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Lesson Plan: News vs. Feature Writing

A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates a command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or
B. Performance Standard
The learner speaks and writes using a good command of the conventions of standard
C. Learning Competency Objectives
Distinguish types of journalistic writing (news report and feature article)
Distinguish types of journalistic writing (news report and feature article)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages: MELC
2. Learner’s Material:
3. Textbook pages:
4. Additional Materials:
chart, printed text, laptop, projector
B. Other Learning Resources:
A. Reviewing of the past lesson or presenting the new lesson
What is journalistic writing?
What are the types of journalistic writing? Show a newspaper
News Report, Editorial, Opinion, Feature, Sports News
1. News report
What is a News report? Tell something about it.
-to give information, based on current events, based on facts, direct, concise,
time-sensitive, written in inverted pyramid
a. Top 12 senators proclaimed
b. Magalong re-elected mayor in Baguio
Show an example of a news report.
c. My native land
Ask pupils to identify the new reports in a list of headlines.
d. The beauty of Banaue Rice Terraces
e. SCHES pupils receive free vitamin
The setting of Rules for maximum learning-before continuing the lesson, the teacher will ask what should the pupils do so
that they will understand the lesson and learn?
 Focus and listen carefully to the explanation of the teacher
 Ask questions if there’s something you did not understand
 Shouting the answer is not good, raise your hand if you want to answer.
 Try to involve in all the activities
State the objection of the day’s lesson.
B. Establishing a purpose for the new lesson (Motivation)
Show a picture. Let pupils tell something about.
C. Presenting Examples/ instances of the new lesson
Flash an example of a feature article about indigenous attire.
2.Feature Writing
is an article that focuses on person, place, or event. It provides a deeper look at events, people, or topics. It may be
about famous public figures, history of the past event, places, hobbies, local events, books, restaurants, or fashion.
Teaching Chart - Feature Article
to educate, entertain
Can be published at any point
Human interest, may be about a
person, event or place
Standard outline form or main
story format
Higher word count, allows
descriptive language
Show some examples and give an activity
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills no.1
The teacher will distribute a list of feature writings for the group activity.
If the group was able
to answer all the
items correctly on
Group Activity - Rubric
Very Good
If the group was able to
answer 3-4 items after call
If the group was able to
answer 1-2 items after
call time.
Instruction: Read and analyze the articles and determine each whether news report or feature.
1.Dengue almost doubled from previous year
THE City Epidemiology Surveillance Unit (CESU) under Dr. Donnabel Panes recorded a total of 82 dengue cases in Baguio
from January 1 to March 31, 2022, nearly double the past year’s figures for the same period.
2.P15M grant for Diplomat Hotel conservation received
THE National Commission on Culture and the Arts (NCCA) has provided Baguio City with a P15 million grant to develop a
Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for the Dominican Hill Retreat House, also known as the Diplomat Hotel.
3. Benguet records 318 dengue cases from January to March
Benguet officials are reminding the public to be wary of dengue after 318 cases were recorded from January to March this
4. A Sunny View – Something blooms at Session
PANAGBENGA season is here once again after two full years of lockdown restrictions. For some, it may seem like time
passed in a blink of an eye, as if it was just yesterday when Session Road in Bloom was in full swing last 2019. For many, the
circumstances are quite the opposite. Several local livelihoods undoubtedly struggled amidst the pandemic as business
operations were reduced and domestic travel was suspended as part of the strict quarantine protocols to curb the spread
of the COVID-19 virus.
5. Baguio officials retain posts with landslide win
The electorate of Baguio City voted for the same people who have been in the political scene for several years now.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills no.2
The teacher will give another list of journalistic writing but this time, the pupils will determine if the headline by
drawing check (/) if news report and X if feature.
1.DILG tells LGUs, candidates to remove campaign materials
The Department of the Interior and Local Government reminded local government units and candidates to remove and
dispose all campaign waste materials.
2.We can do it; we can break it if only we will unite
Though the result of the recently concluded May 9 presidential election was anti-climactic, it might go down in our history
as the most emotional and polarizing election that our country ever had.
3.Coming together
Now that our beloved and long-suffering nation’s favorite fiesta, the elections, is over (Thank God!), let us all come
together as one people and be united in supporting those we have elected to office. Let us stop the hate and bashing
(especially by paid trolls on social media) and respect the results of this democratic exercise.
4.Moving forward after a decisive election
I usually do not talk about politics since it is a slippery slope as a topic, but from what I have seen during the campaign
period these past few weeks, maybe I would opt to share these observations.
5.Cordillera is first region to transmit election results
The Cordillera made history for being the first region in the country to transmit 100 percent of election results to the
National Board of Canvassers.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3.
1. Good shepherd, good governance, common good
Good Shepherd Sunday was celebrated the day before the election day (May 8, 2022). It was not a celebration by accident.
I strongly believed that it was by God’s grace that it coincided on a Sunday before the election day in order to help people
pray and discern.
2. Benguet records 318 dengue cases from January to March
Benguet officials are reminding the public to be wary of dengue after 318 cases were recorded from January to March this
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living
Why do we need to be aware of what is happening around us?
Being aware of what is happening around us will empower us to make the best possible decisions about our lives and
H. Making Generalization and abstraction about the lesson
How do we distinguish news reports from feature writing? Let pupils give the differences and similarities
Distinguish the headlines of the following articles. Write NR for news report and FA for feature articles. .
Distinguish the headlines of the following articles, whether news report or feature article.
Write NR if news article and FA if feature article.
1. SCHES green wall
2. Pagasa declares start of rainy season
3. Modern firetruck for Baguio City
4. POSD staff welds SCHES exit gate
5. The day is done
6.Baguio Cops built community waiting shed
7. Power of Reading
8. A message of thanks
9. Duterte graces commencement exercises of PMA
10. Seniors, frontliners may now get 2nd booster
VI. Remarks____________________________________________________________________________________
VII. Reflection_____________________________________________________________________________________
Grade Level
IV-Sincerity IV-Honesty
English 4
Fourth Quarter
Date and
February 12,