Electrostatic Fields SUMMARY Quantification of Electric Fields: • Analytical solutions • Graphical solutions • Numerical methods Electric Fields: • Series/parallel • Homogeneous/inhomogeneous Dielectrics in Electric Fields: • Polarization EFFECT OF ELECTRIC FIELD ON INSULATORS An atom consists of a positive core (nucleus) surrounded by negative electrons forming an electron shell In an insulator, the outermost electron shell is full In a conductor, the outer electron shell usually have empty spaces • Lots of energy required to release a free electron from this shell to transport current • Very low energy (weak external electric field) required to release charge carriers HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING THE ART OF INSULATION DESIGN An insulator, also called a dielectric, is a material that resists the flow of electric current. An insulating material has atoms with tightly bonded valence electrons (outermost electrons of an atom). The valence (en yüksek değer) band containing the highest energy electrons is full, and a large energy gap separates this band from the conduction band above it. n=3 There is always some voltage (breakdown voltage) that will give the electrons enough energy to be excited into the conduction band. Once this voltage is exceeded, the material come to end being an insulator, and charge begin to pass through it. n=2 n=1 +Ze ∆E = hv HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING THE ART OF INSULATION DESIGN *During electrical breakdown, any free charge carrier being accelerated by the strong electric field has sufficient velocity to ionize any atom it strikes (liberate electrons). *These freed electrons and ions are in turn accelerated and strike other atoms, creating more charge carriers, in a chain reaction(zincirleme reaksiyonda). *Rapidly the insulator becomes filled with mobile carriers, and its resistance drops to a low level. INSULATORS vs. DIELECTRICS A dielectric is electrical insulation that can be polarized by an applied electric field. • When a dielectric is placed in an electric field, electric charges do not flow through the material, as in a conductor, but only slightly shift from their average balance positions causing dielectric polarization. • Positive charges are displaced along the field and negative charges shift in the opposite direction. This creates an internal electric field that partly compensates the external field inside the dielectric. The term "insulator" refers to a low degree of electrical conduction. The term "dielectric" is typically used to describe materials with high polarizability. (expressed by the dielectric constant εr) Analyzing Electric Fields Analytical Solutions Graphical Representation Numerical Methods ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD find the compound force on charge Q ‘’if charge Q is put at point p’’ ELECTRIC FIELD linear load density surface charge density volumetric charge density ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD Differential force ELECTRIC FIELD Let our Q load be at the point (x, 0) ELECTRIC FIELD Insulators are NOT IDEAL – Leakage Current Further requirements for static field conditions: Homogeneous :Characteristics are constant Isotropic :Electric flux and electric field are in the same direction Susceptibility(hassaslık) : Φ cannot depend on electric field strength. E Measure of how easily a dielectric un polarizes in response to an electric field Φ E un dA A Q ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD ELECTRIC FIELD Example: Field of Loaded conductive spheres + + + + + R + + + Gauss kanununun uygulamaları Example: Field of Loaded conductive spheres Electric Field Lines Electric Field Lines Electric Field Lines Analyzing Electric Fields Analytical Solutions Graphical Representation Numerical Methods ELECTRIC FIELD ANALYTIC SOLUTION ɛ 1. PLANE • Electric flux direction is always from positive charge towards negative charge Q E = EA U = Ed Q d A A +Q Q E= A C= d Q A U d Capacitance C increases with permittivity ε Multiple layers: A C n di i 1 i E: U: -Q Solid Dielectrics XLPE cable 2. CYLINDER (cylinder insulator) • Charge can be viewed as a line charge at the center axis with a charge density per distance of q Total charge Q = ql • The line charge causes an electric flux through its surrounding cylinder E = AE 2rlE Q r Er ql l • Electric field decreases when travelling from the inner radius ri to outer radius ro • as radius r increases, surface area increases through which the electric flux travels q Q Er = 2π r 2π l r ri ro The potential difference between cylinders can be derived as: ro ro q q Q dr = ln r o ln r o 2π r 2π r i 2π l r i ri U = Er dr = ri Electric field at any distance r can be expressed as: U Er = r lnro ri U [r ri] Maximum value at inner radius ri : Emax = U ri lnro ri 2π l Capacitance can be expressed as C = lnr o r i E r4 E r3 Emax r2 r r1 ɛ1 ɛ2 ɛ3 Emax = r1 r2 U ri lnro ri r3 r4 r When the maximum electric field Emax at the inner radius exceeds the dielectric strength Eb of the insulator, U breakdown or partial discharge may occur. E = max The voltage at which breakdown may occur in a cylinder construction can be given as, U b Eb ri lnro ri The cylinder insulator is optimized to withstand the maximum breakdown voltage Ubmax when the inner radius ri = ro/e U b max Eb ri Euler Number =e =2,71 ri lnro ri 1,2 Ub/Ubmax 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 1/e 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 ri / ro 0,8 1