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English Literature Coursebook: Milton & Shakespeare

John Milton
John Milton was born in London on December 9, 1608, into a middle-class family.
He was educated at St. Paul’s school, then at Christ’s college, Cambridge, where
he began to write poetry in Latin, and English, and prepared to enter the clergy.
-During his period of private study, Milton composed a number of poems,
including “ On the morning of Christ’s Nativity.” “On Shakespeare.”
-By 1651, Milton steadily lost his eyesight, and was completely blind. In this poem
he discusses the will and wisdom of God that caused him to be blind.
 The main theme:
While the poem discusses Milton’s blindness, his condition is used to explore
his faith. Like Milton’s other religious poetry, the purpose is to decide what a
person’s relationship with God and his or her role on earth should look like.
When I consider how my light is spent,
Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide,
And that one talent which is death to hide,
Lodg’d with me useless, Though my soul more bent
To serve there with my Maker, and present
My true account, lest he returning chide,
Doth God exact day-labour, light denied
I fondly ask; but patience to prevent
That murmur, soon replies, God doth not need
Either man’s work or His own gifts: Who best
Bear his mild yoke, they serve Him best. His state
Is kingly. Thousands at His bidding speed
And post o’er land and ocean without rest;
They also serve who only stand and wait.
When I consider how my light is spent,
Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide,
And that one talent which is death to hide,
Lodg’d with me useless, though my soul more bent
To serve there with my Maker, and present
My true account, lest he returning chide,
Doth God exact day-labour, light denied
I fondly ask; but patience to prevent.
(Vocabulary and Paraphrase)
A) Vocabulary:
-consider: think
-light: eyesight
-ere: before
-talent: blessing of sight
-lodged: is kept
-soul: spirit and will
-there with: with it
-my Maker: God
-lest: for fear that
-exact: demand
- day-labour: hard work
-fondly: foolishly
‫يفكر في‬
‫ الرؤية‬- ‫البصيرة‬
‫نعمة البصر‬
‫خوفا من‬
‫عمل النهار‬
B) Paraphrase:
The poet expresses his sorrow that he has lost his eyesight before
even half his life-time. He is upset about wasting that blessing of sight which
is as dark as death itself. In this poem, Milton is struggling to understand
what God expects of him now that he is losing his sight at a time when he is
ready and willing to serve God and present a good account of himself daily
to please God. He wonders “How can God expect me to be able to work for
Him when I am blind?”
That murmur, soon replies, God doth not need
Either man’s work or His own gifts: Who best
Bear His mild yoke, they serve His best. His state
Is kingly. Thou sands at His bidding speed
And post o’er land and ocean without rest;
They also serve who only stand and wait,
- murmur: complaint in a low voice.
- doth not: does not
- His own gifts: the blessings
- bear his mild yoke: submit to God’s will
- bidding: demand
- post: hurry
- O’er: over
- stand and wait: be patient.
‫ شكوى‬/‫همس‬
)‫ال (نفي‬
‫نعم هللا‬
‫ارادة هللا‬
‫ اراده‬/‫امر‬
‫ يهرع‬/ ‫يسرع‬
The sestet has a calmer tone as the poet says that thought soon fades
as his patience and faith prevent it and tell him that God is great and He
doesn’t need man’s work or the blessings given to him. There are thousands
who wish to worship Him either over land or on ocean without rest. People
can serve God in many different ways. It’s the intent and the grace with
which one deals with hardship that counts. Milton finally reaches the fact
that those, who simply stand with patience and accept God’s orders and
decisions, are also serving Him.
(Commentary and Analysis)
1- Milton uses the sonnet form to deal with a deep personal sorrow. He
followed the Italian way of writing sonnets which is divided into (octet),
eight lines, and (sestet), six lines; and this helps him to develop his idea
and feeling.
2- Figures of speech:
According to the idea of the sonnet which is religious, Milton doesn’t
make great use of figures of speech in this poem.
1- Metaphor: Milton uses the metaphor of light vs darkness to clarify his
3- The language:
The language Milton uses is simple and straightforward. The language is
the sestet is highly Bildical in its use of phrases like; “His gifts”, “His mild
yoke”, “His state is kingly”.
4- The rhyme scheme:
(Questions and Answers)
1- What was Milton’s crisis in “On His Blindness”?
 Milton expresses his sadness for losing his eyesight. He wonders how God
decided to make him blind at a time he was ready to worship Him.
2- What is the attitude of the speaker in Milton’s poem “On His blindness”?
 He resents the fact that blindness has robbed him of the chance to use his
talents to serve God.
3- What is the “murmur” that patience prevents Milton from making in in
“On His Blindness”?
 The “murmur” is one which Milton, as the speaker, never actually voices- he
describes it as the “True account” (Which he often feels compelled to present
to God)
4- How does Milton hope to serve God in “On His Blindness”?
 He is referring to the idea that God is like a king who can employ many
servants to do whatever he wishes whenever He decides to use them so
Milton decided to present Him a daily account of his deeds.
5- What is the moral purpose in this poem?
 The moral purpose in this poem is to declare the fact that true faithful people
are those who accept fate and what God decrees upon them with patience.
6- What is the Italian’s sonnets? And why did Milton follow it?
 The Italian sonnet is divided into an octet and a sestet and each of which
contains a separate idea. Milton followed the Italian way of dividing the
sonnet to develop his idea and emotion in the sonnet.
7- Mention the rhyme scheme of this sonnet,
8- What are the figures of speech?
 Milton only used a metaphor in line (1) where he equates “sight” with “light”.
9- What kind of language does Milton use?
 The language is simple and straightforward. The language in the sestet is
highly Biblical.
)‫ صك (ورقة مالية‬/ ‫سند‬
‫ ثأر‬- ‫انتقام‬
make fun of
‫يسخر من‬
‫يهز راسه بالموافقة‬
Solanio and Salerio discuss how Antonio lost a second ship. Shylock enters and
complains that Salerio and Solanio caused his daughter's flight. They don't deny it.
They ask Shylock if he has known about Antonio's losses of ships. Shylock
confirms that Antonio should repay the money or Shylock would take his pound of
flesh. Shylock is angry with Antonio because he feels that Antonio caused his
daughter's flight.
Shylock tells a famous soliloquy in which he confirms that a jew is like a
Christian. Both have senses, feelings... etc. He assures that he will revenge for all
the times he has been treated badly by Christians.
‫ يدخل شايلوك ويشتكى بأن ساليريو وسوالنيو قد تسببا فى هروب‬.‫يناقش سوالنيو وساليريو كيف خسر أنطونيو سفينته الثانية‬
‫ يؤكد شايلوك بأن على أنطونيو ان يرد له ماله وإال‬.‫ لم ينكرا ذلك سأال شايلوك اذا كان يعرف عن خسائر انطونيو أم ال‬.‫ابنته‬
‫ شايلوك غاضب من أنطونيو ألنه يشعر أن أنطونيو تسبب فى هروب ابنته يقول شايلوك المنولوج‬.‫سوف يأخذ رطال من لحمه‬
‫ يؤكد شايلوك انه سوف ياخذ انتقامه لكل‬،‫ كالهما يمتلك مشاعر و أحاسيس الخ‬،‫المشهور بأن كل يهودى مثل المسيحى تماما‬
. ‫مرة تم معاملته بطريقة سيئة من قبل المسيحين‬
One of Antonio's servants arrives and asks Solanio and Salerio to go to Antonio's
house. Tubal, another jew arrives to speak with Shylock. Tubal has been in Genoa
where he saw Jessica. He tells Shylock that Jessica had been in the city and spent
over eighty ducats on one night there. She had also sold a ring for a monkey, a ring
which Shylock regrets losing because his wife Leah had given it to him. Tubal tells
him also that Antonio has lost a third ship and is now a bankrupt. Shylock
becomes very excited by the news as he wishes to take a pound of his flesh.
.‫يصل أحد خدام أنطونيو ويطلب من سوالنيو وساليرو أن يذهبا إلى منزل أنطونيو‬
)‫ كان توبال فى جنيوا حيث وجد جيسيكا(ابنة شايلوك الهاربة‬.‫توبال يهودى آخر (صديق شايلوك) يصل ليتحدث مع شايلوك‬
‫ لقد باعت خاتم لها لتشترى قردا "الخاتم الذى ندم‬.‫ دوكاتية(عملة ذهبية اوروبية) فى ليلة واحدة‬08 ‫وأخبر شايلوك أنها قد أنفقت‬
‫ يصبح شايلوك‬.‫ يخبره توبال أيضا بان انطونيو فقد سفينة ثالثة وأصبح مفلسا‬. ،‫على فقده شايلوك كثيرا" النه من زوجته ليه‬
.‫مسرورا جدا بهذه األخبار ألنه يريد أن يأخذ رطل لحم من أنطونيو‬
: People are still saying that one of Antonio's ship, full of
expensive cargo, has gone down in the sea.
: What did you say? Well, the end of that he has lost a ship.
: You knew that my daughter had run away.
: Oh, certainly, I even knew the man who made the boy's
clothes she ran away in.
: Oh, there's another bad one- a bankrupt who lends money
whenever he wants.
- He used to call me names- just let him remember his
: I'm sure that if he cannot pay you back, you will not take his
: He has disgraced me and caused troubles for me. Laughed
when I have made losses and made fun of me for my
- If a Jew treats a Christian badly, what does he do? Takes
his revenge.
: Gentlemen, my master Antonio is at his house and he
would like to speak with you both.
: Hello there, Tubal! What's the news from Genoa? Have you
found my daughter?
- I wish my daughter were lying dead at my feet, with the
jewels in her ear.
: Yes, other men have had bad luck too, I heard in Genoa
that Antonio.
: What? What? Bad luck, bad luck?
: Antonio has lost another ship.
: I thank God
: And your daughter spent eighty ducats in one night.
: You are putting a knife through my heart. I'll never see my
money again.
: One of them showed me a ring your daughter gave him in
return for a monkey.
: It's my ring. My wife gave it to me before we were married.
: Antonio is certainly in trouble.
: I will have Antonio's heart if he breaks the bond.
1- "I'm sure that if he cannot pay you back, you will not take his flesh"
 These words were said by Salerio to Shylock after he knew about Antonio's
losses. He begged Shylock to have mercy on Antonio as he was bankrupt.
2- "He has disgraced me and caused troubles for me, he has been
rude about my people and tried to get in the way of my business"
 Shylock said these words to Salerio and Solanio after knowing about Antonio's
losses. He explained how much he suffered from the bad treatment of Antonio.
Consequently, he had the night to take revenge from Antonio. The passive
experience he had forced him to hate and not to forgive Antonio.
3- "I wish that my daughter were lying dead at my feet with jewels
in her ear".
 Shylock said this to Tubal. Shylock was shocked when Tubal told him that he
had seen his daughter Jessica in Genoa. She had spent 80 ducats in one night.
She replaced a golden ring for a monkey. Shylock is a materialistic Jew who
likes money more than his daughter's life.
4- "Oh thank you, good Tubal! Good news! Good news! Ha! You
heard that in Genoa"
 Shylock said these words to Tubal when Tubal informed him that Antonio had
lost a third ship. Shylock became very excited and insisted on taking a pound of
Antonio's flesh.
5- “You are putting a knife through my heart! I will never see my
money again.”
 Shylock said this Tubal. Shylock proved to be a mean Jew. He became very
angry when Tubal told him that his daughter had spent 80 ducats in one night.
