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Neuroscience Personal Statement: Academic & Extracurricular

Ever since I was a little kid I have always been entranced by the world around me. Even
when I was 11 and just starting secondary school I was always the most excited for biology
and chemistry classes. That interest has persisted through junior and middle school and
now into senior. In recent years I have especially looked forward to leaning topics about the
brain and human behaviour. Studying Neuroscience will provide me with the career options
I have always hoped for, as well as the opportunity to research fascinating new things.
What interests me most about Neuroscience is the complexity and number of processes
that work in tandem with each other in the brain in order to keep an organism functioning.
When I learnt about how many reactions that occur when the body undergoes something
so simple as drinking water, I was enthralled and amazed.
For my extracurricular activities, I have participated in and helped run a junior science club,
in which we taught younger students compelling scientific experiments. This club helped
me show others why I love science so much, while also learning more about it myself. I
also attended my schools Latin club in order to learn the origins about many terms I saw
used in my Biology A level course, but I ended up learning so much more such as some
classical history and the etymology of many everyday words.
As of my senior year at Regent House Grammar School, I have undertaken the role of
mentor and monitor to the junior years. For monitor duty I was assigned a busy corridor
usually packed with juniors, I managed to navigate and control the flow of people, as well
as assisting any first years who needed it. During my mentor duty, we engaged the children
with games and gave them advice for their coming years. In my younger years of school I
also participated in the Student Council, I learned how to help other students feel safe and
to accommodate their needs.
I have been through eight years of Scouts, three of which was spent as a Scout and
second-in-command for my group. During my time at guides I leant community and
teamworking skills, we learnt about world cultures and held events for our town and church
group. My teammates and I also went through several weekends of camping, this included
collecting firewood, cooking for ourselves and putting up tents. As a second in command, I
helped the younger kids, as young as 9, feel safe and helped them make friends as well as
assisting the Group Leader in organizing and scheduling.
I have been volunteering at my local parkrun for the past 4 years, this entails waking up
early on Saturday mornings and assisting parkrunners with navigating the course, ensuring
that no one gets lost. Through volunteering at parkrun, I gained skills such as crowd control
and communication. I have volunteered for over 50 weeks total and have helped keep
people safe through hot summers and dreary winters.
In 2019 I went to Barcelona with MTech academy, nine of my classmates and I participated
in a showcase in which we discussed problems our local area was facing. Each of us
worked on a presentation which we presented to multiple important people, such as CEOs
and businessmen from various companies. My Classmates and I also attended the 2019
Mobile World Congress, we got valuable experience there and were shown incredible new
As for my hobbies, I enjoy some coding and puzzle solving. In 2020 I participated in the
Bebras Computer Science competition and won a distinction for my hard work. I know
some C# and plan to learn a few other computer languages in the future. In regards to
puzzle solving, throughout my school years I have continuously enrolled in the yearly
maths challenges, earning multiple prizes for my efforts.
I am very enthusiastic about furthering my knowledge about Biology and Chemistry through
university, I am excited to see where learning Neuroscience and other scientific topics will
bring me.