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Hamlet Unit Test: ELA 30-1

ELA 30-1
Hamlet Unit Test
True or False: Mark (A) for true and (B) for false.
1. Hamlet's father, King Hamlet, killed King Fortinbras and seized some Norwegian lands.
2. Hamlet is appalled by Gertrude's marriage to Claudius because she married her brotherin-law and married so quickly.
3. Before Laertes leaves for France, he asks Ophelia to open her heart to Hamlet and
consider marrying the prince.
4. Polonius indignantly tells Reynaldo that Laertes is a responsible adult who doesn't need
5. Claudius summoned Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to comfort Ophelia.
6. "To thine own self be true" is part of HamletIs soli ́loquy.
7. Hamlet is wary of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and does not fully reveal his thoughts
to them.
8. Claudius decides to send Hamlet to England to be treated by expert doctors
9. Hamlet likes Horatio because Horatio is so passionate and intense, not cold and
thoughtful like other acquaintances.
10. Claudius abruptly leaves during the play because Hamlet is making obscene remarks to
11. Hamlet refuses to murder Claudlus while Claudius ls praylng because Hamlet fears the
klng might go to heaven.
12. The ghost appears during Hamlet's confrontation with Gertrude to frighten Gertrude
into repentance.
13. The king's letter to England orders Hamlet's death.
14. Hamlet fears that the ghost may have been sent by the devil.
15. When he discovers the plot to murder him, Hamlet kills Claudius with poison.
ELA 30-1
Multiple choice: Choose the best answer.
16. What had Bernardo seen at a prior watch?
a. He had seen Horatio and Marcellus meeting secretly in a grove of trees. He was
b. He had seen King Hamlet's ghost.
c. He had seen Hamlet crying and acting crazed.
d. He had seen the Queen in the arms of an unknown suitor.
17. Why does Marcellus think Horatio should speak to the ghost?
a. Marcellus thinks Horatio should speak to the ghost because Horatio is the most
religious of them.
b. Marcellus thinks Horatio should speak to the ghost because he is the only one
who does not believe in ghosts, so he is the only one who is not afraid.
c. Marcellus thinks Horatio should speak to the ghost because he is a scholar and
should know the proper way to address a ghost.
d. Marcellus thinks Horatio should speak to the ghost because his parents are dead;
he may have more influence with the ghost.
18. What does young Fortinbras want to do?
a. Fortinbras wants to conquer Denmark.
b. Fortinbras wants to receive payment from Hamlet.
c. Fortinbras wants to avenge his father's death by killing Hamlet.
d. Fortinbras wants to regain the lands his father had lost.
19. Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand?
a. He sends them to Sweden for reinforcements.
b. He sends them to England to ask for money.
c. He sends them to Norway to ask the King to keep Fortinbras from going to
d. He sends them to Rome to get the Pope's blessing for the upcoming battle.
20. What does the King tell Hamlet?
a. He suggests that Hamlet think about going to England to go to the University at
b. He tells Hamlet to stop grieving for his father's death, and to think of him as his
c. He tells Hamlet that he should go on a pilgrimage to honor his father.
d. He tells him that the Queen never really loved King Hamlet, and is only
ELA 30-1
pretending to grieve for him. She secretly loved Claudius all along.
21. Hamlet is upset for two reasons. What are they?
a. His mother has been ignoring him, and his fiancée has cancelled the wedding
b. His father has died, and his uncle has declared war on Fortinbras.
c. He wants to travel for about a year, but he is afraid to leave his mother because
she has been acting strangely since the King's death.
d. His father has died, and his uncle has married his mother less than two months
after his father's death.
22. What news does Horatio bring Hamlet?
a. Horatio tells Hamlet of a great plague that has come upon the land.
b. Horatio tells Hamlet that his mother has been excommunicated.
c. Horatio tells Hamlet that Fortinbras is on the way with his army.
d. Horatio tells Hamlet about King Hamlet's ghost.
23. What does Hamlet decide to do after he hears Horatio's news?
a. Hamlet decides to go to confession and communion.
b. He decides to have the doctor examine his mother.
c. Hamlet decides to go on watch with the guards at midnight to verify Horatio's
d. He decides to ready his army for battle.