He liked money more than anything in life even his daughter.
6- “You are hurting me, Tubal! It was my ring, my wife gave it to me
before we were married.”
 Shylock said these words to Tubal when he told him that his daughter Jessica
had replaced a ring for a monkey. Shylock regretted losing the ring as it was
from his wife.
7- “I will have Antonio's heart if he breaks the bond.”
 Shylock said these words to Tubal when he knew that Antonio was about to be
a bankrupt. Shylock was full of hatred towards Antonio. He was very excited as
he knew that Antonio would break the bond. He was very eager to take a pound
of Antoino's flesh.
1- Why did Shylock say that he wanted to take Antonio’s flesh?
‫لماذا قال شايلوك أنه يريد أن يأخذ لحم أنطونيو؟‬
- Shylock suffered a lot of Antonio’s bad treatment. He said that Antonio made fun
of him and called him names. Antonio had been cold with his friends. Shylock
said that Antonio treated him badly only because he was a Jew. Shylock
justified why he insisted on taking Antonio’s flesh.
2- Why did Shylock become sad when Tubal told him about his daughter?
‫لماذا أصبح شايلوك حزينا ً عندما أخبره توبال عن ابنته؟‬
- Shylock liked money more than anything else in life even his daughter. He
regretted losing his money and ring. He preferred seeing his daughter dead to
losing his money.
3- What happy news did Tubal tell Shylock?
‫ماهى األخبار السعيدة التى أخبرها توبال لشايلوك؟‬
- Tubal told Shylock that Antonio lost his third ship in the sea. Antonio was about
to be a bankrupt. Shylock was very excited because he wished to take a pound
of Antonio’s flesh if he broke the bond.
4- What made Shylock sad about losing the ring?
‫ما الذى جعل شايلوك حزينا ً على فقد الخاتم؟‬
- Shylock regretted losing the ring because his wife gave it to him before they
were married.
A) Comment on the following Quotations:
1- He has disgraced me and caused troubles for me, he has been rude about my
people and tried to get in the way of my business."
2-"I wish that my daughter were lying dead at my feet with jewels in her ear"
3- “Oh thank you, good Tubal! Good news! Good news! Ha! You heard that in
4- “You are hurting me, Tubal! It was my ring, my wife gave it to me before we
were married.”
B) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Shylock say that he wanted to take Antonio’s flesh?
2- Why did Shylock become sad when Tubal told him about his daughter?
3- What happy news did Tubal tell Shylock?
4- What made Shylock sad about losing the ring?
take part
false- hearted
‫ عهد‬/ ‫ٌمٌن‬
‫عدم ثمة‬
‫حبٌب مزٌف‬
‫ سرعة‬/ ‫اندفاع‬
strong- minded
turn against
the wisest
‫ ٌفشل‬/ ‫ٌغش‬
‫ٌنملب ضد‬
‫األكثر حكمة‬
‫ ٌفٌض‬/ ‫ٌتدفك‬
Portia asks Bassanio to wait a month before he chooses from the chests. Bassanio
tells her that he can't wait as he feels like being tortured if he waits. Portia takes
him to the room with chests. There are 3 chests gold, silver and lead chests. Portia
orders music to be played while Bassanio was thinking which chest to choose.
Bassanio says that he can't be betrayed by the false appearance of things, so he
refused to choose the gold. He ignores the silver chest as he considers it is like
money and too common. So he chooses the lead chest where he finds Portia's
picture inside.
‫ يرد باسانيو بأنه ال يستطيع األنتظارألنه يتعذب بحب‬.‫تطلب بورشيا من باسانيو ان ينتظر شهرا لبل أن يختار من األدراج‬
‫أمرت بورشيا ان تعزف‬.‫ الفضى والرصاصى‬،‫ الذهبى‬.‫ تأخذ بورشيا باسانيو الى الحجرة حيث الصناديك الثالثة‬.‫بورشيا‬
‫ يمول باسانيو انه ال ينخدع بالمظاهر الكاذبة لألشياء لذلن رفض اختيار‬.‫الموسيمى أثناء تفكير باسانيو فى أى صندوق يختار‬
.‫ لذلن اختار الرصاص حيث وجد صورة بورشيا به‬، ‫ تجاهل الفضى أيضا ألنه يشبه النمود وشائع جدا‬، ‫الصندوق الذهبى‬
Bassanio becomes very happy by the picture and says that it is a very beautiful
picture. Bassanio expresses how beautiful Portia is, he is lucky to love a fair lady
like her. Portia tells him that she wishes to be sixty times better for him. She offers
him everything she owns. She gives Bassanio a ring as a sign of love telling him if
he takes it off their love will die. It is a show of happiness. Bassanio tells her he will
never take it off until his death. Nerissa wishes them happy life. Gratiano tells them
he will marry as well. He tells them he will marry Nerissa. Bassanio becomes very
happy for his friend and asks them to get married.
‫ يعبر باسانيو عن جمال الصورة وأنه محظوظ ألنه أحب سيدة جميلة‬.‫ يمول أنها جميلة جدا‬.‫يصبح باسانيو سعيدا جدا بالصورة‬
‫تعطى باسانيو‬.‫ تمول بورشيا انها تتمنى ان تكون أجمل من ذلن ستين مرة من أجل باسانيو وتعرض عليه كل شئ تمتلكه‬.‫مثلها‬
‫ باسانيو يخبر بورشيا انه لن يخلع الخاتم‬.‫ إنها عالمة للسعاده‬.‫خاتم كعالمة للحب وتطلب منه أن ال يخلعه حتى ال يموت حبهم‬
‫ يصبح باسانيو سعيدا جدا من أجل‬. ‫ جراشيانيو يخبرهم بأنه سوف يتزوج من نيريسا‬.‫ تتمنى نيريسا لهم حياة سعيدة‬،‫حتى مماته‬
.‫صديمه ويطلب منهما ان يتزوجا‬
Enter Lorenzo. Jessica and Salerio
Lorenzo and Jessica meet Salerio coming to Bassanio, they Come with him.
Salerio delivers Bassanio a letter from Antonio. Bassanio reads the sad news
about his friend Antonio who has lost all his ships in the sea. Salerio tells Bassanio
that Shylock wouldn't take money, he insists on taking a pound of Antonio's flesh.
Jessica confirms Salerio's speech. Portia offers to pay Shylock six thousand to
save Antonio for the sake of Bassanio. Portia tells Bassanio and Gratiano that she
and Nerissa will live like widows in their absence. They all agree to get married first
and then go to Venice to save Antonio.
‫ باسانيو يمرأ األخبار السيئة عن صديمه أنطونيو‬.‫ يسلم ساليريو باسانيو خطابا من أنطونيو‬،‫يدخل لورنزو و جسيكا وسالريو‬
‫تؤكد‬.‫ومصر أن يأخذ رطال من لحم أنطونيو‬
‫ ساليريو يخبر باسانيو ان شايلون لن يرضى بالنمود‬.‫الذى فمد كل سفنه فى البحر‬
‫تخبر بورشيا باسانيو‬.‫ أالف النماذ انطونيو وذلن من أجل باسانيو‬6 ‫تعرض بورشيا أن تعطى شايلون‬.‫جسيكا كالم ساليريو‬
.‫ اتفموا جميعا أن يتزوجوا اوال ثم يذهبوا إلى فينسيا النماذ أنطونيو‬.‫وجراشيانو أنها ونيريسا سوف يعيشا مثل األرامل فى غيابهم‬
I would like you to stay here for a month or two before you try
your luck.
- I will never marry anyone if you choose the wrong chest.
Let me make my choice. This waiting feels like torture.
Go on then, I'm locked inside one of them. If you love me, you will
find me.
- Let us have music while he makes his choice. It's me that you
are fighting for. If you live, I live.
The way something looks on the outside tells us nothing about
what is inside. The word is always fooled by outward appearance.
Therefore. Shiny gold. I will not waste my time with you.
- Not you, Pale silver which is used for making common coins.
Hold back this great rush of joy! I feel it too strongly. Make it less
or am afraid I will overflow.
What god has painted a painter has painted a picture so like her?
Here in her hair, the painter has been like a spider. He has painted
a golden web to catch the hearts of men like flies.
- I can't find the words to say what a fine picture this is.
I wish I had more qualities, more beauty, more money and more
friends to make myself better in your eyes.
- Everything that is mine, is now yours, this house, these servants
and myself are yours.
- If you take this ring off, or give it away, it will show you that your
love is dying.
My lord Bassanio and my gentle lady, I wish you all the
happiness. And when you are ready to many, I ask that at that
time I may be married, too.
We will be pleased to share our wedding day with you.
Enter Lorenzo, Jessica and Salerio
Lord Antonio sends you this letter.
Before I open this letter, please tell me how my good friend is.
He isn't ill my lord, but things aren't going well for him.
I know he will be very pleased to hear how successful we have
been. We have won everything we wanted.
I wish you had won back the things that he has lost.
There is some very bad news in that letter which is stealing the
colour from Bassanio's face.
You must let me take half the sorrow that this letter brings you.
Oh sweet Portia, these are some of the most terrible words that
have ever been written.
-What I said that I had nothing, I was being too kind to .I should
then have told you that I had less than nothing.
He (Shylock) is like an animal. He calls on the duke morning and
right, wanting justice.
When I was with him, I heard him tell his friends that he would
rather have Antonio's flesh than twenty times the money from the
There cannot be anyone in Italy as full of honour as him.
Pay him six thousand and settle the bond pay him double or even
triple, before a friend like this loses a hair for something Bassanio
has done. – My maid Nerissa and I will live like maids and widows
until you come back. For you must go away on your wedding day.
(Reading the letter) sweet Bassanio.
My ships have all gone down and the people I borrow money from
are turning against me.
1- “I would like you to stay here for a month or two before you try your
 Portia said that to Bassanio before their marriage. Portia’s father had previously
told her that she would only marry the man who would choose the right chest in
which Portia’s picture is there. Portia wanted Bassanio to stay with her for a long
time because she loves him. Bassanio decided to choose immediately as he
couldn’t bear waiting to know his luck.
2- “The way something looks on the outside tells us nothing about what
is inside”
- “The world is always fooled by the outward appearance, therefore,
shiny gold. I will not waste my time with you.”
 - Bassanio said that while choosing the right chest. He believes that the
appearance shouldn’t betray people. Sometimes the good appearance is fake
and doesn’t tell the truth about the inside. Bassanio refused to choose the golden
3- “What god has painted a picture so like her? Here in her hair, the
painter has been like a spider. He has painted a golden web to catch
the hearts of men like flies”
- “I can’t find the words to say what a fine picture this is”
 - Bassanio said that after choosing the right chest where he found Portia’s
picture. He became very overjoyed as he was lucky to marry the pretty lady,
his beloved, Portia. He expresses how beautiful she is. He was very pleased
to describe her beauty.
4- “I wish I had more qualities, more beauty, more money and more
friends to make myself better in your eyes”
 Portia said that to Bassanio when he was very happy with his good luck to
marry her. She wanted to make Bassanio happy by all means. She wished to
be the best lady for his sake.
5- “Everything that is mine, is now yours, this house, these servants and
myself are yours”
 Portia said that to Bassanio after he chose the right chest. She offers him
everything she has to be his. Portia loves Bassanio very much even after she
knew about his conditions.
