Uploaded by Harikrishnan Radhakrishnan

Employee Conflict Resolution Memo: Manager-Subordinate

Disciplinary Board - HR
Conflict with sub-ordinate at client location
I am trying to inform you about the conflict you had with your sub-ordinate.
It has come to our attention, that this incident violates our company code of conduct & needs
proper explanation. This incident had created a very bad impression about the company with
the client, as it happened in client location.
Please setup a meeting with your manager & HR team by 12/22/2022, to provide an
explanation on this.
This conflict is basically due to the lack of good leadership style of the manager. The manager
is of Type A personality, will always tries to set ambitious goals for the sub-ordinates, which will
overwhelm, few people & causes conflicts at workplace.
These conflicts could be avoided by establishing clear guidelines & ensure both parties
understand the discussion is to work together toward a concreate solution.
If the employee is overwhelmed with the task, ask them to list all the tasks, with estimates,
timelines, priority & meet with the employee every week to discuss on this. By this way both the
manager & the employee view the workload together & work on the solutions & if required could
deprioritize few tasks or move this to other teammates. The very important thing is to keep this
discussion open, so employees & the managers learn better skills to work together.
Source : https://www.pon.harvard.edu/daily/conflict-resolution/what-is-conflict-resolution-andhow-does-it-work/