baby Long Labor Boy Labor starts on its own Birth doula Birth at home or birth center Only one birth partner Early labor at home Short labor Healthy Parents and Baby Medical Induction of labor Girl Birth at hospital No birth doula Early labor at birth place Additional support people (family, friends, etc.) Wear a hospital gown Eat & drink as desired Music during labor Saline lock (IV access) Birth ball Spontaneous rupture of membranes Shower or tub for labor Upright positions & walking during labor Clear fluids only Wear your own clothing No IV access No music during labor Artificial rupture of membranes No birth ball Labor in bed No shower or tub for labor Continuous fetal monitoring Spontaneous pushing (pushing when you have the urge) Narcotic pain medication Position of your choice for pushing Epidural Episiotomy Pitocin to augment labor Forceps or vacuum extractor Directed pushing (by nurse, doctor, or midwife) Intermittent fetal monitoring Position of provider’s choice for pushing No narcotic pain medication No episiotomy No epidural No forceps or vacuum extractor No Pitocin to augment labor Cesarean birth Collaborative decision-making for your care Your preferred doctor or midwife Skin-to-skin through first feeding & initiate breastfeeding when baby is ready Immediate cord clamping Breastmilk only Immediate skin-to-skin Rooming-in Decisions made for you by your provider Vaginal birth Initiate breastfeeding after all assessments of baby On-call doctor or midwife Supplementing with formula Cord clamping after cord has stopped pulsing Baby in nursery Baby to warmer or another person, or cleaned up first No Hep B/Delayed Hep B No Vitamin K Shot/ Delayed/Drops Frequent Checks for Dilation/Progress Membranes Stripped in Pregnancy Hands-Off During Crowning No Tub/Shower Bright Lights Uninterrupted Third Stage & Spontaneous Birth of Placenta Vitamin K Shot Baby to Receive Hep B After Skin-to-Skin No Membrane Stripping Minimal/No Vaginal Exams Access to Tub/Shower Warm Perineal Compress/Oil Active Management of Third Stage Lights Dim Hospital/Birth Location to Dispose of My Placenta No Photographs of Birth Partner goes with Baby Leave Baby’s Genitals Intact OB/Midwife Catches Baby Partner/Parent Cuts Cord Hat on Baby Immediately Do Not Offer Epidural/Narcotics Unless Asked Photograph Birth Encapsulate My Placenta Circumcise Baby Partner stays with Birthing Parent OB/Midwife Cuts Cord Partner/Parent Catches Baby Provider Offers Epidural/Narcotics Delayed Hatting