6- “If you take this ring off, or give it away, it will show you that your
love is dying”
 Portia gave Bassanio a ring and asked him not to take it off as a sign of their
love. If he took it off, their love would die. Bassanio promises her not to take it
off till the end of his life.
7- “My lord Bassanio and my gentle lady, I wish you all the
happiness. And when you are ready to marry. I ask that at that
time I might be married too”
 Gratiano said that to Bassanio and Portia after the announcement of their
marriage. Gratiano told them that he and Nerissa would get married at the same
day. Bassanio and Portia became very excited and agreed at once.
8- “I know he will be very pleased to hear how successful we have been”
 Gratiano said that before Bassanio read Antonio’s letter. Gratiano hasn’t known
about Antonio’s losses yet. He expresses that Antonio would be very happy to
know that his friends (Bassanio and Gratiano) got married to Portia and Nerissa.
9- “Oh, sweet Portia these are some of the most terrible words that
have every been written”
 Bassanio said that to Portia while reading Antonio’s letter. He became upset
about his friend’s sad news. Antonio had lost all his ships in the sea. He became
a bankrupt. Shylock would not have mercy on him. Bassanio feared that
Shylock would take a pound of Antonio’s flesh.
10- “When I was with him. I heard him tell his friends that he would
rather have Antonio’s flesh than 20 times the money from the bond”
 Jessica (Shylock’s daughter) said that her father insists on taking a pound of
Antonio’s flesh and refuses the offers of money. She confirms Salerio’s words.
She fled away from her greedy and mean father.
11- “My maid Nerissa and I will live like maids and widows until
you come back for you must go away on your wedding day ”
 Portia said that to Bassanio and Gratiano asking them to get married first then
they would leave for Venice. Portia asked them to hurry to save Antonio’s life.
She offered to pay six thousand for Shylock.
1- Why did Portia not want Bassanio to choose a chest straightaway?
‫لماذا لم ترد بورشٌا أن ٌختار باسانٌو الصندوق فً الولت الحالً؟‬
- Portia loved Bassanio very much. She wanted him to stay with her a month or
two before he would choose. She wanted to be with him for a longer time.
‫أي صندوق إختاره باسانٌو؟ ولماذا؟‬
2- Which chest did Bassanio choose? Why?
- Bassanio chose the lead chest as it represented paleness which looked like
Portia herself.
3- Who also decided to get married once Bassanio had chosen the right
‫من أٌضًا لرر أن ٌتزوج عندما أختار باسانٌو الصندوق الصحٌح؟‬
- Soon after Bassanio and Portia announced their marriage, Gratiano told that he
was ready to marry Nerissa. They would get married on the same day of
Bassanio and Portia’s wedding.
4- What was the bad news in Antonio’s letter?
‫ما هً األخبار السٌئة التً كانت فً خطاب أنطونٌو؟‬
- Antonio had lost all his ships in the sea. He became a bankrupt. Shylock would
not have mercy on him.
‫ماذا أخبرتهم جٌسكا عن والدها؟‬
5- What did Jessica tell them about her father?
- Jessica told them that she heard her father confirming his hatred against
Antonio. He insisted on taking a pound of Antonio’s flesh.
‫ماذا عرضت بورشٌا لتنمذ أنطونٌو؟‬
6-How did Portia offer to save Antonio?
- Portia offered to pay six thousand instead of three thousand for Shylock to save
Antonio. Shylock refused to take money whatever the amount was.
7- Why didn’t Bassanio choose the golden chest?
‫لماذا لم ٌختر باسانٌو الصندوق الذهبً؟‬
- Bassanio believed that the outside appearance doesn’t tell about the inside.
People should not be betrayed by the appearance.
8- What did Portia ask Bassanio and Gratiano to do before leaving for Venice?
‫ماذا طلبت بورشٌا من باسانٌو وجراشٌانو أن ٌفعال لبل مغادرتهم إلً فٌنسٌا؟‬
- Portia asked them to get married first, then they would go. She and Nerissa
would wait for their return.
A) Comment on the following Quotations:
1- “I would like to stay here for a month or two before you try your luck”.
2-“The way something looks on the outside tells us nothing about what is inside”.
- “The world is always fooled by the outward appearance, therefore, shiny gold. I
will not waste my time with you”.
3-“Everything that is mine, is now yours this house, these servants and myself are
4- “If you take this ring off, or give it away, it will show you that your love is dying”.
5-“Oh, sweet Portia !These are some of the most terrible words that have every
been written”.
B) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Portia not want Bassanio to choose a chest straightaway?
2- What was the bad news in Antonio’s letter?
3- What did Portia offer to save Antonio?
4- Why didn’t Bassanio choose the golden chest?
dress up
‫يرتدى لمناسبة‬
Shylock escorts Antonio to jail. Antonio asks Shylock to listen to him, but Shylock
refuses. Shylock didn’t forget Antonio’s bad treatment for him. Shylock asks the
duke to give him justice. He wants what is in the bond asking the duke not to
mention mercy at all. Salerio assures that Shylock is the worst man. Solanio tries
to calm Antonio down telling him that the duke will never cause harm to him, but
Antonio is not convinced. Antonio says that the duke can’t stand in the way of the
law. The foreigners have to be treated fairly for Venice’s good reputation. Antonio
prays that Bassanio will arrive to see him repay his debts.
‫ لم ينس شايلوك معاملة‬.‫ يطلب أنطونيو من شايلوك ان يستمع له ولكن شايلوك يرفض‬.‫شايلوك يصطحب أنطونيو إلى السجن‬
‫ ساليريو يؤكد‬."‫ يريد ما فى الوثيقة طالبًا " عدم ذكر الرحمة مطلقًا‬.‫ يطلب شايلوك من الحاكم أن يعطيه حقه‬.‫أنطونيو السيئة له‬
‫ضررا له ولكن أنطونيو غير‬
‫ سالينيو يحاول أن يهدئ أنطونيو قائال له أن الحاكم ال يمكن أن يسبب‬.‫أن شايلوك هو أسوأ رجل‬
‫ يدعو‬.‫ األجانب البد أن يعاملوا بالعدل من أجل سمعة فينسيا‬.‫ يقول أنطونيو أن الحاكم ال يستطيع أن يقف ضد القانون‬.‫مقتنع‬
.‫أنطونيو أن يصل باسانيو ليراه وهو يدفع دينه‬
Portia and Nerissa tell Lorenzo that they are going to stay at a monastery for a few
days in order to pray. They ask him to look after the house then. They are worried
about their new husbands. After Lorenzo and Jessica leave, Portia sends her
servant Balthasar to her cousin Doctor Bellario with instructions that Balthasar
should bring anything Bellario gives him to Venice. Portia then informs Nerissa
that they are going to dress up as men and go to Venice in order to help their
husbands. Portia practises speaking like a man, pretends to fall in love with pretty
ladies. Nerissa doesn’t understand Portia’s plan yet.
‫ ونيريسا قلقان‬،‫ بورشيا‬.‫ طلبا منه أن يهتم بالمنزل‬.‫بورشيا ونيريسا يخبرا لورنزو أنهما سوف تقيمان فى دير أليام قليلة للصالة‬
‫ بعد مغادرة لورنزو وجيسكا ترسل بورشيا خادمها بالذازار البن عمها الدكتور بالريو لكى يحضر أى شئ‬.‫على أزواجهم‬
‫ تمارس‬.‫ بورشيا تخبر نيريسا أنهما سوف يرتديان مثل الرجال ويذهبان إلى فينسيا لكى يساعدا أزواجهم‬.‫يعطيه له إلى فينسيا‬
.‫ لم تفهم نيريسا خطة بورشيا بعد‬.‫بورشيا الكالم مثل الرجال وتتظاهر بانها قد وقعت فى حب سيدات جميالت‬
(Pointing at Antonio) jailer, watch him carefully. Don’t tell me
about mercy.
Listen to me, good Shylock.
I shall have my bond, don’t try to change my mind. If I am a dog,
be careful of my teeth. The duke will give me justice.
I often helped people who owed him money when they came to
see me. And that is why he hates me.
I am sure the duke will stop this.
The duke cannot stand in the way of the law. In Venice,
foreigners cannot be treated unfairly. It would be bad for the
justice of the city.
- I pray that Bassanio will come to see me pay his debt. then I
will not care about dying.
Lorenzo, I want you to look after my house until my lord comes
- There is a monastery not far from here where we will stay.
Madam, with all my heart I shall do what you ask.
I wish you great happiness in your heart
Now Balthasar, take this letter and go as fast as you can to
Padua. Give this to my cousin, doctor Bellario and he will give
you some letters and some clothes.
Balthasar :
Madam. I shall go as fast as I can.
when we are both dressed up like young men..... and I will speak
with the voice of someone who is turning from a boy to a man. I
shall walk in great manly steps. I will tell clever lies about how
honourable ladies fell in love with me.
Why are we going to turn into me?
(To Nerissa)
1- “Jailer, watch him carefully. Don’t tell me about mercy.”
 Shylock said that to the jailer while escorting Antonio to prison. Shylock intended
to take what was in the bond.
 He refused to listen to the calls of mercy.
 He didn’t let Antonio to speak to him.
2- “I often helped people who owed him money when they came to see me
and that is why he hates me.”
 Antonio said that to Solanio explaining to him why Shylock didn’t love him, Antonio
used to help people who owed Shylock money, that made Shylock very angry with
3- “I’m sure the duke will stop this.”
 Solanio said that to Antonio trying to calm him down. Antonio thought that there
was no way out of taking what was in the bond. Solanio tried to convince him
that the duke wouldn’t let him be harmed.
4- “The duke cannot stand in the way of the law. In Venice,
foreigners cannot be treated unfairly.”
 Antonio said that to Solanio informing him that the duke had to give justice for
the sake of Venice reputation. Foreigners should have their rights in Venice
people liked to do business in Venice and found justice there.
 Antonio cared about the city reputation.
5- “I pray that Bassanio will come to see me pay his debt’’
 Antonio wished that his friend Bassanio would come to see him before his death,
Antonio wanted to prove to Bassanio that he was a true friend of him. Antonio was
a very faithful friend.
6- “Lorenzo, I want you to look after my house until my lord comes
 Portia said that to Lorenzo. She asked him to look after the house while she was
away at a monastery with Nerissa. They would stay for a few days to pray to help
their husbands. Lorenzo agreed at once.
7- “Now Balthasar, take this letter and go as fast as you can to
Padua. Give this to my cousin, Doctor Bellario”
 Portia said that to Balthasar, her servant. She gave him a letter to deliver to her
cousin, doctor Bellario. Her cousin would send her some letters and some
clothes which they would wear to be like lawyers.
8- “When we are both dressed up like young men...... I will speak
with the voice of someone who is turning from a boy to a man.”
 Portia said that to Nerissa. She had a plan which Nerissa didn’t understand it.
Portia intended that she and Nerissa would dress up like men. She practised
talking and walking like a man. All that was to help their husbands.
1- Where did Portia tell Lorenzo she was going?
‫إلى أين أخبرت بورشيا لورنزو أنها ذاهبة؟‬
- Portia told Lorenzo that she and Nerissa would go to a near monastery to pray
to help their husbands.
2- What did Portia tell Nerissa they were going to do?
‫ماذا أخبرت بورشيا نيريسا أنهما سوف يفعالن؟‬
- Portia told Nerissa that they were going to dress up like men. She had a plan to
help her husband, but Nerissa didn’t know about it till now.
3- Why did Shylock hate Antonio?