24. The ghost tells Hamlet
a. To leave the Queen alone
b. To pretend to be mad
c. That he can trust Horatio
d. About Fortinbras’ army approaching
25. Hamlet swears Horatio to two things. What are they?
a. Hamlet asks Horatio to promise to protect his mother, and to defend the country
against Fortinbras.
b. Hamlet asks Horatio to promise to attend Mass for him everyday for a year if he
dies, and to marry Ophelia.
c. Hamlet asks Horatio not to reveal the events of the evening, and go along with
him (Hamlet) if he pretends to be crazy.
d. Hamlet asks Horatio to defend him in battle, and to kill Claudius if he (Hamlet)
does not do it first.
ELA 30-1
26. Polonius gives a lot of advice to Laertes. Which of these statements is not part of that
a. "Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, but not expressed in fancy; rich; not
gaudy; For the apparel oft proclaims the man."
b. "Keep you in the rear of your affection. Out of the shot and danger of desire."
c. "To thine own self be true."
d. "Neither a borrower nor a lender be, For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry."
27. What is Polonius' plan for testing his theory about Hamlet's madness?
a. He wants to stage a duel and see if Hamlet is mentally aware enough to fight.
b. He wants the most famous doctors to be brought from all over Europe to
observe and study Hamlet, then to make a diagnosis and treatment plan.
c. He wants to have Hamlet meet Ophelia. He (Polonius) will hide and eavesdrop
on the conversation.
d. He wants the priest to come from Rome to perform an exorcism on Hamlet.
28. Hamlet's famous "To be or not to be" soliloquy is in Scene One. Which of the following
paraphrases his main points?
a. He questions whether love, either romantic or family love, is worth all of the
pain it causes.
b. He is pondering whether a miserable life is better than the unknown of death.
c. He questions whether peace of mind is a good substitute for material wealth.
d. He questions the traditions about succession to the throne in Denmark. He feels
that either he or his mother should be the rightful successor to his dead father.
29. What do the King and Polonius decide about Hamlet's condition after eavesdropping on
Hamlet and Ophelia?
a. They decide he is love-sick, and the only cure is to find him another love.
b. They decide he is not love-sick; rather; he has some other trouble deep in his
c. They decide his father's death has left him troubled.
d. They decide he's not sick at all; he's just being a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum.
ELA 30-1
30. What was the King's reaction to the play, and what did Hamlet and Horatio decide his
reaction meant?
a. The King had no reaction to the play. They decided it meant they were wrong,
and that he was innocent after all.
b. The King laughed and laughed. They decided he didn't really get the point, and
they would have to be more direct the next time.
c. The King got up and called for the lights. They were convinced that the ghost had
been correct.
d. The King clenched his teeth and gripped the arms of his chair, but said nothing.
They thought they were on the right track, but would need to do something else
to force the King into making a confession.
31. Hamlet does not kill Claudius at prayer because
a. The Queen is there
b. He is well guarded
c. He wants to damn the King’s soul
d. He is not sure if the King is guilty
32. Claudius fears he cannot be forgiven for his crime because he
a. still retains the gains the crime brought him.
b. knows he will never convince Hamlet of his repentance
c. would do it over again, given the chance.
d. has sinned too often in the past to ever be forgiven.
33. Hamlet despises himself for
a. Abuse Polnius’ trust
b. Being unable to take action to avenge his father
c. Reusing to confess his love to Ophelia
d. Ever having befriended Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
34. In a conversation with Ophelia, Hamlet
a. Implies the King is a traitor
b. Admist that he has suicidal thought
c. Suggests that Ophelia, like all women, is unchaste
d. Tells her to leave the nunnery and marry him instead
ELA 30-1
35. What does Hamlet think of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
a. He calls them sponges, saying they soak up the King's words, commands and
b. He calls them leeches, saying they associate themselves with the King to appear
superior to other commoners.
c. He calls them monsters, saying they are selfish and look for ways to destroy
d. He calls them monkeys, saying they follow the King's orders without thinking.
36. Why must the King "not put the strong arm on" Hamlet?
a. He is afraid that his soul would be permanently blackened if he committed any
more evil deeds.
b. He is protecting his wife. He thinks that Hamlet might try to hurt her if he is
c. He needs to save all of his strength for fighting the enemies from other
d. Hamlet's mother would not want him harmed. The people of Denmark like him
and would be upset if anything happened to him. .
37. When Guildenstern presses for information, Hamlet says Guildenstern
a. Must weep for Hecuba instead
b. Is like a silly old fool
c. Should look after his own soul
d. Cannot play him like a pipe.
