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Essays on Life Decisions, Health, and Relationships

Choosing a professional career: a big life decision. (unit 1A+Colloquial English)
I completely agree that choosing a career is one of the most important decisions you will make in life. We
make a lot of decisions in life: choosing a school, the profession we want to do, choosing a life partner. We
make some decisions under the influence of emotions, the moment, and sometimes even being influenced
by what someone else has made.
First of all, I think that a lot of people listen to others telling them what to do. Many people think they
should have a say in what career you choose for example your parents. They don't. You will have to deal with
your choice for years to come.
My second point is that bringing home a paycheck is important, but the size of it isn't actually a great
predictor of job satisfaction. You can make six figures, but if you hate what you're doing, you'll find it hard to
enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Finally, you don't ignore your personality traits. What you are interested in makes you more suitable in
some jobs than in others. If you do not take them into account when choosing a career, chances are good
that you will end up in a profession that is not suitable for you.
To sum up a lot of people don't put enough effort into choosing occupations. They choose careers that
seem secure or pay well. They then end up unhappy. The best way to make sure that doesn't happen to you
is to make a well-thought out decision.
Travel broadens the mind, no matter how and where we go. (unit 3A)
It is believed that travel broadens the mind no matter how and where we go. I completely agree that
travels give a lot of experience.
First of all, I believe that travels teach as other culture, show us other view of the world and perspective.
No matter how and where we go, there is always something different than in our home space. For example,
when I was in Belgium, I have learned that stranger people can be nice to you, they don't have to be
dangerous, because I thought like that my whole life. Being abroad I saw that smiling to other, stranger
people can be natural and very kind, not weird.
Secondly, in my opinion every travel is different and show us something new, and something new always
broadens the mind. For example, I was raised in Poland and some things are normal or not in our society and
I think it is okay and live with it. Then I am going to far-away country and it turns out that there normal is
what I thought it isn’t normal. So I start thinking and research about it and it stimulates the curiosity.
Finally, travels arouse love to exploring the world and the nature. Travels help us find out how the world
is beautiful and huge.
To sum up, travelling it is interesting experience to our mind to spend some time in different place, with
different people, because everywhere people are different because of upbringing and culture. The result is
that it broadens the mind and I’m learning new stuff.
A healthy lifestyle - a necessity or a myth? (unit 2A)
I’m going to tell about a healthy lifestyle - a necessity or a myth?. I think a healthy lifestyle is a life road
and if somebody wants to be healthy, he or she will consider that it is necessity. But somebody who has
unhealthy habits can say that healthy lifestyle is a myth because he or she is feeling good right now so
unhealthy habits are not that wrong. And I strongly believe, that healty lifestyle is a necessity.
First of all, healthy lifestyle is needed to us because we have to go do school or work, we want to have a
friends and hang out, we have hobbies and duties. To do all of that we need to be healthy. For example,
somebody leads an unhealthy lifestyle and he or she are feeling good right now so he or she doesn't think
about future but he or he thinks it is okay. But some years later an unhealthy lifestyle can come to light, for
example disease coused by smoking cigarets – cancer.
My anoter point is that when we lead a healthy lifestyle we feel better. For example, I used to sleep less
than I needed and eat fast food and I was always sleepy. I looked bad, I had bags under my eyes all the time.
In addiction, I have problems with my stomach and I am not allowed to eat fast foods and fat things. So now,
a it cooked meals, I sleep properly hours of sleep and I feel a way better.
To sum up, a healthy lifestyle is very important. If we don't take care of it, we won't be happy because
we'll have some health problems all the time. Instead of making dreams come true, we will go from one
doctor to the next.
A happy life is not possible without a good night’s sleep. (unit 6A)
I completely agree that sleep is a very important factor for the proper functioning of every human being. I
have never heard of anyone not needing sleep at all. Statistically, an adult should get 8 hours of sleep a
First of all, when we sleep too little, we are nervous during the day and we have trouble concentrating.
This has a significant impact on everyday functioning at work or school, but also in free time.
My second point is that the common opinion is that we lose the will to sleep with urbanisation and the
rampant growth of technological improvement, but again, it’s not that simple. The length of sleep hasn’t
changed, but the quality has.
Finally, unfortunately people have learned to function without sleep. Morning coffee is, on one hand, a
must for millions of people every day. On the other, it’s the most abused drug on the market. Overuse of
caffeine can lead to an increased risk of heart disease, anxiety and insomnia. Two or three cups of coffee per
day are perfectly fine.
