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English Exam: Letter Recognition & Noun Categorization

Victory Elijah Christian College
First Monthly Examination in English 1
Name: _______________________________________ Score: ________ Date: ________
I. Letter Recognition:
A. Directions: Supply the missing letters in the alphabet below. Write the correct answer in the blanks
provided. (10pts.)
___ Bb Cc ___ Ee ___
Mm Nn ___ Pp Qq ___
___ Zz
Gg ___ Ii Jj ___ Ll
Ss ___ Uu ___ Ww Xx
B. Directions: Encircle the small letters of the given capital letters at the left. (10pts.)
II. Fill in the Blanks:
Directions: Write [P] if the given noun below is a PERSON, [PL] if it’s a PLACE, [A] if it’s an
ANIMAL, [T] if it’s a THING. Write the answer on the blanks. (20pts.)
_______ 1. teacher
_______ 6. rainforest
_______ 11. octopus
_______ 16. clock
_______ 2. school
_______ 7. nightingale _______ 12. necklace _______ 17. nurse
_______ 3. armadillo
_______ 8. dress
_______ 13. pilot
_______ 18. church
_______ 4. plate
_______ 9. soldier
_______ 14. city
_______ 19. zebra
_______ 5. firefighter
_______ 10. riverside
_______ 15. snake
_______ 20. spinner
IV. Visual Identification:
Directions: Look at the picture(s) in each box. Circle the correct noun for each picture. (20pts.)