‫لماذا كره شايلوك أنطونيو؟‬
- Shylock hated Antonio because Antonio helped people who owed him money.
Antonio always called him names. He called him “dog”.
4- Why wasn’t Antonio convinced that the duke wouldn’t hurt him?
. ‫لماذا لم يكن أنطونيو مقتنعا أن الحاكم لن يضره؟‬
- Antonio assured that the duke wouldn’t stand in the way of the law. For the sake
Venice reputation, foreigners should have their rights.
5- What plan did Portia have to help Antonio?
‫ما هى خطة بورشيا لمساعدة أنطونيو؟‬
- Portia had a plan that she and Nerissa would dress up like men. They would be
lawyers. They practised talking and walking like men.
6- What did Portia ask Lorenzo to do?
‫ماذا طلبت بورشيا من لورنزو أن يفعل؟‬
- Portia asked Lorenzo to look after the house while she and Nerissa were away.
- Portia and Nerissa would stay for a few days in a monastery to pray to help their
husbands. Lorenzo accepted at once.
A) Comment on the following Quotations:
1- “Jailer, watch him carefully, Don’t tell me about mercy.”
2- “I often helped people who owed him money when they came to see me and
that is why he hates me.”
3- “The duke cannot stand in the way of the law. In Venice, foreigners cannot be
treated unfairly.”
4- “Now Balthasar, take this letter and go as fast as you can to Padua. Give this to
my cousin, Doctor Bellario.”
5- “When we are both dressed up like young men...... I will speak with
the voice of someone who is turning from a boy to a man.”
B) Questions:
1- Why did Shylock hate Antonio?
2- Why wasn’t Antonio convinced that the duke wouldn’t hurt him?
3- What plan did Portia have to help Antonio?
your grace
make his mind up
‫ٌتخذ قراره‬
‫ قضاء‬/ ‫حكم‬
‫بطرٌقة مناسبة‬
‫ٌوصى بـ‬
‫تاج الملك‬
change my mind
bleed to death
‫أغٌر رأٌى‬
‫ٌنزف حتى الموت‬
‫ ثروة‬/ ‫حظ‬
‫ شحاذ‬/ ‫متسول‬
Antonio's trial begins
The duke is upset about taking a pound of Antonio's flesh. He didn't find any
lawful way of freeing Antonio from his bond. The duke tells Shylock that all the
men gathered there expecting him to forgive Antonio. Shylock refuses to listen to
the calls of mercy. He expresses to the court how deep he hates Antonio. Bassanio
becomes very angry at the cruel reply of Shylock. Antonio asks all of the men to
stop arguing with Shylock and let him have what he wants. Bassanio then offers
Shylock the six thousand ducats as a repayment for the debt. Shylock tells him
even if there were six times as much money offered to him, he wouldn't take it. The
duke tells Shylock that he should ask for mercy because he doesn't have it,
Shylock says he is not doing anything wrong and compares his contract with
Antonio to the Christians slave trade. He doesn't ask the Christians to free their
slaves, so they should not ask him to free Antonio.
‫تبدأ محاكمة انطونيو‬
‫ الحاكم يخبر شايلوك أن كل‬.‫ لم يجد أى طريقة قانونية لتحرير أنطونيو‬.‫الحاكم متضايق بسبب قرار أخذ رطل من لحم أنطونيو‬
‫ يرفض شايلوك أى نداء للرحمة ويعبر عن سبب كراهيته‬.‫الرجال فى المحكمة قد اجتمعوا وتوقعوا انه سوف يسامح أنطونيو‬
‫ يطلب أنطونيو منهم أن يتوقفوا عن الجدال مع شايلوك وأن‬.‫ يصبح باسانيو غاضبا جدًا من الرد القاسى لشايلوك‬.‫ألنطونيو‬
‫ يرفض شايلوك العرض قائالً أنه إذا عرض‬.‫ يعرض باسانيو على شايلوك سته آالف دوكاتية كرد للدين‬.‫يتركوه يأخذ ما يريد‬
‫ يقول شايلوك انه ال‬.‫ يخبر الحاكم شايلوك انه ال يجب أن يطلب الرحمة النه ال يمتلكها أصال‬.‫عليه ستة أضعاف المبلغ فلن يأخذه‬
‫يقوم بفعل شيئ خطأ ويقارن عقده مع أنطونيو بتجارة المسيحين للعبيد والخدم وأنه لم يطلب منهم أن يحرروا عبيدهم لذلك يجب‬
. ‫عليهم أال يطلبوا منه تحرير أنطونيو‬
The duck says unless Doctor Bellario comes to the court, he may have to close it.
Bassanio speaks with Antonio to comfort him that Shylock should have his body
all before taking any drop of Antonio's blood.
Enter Nerissa
Dressed like a lawyer's clerk. Nerissa delivers a letter from Doctor to the duke.
Shylock sharpens his knife to get ready to take his penalty. The duck reads the
letter in which Doctor Bellario apologizing for not coming. Instead, he sends a
clever young lawyer Balthazar who became aware of the argument.
Enter Portia
Dressed like a lawyer. Portia shakes hand with the duke. She begins to recognize
Shylock and Antonio while all the men in the court consider her to be a man. She
asks Shylock to have mercy on Antonio. She explains that mercy is above power.
When mercy is added to justice, it will be more powerful. Shylock replies that he
wants what is in the bond. She asks if Antonio would pay back his debt. Bassanio
replies that he offered to pay twice as much. He asks Portia the lawyer to do right
thing and not to let shylock have what he wants. Portia tells Bassanio that she
can't go against the laws of the city. Shylock becomes very excited and shows the
bond to Portia. She offered him to take three times the money, but he told her that
he had made an oath.
‫ يتحدث باسانيو مع أنطونيو ليهدئه بأن شايلوك ال يمكن‬.‫يقول الحاكم ان سوف يقفل القضية اذا لم يحضر دكتور بالريو للمحكمة‬
.‫له أن يأخذ نقطة من دمه قبل أن يأخذ كل أجزاء جسم باسانيو‬
‫تدخل نيريسا‬
‫ يقوم شايلوك بحد سكينته ليستعد‬.‫تدخل نيريسا مرتدية لبس الموظف المساعد للمحامى وتسلم خطابا للحاكم من دكتور بالريو‬
‫ يقرأ الحاكم خطاب دكتور بالريو الذى يوضح أنه يعتذر عن الحضور للمحكمة بسبب مرضه وأنه قد أرسل محامى‬.‫ألخذ هدفه‬
.‫ماهر وصغير السن وعلى دراية بالقضية‬
‫تدخل بورشيا‬
‫ كل الحاضرين يرونها رجل‬.‫ بدأت بالتعرف على شايلوك وأنطونيو‬.‫تدخل بورشيا مرتدية لباس المحامى وتسلم على الحاكم‬
‫ وتقول عندما تجتمع الرحمة مع العدل‬.‫ تطلب من شايلوك أن يرحم أنطونيو وتشرح له أن الرحمة أعلى قدرا من القوة‬.‫أمامهم‬
‫ يرد باسانيو أنه عرض‬.‫ تسأل أنطونيو إذا كان يستطيع أن يدفع الدين‬.‫ يرد شايلوك بأنه يريد ما هو موجود فى العقد‬.‫تكون أقوى‬
‫ تقول‬.‫أن يدفع ضعف المبلغ ويطلب من بورشيا أن تفعل عمال صحي ًحا باستخدام القانون وال تسمح لشايلوك أن يأخذ هدفه‬
‫ تعرض بورشيا عليه‬.‫ يسر شايلوك جدا بكالم بورشيا ويعرض لها الوثيقة‬.‫بورشيا أنها ال تستطيع أن تخالف قوانين المدينة‬
.‫ثالثة أضعاف المبلغ ولكنه يخبرها بأنه قد أخذ على نفسه عهدًا بان ينفذ ما فى الوثيقة‬
Antonio asks the court to make a judgment. Portia asks him to get ready for the
knife. Shylock becomes more excited and thanks Portia. Portia wants a scale to
weigh the flesh, Shylock has them ready. Portia asks him to fetch a doctor to stop
the wounds not to bleed. Antonio says goodbye to Bassanio asking him not to be
sorry for him. He asks Bassianio to give his greeting to his wife telling her how he
died. He asks Bassanio to tell her that he was a true friend of him and wasn't sorry
for paying his debt. Bassanio tells Antonio that his wife is very dear to him, but life,
his wife and the world are not important to him than his life. Bassanio was ready to
give everything to Shylock to save Antonio.
.‫منفعال جدا ويشكر بورشيا‬
‫ يصبح شايلوك‬.‫ فتطلب بورشيا منه أن يستعد للسكين‬.‫يطلب أنطونيو من المحكمة أن تصدر الحكم‬
‫ تطلب بورشيا من شايلوك أن يحضر طبيبًا لكى ال ينزف أنطونيو‬.‫ شايلوك جاهز بالميزان‬،‫تريد بورشيا ميزان لكى تزن اللحم‬
‫ يطلب من باسانيو‬.‫ يودع أنطونيو باسانيو طالبًا منه أال يحزن عليه وأن يرسل تحياته لزوجته ويخبرها كيف مات‬.‫حتى الموت‬
،‫ باسانيو يخبر أنطونيو بأن زوجته غالية عليه جدا ولكن الحياة‬.‫أن يخبرها أيضا أنه كان صديقا وفيا له ولم يحزن على دفع دينه‬
.‫وزوجته وكل الدنيا أقل أهمية من حياة أنطونيو له ومستعد أن يعطى كل شيء لشايلوك لكى ينقذ أنطونيو‬
Just as Shylock is about to start cutting again, Portia says that the bond doesn't
give him the permission to shed Antonio's blood. According to the laws of Venice,
all Shylock's goods and lands are to be taken by the state if a drop of Antonio's
blood falls. Shylock realizes that he can't cut the flesh without drawing blood. He
agrees to take the money. Bassanio becomes very excited and stands to give him
the money. Portia refuses and assures that Shylock has to take what is in the bond.
If he took anything more, he will be put to death. Shylock becomes a failure and
wants to leave the court. Portia tells Shylock to stay in the court because Venice
has a law that if any foreigner tries to take the life of Venetian, the state will receive
half of his property and the other half for the Venetian. His life will be in the hands
of the duke.
‫ طبقا لقوانين فينسيا كل ممتلكات‬،‫يبدأ شايلوك يستعد للقطع ولكن بورشيا تقول أن الوثيقة ال تعطيه الحق بأن يريق دم أنطونيو‬
‫ فيوافق ان‬،‫ يدرك شايلوك أنه ال يستطيع قطع اللحم دون إراقة دم‬.‫شايلوك سوف تأخذها الدولة إذا نزلت نقطة دم من أنطونيو‬
‫ يصبح باسانيو منفعال جدا ويقف ليعطى شايلوك النقود ولكن بورشيا ترفض وتؤكد أن شايلوك يجب أن يأخذ ما فى‬. ‫يأخذ النقود‬
‫ يشعر شايلوك بالفشل ويريد أن يترك المحكمة ولكن تخبره بورشيا‬.‫الوثيقة فقط ولو أخذ أى وزن أكثر سوف يعرضه للموت‬
‫أنه طبقا لقوانين فينسيا إذا حاول أى أجنبى أن يتسبب بموت أى شخص من فينسيا سوف تأخذ الدولة نصف ممتلكاته والنصف‬
.‫اآلخر للشخص المعتدى عليه وتكون حياته تحت رحمة الحاكم‬
Portia forces Shylock to kneel on the ground before the court, but the duke gives
him his life. The duke shows him how he has mercy. Shylock asks the duke to kill
him because he no longer can make money. Antonio asks the duke to let Shylock
have half of his wealth on condition that it will be given to Jessica and Lorenzo,
also Shylock has to convert into Christianity. Shylock loses all things and request
to go home after accepting the conditions promising to sign the will at home. The
duke asks Antonio to thank the young lawyer who saved his life.
