Uploaded by Charis Vasquez

Linear Algebra Lesson Plan: Matrices & Rank Calculation

Math course: Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry
Subject: Matrices
Summary: In this lecture, the students solve several exercises concerning:
• Linear combination of rows.
• Definition of linearly dependent and linearly independent rows.
• Definition of the rank of a matrix and its calculation by linear combination of
• Calculation of the rank of a matrix applying the Gauss-Jordan Elimination.
Length of Lesson: 100 minutes
The students will be able to determine the rank of matrix using:
- Linear combination of rows.
- Gauss-Jordan Elimination.
- To apply matrices operations.
- To apply elementary row operations.
- To determine equivalent matrices.
- To work in a team context.
- To communicate with their peers.
- To point written and verbal notes.
Gilbert Strang, Wellesley, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Fourth Edition.
Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Álgebra Linear e suas aplicações, 10ª edição, 2012,
Anton, Howard; Elementary linear algebra. ISBN: 0-471-44902-4.
Apostol, Tom M.; Calculus. ISBN: 84-291-5001-3,
Carla M.A. Pinto, Álgebra Linear e Geometria Analítica, 2014, Escolar Editora,
isbn: 9789725924266
Theoretical Slides https://moodle.isep.ipp.pt
Teaching Model: eduScrum
List each procedure according to stages of eduScrum.
The teacher owner proposes a list of exercises (input tasks). Students are
asked to form groups of 4/5 members each (the team). After forming the
groups, students will choose a Student Master, who is responsible for
distributing the tasks to each member of the group. The Student Master is
expected to lead the team to the desired outcome. This means, he should
provide an environment so that the correct solution of the exercises is
found. In this way, he should be able to cope with distractions, disruptions,
and obstacles that may appear, so the team reaches the goal.
Students are required to read the materials previously made available at
moodle, concerning the topics of the class.
Do not interfere with the discussions.
Walk around the room watching to what each group is doing.
Assessment Criteria (Sprint Review):
The sprint assessment consists of the following 3 components:
1) assessment of tasks performed - usually calculating the weighted average
of accepted tasks;
2) activities not accepted have a 0 (for these activities, the teacher gives
hints for the correct solution);
3) assessing students’ individual contribution by analyzing the team’s Scrum
In the Sprint retrospective students discuss key points of the solved tasks and
make a brief report of what went well; what went wrong; what should be
improved in the next Sprint. These sprints occur every two weeks.