To sum up you can't live without sleep. If we want to live our life joyfully it is really worth taking care of
the quality of sleep. In this way, we will have the strength to make our dreams come true, spend time with
loved ones and pursue our passions. We must always remember that sleep is health.
Climate change requires immediate action. (unit 4A)
The role of reading must not be underestimated. (unit 3B)
We live fast and most of the information can be found on the Internet. Parents often forget the
importance of reading books to their children. The effects of reading on child development are big and
multiple studies have highlighted its benefits.
Firstly, when we read a book, we put ourselves in the story in front of us. This allows us to develop
empathy as we experience the lives of other characters and can identify with how they are feeling.
Additionally, children will gain a greater understanding of emotions, which can help them understand their
own emotions and those of others. This helps dramatically with their social development.
My second point is that book can take us anywhere: to another city or to a different country. By reading a
book, a person learns about people, places, and events that they couldn’t learn otherwise.
Finally, hearing words spoken aloud can expose children to a range of new vocabulary and phrases that
they may not have heard otherwise. By reading to a child daily, they’ll learn new words every single day.
To sum up, reading is a key part of children’s daily routine. We can learn new words and phrases,
experience a range of emotions, and acquire skills and knowledge.
Music is a universal language. (unit 6B)
My topic is: music is a universal language I agree that music is universal and everyone can find
something for themselelf. The question is, how does it influence our lives and i’m going to tell
about it.
First of all, music can raise emotions, no metter who we are. It can affect a loyer and a
hausekeeper on the same way or human from Poland and from USA. And this is why music is a
universal language. So it influence from being an emotional side of our lives, kind of ornament
for us. For example
Secondly, music can help express emotions. For example, sometimes we dont know how to say
something direcly so we can use music. If I am angry, I will listen to energy music to express my
feelings and feel it more; the same when i’m sad, i’m listen to sad music. How does it influcence
my live? I can feel more my feelings, overthink it.
Another point is that we make memories with music and it’s universal. Everyone have made
memory with some music, For example, wedding song. Everyone who is married have song like
Finally, music is part of our lives and affect us all the time – in preschool, school, parties, home.
It make our lives less boring and more colorfull. If we didn’t have a music, we wouldn’t dance!
And everybody love dancing.
Making relationships work requires effort. (unit 7A)
My topic is Making relationships work requires effort and im gonna start from explaining
how important this issue is. For me, relationship with another human is a big part of my life.
Moreover, without other people we would be empty and we would have nobody to talk to, to
enjoy with and to live. But it isnt that simple to have a healthy relationships so i agree that
Making relationships work requires effort.
Fist of all, a good relationship doesn’t exist without a compromise. It doesn’t matter if this is
friendship or marriage, it is so much important to know, how to live with another human. I agree
that Making relationships work requires effort, because it can be hard to live with others – each
of us has different needs, taste and craving. For example, some people prefer small parties, with
the clothest friends in my or friends’ house. The other half lives prefer big events, dancing in the
club and being around a lot of people. Both groups of people are okay, but what if we are one
of that and our friend or parnter are in the second group? So, it is importnat to respect other
peoples’ needs and preferene and find the golden mean, what isnt simple and izi pizi.
Secondly, i want to tell about trust. Some people are naive and gullible so it is much more easy
to earn the trust of this person – and it isnt wrong, but i think in our modern world it is worth to
be careful. And because of being careful, sometimes it is hard to earn the trust – some people
are distrustful. For example, we really care about that one person and we want to be her or his
one of the clotest people around. And this person also look like is into us. But whatever we do
and say, this person is so much careful because in the past somebody has hurt his or her, and
now this person is so much wary. We have to work hard to show this person that we dont want
hurt her or him.
To sum up, i think that Making relationships work requires effort but it is woth it and everybody
needs other people in them lives.
Stereotypes are hard to overcome. (unit 2B)
My topis is stereotypes are hard to overcome and i think i’m going to agree with that. In my
opinion, it is hard to change our belief about something and we literally grow up around a lot of
Firs of all, stereotypes are everywhere. Whatever we go, there are some stereotypes about people, places,
behavior etc. For example – we as a Poles are considered as a hardworking, resourceful people, who will get
by. Also, there is said that we like vodka and we can drink a lot of vodka. Maybe those are our characteristics
but i dont thniks that every Pole are hardworking or resourceful. Another example is that we have the same
stereotpes in the whole county. It doesnt matter if we are by the sea or in the mountains – everywhere
people think similarly, for example that all Gypsies are thieves.