‫ يوضح الحاكم لشايلوك أنه يمتلك‬.‫ يعفى الحاكم شايلوك ويهبه الحياة‬.‫تجبر بورشيا شايلوك أن يركع على األرض أمام المحكمة‬
‫ يطلب أنطونيو من الحاكم أن‬.‫ يطل ب شايلوك من الحاكم أن يحكم عليه بالقتل ألنه ال يستطيع أن يكسب نقودا بعد اآلن‬.‫الرحمة‬
‫ يقبل شايلوك الشروط‬.‫يعطى شايلوك نصف ثروته بشرط ان تعطى فيما بعد لجيسكا ولورنزو وأن يتحول شايلوك للمسيحية‬
‫ يطلب الحاكم من أنطونيو أن‬.‫ويطلب الرحيل للمنزل بعد شعوره بأنه خسر كل شئ وأنه سوف يوقع على الوصية بالمنزل‬
.‫يشكر بورشيا ألنها أنقذت حياته‬
Exit the duke
Bassano and Antonio go to thank Portia. Bassanio offers her the three thousand
ducats Portia refuses telling him that she is satisfied and happy to fulfill the job
successfully. Portia asks Bassanio to give her his ring as a sign of friendship.
Bassanio becomes shocked as he can’t give it to her. Portia pretends to be
annoyed. Bassanio tells her that the ring is from his wife whom he promised not to
take it off at all. Portia leaves with Nerissa pretending to be angry. Antonio begs
Bassanio to give the ring to Portia as she deserves it. Bassanio agrees and asks
Gratiano to run and give Portia the ring.
‫ ثالثة آالف دوكاتية ولكنها ترفض تقول بورشيا أنها‬3 ‫ يعرض باسانيو على بورشيا‬.‫يذهب باسانيو وأنطونيو ليشكرا بورشيا‬
‫ يصدم باسانيو ألنه ال‬.‫ تطلب بورشيا من باسانيو أن يعطيها الخاتم كتذكار للصداقة‬.‫راضية ومسرورة ج ًدا إلتمام مهمتها بنجاح‬
.‫ يصدم باسانيو أن الخاتم هو هدية من زوجته ووعدها بأن لن يخلعه أبدا‬.‫يستطيع إعطائها الخاتم تتظاهر بورشيا بانها متضايقة‬
‫ يوافق باسانيو‬.‫ يترجى انطونيو باسانيو ان يعطى بورشيا الخاتم النها تستحق‬.‫تغادر بورشيا ونيريسا متظاهرة إنها غاضبة‬
.‫ويطلب من جراشيانو أن يجرى ويعطى بورشيا الخاتم‬
(to the
(to the
I feel sorry for you. You have come here to stand against a very
hard man.
I will be patient in the face of his anger. I am ready to suffer his
(to Shylock) At the moment you are asking for a pound of this
poor merchant’s flesh. But we believe that you will not only free
Antonio from his penalty.
If you don’t let me take it, you will be putting your city’s freedom
in danger.
- All I can say is that I have a deep feeling of hate for Antonio.
And I wish I would rather have his flesh than his money.
This isn’t an answer that can explain such terrible cruelty, you
are a heartless man.
There is no point arguing with him. Nothing could be harder
than trying to soften him.
Here is six thousand ducats instead of three.
If you go against me, the laws of Venice will no longer mean
Stay cheerful, Antonio. Don’t give up yet! Shylock will have my
flesh and blood, before you will lose one drop of blood for me.
I’m getting ready to take my penalty from that bankrupt.
This letter from Bellario talks very highly of a clever young
lawyer, who has come to our court.
Mercy is not something that can be forced. Mercy falls like
gentle rain.
- Nobody is saved through justice alone. We ask for mercy in
our prayers.
I will pay the price for what I do. I want justice and I want the
penalty of my bond.
Can he not pay you the money he borrowed from you?
Yes, I’m offering it to him now, here in court. I can give him
twice as much. I beg you use the law to do what you know is
right. Stop him cruel devil from getting what he wants.
We cannot go against the laws of the city.
Oh, wise young judge. How I honour you!
Shylock, you have been offered three times the money you are
I have made an oath with God. Shall I break an oath? No, not for
all of Venice.
You must be ready for his knife.
-The law clearly says that the penalty must be paid as written in
the bond.
That is very true, Oh wise and good judge.
That’s right. Are there any scales here for weighing the flesh?
I have them already.
Have a doctor ready, Shylock. We will need a doctor to stop his
wounds so that he doesn’t bleed to death.
Do you have anything to say, merchant?
Give my greetings to your wife – tell her how Antonio died. Tell
her how much I loved you. He isn’t sorry to pay your debt.
Antonio, I am married to a wife who is as dear to me as life
itself. But life itself, my wife and all the world are not more
important to me than your life.
So take your penalty, take your pound of flesh. But if, as you cut
it, you let one drop of Christian blood fall, your home and
everything you own will be taken by the city of Venice.
I will take this offer, then pay three times the amount of the
(happily) Here is the money.
Wait! Shylock wanted nothing but justice. Not so fast! He will
have nothing but the penalty.
Oh, he is a fair young judge, Shylock; Now we have you.
What are you waiting for, Shylock? Take your penalty.
Give me the money I was owed and let me go.
You will have nothing, but the penalty.
Well, then, may the devil let him enjoy it. I will not stay and
listen to this anymore.
The law holds one more things against you. If a foreigner tries
to take the life of a person from this city. That person will take
half of everything the foreigner owns. The other half will be
taken by the city and the foreigner’s life lies at the mercy of the
Go down on your knees. Therefore, and beg the duke for mercy.
So that you can see how different my heart is from yours. I give
you your life before you ask for it.
Half of everything you own is now Antonio’s. The other half
comes to the city.
No, take my life when you take away my way of making money.
My lord, the duke and all the court. I am happy for Shylock not
pay half of everything he owns to the city as long as I can use
the other half myself and then give it to Lorenzo when Shylock
- I ask for two more things. That in return he immediately
becomes a Christian.
1- “I feel sorry for you, you have come here to stand against a very
hard man’’
 The duke said that to Antonio at the beginning of the trial. The duke tried to make
Shylock merciful with Antonio but he failed. Shylock was the worst man the duke
had ever met as he insisted on taking a pound of Antonio’s flesh.
2- “If you don’t let me take it you will be putting your city’s freedom in
 Shylock said that to the duke who tried to make him more merciful with Antonio.
Shylock insisted on the penalty of the bond. He asked for a fair judgement that if
the duke didn’t give him his right, it would be unfair. Foreigners like Shylock used
to be given their rights in Venice.
3- “There is not no point arguing with him. Nothing could be
harder than trying to soften him”
 Antonio said that at the beginning of the trial. All men in the court were trying to
make Shylock more merciful and take the money instead of hurting Antonio.
Antonio knew Shylock’s personality that he had a very hard heart. He had no
hope of making him change his mind.
4- “Mercy is not something that can be forced, mercy falls like
gentle rain....... Nobody is saved through justice alone.”
 Portia tried to convince Shylock that all people need mercy in their lives more
than justice. She added mercy makes justice more powerful. Shylock had no
ear for her. Instead he insisted on taking the penalty of the bond. Portia told him
that he had the right to take a pound of Antonio’s flesh. Shylock became very
excited and thanked Portia, the lawyer.
5- “You must be ready for his knife.....The law clearly says that the
penalty must be paid as written in the bond.”
 Portia said that. She had failed to persuade Shylock to take the money. She
asked Antonio to get ready for Shylock’s knife as the penalty must be paid as it
was written in the bond.
6- “Yes, I’m offering it to him now, I can give him twice as much. I
beg you to do what you know is right. Stop this cruel devil from
getting what he wants.”
 Bassanio said that when Portia (The lawyer) asked if Antonio could pay back
the debt. Bassanio told her that he was ready to pay twice as much. He asked
her to use the law to stop Shylock from taking a pound of Antonio’s flesh. Portia
told him that she couldn’t go against the law. Shylock became very excited.
7- “I’m married to a wife who is as dear to me as life itself, but life itself, my
wife and the whole world aren’t more important to me than your life.”
 Bassanio said this to Antonio when Antonio asked him to tell his wife about their
friendship. Antonio asked him to tell his wife how faithful he was. Bassanio told
him that his wife was very dear to him, but Antonio’s life was more important
than her and the whole world. Bassanio proved to be a true friend of Antonio.
8- “Take your penalty, take your pound of flesh, but if, as you cut
it, you let one drop of Christian blood fall, your home and
everything you own will be taken by the city of Venice.”
 Portia (The lawyer) said that to Shylock as he was ready to cut a pound of
Antonio’s flesh. Portia solved the plot. She told him to take the flesh without any
drop of blood falls. If a drop of blood fell, his home and everything would be
taken by the city of Venice. Also, his life would be at the hand of the duke.
Shylock felt that he lost all things. He offered to have the money, but Portia
refused. Shylock had to take what was in the bond only.
9- “Wait! Shylock wanted nothing, but justice not so fast. He will
have nothing but the penalty.”
 Portia said that to Bassanio when he wanted to give Shylock the money. Portia
refused as Shylock wanted only what was in the bond. He had to take only a
pound of flesh not money. Shylock became a failure as he lost everything.
10- “The law holds one more thing against you. If a foreigner tries
to take the life of a person from this city, that person will take
half of everything the foreigner owns.”
 Portia said that to Shylock explaining to him the law of Venice. What Shylock did
required that half of everything he had should be given to Antonio and the other
half to the city. His life would be at the hand of the duke. Shylock tried to take
the life of Antonio. The duke gave him his life to show him the value of mercy.
11- “My lord the duke and all the court. I’m happy for Shylock not pay
half of everything he owns to the city as long as I can use the other
half myself and then give it to Lorenzo when Shylock dies.”
 Antonio said that after the judgement. He expressed his feeling of happiness
when the duke showed mercy with Shylock. Antonio assured that he would use
half of Shylock’s money then gave it to Lorenzo when Shylock died. Antonio had
two conditions, the first was that Shylock had to convert to be a Christian. The
second was Shylock had to give a will that Lorenzo and Jessica would have all
his money after his death.
1- How did the duke try to help Antonio?
‫كٌف حاول الحاكم أن ٌساعد أنطونٌو؟‬
- The duke tried to make Shylock have mercy on Antonio. He told Shylock that all
men in the court were expecting him to have mercy on Antonio. He became
sorry when he faced the hard heart of Shylock.
2- How much money did Bassanio offer Shylock in court?
‫كم مبلغ النقود الذي عرضه باسانٌو علً شاٌلوك فً المحكمة؟‬
- Bassanio offered Shylock twice his debt. He offered six thousand ducats.
3- According to Doctor Bellario’s letter, why did he send Balthasar to the
‫ لماذا أرسل بلثازار للمحكمة؟‬,‫طبقًا لخطاب دكتور بالرٌو‬
- Doctor Bellario indicated that he was sick, so he sent Balthasar instead. He said
that Balthasar was young, but very clever. He knew all about the argument.