38. What prompts Hamlet to say, "My thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth!"?
a. He feels guilty for killing Polonius.
b. He realises the soldiers he has just seen are going to kill each other over a little
piece of land which is not worth anything.
c. He decides to offer Rosencrantz and Guildenstern more money than the King is
giving them, in the hopes that they will turn traitor on the King and murder him.
d. He realises that he has been thinking about death and destruction almost
constantly. He feels sad, and wonders if he will ever again be able to think
peaceful thoughts.
ELA 30-1
39. Laertes thinks that Ophelia should have a better funeral service. What is the priest's
a. He says there is no one to pay for it, since Polonius is already dead.
b. He agrees and sets about preparing one.
c. He says she is lucky to be getting as nice of a funeral as she is, considering the
nature of her death.
d. He says that women are inferior beings and only deserve very simple funerals.
40. Why does Hamlet jump into Ophelia's grave?
a. He wants to make sure that she is really dead.
b. He shows that his sorrow is as great as Laertes'.
c. He wants everyone to think he is still mad.
d. He wants to be buried alive so he can be with her forever.
41. What plan do the King and Laertes discuss to kill Hamlet?
a. They will go to see him, disguised as beggars. Then they will rob him and beat
him to death.
b. They plan to set up a duel between Laertes and Hamlet. Either Laertes will
honourably kill Hamlet, or, if he survives, the King will poison him.
c. They plan to stage a shipwreck. They will leave Hamlet in the water to perish,
and they will be rescued by another ship.
d. They plan to force Horatio to do it. If he refuses they will kill his family.
42. What does Hamlet do to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?
a. He pays a group of thugs to beat them and leave them for dead.
b. He offers them money and reminds them that the three of them used to be
friends. He asks them to stay with him.
c. He arranged for them to be kidnapped and taken to Poland.
d. He replaced their letters (which called for Hamlet's execution) with letters which
called for their executions.
43. Hamlet forces his mother to see that
a. Hamlet should be declared the rightful heir to the throne of Denmark.
b. Claudius is on the verge of madness.
c. her marriage to Claudius is indecent.
d. Ophelia would have made a good wife for him.
ELA 30-1
44. Hamlet's murder of Polonius
a. convinces Ophelia that Hamlet is evil.
b. is defended and excused by Gertrude.
c. frightens Laertes for he fears that he could become Hamlet's next victim
d. speeds up the King's plan to sent Hamlet to England.
45. As a result of Polonius’ death, all but which of the following occur?
a. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are exiled
b. Ophelia goes mad.
c. Laertes angrily demands revenge.
d. Claudius is afraid he will be to blame for his death
46. Which of the following are character foils to Hamlet?
a. Laertes and Fortinbras
b. Laertes and Horatio
c. Fortinbras and Claudius
d. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
47. Fortinbras' determination to fight Poland over a worthless piece of land makes Hamlet
a. see how valuable life is
b. criticise himself for not taking action
c. long to be an obedient, mindless soldier
d. realise how dangerous warfare with Norway would be.
48. In the graveyard, Hamlet is shocked by the sight of Yorick’s skull because
a. The skull has been split into two, indicating that Yorick was murdered
b. His fond memories of Yorick contrast with the gruesome skull
c. He was unaware that Yorick has died
d. Yorick resembles the gravedigger.
49. Though Hamlet has misgivings about the duelling contest with Laertes, he decides to go
ahead because
a. He does not want to shame his mother.
b. He is still angry and upset about Ophelia's death.
c. Horatio reassures him that Laertes is not Hamlet's equal in skill.
d. If he is meant to die, nothing matters except that he is ready.
ELA 30-1
50. ln the course of the duel,
a. Laertes treacherously stabs Hamlet in the back.
b. Claudius comes between the duelists and is killed.
c. Both Hamlet and Laertes are wounded by poisoned swords.
d. Claudius offers Gertrude the cup containing the poisoned wine.
51. Gerturde dies because she
a. She is upset that Ophelia cannot become her daughter in law
b. Drinks poison meant for Hamlet
c. Overhear Claudius confess to murder
d. Is heartbroken by Hamlet’s madness
52. Hamlet convinces Horatio not to commit suicide by saying that
a. Someone must clear Hamlet's name and tell the truth.
b. Horatio is needed to help rule Denmark.
c. suicide is a sinful, cowardly action.
d. Horatio is needed to help defend Denmark from invasion by Norway.
