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K-Pop Fandom in the Philippines: Theories

Discovering the Popularity of K-Pop Fandom in the
Philippines using Different Theories
The Korean Wave spread quickly due to the participation of its fans all over the world,
and social media platforms became a common communication medium for the fans. The
Korean Wave recipients create a fandom based on their play culture. The Korean Wave
represents an important opportunity for the Korean government to capitalize on newly
emerging cultural and public diplomacy to promote Korean cultural assets. Although the
Korean Wave has been defined in various ways, the highly popular works contributing to the
spread of the Korean Wave are entertainment-oriented genres such as Korean dramas,
K-pops, and Korean films. The variety of Korean Wave content demonstrates Korea's cultural
diversity and richness. There are theories that analyze how k-pop fandom became popular, the
culture industry, agenda setting theory, and uses and gratification theory.
The popularity of K-pop fandom in the Philippines can be explained from the standpoint
of the cultural industry. Music, movies, television shows, and other forms of entertainment are
examples of cultural goods and services produced and distributed by the cultural industry.
South Korea's culture industry produced K-pop, which has been actively marketed as part of
the country's cultural export plan. Through concerts, fan meetups, and other promotional
events, K-pop groups and artists have actively pushed their music and brand in the
Philippines. This has contributed to the creation of a buzz surrounding K-pop in the Philippines,
as well as increased fan interest and excitement. Furthermore, the availability of K-pop through
social media platforms and online streaming services has made it easier for fans in the
Philippines to discover and consume K-pop content. This has allowed K-pop to reach a bigger
audience in the Philippines, contributing to its growing appeal. As the world continues to
evolve, Korean culture has increasingly influenced Filipinos and grown in the years since it first
arrived in the country.
The agenda-setting theory can explain the success of K-pop fandom in the Philippines.
According to agenda-setting theory, the media has a significant role in establishing which
issues and topics are relevant to the public. Agenda setting theory suggests that the media
have the ability to shape the view of the public or audience. Korean dramas were first
broadcast on Philippine television channels in 2005. Because of the familiarity of Korean
dramas and the colorfulness of K-pop performances that differ from the original music of the
Philippines, K-pop could spread quickly. The impact of social media networks' algorithms on
the news networks' biases and the trends and concerns we hear about. This theory tells that
because of the mass media the kpop fandom became popular in the Philippines and it keeps
introducing us. Furthermore, K-pop fandom has grown in popularity in the Philippines as a
result of the rise of social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which have
enabled fans to communicate with one another and share their passion for K-pop. This online
community has further emphasized K-pop's agenda-setting potential, as fans may develop
their own dialogues and promote K-pop content to a larger audience.
The notion of uses and gratifications can also explain the appeal of K-pop fandom in the
Philippines. According to the principle of uses and gratifications, people utilize media to meet
their particular needs and desires. In the Philippines, K-pop fans use K-pop music and content
to meet a variety of needs and goals. Some fans, for example, may utilize K-pop for pleasure
and escape, allowing them to temporarily forget their difficulties and immerse themselves in a
new world. Others may find comfort and peace in the words and messages communicated in
K-pop music, and utilize it as a source of inspiration, motivation, or emotional support.
According to the theory of uses and gratification, individuals actively use the media to achieve
their goals as fans through a form of participatory fandom. This theory tells that these fandoms
are passive consumers of mass communication; rather, they participate actively in media
In conclusion, The cultural industry perspective can explain the popularity of K-pop
fandom in the Philippines, as K-pop is a product of South Korea's cultural export strategy,
aggressively pushed in the Philippines through concerts and other promotional activities. The
agenda-setting theory can explain the popularity of K-pop fandom in the Philippines, as the
media has played a significant role in promoting and covering K-pop, and social media has
allowed fans to create their own discussions and promote K-pop content to a wider audience.
The idea of uses and gratifications can explain the success of K-pop fandom in the Philippines,
as fans utilize K-pop music and content to meet their personal wants and desires, such as
entertainment, inspiration, emotional support, and a sense of community and belonging.
Furthermore, the active participation of fans in the creation and distribution of K-pop content
has contributed to the expansion of K-pop fandom in the Philippines.
Beldad, K. (2022). Reasons Why Filipinos Love Korean Culture and Products. Bria Homes.
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