4- How did Balthasar (Portia) try to persuade Shylock not to take the
penalty of his bond?
‫كٌف حاول بلثازار (بورشٌا) أن ٌقنع شاٌلوك أن ال ٌنفذ العقوبة التى فً الوثٌقة؟‬
- Portia told Shylock that mercy was not forced to people, it falls as rain. No one
can be saved by justice only. If justice came with mercy, it would be powerful.
5- What judgement did Balthaser (Portia) make?
‫ما هو الحكم الذي توصل إلٌه بالذازر(بورشٌا)؟‬
- The judgement was, since Shylock tried to take the life of Antonio, he lost his
money. Half of his possessions should go to Antonio and the other half to the
city of Venice. Shylock’s life would be at the hand of the duke.
6- Why would Balthasar (Portia) not let Shylock take the 3000 ducats?
‫ دوكاتٌه؟‬0333 ‫لماذا لم تسمح بورشٌا لشاٌلوك أن ٌأخذ‬
- Portia assured that Shylock should have nothing, but his penalty. He refused to
take nothing, but what was in the bond.
7- What two things did Portia tell Shylock to stop him from taking the pound
of flesh?
‫ما هما الشٌئٌن التً قالتهم بورشٌا لشاٌلوك لكً ٌتوقف عن أخذ رطل اللحم؟‬
- Portia asked him to get a scale to weigh the flesh not to take more than it. She asked
him to cut the flesh without shedding blood lest Antonio would bleed to death
8- What two things did Antonio say Shylock had to do keep part of his money?
‫ما هما الشٌئٌن الذٌن طلب أنطونٌو من شاٌلوك أن ٌفعلهما لكً ٌستطٌع أن ٌحتفظ بجزء من نقوده؟‬
- The first thing was that Shylock had to convert to be a Christian. The second, he had to
make a will that all his money should be given to Lorenzo and Jessica after his death.
9- What did Bassanio offer to Balthasar (Portia), and what two things did she ask for
‫ماذا عرض باسانٌو علً بلثازار (بورشٌا) و ماذا طلبت منه بدال من ذلك؟‬
- Bassanio offered Portia to take the money that was to be given to Shylock.
Portia refused and asked to take Bassanio’s ring. He accepted at the end.
10- Why did Bassanio refuse to give Balthaser (Portia) the ring at first?
ً ‫لماذا رفض باسانٌو أن ٌعطً بورشٌا الخاتم‬
- The ring was given to him by his wife. She asked him to promise not to take it off.
After saving Antonio, Portia (the lawyer) wanted it as a sign of friendship.
A) Comment on the following Quotations:
1- “I feel sorry for you, you have come here to stand against a very hard man’’
2- “There is not no point arguing with him. Nothing could be harder than soften him”
3- “Mercy is not something that can be forced, mercy falls like gentle rain....... Nobody is
saved through justice alone.”
4- “You must be ready for his knife.....The law clearly says that the penalty must be paid
as written in the bond.”
5- “I’m married to a wife who is as dear to me as life itself, but life itself, my wife and the
whole world aren’t more important to me than your life”
B) Answer the following questions:
1- How did the duke try to help Antonio? …………….……………………………………………………………
2- How did Balthasar (Portia) try to persuade Shylock not to take the penalty of his bond?
3- What judgement did Balthaser (Portia) make? ………………………………………………………..……
4- What two things did Portia tell Shylock to stop him from taking the pound of flesh? ..…..
5- What two things did Antonio say Shylock had to do to keep part of his money?..............…
lawyer's clerk
‫مساعد المحامى‬
Portia asks Nerissa to find Shylock’s house to make him sign the will. They plan to
reach their home before their husbands return. Gratiano comes and gives Portia
the ring sent to her by Bassanio. Portia (the lawyer) refuses to have dinner with
Bassanio and Gratiano . She asks Gratiano to help Nerissa (the lawyer’s clerk) find
Shylock’s house. Nerissa talks quietly with Portia asking her if she can have
Gratiano’s ring. Portia laughs as their husbands will be confused when they return.
‫ فهما تخططان أن تصال المنزل قبل‬. ‫تطلب بورشيا من نيريسا أن تصل الى منزل شايلوك لتطلب منه أن يوقع على الوصية‬
‫ ترفض بورشيا أن تتناول العشاء مع باسانيو و جراشيانو و تطلب من‬.‫ يأتى جراشيانو و يعطى بورشيا خاتم باسانيو‬.‫زوجيهما‬
.‫ تتحدث نيريسا بهدوء مع بورشيا تطلب منها أن تأخذ خاتم جيراشيانو‬.‫جراشيانو أن يساعد نيريسا أن تجد منزل شايلوك‬
. ‫تضحك بورشيا ألن أزواجهن سوف يرتبكون عندما يرجعون للمنزل‬
(to Nerissa)
Go and ask where Shylock lives. Give him the will and ask him
to sign it.
Enter Gratiano.
Fair sir. I’m pleased that I’ve found you. My lord Bassanio has
decided to send you this ring.
Could you please show my boy the way to old Shylock’s
(to Portia)
I shall see if I can get my husband’s ring.
(laughing) I’m sure you will get it they will tell us a long story
about giving the rings away to men.
(to Gratiano) Come, good sir, will you show me the way to the
(to Gratiano)
1- “Go and ask where Shylock’s lives. Give him the will and ask him to
sign it’’
 Portia said that to Nerissa asking her to reach Shylock’s house and ask him to sign
the will. Shylock had to sign a will to let Lorenzo have all his wealth after his death.
2- “Fair sir, I’m pleased that I have found you. My lord Bassanio has
decided to send you this ring”
 Gratiano said that to Portia (the lawyer) when Bassanio sent him to her. Gratiano
gave her Bassanio’s ring. Portia became pleased with it. He told her to have dinner
with them but Portia refused. Portia’s plan was going well.
3- “I’m sure you will get it, They will tell us a long story about
giving the ring to men”
 Portia said that to Nerissa when Gratiano gave her Bassanio’s ring. Nerissa
asked her to allow her have Gratiano’s ring. Portia told her that after taking their
husbands’ rings they would have an amazing story about them.
1- What made Bassanio send his ring to Portia (the lawyer)?
‫ما الذى جعل باسانيو يرسل خاتمه لبورشيا (المحامى)؟‬
- Bassanio felt ashamed when he refused to let Portia (the lawyer) have his ring.
She saved his friend’s life and she deserved it.
2- What help did Portia ask Gratiano to do?
‫ماهى المساعدة التى طلبتها بورشيا من جراشيانو؟‬
- Portia asked him to help Nerissa find Shylock’s house.
3- Why didn’t Portia accept Bassanio’s invitation for dinner?
‫لماذا لم تقبل بورشيا دعوة باسانيو على العشاء؟‬
- Portia wanted to get home quickly before them. She wanted her plan to go on well.
A) Comment on the following Quotations:
1- “Go and ask where Shylock’s lives. Give him the will and ask him to sign it’’
2- “Fair sir, I’m pleased that I have found you. My lord Bassanio has decided to send you this ring”
3- “I’m sure you will get it, they will tell us a long story about giving the ring to men”
B) Answer the following questions:
1- What made Bassanio send his ring to Portia (the lawyer)?
2- What help did Portia ask Gratiano to do?
3- Why didn’t Portia accept Bassanio’s invitation for dinner?
Lorenzo sits with Jessica enjoying the night outside. Stephano comes and tells
them that Portia is returning home with Nerissa by the morning. Lorenzo and
Jessica return to the house and enjoy listening to music. Portia and Nerissa return
home dressing normal clothes again. Portia asks them not to tell anyone that she
and Nerissa had left the house. Bassanio drives with Gratiano and Antonio. Nerissa
argues with Gratiano about the ring she gave him loudly. He tells her that the
lawyer's clerk had taken it. Nerissa pretends to be angry about that as he promised
her not to take it off till his death. Portia tells Gratiano that he did wrong when he
gave the ring away. Gratiano shocks Portia by telling her that Bassanio also gave
his ring to the lawyer. Portia pretends to be very angry with Bassanio who tries to
prove to her that he was forced to give the ring to the lawyer. Bassanio tells her if
she had been there and knew why he did that, she wouldn't be so angry with him.
‫ يدخل ستيفانو و يخبرهم بأن بورشيا و نيريسا سوف يعودون للمنزل بحلول‬.‫يجلس لورنزو و جسيكا بالخارج يستمتعان بالليل‬
.‫ تصل بورشيا و نيريسا المنزل وهما ترتديان مالبسهما العادية‬.‫ يرجع لورنزو و جيسيكا للمنزل و يستمتعا بالموسيقى‬.‫الصباح‬
‫ تتجادل نيريسا مع‬.‫ يصل باسانيو مع جراشيانو و أنطونيو‬.‫تطلب منهم بورشيا ان ال يخبروا احدا أنهما قد غادرا المنزل‬
‫ تتظاهر نيريسا بأنها غاضبة النه وعدها‬.‫ يخبرها بانه قد أعطاه لموظف المحامى‬.‫جراشيانو بخصوص الخاتم التى قد أعطته له‬
‫ يصدم جرشيانو بورشيا بأن باسانيو‬.‫ تؤكد بورشيا كالم نيريسا بان جرشيانو قد أخطأ عندما خلع الخاتم‬.‫ان ال يخلع الخاتم مطلقا‬
‫ يحاول باسانيو أن يثبت لها أنه قد أجبر على أن‬.‫ تتظاهر بورشيا بالغضب من باسانيو‬.‫قد تنازل عن الخاتم أيضا للمحامى‬
.‫ يقول باسانيو أنها إذا كانت حاضرة و علمت لماذا أعطى المحامى الخاتم لم تكن لتعاتبه أبدا‬.‫يتنازل عن الخاتم‬
Portia argues with Bassanio that if he knows the value of the ring, he will not give it
away. Portia assures Nerissa's speech that he had given it to a woman not a man.
Bassanio asks her to forgive him as he gave it to the man who saved his dear
friend Antonio. Portia threatens him not to lie in his bed before he has the ring. She
asks him not to leave her at home at all. If he did so, she would find the lawyer to
take the ring even if she gave him her body. Nerissa says she will do the same
thing with the clerk. Antonio feels ashamed that he was the reason for that all.
Portia tells him not to be sorry. Bassanio asks her to forgive him and promises not
to do that again. Antonio declares that the lawyer had saved his life and he is sure
that Bassanio will keep his promise.