53. At the end of the play, Fortinbras
a. attacks but is defeated by the Danish army.
b. assumes the leadership of Denmark.
c. offers to support Horatio's claim to the throne.
d. expresses satisfaction that his father's death is finally avenged.
Reading Comprehension: Please use the readings booklet to read the excerpt from King
Richard II and answer the following questions.
54. When the Queen says "To whose flint bosom" (line 3), she is referring to
a. herself
b. Bolingbroke
c. the City of London
d. the Tower of London
ELA 30-1
55. Besides conveying the Queen's grief, lines 12 to 14 convey the Queen's perception of
Richard as being
a. sentenced to die
b. honest and invincible
c. cool and dispassionate
d. a symbol of ruined greatness
56. The purpose of the Queen's metaphor of an inn and an alehouse (lines 14-16) is to
emphasize that
a. Bolingbroke is seeking attention
b. Bolingbroke is Richard's inferior
c. Queen Isobel is disappointed in Richard
d. Queen Isobel is blinded by Richard's handsomeness
57. Richard's comment "I am sworn brother, sweet, To grim Necessity" (lines 21-22)
indicates his
a. fear of his enemies
b. refusal to face reality
c. acceptance of his fate
d. determination to resist
58. When Richard uses the metaphor of the ladder (line 58), he is implying that
a. is more powerful than Bolingbroke
b. does not have the power to stand alone
c. is an instrument of Bolingbroke's ambition
d. stands between Bolingbroke and the crown
59. In lines 60 to 71, Richard predicts that
a. he, Richard, will return to punish them
b. Northumberland will ultimately take the throne
c. Bolingbroke and Northumberland will rule together
d. Bolingbroke and Northumberland will become enemies
ELA 30-1
60. Richard implies that ill-gotten power produces suspicion when he says
a. "The time shall not be many hours of age / More than it is, ere foul sin gathering
head / Shall break into corruption" (lines 60-62)
b. "Thou shalt think, / Though he divide the realm and give thee half, / It is too
little" (lines 62-64)
c. "And he shall think that thou, which knowest the way / To plant unrightful kings,
wilt know again" (lines 65-66)
d. "Being ne'er so little urged another way / To pluck him headlong from the
usurped throne" (lines 67-68)
61. The imagery of May and Hallowmas in lines 83 and 84 serves to suggest that the
Queen's journeys symbolise
a. celebration and mourning
b. promise and fulfilment
c. ignorance and wisdom
d. frivolity and maturity
62. Northumberland's response to the Queen's request, "That were some love, but little
policy" (lines 89-90), means that granting her request would
a. be kind but politically unwise
b. show affection but not goodwill
c. demonstrate kindness rather than cruelty
d. encourage emotion but discourage action
63. The statement in which Richard most clearly reveals his acceptance that nothing is to be
gained from prolonging sorrow is
a. "Only holy lives must win a new world's crown" (line 25)
b. "Tell thou the lamentable fall of me" (line 45)
c. "Part us, Northumberland" (line 80)
d. "We make woe wanton with this fond delay" (line 109)
64. The dramatic purpose of this scene is mainly to
a. reveal the tenderness between Richard and the Queen
b. reinforce the audience's sympathy for Northumberland
c. suggest the Queen's dependence on her husband
d. reveal what will become of Richard
ELA 30-1
Written Response - Hamlet Important Quotations
There are 3 parts to the quotation analysis - pick 5 of the following quotations to complete on
a separate sheet of paper.
A. Who is speaking (name)
B. To whom is he/she speaking (name)
C. What is the significance of this quotation (1-2 sentences). Do not provide just the translation.
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. (I.iv)
Frailty, thy
is woman! (I.ii) Laertes
Thrift, thrift,
Horatio! The funeralOphelia
baked meats
Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables. (I.ii)
4. Why, then 'tis none to you, for there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. (II.ii)
5. The play's the thing
Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King. (I.ii)
6. My words fly up, my thoughts remain below.
Words without thoughts never to Heaven go. (III.iii)
7. What is a man
If his chief good and market of his time
8. Be but to sleep and feed? A beast, no more. (IV.iv)
9. I am justly killed with mine own treachery. (V.ii)