Secondly, i dont think that people can change easily. According to this, stereotypes are hard to overcome too
– overcome stereotypes or thinking or belief are hard and require time in the first place. For example, if my
grandfdather says he needs meat to live, it won’t be easy to tell him, he doesnt. Nowadays, there are a lot of
people who dont eat a meat at all – and they still live. Moreover, we dont even need animal products at all
to live. But i know it is hard to stop thining like that and start acting differently.
My last point is that we need stereotypes – they can help us with filing the information about the world.
When we have a stereotyp about something, our brain has an answer about this – it is much more easy than
finding out by my own. For example, when we heard that somebody is in prison, we think stereotypically –
he or she is agressive etc. - but mostly, we thing about he – it is stereotypes too.
To sum up, i agree that stereotypes are hard to overcome and this is not always good or bad –
sometimes stereotypes are just funny like poles likes vodka, but stereotypes about islam or
gypies are not cool and we should think independently instead of easy ways.
Everyone can protect themselves against crime. (unit 8A)
Some unscrupulous people can steal from another person. They don't focus on legal work just work
illegally and hurt others. In our time we have very well developed technology and many cameras on the
streets or in stores, but not always these options can help us.
Firstly, you dramatically increase your chances of being robbed if you look as if you might have a lot of
money on you. Don't just wear designer clothes and expensive looking accessories. Keep your expensive
camera or phone hidden.
Secondly, if we have the opportunity and a single family home, it is a good idea to install an alarm.
Remember to always lock the door with a key and close the windows when you are not at home.
Another important point is that if you see that people are watching you in the suspicious way, look
straight back at them and make the eye contact. If they were thinking of robbing you, it will make them
realize that you might not be an easy target.
Finally, if we met some new people and went out with them it is worth being vigilant and not drinking
alcohol. The new people we met may have bad intentions.
It is worthwhile to protect yourself from theft. Danger can wait for us at every turn.
Fake news is something we can learn to spot. (unit 8B)
My topic is the twenty first century poses new challenges and threats to our lifestyles and i
agree with that, because i think that the twenty first centaury is developing so fast and we have
to be as fast as our time but i dont find it as a danger.
First of all, i think that technological development is the most imporant issue nowadays. The
twenty first century is, in my opinion, extensive of new technology and we, as a young people,
studens know this technology because we grew up with this. But, for example our parents or
especially grandparents, dont grow up with this technology. It is challenge to them to find out
how the technology works – my granparents dont use the Internet but more and more things
we do using the Internet. But i dont think it threats to our lifestyle. In most cases the Internet
and all technology is helping us to life more comfortable, for example, paying bills using the
intenret, without leaving home.
Secondly, i think every new century posed new challenges because we are constantly
developing. For example, a few century ago, we couldn’t read, so next century was a challenge
to everyone to start reading etc. The twenty first century poses new challenges because we are
learning new things and i find it good – the development is good. and always it was risky to
start new thing and challenges but i think it is worth it.
My last point is that the twenty first century is important to our world because we noticed the
danger caused by the development and the new challenge is figure out how make this
21century not treats our lifestyles. I’m saying about the ecology because for example before no
one believed in global Warming but the 21century show us the danger and we all start thinking
about it. According to this, it is challange and a little treats our lifestyles.
To sum up, i strongly bielieve that 21century is important to our wordl because the new
Non-verbal communication is essential to get your message across. (unit 7B)
Non-verbal communication is very important in our life. Because of it we can find out what really sits in
the heads of others. Many people think that no one will ever know what they really think about a something
but that's not true. Their true intention is always visible in their eyes.
First of all, I think that we often use this non-verbal communication to hide something or say, for
example, that we like someone although it is not at all. We spend most of our waking hours on
communication and 80% of this communication is non-verbal one.
My second point is that emotions we express, our posture and gestures - all of these belong to non-verbal
communication. Our verbal communication would be much less interesting without our expressions. We use
nonverbal comunication sometimes without our own knowledge, for example facial expressions, gestures,
tone of the voice and the eye contact, they are all important and helpful to communicate with other person.