‫ و تؤكد كالم نيريسا بأنه قد أعطى الخاتم‬, ‫تتجادل بورشيا مع باسانيو قائلة له إن كان يعرف قيمة الخاتم ما كان ليتنازل عنه‬
‫ يطلب باسانيو من بورشيا أن تسامحه ألنه قد أعطى الخاتم للرجل الذى أنقذ حياة صديقه العزيز أنطونيو‬.‫لسيدة و ليس لرجل‬
‫ اذا فعل‬.َ‫ تطلب منه أن ال يتركها وحيدة بالبيت مطلقا‬.‫تهدد بورشيا بأنها سوف ال ترقد على سرير باسانيو قبل أن يجد الخاتم‬
‫ تقول نيريسا نفس الشىء سوف تفعله مع الموظف‬.‫ذلك سوف تقوم هى بايجاد المحامى لتأخذ الخاتم حتي لو كلفها األمر الكثير‬
‫يشعر أنطونيو بالخجل ألنه كان السبب فى ذلك ولكن تخبره بورشيا بأال يحزن يطلب باسانيو منها أن تسامحه و أنه لن يفعل ذلك‬
.‫ يوضح أنطونيو أن ذلك المحامى قد أنقذ حياته و هو متأكد أن باسانيو سوف يصون العهد بعد ذلك‬.‫مره أخرى‬
Portia gives Antonio the ring asking him to give it to Bassanio. Bassanio
recognizes the ring as the same one he had given away. Portia tells him that the
lawyer came to her house and made a mistake. Bassanio becomes astonished and
keeps still. Nerissa assures that she did the same thing with the clerk. Portia at last
declares her plan by informing Bassanio that she and Nerissa were the lawyer and
the clerk. Portia tells good news to Antonio that three of his ships had arrived
safely. Nerissa gives Lorenzo the will signed by Shylock in which he will have all
shylock's wealth after his death. Gratiano promises not to leave Nerissa's ring
‫ يتعرف باسانيو على الخاتم ألنه نفس الخاتم الذى تنازل عنه‬.‫تعطى بورشيا أنطونيو الخاتم و تطلب منه أن يعطيه لباسانيو‬
‫ نيريسا تؤكد أن الموظف قد فعل نفس‬.‫ يندهش باسانيو و يظل ثابتا‬.‫ تخبره بأن المحامى قد جاء لمنزلها و ارتكب خطأ‬.‫تماما‬
‫ تخبر بورشيا أنطونيو خبرا سارا‬.‫ أخيرا توضح بورشيا خطتها بإخبار باسانيو بأنها و نيريسا كانا المحامى و الموظف‬.‫الشىء‬
‫ يعطى نيريسا لورنزو كل ثروة شايلوك التى بمقتضاها يأخذ لورنزو كل ثروة شايلوك‬.‫بأن ثالث سفن تخصه قد وصلت الميناء‬
.‫ يؤكد جراشيانو بأنه سوف ال يترك خاتم نيريسا أبدا‬.‫بعد موته‬
Messenger :
The moon is shining brightly. The sweet wind gently kisses the
trees, not making a sound.
It was on a night like that. This to come to meet her lover, but
was frightened by a lion.
Who comes here so quickly in the quiet of the night?
My name is Stephano and I have come to tell you that my
mistress will be here at Belmont before morning.
When the moon was shining, we couldn't see the candle.
Great things always make lesser things look smaller.
( to Lorenzo and Jessica ) We have been praying for our
husbands. Have they come back yet?
Not yet, Madam. But a messenger has come to say they are on
their way.
Go in Nerissa. Tell my servants to say nothing about us going
away. Not you Lorenzo or you, Jessica.
This is the man. This is Antonio – to whom I owe so much.
(to Portia)
(to Nerissa)
You do owe him a lot. For I hear that he nearly gave a lot for
Happily I'm free from my penalty sounds of argument between
Gratiano and Nerissa.
(loudly) I swear by the moon that you are being unfair. I
promise you, I gave it to the judge's clerk.
(to Gratiano)
(to himself)
(to Portia)
What are you saying? You swore to me when I gave it to you
that you would wear it until you died.
I tell you, I gave it to a young boy, a strange, short boy no taller
than you.
I must be honest with you. You were wrong to give away your
wife's first present so quickly …… Really Gratiano you have
been unkind to your wife.
It would be best for me to cut off my left hand. I could swear
that I had lost the ring trying to save my hand.
My lord Bassanio gave his ring away to the lawyer who asked
for it and who deserved it too.
If I could tell you a lie, as well as doing a wrong. I would say no.
So that is how little truth there is in your heart ! I swear I will not
lie in your bed until I see the ring.
And I will not lie in yours until I see mine.
(to Gratiano)
Sweet Portia, If you knew why I gave the ring and how unhappy
I was to take it off, when nothing but the ring would be
accepted. ….. If you knew these things, you would not be so
angry with me.
If you had known the power of the ring. If you have known how
much I deserve your love, you wouldn't have given it away ….
I'm sure that you gave the ring to some woman.
I swear on my honour and on my heart, no woman had it. If you
had been there, you would have begged me for the ring. You
would have given it to the good lawyer.
Don't leave home even for one night. Watch me every minute of
the day. If you don't, or if you leave me alone. I swear that I shall
take that lawyer to bed with me.
And I shall take his clerk so be careful about leaving me on my
I'm so sorry – I am the reason for all these arguments.
Don't be sorry. You are welcome despite all of this.
Portia, forgive me for this, which I was made to do.
- If you forgive me for this, I swear I will never break another
I am still alive because of the man who has your husband's ring.
By my heart I swear that your lord will never break a promise to
you again.
As you wish. ( she gives Antonio a ring ) Give him this and tell
him to look after it better than the other one.
( amazed ) It is the same one I gave to the lawyer.
(to Gratiano)
(to Portia)
(to Portia)
He gave it to me. Forgive me, Basssanio, for I slept with the
lawyer for this ring.
( shows Gratiano the ring ) And forgive me. I slept with that
strange short boy, the lawyer's clerk for this ring.
What, are our wives being unfaithful to us already?
( takes out a letter ) In the letter. You will learn that Portia was
the doctor and Nerissa was her clerk.
I have good news for you that will surprise you open this letter
soon and you will find out that three of your ships have
suddenly arrived home.
Were you really the lawyer? And I didn't recognize you?
Sweet lady. You have given me a new life. This letter tells me for
sure that my ships have safely arrived home.
( gives Lorenzo a copy of the will ) Here for you and Jessica, is
Shylock's will, giving you everything he owns when he dies.
Fair ladies, you are bringing magical food to the hungry people.
1- “We have been praying for our husbands. Have they come back yet?”
 Portia said that to Lorenzo and Jessica after returning back. She had a plan to
save Antonio by dressing like a lawyer and Nerissa like a clerk. She had told them
that she and Nerissa would go to a nearby monastry to pray for their husbands.
2- “Go in Nerissa, tell my servants to say nothing about us going away.
Not you Lorenzo or you Jessica.”
 Portia said that as she wanted Bassanio and Gratiano think that she and Nerissa
hadn’t left the house. She wanted to play a joke on them. They didn’t recognize
her in the lawyer’s clothes or Nerissa in the clerk’s.
3- “I swear by the moon that you are being unfair. I promise you. I
gave it to the judge’s clerk.”
 Gratiano said that when he had an argument with Nerissa about giving away
the ring. Gratiano was forced to give the clerk the ring that Nerissa had given
him. Nerissa pretended to be angry with him for not keeping his promise. Also,
she accused him of giving the ring to a woman not a man.
4- “I must be honest with you. You were wrong to give away your
wife’s first present.”
 Portia said that as Gratiano and Nerissa were arguing about the ring. Portia
didn’t know yet about Bassanio’s wrong to give away her ring as well. She
assured that Gratiano did wrong to give the ring away neglecting his promise
she wanted to play a joke on both of her husband and Gratiano.
5- “It would be best for me to cut off my left hand. I could swear
that I had lost the ring trying to save my hand.”
 Bassanio said that to himself when he saw Portia’s reaction on knowing that
Gratiano had given away Nerissa’s ring. He preferred cutting off his left hand to
losing the ring. He was ashamed to give away Portia’s ring.
6- “So that is how little truth there is in your heart! I swear I will
not lie in your bed until I see the ring.”
 Portia said that to Bassanio pretending to be angry for losing the ring. She
accused him of not keeping his promise. And that declared he had little love for
her. Portia threatened him not to lie in his bed until he restored the ring. She
wanted to make Bassanio puzzled about it.
7- “Sweet Portia. If you know why I gave the ring and how unhappy
I was to take it off, you would not be so angry with me.”
 Bassanio gave Portia a clear explanation about giving away the ring. He
assured that the lawyer had saved his dear friend’s life and refused to take
nothing but the ring. He said he was unhappy to take it off.
8- “Don’t leave home. Even for one night, watch me every minute of
the day, if you don’t or if you leave me alone. I swear that I shall
take that lawyer to bed with me.”
 Portia asked Bassanio not to leave her alone at all. She threatened if he didn’t
restore the ring, she would take the lawyer to bed with her for it. She aimed at
making Bassanio confused and unable to think.
9- “I’m so sorry, I am the reason for all these arguments.”
 Antonio said that he was sorry because all the arguments were caused by him.
Portia asked him not to be sorry. He was sorry to see the husbands and wives
argue together.
10- “He gave it to me, forgive me, Bassanio for I slept with the
lawyer for this ring.”
 Portia played a joke on Bassanio that she did wrong to sleep with the lawyer for
the ring. Bassanio became shocked and didn’t know what to say.
11- “In the letter you will learn that Portia was the doctor and
Nerissa was her clerk.”
 Portia said that after making all men puzzled about the wives being unfaithful.
She told them the truth and her plan to save Antonio. They were shocked not to
be able to recognize them in the court.
“I have good news for you that will surprise you. Open the
letter and you will find out that three of your ships have
suddenly arrived home.”
 Portia said that to Antonia who was lucky to have three of his ships return home
safely. The play has a happy end that all good people were satisfied.
13- “Here for you and Jessica, is shylock’s will, giving you
everything he owns when he dies.”
 Nerissa said that to Lorenzo who was lucky at the end. Shylock had signed a
will that all his wealth would go to Lorenzo and Jessica after his death. Lorenzo
and Jessica became delighted and thanked Portia and Nerissa.
1- Why did Nerissa and Gratiano have an argument when they got back to
‫لماذا كان هناك جدال بين نيريسا وجراشيانو عندما وصلوا إلى بلمونت؟‬
- Nerissa pretended to be angry when she noticed that Gratiano gave away her
ring. She also accused him of giving it to a woman not a man. Gratiano told her
that he was forced to give it to the lawyer’s clerk who saved Antonio’s life.
2- How did Antonio try to stop the argument between Portia and
Bassanio about the ring?
‫كيف حاول أنطونيو أن يوقف الجدال بين بورشيا و باسانيو حول الخاتم؟‬
- Antonio became very sorry for their argument. He told them that the argument
was because of him. Antonio assured that Bassanio did that for the sake of him.
The lawyer had saved Antonio’s life and refused to take nothing but the ring.
Antonio told Portia that Bassanio would keep his promises after that.
3- What did Nerissa and Portia tell Gratiano and Bassanio they had done
to get their rings back?
‫ماذا أخبرت نيريسا و بورشيا باسانيو و جراشيانو انهم قد فعلوا لكى يستردوا الخواتم؟‬
- Portia and Nerissa told Gratiano and Bassanio that they had to sleep with the
lawyer and his clerk to get their rings back: It was a trick. Bassanio and Gratiano
became confused.
4- What good news did Portia bring for Antonio?
‫ما هى األخبار السعيدة التى قالتها بورشيا ألنطونيو؟‬
- Portia gave Antonio a letter in which there was good news about his ships.
Three of his ships had arrived safely, so he restored his money.
5- What good news did Nerissa tell Lorenzo and Jessica?
‫ما هى األخبار السعيدة التى أخبرتها نيريسا للورنزو وجسيكا؟‬
- Nerissa gave Lorenzo a copy of the will which Shylock signed. In the will
Lorenzo and Jessica would have all Shylock’s wealth after his death. They
became very happy and grateful for Portia and Nerissa.
