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Window Wall Returns Guide

Wall Returns
*Designed to be used on With Nailing Flange windows or Without Nailing Flange windows when the existing
w indow sash and w indow frame w ill be removed completely. Cannot be used w ith a Head Expander.
Wall Returns make it easy to add your own extension jambs. They are an alternative
to ordering factory applied extension jambs. Wall returns are a U-shaped channel,
factory applied to the window frame. Choose the width of the Wall Return based on
the material you plan to use. For example, if you plan to use ½” drywall, choose ½”
wall returns. If you plan to use ¾” thick wood, choose ¾” wall returns.
Wall returns
jambs are
After Extension
jambs are
Head Expander
*Designed for use on Without Nailing Flange units when installing into an existing
w i n d ow f r a m e ( s o m e t i m e s c a l l e d p o c k e t i n s t a l l ) . C a n n o t b e u s e d w i t h W a l l R e t u r n s .
The Head Expander is an optional accessory for Without Nailing
Flange windows.
It can placed on top of a Without Nailing Flange unit before install,
and can help correct a head jamb that is out of level on the existing
window frame, and can also provide up too ½” of extra height on the
unit if needed.
The image to the left
shows the head
expander placed on
the head of the
window. There is a
gap in-between the
existing window’s
frame and the top of
new window.
The image on the right
shows how the Head
Expander would be
raised to cover
this gap.