Another important point is that thanks to non-verbal communication we can show our mood for example
the simplest non-verbal signals that may indicate that we are defending are crossing arms. This position is
often taken by people who know little and feel insecure with each other. Thanks to this we also know what
emotions accompany our interlocutor, for example whether he is stressed or maybe he is angry with
something or sad.
To sum up, we use non-verbal communication almost all the time so this is very important in our life. We
should be very careful, becouse sometimes we don't even know that we are using non-verbal
communication and some people pay attention to how we express ourself in this way. This is something that
we can't control.
Advertisers trick people into buying too much. (unit 9B)
Advertising usually aims to induce the purchase. Most often these are product advertisements on
television or the Internet, which exaggerate the properties of their stuff. I agree that advertisers thick people
into buying too much.
First of all, I think that most of the products we buy too much are purchased during the promotion. This
usually happens on black friday. Then we are surrounded by promotions on all sides. We buy things that we
do not need at all and only think we need them.
My second point is that being in the store and seeing promotions, buy three, pay less, we buy again
products that we do not need. Then we throw that food into the trash.
Finally, when we watch adverts we could have a feeling that we feel sick, poor, not beautiful, not be
healthy. Commercials want us to feel that way and buy their products.
To sum up, we live in a time where people would like to have everything, so ad producers take advantage
of it. Not every advertisement shows the reality. Most of TV and Internet commercials are advert towards
making profit. Advertising accompanies us almost everywhere we are. It is so common that we sometimes
don't even notice it.
Fast development of technology and science is changing the way we live. (unit 10A)
I strongly agree that advances in science and technology are changing the way we live. However, it seems
to me that it changes our lives for the worse. Currently, practically every area of life is partly related to
technology. The phone is the element that influences our lives the most.
Firstly, many of us became addicted. When we go for a walk in the park, we see people staring at the
phone. Taxi, food, hairdresser, doctor, concert, cinema - we can order, make an appointment, book and pay
using a smartphone. some people cannot imagine their lives without a smartphone.
Secondly, we lose our privacy, we spend less and less time with friends and family, and alienation and
depression are becoming common diseases of civilization.
Finally, a few years ago we were sending our loved ones birthday cards. Dating nowadays is completely
different than it used to be. Sharing your intimate matters - such as memories, vacation photos - was only
possible during meetings with friends.
To sum up, advanced technology has significantly changed our environment, but most of all ourselves. We
can find what we need in seconds on the Internet, without leaving home or office. It is very likely that if
someone were to transport us 30 years back in time today, we would not be able to acclimatize and endure
the shocking slowness of the other world.
It is not possible to live a life without regrets. (unit 5B)
We regret many things in life. Something we may regret is associated with our love, lives, family, friends
or work. For example people often regrat that they got married too early. Others reason regretting not
telling someone we loved them.
First of all, regrets from the past often surface in old age. When a man realizes that he has already lived
most of his life. He may regret the fact that he did not realize his dreams. Better to try it and regret it than
regret not trying it.
My second point is that many reflections on life occur in people who become ill with a terminal illness.
They regret that they did not examine themselves systematically, that they ate unhealthy food or smoked
cigarettes. Everyone should remember that you need to take care of your health and visit specialists
Another important point is that one regrets not spending enough time with loved ones when they were
still alive. It is worth keeping in good contact with, for example, our grandparents and talking to them. Life
passes quickly and before we notice it, we can lose the most important people in our lives.
To sum up, we should regret from our mistakes, but we also should to move ahead. I am trying not to
think about things I did wrong in the past but focus at things which I can do today to become a better
Education is the key to a successful life.
Working hard in school and going to further education or studies have been supported for generations by
parents and teachers as most people believe that education is the key to success. In my opinion, the
education is essential for achieving success nowadays.
First, a good education increases self-confidence. When you have a profession, you become more
persuasive. People want to listen to an educated person, not a person who has not finished junior high
school. If you are not educated, it is sometimes more difficult for you to express your views and opinions.
Another argument is that a good general 'schooling' can appear useful in handling daily problems. For an
instance, basic psychological knowledge is indeed helpful in parenting children or contacts with other
Finally, education makes you self-sufficient. When you are educated, you become financially independent
and can make your own decisions. If you are educated, your dreams become reality.
To sum up, people must understand that without education, the chances of success in life are very slim.