6-What did Portia accuse Bassanio of?
‫بماذا أتهمت بورشيا باسانيو؟‬
- Portia accused Bassanio of giving her ring to a woman not a man. She told him
that he was unfaithful to her by giving away her ring.
7- The Merchant of Venice has a happy end. Explain.
. ‫ اشرح‬.‫مسرحية تاجر البندقية لها نهاية سعيدة‬
- At the end of the play, all good people became satisfied and happy. Antonio’s
ships arrived safely, so he became happy after his hardship. Lorenzo and
Jessica were given a copy of Shylock’s will in which they would have his wealth
after he died. Bassanio and Gratiano knew that their argument with Portia and
Nerissa was just a joke played on them.
6-Portia was a very clever woman. Discuss.
.‫ اشرح‬-‫لقد كانت بورشيا سيدة ذكية‬
- Portia knew about the argument between Antonio and Shylock and made a
good plan to save him. She dressed like a man and Nerissa did the same. She
made a test to Bassanio and Gratiano to know the reality and faithfulness of
their love.
A) Comment on the following Quotations:
1- “We have been praying for our husbands. Have they come back yet?”
2-“I must be honest with you. You were wrong to give away your wife’s first present”.
3- “So that is how little truth there is in your heart! I swear I will not lie in your bed until I
see the ring”
4- “Sweet Portia. If you know why I gave the ring and how unhappy I was to take it off,
you would not be so angry with me”
5- “I’m so sorry, I am the reason for all these arguments”
6-“In the letter, you will learn that Portia was the doctor and Nerissa was her clerk”
B) Questions:
1- Why did Nerissa and Gratiano have an argument when they got back to
2- How did Antonio try to stop the argument between Portia and Bassanio about
the ring?
3- What good news did Nerissa tell Lorenzo and Jessica?
4- What did Portia accuse Bassanio of? …………….………………………………………………………
Act (3) Scene (1)
- Quotations with comments:
1- Shylock said these words to Salerio and Solanio after knowing about Antonio's losses. He explained how much he suffered from
the bad treatment of Antonio. Consequently, he had the night to take revenge from Antonio. The passive experience he had forced
him to hate and not to forgive Antonio.
2- Shylock said this to Tubal. Shylock was shocked when Tubal told him that he had seen his daughter Jessica in Genoa. She had
spent 80 ducats in one night. She replaced a golden ring for a monkey. Shylock is a materialistic Jew who likes money more than
his daughter's life.
3- Shylock said these words to Tubal when Tubal informed him that Antonio had lost a third ship. Shylock became very excited and
insisted on taking a pound of Antonio's flesh.
4- Shylock said these words to Tubal when he told him that his daughter Jessica had replaced a ring for a monkey. Shylock regretted
losing the ring as it was from his wife.
- Questions with answers:
1- Shylock suffered a lot of Antonio’s bad treatment. He said that Antonio made fun of him and called him names. Antonio had been
cold with his friends. Shylock said that Antonio treated him badly only because he was a Jew. Shylock justified why he insisted on
taking Antonio’s flesh.
2- Shylock liked money more than anything else in life even his daughter. He regretted losing his money and ring. He preferred seeing
his daughter dead to losing his money.
3- Tubal told Shylock that Antonio lost his third ship in the sea. Antonio was about to be a bankrupt. Shylock was very excited because
he wished to take a pound of Antonio’s flesh if he broke the bond.
4- Shylock regretted losing the ring because his wife gave it to him before they were married.
Act (3) Scene (2)
- Quotations with comments:
1- Portia said that to Bassanio before their marriage. Portia’s father had previously told her that she would only marry the man who
would choose the right chest in which Portia’s picture is there. Portia wanted Bassanio to stay with her for a long time because she
loves him. Bassanio decided to choose immediately as he couldn’t bear waiting to know his luck.
2- Bassanio said that while choosing the right chest. He believes that the appearance shouldn’t betray people.
Sometimes the good appearance is fake and doesn’t tell the truth about the inside. Bassanio refused to choose the
golden chest.
3- Portia said that to Bassanio after he chose the right chest. She offers him everything she has to be his. Portia loves Bassanio very
much even after she knew about his conditions.
4- Portia gave Bassanio a ring and asked him not to take it off as a sign of their love. If he took it off, their love would die. Bassanio
promises her not to take it off till the end of his life.
5- Bassanio said that to Portia while reading Antonio’s letter. He became upset about his friend’s sad news. Antonio had lost all his
ships in the sea. He became a bankrupt. Shylock would not have mercy on him. Bassanio feared that Shylock would take a pound
of Antonio’s flesh.
- Questions with answers:
1- Portia loved Bassanio very much. She wanted him to stay with her a month or two before he would choose. She wanted to be with
him for a longer time.
2- Antonio had lost all his ships in the sea. He became a bankrupt. Shylock would not have mercy on him.
3- Portia offered to pay six thousand instead of three thousand for Shylock to save
Antonio. Shylock refused to take money whatever the amount was.
4- Bassanio believed that the outside appearance doesn’t tell about the inside. People should not be betrayed by the appearance.
Act (3) Scene (3 & 4)
- Quotations with comments:
1- a) Shylock said that to the jailer while escorting Antonio to prison. Shylock intended to take what was in the bond.
b) He refused to listen to the calls of mercy.
c) He didn’t let Antonio to speak to him.
2- Antonio said that to Solanio explaining to him why Shylock didn’t love him, Antonio used to help people who owed Shylock money,
that made Shylock very angry with him.
3- a) Antonio said that to Solanio informing him that the duke had to give justice for the sake of Venice reputation. Foreigners should
have their rights in Venice people liked to do business in Venice and found justice there.
b) Antonio cared about the city reputation.
4- Portia said that to Balthasar, her servant. She gave him a letter to deliver to her cousin, doctor Bellario. Her cousin would send her
some letters and some clothes which they would wear to be like lawyers.
5- Portia said that to Nerissa. She had a plan which Nerissa didn’t understand it. Portia intended that she and Nerissa would dress up
like men. She practised talking and walking like a man. All that was to help their husbands.
- Questions with answers:
1- Shylock hated Antonio because Antonio helped people who owed him money. Antonio always called him names. He called him
2- Antonio assured that the duke wouldn’t stand in the way of the law. For the sake Venice reputation, foreigners should have their
3- Portia had a plan that she and Nerissa would dress up like men. They would be lawyers. They practised talking and walking like
Act (4) Scene (1)
- Quotations with comments:
1- The duke said that to Antonio at the beginning of the trial. The duke tried to make Shylock merciful with Antonio but he failed.
Shylock was the worst man the duke had ever met as he insisted on taking a pound of Antonio’s flesh.
Antonio said that at the beginning of the trial. All men in the court were trying to make Shylock more merciful and take the money
instead of hurting Antonio. Antonio knew Shylock’s personality that he had a very hard heart. He had no hope of making him
change his mind.
3- Portia tried to convince Shylock that all people need mercy in their lives more than justice. She added mercy makes justice more
powerful. Shylock had no ear for her. Instead he insisted on taking the penalty of the bond. Portia told him that he had the right
to take a pound of Antonio’s flesh. Shylock became very excited and thanked Portia, the lawyer.
4- Portia said that. She had failed to persuade Shylock to take the money. She asked Antonio to get ready for Shylock’s knife as
the penalty must be paid as it was written in the bond.
5- Bassanio said this to Antonio when Antonio asked him to tell his wife about their friendship. Antonio asked him to tell his wife
how faithful he was. Bassanio told him that his wife was very dear to him, but Antonio’s life was more important than her and the
whole world. Bassanio proved to be a true friend of Antonio.
- Questions with answers:
1- The duke tried to make Shylock have mercy on Antonio. He told Shylock that all men in the court were expecting him to have
mercy on Antonio. He became sorry when he faced the hard heart of Shylock.
2- Portia told Shylock that mercy was not forced to people, it falls as rain. No one can be saved by justice only. If justice came with
mercy, it would be powerful.
3- The judgement was, since Shylock tried to take the life of Antonio, he lost his money. Half of his possessions should go to
Antonio and the other half to the city of Venice. Shylock’s life would be at the hand of the duke.
4- Portia asked him to get a scale to weigh the flesh not to take more than it. She asked him to cut the flesh without shedding blood
lest Antonio would bleed to death.
5- The first thing was that Shylock had to convert to be a Christian. The second, he had to make a will that all his money should be
given to Lorenzo and Jessica after his death.
Act (4) Scene (2)
- Quotations with comments:
1- Portia said that to Nerissa asking her to reach Shylock’s house and ask him to sign the will. Shylock had to sign a will to let
Lorenzo have all his wealth after his death.
2- Gratiano said that to Portia (the lawyer) when Bassanio sent him to her. Gratiano gave her Bassanio’s ring. Portia became
pleased with it. He told her to have dinner with them but Portia refused. Portia’s plan was going well.
3- Portia said that to Nerissa when Gratiano gave her Bassanio’s ring. Nerissa asked her to allow her have Gratiano’s ring. Portia
told her that after taking their husbands’ rings they would have an amazing story about them.
- Questions with answers:
1- Bassanio felt ashamed when he refused to let Portia (the lawyer) have his ring. She saved his friend’s life and she deserved it.
2- Portia asked him to help Nerissa find Shylock’s house.
3- Portia wanted to get home quickly before them. She wanted her plan to go on well.
Act (5) Scene (1)
- Quotations with comments:
1- Portia said that to Lorenzo and Jessica after returning back. She had a plan to save Antonio by dressing like a lawyer and
Nerissa like a clerk. She had told them that she and Nerissa would go to a nearby monastry to pray for their husbands.
2- Portia said that as Gratiano and Nerissa were arguing about the ring. Portia didn’t know yet about Bassanio’s wrong to give
away her ring as well. She assured that Gratiano did wrong to give the ring away neglecting his promise she wanted to play a
joke on both of her husband and Gratiano.
3- Portia said that to Bassanio pretending to be angry for losing the ring. She accused him of not keeping his promise. And that
declared he had little love for her. Portia threatened him not to lie in his bed until he restored the ring. She wanted to make
Bassanio puzzled about it.
4- Bassanio gave Portia a clear explanation about giving away the ring. He assured that the lawyer had saved his dear friend’s life
and refused to take nothing but the ring. He said he was unhappy to take it off.
5- Antonio said that he was sorry because all the arguments were caused by him. Portia asked him not to be sorry. He was sorry to
see the husbands and wives argue together.
6- Portia said that after making all men puzzled about the wives being unfaithful. She told them the truth and her plan to save
Antonio. They were shocked not to be able to recognize them in the court.
- Questions with answers:
1- Nerissa pretended to be angry when she noticed that Gratiano gave away her ring. She also accused him of giving it to a woman
not a man. Gratiano told her that he was forced to give it to the lawyer’s clerk who saved Antonio’s life.
2- Antonio became very sorry for their argument. He told them that the argument was because of him. Antonio assured that
Bassanio did that for the sake of him. The lawyer had saved Antonio’s life and refused to take nothing but the ring. Antonio told
Portia that Bassanio would keep his promises after that.
3- Nerissa gave Lorenzo a copy of the will which Shylock signed. In the will Lorenzo and Jessica would have all Shylock’s wealth
after his death. They became very happy and grateful for Portia and Nerissa.
4- Portia accused Bassanio of giving her ring to a woman not a man. She told him that he was unfaithful to her by giving away her