Long days in the library or studying at home on a laptop can be tough, but between assignments, you'll learn
many useful life skills that will stay with you forever.
Teamwork always pays off.
I agree that teamwork always pays off, or in most cases. A team is a group of people who work together.
This cooperation should be based on joint problem solving that will allow them to achieve their goals.
First of all, thanks to teamwork, we can achieve much better results of our activities. For example,
someone wants to have their own home. If he decided to build it himself from beginning to end, it would
take him a lot of time, energy, and there may be difficult tasks that not everyone is able to cope with.
My second point is that teamwork is better than individual work, because the more people, the more
ideas. Joint planning and creation can greatly influence the final shape of the task.
Finally, teamwork can lead to friendship. Thanks to it, we can meet new people, but also get to know
better those we considered strange.
To sum up, usually the presence of other people and the fact that someone is constantly watching our
progress, means that we do not want to look lazy by any means. Therefore, then we do the work faster and
more efficiently. We don't want to be misjudged by the rest of the group.
Living in a modern city is the best choice for the young. (unit 9B)
In my opinion living in a modern city is the best choice for young people and this is a good place to live,
but not always. Usually, people at a young age decide to leave their hometowns for better college offers and
jobs in megacities.
The main advantage of living in a big city is this we can develop our interests, hobbies, because we have a
lot of oppurtunities. We have also more places where we can spend our free time.
The biggest disadvantage of megacities is very polluted air, which means that people can have health
problems. A large amount of car means that the amount of exhaust gases in the air is greater than in the
countryside or smaller cities. Outside the city you will find peace, rest from the noise and spend time actively
in the fresh air.
On the other hand, in the countryside or in smaller towns we have difficult public transport, we have to
have a car. In megacities we have many shops, we can find everything immediately, we don't have to move
only by car and public transport is developed.
To sum up, it's hard to know if only megacities are a good place to live for young people. Some people
prefer life in a hurry, other people prefer peace and quiet outside the city. Each place has its pros and cons
and we have to decide where we would like to live individually.
Taking risks is a natural part of life. (unit 4B)
Each of us from an early age took some risk in life more than once. Risky credit, risky relationships, risky
behaviors. But risk has another side. We all take chances every day and some of those gambles turn out to
have huge benefits.
Firstly, I get the impression that, taking chances is a fundamental part of human nature. A long time ago
when people were hunting, survival was a risky business. These people all the time had to put their safety on
the line.
The problem is that teenagers take the greatest risk even when they are aware of consequences. Risktaking behavior is part of normal youth development. It can help a young person build confidence.
My next argument that risk is more likely to be positive than negative is that there is no doubt about it
that people are also taking risks these days. Imagine a person who never takes any risks. They might never
find a mate, never get a career that they enjoy, they might never make any friends.
To sum up risks it isn’t positive, but with a calm mind and an eye to the future, risks are worth taking.
Taking risks opens you up to new challenges and opportunities. Taking risks can result in a positive outcome.
The twenty first century poses new challenges and threats to our lifestyles.
My topic is the twenty first century poses new challenges and threats to our lifestyles and i
agree with that, because i think that the twenty first centaury is developing so fast and we have
to be as fast as our time but i dont find it as a danger.
First of all, i think that technological development is the most imporant issue nowadays. The
twenty first century is, in my opinion, extensive of new technology and we, as a young people,
studens know this technology because we grew up with this. But, for example our parents or
especially grandparents, dont grow up with this technology. It is challenge to them to find out
how the technology works – my granparents dont use the Internet but more and more things
we do using the Internet. But i dont think it threats to our lifestyle. In most cases the Internet
and all technology is helping us to life more comfortable, for example, paying bills using the
intenret, without leaving home.
Secondly, i think every new century posed new challenges because we are constantly
developing. For example, a few century ago, we couldn’t read, so next century was a challenge
to everyone to start reading etc. The twenty first century poses new challenges because we are
learning new things and i find it good – the development is good. and always it was risky to
start new thing and challenges but i think it is worth it.
My last point is that the twenty first century is important to our world because we noticed the
danger caused by the development and the new challenge is figure out how make this
21century not treats our lifestyles. I’m saying about the ecology because for example before no
one believed in global Warming but the 21century show us the danger and we all start thinking
about it. According to this, it is challange and a little treats our lifestyles.
To sum up, i strongly bielieve that 21century is important to our wordl because the new